
Social Connections Quotes

There are 708 quotes

"We enjoy safety, we enjoy absence of pain, but we also enjoy friends and romance and sex and food."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you cross that chasm, you start to make beautiful friendships with people who have been on self-improvement for years."
"Older individuals tend to have more time for social connections."
"Social connections are key to maintaining a healthy brain when we age."
"If you think about our evolutionary history, social connections were imperative to survival. If you are living in a hunting and gathering lifestyle, you need those social connections; you can't guarantee that you will find food every day."
"Deep human connections are a really healthy and adaptive source of dopamine."
"Find ways to connect with people you love and care about so that you can be getting these oxytocin hits throughout the day."
"Quality Social connection, that people who are really isolated, they don't do well."
"The most important thing in life is actually other people."
"As human beings, it's often easy to forget how important our social connections are to us."
"The happiest people are those that have meaningful connections in their lives."
"We're all just looking out for something real."
"I've been blessed to be around the most amazing people."
"Nurture your relationships... having healthy relationships in our life is actually really important for our mental health."
"75% of your successes are predicted by your optimism, your social connections, and the way you perceive stress."
"You're on this road of upgrading yourself, and because of that, I just see you on this totally different path, and new people are going to be flowing into your life."
"Living within a mile of a friend or family member who becomes happier makes you 25% likelier to become happier too."
"Through my clear pursuit of my interest and my individuality, consequently, I met a lot of people who were similarly interested in pursuing their own individuality and were confident in their interests."
"You're going to find yourself in good company."
"It feels like a bunch of friends and family, and everyone knows each other."
"Doing what you like to do with people you like, and doing that as much as you possibly can, is my simple definition of happiness."
"Community, connection, have friends, specialize in something, and support the people around you."
"This year, I've done a really good job at making new friendships, at making new professional contacts."
"The importance of quality social connections, and if you want to have quality social connections you need to be present and engage in those social connections."
"The point here is that if you want to increase happiness you need to have quality social connections. And if you want to have quality social connections you need to be present and engage in those social connections."
"You are the sum of the five people that you spend most of your time with."
"I met so many wonderful people through matchmaking and custom games alike."
"What's important for Kiki is not that her business succeeds... but it's how she herself can become acquainted with many different people."
"Happiness isn’t just how many shows you can watch on multiple flat screen TVs or how many digits are in your country’s GDP, but rather the social connections we forge, our own sense of importance within a community, and some feeling of purpose during times so rapidly changing."
"If you're not going to get the benefits of good connections with other people at work, you are missing a huge part of your life experience."
"The number one most important thing in your life is your friends and your network and your Brotherhood."
"There's going to be new significant people that you're meeting in 2023. These people are going to have a big impact on your life."
"Not having close female friends is detrimental to your health, as much as smoking or being overweight."
"Belonging is important, and it's a real need that all people have."
"Being included and connected is also crucial for your physical health, for your brain health. It wards off dementia."
"Friendships...are one of my favorite things in the world to read in books."
"I constantly was growing and changing and had to say goodbye to a lot of people in the last couple years, especially since I started this channel."
"Language is profoundly powerful and enables us to have the close ongoing social connections we have with other humans."
"People started to be absorbed by the glowing screen in front of them and they ditched all of the social connections that reinforced all of the societal rules that made life better."
"The most important ingredient of human happiness isn't money or even sex or ice cream; it's social connections."
"The good news is that there are mechanisms of connecting with other people. We just have to use them to replicate the informal social connections."
"Social connections...the effect of focusing on the happiness of others as opposed to one's own."
"The best thing about Halo was that it helped me make friends."
"It's a lot easier to find work through your social connections than through applications online."
"Life isn't worth living without other people."
"Contacts...There's a one-to-one relationship between the number of people you know and the number of people who know you in a positive way and how fast you move through the line of life."
"You're going to begin attracting really good people into your life."
"We all know, objectively, because we've read, that people are happier when they have friends and when they have a romantic partner."
"I've never knew my neighbors most of the years of my life. But here, I know every single person that lives here."
"When you’re doing the right thing, the right people show up."
"We're not designed to live alone, to live in disconnected, disembodied life."
"Destiny helpers are suddenly you will begin to attract certain people called destiny helpers; there will be prophetic unusual encounters."
"There are destiny helpers attached to your life."
"The good news is there's probably still millions and millions of people you haven't met yet."
"Forming actual genuine connections with people... I genuinely care."
"Staying connected with people and see people grow, that's one of the cool things."
"If someone wants to go have coffee with you, you might meet the person of your dreams over coffee. Who gives a damn about the background? It's about the connection."
"She made so many friends that understood her."
"This has been something I've thought about recently: Get out of your comfort zone. You never know; you could make new really really close friends by putting yourself out there that little bit more."
"What we need are serious, meaningful relationships—honest social and romantic relationships that mean a lot to the people who are having them."
"Battle for Bikini Bottom's close-knit group of friends was evolving into an expansive community."
"New properties emerge because of the connections between people, not necessarily because of the people themselves."
"My birthdays are more special now because I get to spend them with the best people in the world."
"More in tune with friends, more in terms of family members, relationships."
"Many of us have a thousand virtual friends and no one to ask when we need to feed our cats."
"Real friends are good. I think that's the theory here. Make genuine friends. Good connections equal a great life."
"Build a connection with men... It makes everything about my world better. I'm more on point with my work, my relationship improved, I'm in better health, I'm happier."
"The people who stayed healthiest, both emotionally and physically, were people who had better connections with other people."
"Friends are important in life. Be nice, have friends."
"Spend more time with friends, family, those that you love."
"You can be happy pretty much anywhere if you surround yourself with good people."
"The social bonds that you develop with those players can last a lifetime."
"Knowing your neighbor's name and being able to be there for your neighbor and the people in your local community."
"Expect costs. Expect amazing experiences if you let yourself have them. Expect amazing new friends if you let yourself go and meet them."
"You're basically gonna start having people want to connect with you with the intent to be with you."
"Above half a billion right now in terms of people who we've helped connect to a group that they call very meaningful to them."
"Good things happen when you attach to the right people."
"Opening up to new connections and reconnecting with people."
"That's what happens when you have friends in serious places."
"That personality of hers will go a long way with the Wright family."
"True beauty lies in sharing experiences with others."
"Your vibe attracts your tribe, if you want different you gotta do different."
"I think we should try to make as many friends as we can and really live that chunk of life."
"Focus on doing something you believe in and that is of quality; that's when you'll find true happiness and friendship."
"I haven't updated this from yesterday, but shout outs to Zeke's Gel and Nam, Old Sven, Runchen, 16Hackwah, Goodrs, Brem, KnowledgeFree, Susan Scott, Fidgy Baby, Kathy, Az, Integrity is Vital, and many others."
"Finding your tribe and the right people you can connect with."
"Get a small group for support. You were never intended to handle stress by yourself."
"Connected people live longer, happier, healthier lives."
"The connections you make with others are what's gonna make the difference in the end."
"You get to meet new people and sometimes those friendships can turn lifelong friendships."
"If I can make friends you can make friends we can do this together."
"Five years from today you will be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet."
"You might have extreme influx of money influx of gaining from other people because 11th house does kind of rule those things."
"Remember you live in a world of abundance... of beautiful connections... to experience people... to learn from people."
"There's power in numbers. It means that there are other people. You're not alone."
"I've met the most amazing people through your discord."
"An unexpected call, a text, a knock on the door, an email. Somebody wants to connect with you."
"This is a reunion with friends or past romance."
"You need some witty leaders, you need some witty friends, you need to marry someone that has wit."
"The people I've met through it have made this probably the best experience of my life."
"Deep connection also decreases the chances of flakiness."
"This man is a friend of mine, and his family's been a friend for a long time."
"I am going to Noah's wedding yeah I'm excited man like really genuinely excited it is so nice of Noah to invite me cuz like I mean I'm tight with Noah but it's like it's different being like a like a youtuber."
"Can't do it alone... I realized I can't handle this by myself... invite more people into my life."
"You got to figure out what people matter to you."
"When you do live by yourself, it's so important to maintain relationships with people."
"What can I do to help? I actually have a number of friends and relationships in Georgia."
"Expect old friends to be popping up, past acquaintances, people that maybe you went to school with."
"I try to look at the big picture of things... and be around the people that I called my friends."
"These connections will allow you to be different, and you're gonna feel accepted."
"Focus on those connections; the next opportunity may come from someone you know."
"Education is important, but where you get it and who you are connected to, there is no data to back up this theory."
"Relationships are everything, man. Understand that."
"I would never have even talked to or seen some of the people we hang out with before, you know?"
"You're gonna have people coming into your life that also make you very happy."
"Expect unexpected gains, especially through connections with others."
"It's time for me to go meet some really cool people, I deserve to connect with some really amazing individuals."
"Let yourself enjoy the journey, connect with people, and be present in the connections."
"You affect one person's life, they're connected."
"Don't isolate yourself... everybody needs these connections, everybody needs to have a sense of belonging."
"You seem to touch the lives of many people in your lifetime."
"It's the people you do it with, not what you do."
"Let me ask you just a couple more we're gonna get ready to blind down here you know since you know everybody and you've done you know you've done so much you know we lost Prince couple years ago that was a hard one."
"Embrace new contacts and opportunities, they will be stabilizing and long-lasting."
"I feel like you're going to be surrounded with people people you really really enjoy and you might be finding your tribe."
"You guys will be connected with the right people and circumstances to fulfill this dream or goal of yours."
"I didn't need to be funny to connect with people."
"People that come into your life are going to be so much better for you."
"This place is like family to a lot of people."
"When you're born in this world, you're looking to connect."
"I had all these text messages from friends asking if I'm okay."
"Being around people that like the same thing."
"I've made more lasting friendships in WoW than anything else."
"Put down the guard and focus on people that bring happiness."
"People, people, people. It's all about the people you surround yourself with."
"What makes you truly happy eventually for me is people."
"I'm someone who just wants to have people in my life who are real and I know care about me."
"I made basically all my friends through my dorm."
"They're going to stick around, they're going to form a bond with you."
"It is just a really beautiful week of realization, beautiful week of meeting people, beautiful week of you taking care of yourself."
"A new beginning of social connections, good luck is going to come your way."
"You're blessed in terms of your social life, your friendships, your teams, your social connections."
"True security comes from our connections with friends and family."
"Better to have a small group that really cares."
"You have to believe that you can form new connections with people."
"These Adventures they're much nicer shared with people happiness is nothing unless you can share it with people."
"Pay attention to the people that surface when you're going through an Awakening in your life."
"Focus on finding the people that are your tribe."
"The best thing about activism is the allies that you make, the unintentional allies that I've made. It's really reminded me of the goodness of people."
"So many of his characters either remind me of myself or are the kinds of people that I want in my life."
"If you're watching this video, hug a loved one. You know, call your friends, get outside, play football in the sun. Don't do this to yourself."
"There's always opportunity to meet people and make good friends. Go look, there's lots of people in the world."
"Most of us can't catch happiness because we are not connected to the right people to inspire us to go after it and get it."
"Things kind of domino and snowball, you know? You meet people, that opens new opportunities."
"I just became really good friends with so many people."
"I'm often friends with fans because I relate to that being because there are certain celebrity girls that I see that I'm like we would be friends right."
"The majority of singles already have identified somebody they already know and like from the real world who they've been interested in dating."
"I think it's having other people just genuinely enjoy your company and in a way that it's made their lives other lives just a little bit better."
"It's a very strong community already just after two months."
"You guys gave me a home, a home that I can always go to and find friendships, laughs, all sorts of amazing, amazing things."
"I think it's good that we connect with those people."
"Most of the best opportunities come through people that know us or people that we know."
"With strong social connections, you recover from disease faster."
"The amount of time I spend online talking to people from Europe or Australia playing games together is amazing."
"This is a great time to connect with your friends, especially those who feel like family, loyal, compassionate, and supportive."
"When you find your tribe, you found your people."
"We want to be friends with as many people as we can."
"It's amazing how many friendships have been created from this game. It's just weird, man."
"You'll always do that. Go, 'Your new connection does this, works here, and they look like this.' And they'll go, 'Yep, that's that. Can't be new because that sounds like Britney or Bobby. That's them.'"
"Connecting you to other people will connect you to yourself in a more meaningful way."
"Go the extra mile in everything you do, and you'll have wonderful friends and opportunities."
"Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming."
"If you have a partner and a couple of good friends, you're doing really well in this world."
"One of life's greatest pleasures is finding people to be good friends with."
"This is going to be a massive new beginning and a massive turning point massive lessons being learned in terms of your 11th house again social so your Social House social groups charities organizations marketing."
"Who you are connected to can cause you to die, get the virus, or not survive the famine. Be careful who you're connected to."
"College, I think is where you kind of surround yourself with people that are actually cool and friends, your forever friends."
"They want to stand up for this connection, and they can handle the lighter side of life and the deeper side of life."
"Hater: Bringing people together through mutual dislikes."
"I have a feeling we share a lot of the same friends."
"If you want chess physically, this is pretty much the only option."
"Relationships, that's what makes the world go around."
"It really sucks at the original shutdown because I had so many messages on the pin board between me and my friends."
"Someone is planning to have success, and I feel there's definitely something going on with friends and colleagues."
"Surround yourself with people who make me feel like sunlight."
"Life isn't about fighting solo, it's about realizing the importance of relationships."
"It's a lot of trial and error so if it's like hey if you didn't feel the frequency of that person let it happen with the other one so I would say just take your time send people out and stick with the ones who you really vibe with."
"Depth not width. Focus on a few deep relationships rather than a million surface-level ones."
"Support those people. It benefits all of us to have a place where we can support each other, including the mistakes we make, including the things that should be obvious but they're not obvious when you have PTSD. That's why we have each other."
"It may be actually that you get some kind of special favor from a friend or an ally to purchase that thing that you need or to sell that thing that you must sell."
"Not surprisingly, she is also BFFs with someone who I've reviewed on this channel before, Kenzie Burke." - Abby Sharp
"Connection is vital; keep your solid, loyal ride-or-die friends close."
"We live in a physical world and if you want true solid connections with people, you want good quality friendships, great partnerships, wonderful relationships, what we're then activating is our own ability to show up and be those people as well."
"It's a beautiful time right now to be more conscious and aware of the types of connections you're creating and experiencing on this planet."
"Join a book club. This is one of the best ways to motivate you to read a book, while also connecting with others and making friends."
"There are new connections coming into your life that are a step up from what you have experienced in the past."
"Their energy field will be radiating so strong that you'll just know it."
"Some of y'all gonna end up connecting with somebody unexpected."
"You attract people that are similar to you, people that have similar life perspectives, a similar lifestyle. This is like the It couple placement."
"Having all of the right people around you... it doesn't get any better than this. This could be a family situation, it could be a work situation, could be friends, but this is just like having all of the right people around you."