
Life Narrative Quotes

There are 155 quotes

"True self-care is also about constructing a life narrative in which we frame our past, our present and future in a way that allows us to see what's gone wrong, what's gone right, and the best path to navigate forward."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's very clear to me that asking certain kinds of questions about oneself and one's self narrative life history essentially can be very beneficial in the moment or moments of doing that practice as well as the subconscious."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You do live out a story, and it's a good idea to know what story you've been living out and know where you want to go in the future."
"Put a comma and add 'but God' to the story of your life."
"You live your life like you're the hero in your movie."
"You need to take risks if you want to be successful. You should be the main character in your story. No one wants to be the background filler characters."
"This is the part where you get to define the role in the movie of your life."
"Affirmations are so powerful; they're telling the story of your life, so make sure you're telling the story that you truly want to be living."
"What is our worldview? It's the narrative within which we live our lives."
"Your home should be the backdrop to the life story that you're living and the life story that you want to live."
"Sasuke's narrative ends, his whole life ends, his whole purpose ends."
"It's okay to be a work in progress. There's this sort of false promise made by stories that there's going to be an end, but you don't stop growing."
"That's all I can say, what we're gonna do today is probably head to the Defiled Lands."
"Your life story has got to include your death."
"Romantic love is not an ending. It's just a part of your story, a part of who you are."
"It's the narrative suspense of your life not having the narrative totally written."
"Every new day is a new chapter. You get to rewrite your story again."
"Every life is a story, every story has its own beginnings."
"Telling a sincere story about finding your own happily ever after is one that I think will continue to resonate for a long time to come."
"The day that you were born, you were sentenced to death. So every day, you were constantly writing a script in your own movie."
"The story of your life is really the story of the relations between yourself and God."
"The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation."
"It's relatable in that aspect, like you can tell what's happening in day-to-day life."
"The miracle is allowing the Holy Spirit to moment by moment, day by day, tell the story through you."
"Everyone is their own main character, watching a different show."
"Why are we in such a crazy story? It's because of who we are."
"There's probably a point in your life where you were given a script of who you were supposed to be... You're the lead character in the story of your life, and the person who controls that script is you and your God."
"Your life is a book. You dictate how it ends. You could say that I made my mistakes but I survived them. Look how it ends."
"Your life is a book. You dictate how it ends."
"Your angels and your loved ones are around you, and they want you to know that you are never ever alone."
"It felt like life kind of like there were lines that feel Hollywood to like clearly clue you in to like oh she's on top of the world something bad's about to happen."
"Your story includes your death and also transcends."
"Your life is a story told about you, not one that you tell."
"Above all else, the ending of your life is one that you write yourself."
"Make yourself the main character in your own life story."
"When God writes your story, you don't need white out."
"You're a co-writer and a co-producer on the story of your life."
"Life unfolds in chapters, phases, and cycles. Your life is a story, your year is a story, your day is a story."
"We are all storytellers, it is important to become aware of the stories we are living within."
"You can write your own story so to speak, so if you are a poet in terms of either how you wish life could play out, you know that's a type of poetry."
"Your life is like a movie and you're the main character, so why wouldn't you make it the greatest movie you've ever seen?"
"Life can feel so claustrophobic, but sometimes if you write down those things, you can see your life as a story."
"You're the star of your own life, you're the princess in your own life."
"This is something I can do for free like just speaking my life like something I can do and it'll never end."
"Loss integrates into the broader narrative of our ultimate good."
"Because no matter where our lives have taken us or where they're going, we are all living our Heike story."
"The ups and downs make for a great story. You cannot have a great story that's not like this."
"Our story determines everything in our lives."
"Can you have a life partner and still have a love story? Of course."
"Your life will have told a story about where you began."
"Step out of the narrative that feels predestined, and become something else."
"You're just in a moment in a very long story, you know, and your story is not written yet, you're just writing part of it right now."
"If you don't star in your own life, who's going to?"
"Can we just embrace the cool messy interesting sometimes awful story that is reality?"
"The script is not pre-written, you and I have the complete power to write the upcoming and unfolding Narrative of Our Lives."
"Your saga begins with a simple need for a home."
"The narrative of the life of Dave Chappelle is defined by one word: freedom."
"If my life were a movie, it would be called 'A series of unfortunate events.'"
"I'm busy making a story out of your life the likes of what you can't imagine. Praise the Lord."
"Life can give you the details, the context, but it can't write the script."
"It's your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself, that determines how your life story will develop."
"She's the main character, her life feels like a movie."
"Life is a series of stories in which we are the characters."
"It's just another day in the life of a man who never set out to be incredible."
"I want to know, or do you feel like your life should just be like narrated?"
"God is a funny dude, he just weaves the story."
"You are the protagonist, the author, the creator of this life."
"It's not the facts of your life that matters, it's the interpretation of the facts."
"Your home should tell your story, the spirit of who you are, where you've been, and where you hope to go."
"You can have the most amazing better story in your life, but you have to know your value."
"Each choice matters... we do in fact write our own story."
"The story you tell is the basis of your life so tell it the way you want it to be."
"In the end, we are the authors of our own stories."
"Being the main character of your life is important because all you're going to have is the memories."
"The name Charles Bronson carried with it whispers of violence, not just a portrayal on the silver screen but an echo of his life beyond it."
"Charles Bronson's life story transcends the narrative of mere toughness to reveal underlying layers of love and humanity."
"We're authors of our own book, and we're the star of our own movie."
"Whose life story is this? Well, yours, Chief."
"It's actually a what I consider to be a superpower that each and every one of you possesses to entirely design the story of your life."
"...the entire attitude the entire perspective is transformed the story is reframed when we look at our own lives friends many of us sitting in this room some I know some I don't know we know our lives we can't always change the facts of our past."
"You tell a life in two minutes and 30 seconds in a way that almost nobody else can."
"You control the lines of your own script."
"We make sense of life and we guide ourselves by the stories we tell ourselves about us and the context in which we live, the larger story that can give meaning to us."
"What's not apparent that should be is that each of us is actually creating a story. The story of our lives."
"Memory is constructed on the fly each and every time, and each and every time, it's not the same. Memories are pieces of fiction that you keep writing and rewriting throughout your life like a short story."
"We have the extraordinary ability to shape our destinies as adaptable characters in the narrative of life."
"Your life is a story, and when people say 'I'm restless' or 'I'm bored,' it's because they haven't created something meaningful."
"Everyone's the hero of their own story, you know. Everyone's the main character in the documentary of their life."
"The infinite being has always been present, it's been there watching the story of Ted unfold."
"We're all beautiful human beings trying to live out a story that reflects that."
"Your brain is flush with chemicals that can turn your life into a story of epic proportions."
"Every moment is a chance to rewrite the narrative of your life."
"It's the story that you're trying to tell with your life."
"Everybody thinks they're the main characters of their own story."
"I am the star of the movie of life. I allow myself to be how I truly desire to be."
"Your personality has everything to do with the narratives that you are living out."
"He's trying to filter his own life through these characters."
"Living life in your own narrative, on your own terms, is increasingly looking like a luxury."
"We're going to be spending a lot of our time experiencing our lives as if we're the plucky hero at the center of an unfolding plot."
"Every day you can rewrite the narrative of your life."
"They are the stars of their own movie."
"I am 100% the hero of that story, and I'm living my movie of my own life."
"A memoir is an important story within someone's life."
"All the people of this world are the characters in a story written by a deity."
"Your life is a book; everything you do goes into a chapter."
"We're all stories in the end; just make it a good one."
"You are the main character in your movie."
"You're essentially rewriting the story around who you are, how you perceive life and reality."
"No one is special, but at the same time, everyone is the main character of their own life."
"We are meaning makers and storytellers, and the stories we tell ourselves are the stories that shape our lives."
"Don't get attached to the narrative of your life."
"The superior narrative in my life is the one where I know myself and I know my Lord."
"The just world fallacy... we will organize our life and our narrative and our world around the notion that we live in a just world."
"This is gonna be a story that you would tell your grandchildren when you are older."
"We're not going to try to edit the past; we're going to write the story of the future."
"My life is a movie where everybody hand I shake ends up in the credits."
"You can't just stop being in a story; you have to have another story to be in."
"Our lives are our story, and we can understand that our history identifies who we are, or we can rewrite it and become what we were meant to be."
"As always, you are the authors of your own life, so grab a pen."
"Does God have the right to tell the story of my life, even if I'm not happy with the way He does it?"
"I would kind of rather tell the story of my life rather than post photos of my face."
"Your entire life can become an epic drama that extends before your birth and beyond your death, and you are the main character of that epic drama."
"Domains in particular, they act as these sort of recurring narrative threads in a Sultan's life."
"You are the author of your life story."
"We use narrative to tell ourselves about our lives, about the worlds around us and how we relate to it."
"Our lives are like novels in which we intend to write one story, but then life writes a different story."
"It reads so much like someone telling the story about their life."
"Our moments are supposed to be like chapters."
"So in the way we try to organize this, we have this idea of the ego karma, the personal karma."
"Your life doesn't have to be this endless narrative about the things that you've survived."
"The arc's real strength is in being a slice of life story, up until the end."
"This is life playing out a story, and it is acting every single part."
"How everyone is the main character in their story."
"We are all trapped in our lives, in our skins; our stories are written before we're even born."
"Make sure the story I'm living out is actually written by me."
"You're realizing you're in control of your life, you control your narrative."
"It's really giving rom-com main character, that is the story of my life basically."
"You can choose to become the villain of your life, or you can choose to become the hero of your life."
"You're the person who's in control of writing your own story."
"The greatest story man will ever tell is his own."