
Mental State Quotes

There are 594 quotes

"It's not a passive endeavor during which you feel all those things. But that makes sense. Peace doesn't mean nothingness."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Your engagement with technology doesn't just have to do with laziness or discipline or you sucking at life. It has to do with a lot of like the state of your mind, your internal emotional state, your fatigue state."
"Our food, our lifestyle, our mental state—everything affects our health."
"When you enter a state of Dhyana, you're in a no-mind state. This is bliss or temporary enlightenment."
"The opposite of a stressed and wandering mind is a mindful one."
"Confusion brings more confusion; peace begets more peace."
"What brings little more fulfillment in life is often not just the outer conditions, but our state of mind."
"Raising your mental state is like going on an airplane and taking an aerial view, seeing the easiest pathways to your goal."
"The real superpower is to be truly indifferent to a good thought and a bad thought."
"The physical world is a reflection of what is going on inside your head."
"The positive effects include open eye visuals, closed eye visuals, and easygoing headspace."
"I was in a hallucinated state of mind where you just feel like you're dreaming. It's like a dreamlike state."
"The more calm or tranquil your mind, the more receptive it is to information."
"We are equipped, after millions of years, to deal with all those states of mind to become the best in the moment again and regulate."
"You want a dispassionate mind... a mind that does not cling or need anything."
"If you got hell in your head, you got hell in your life."
"People who are able to operate at the delta level of mind often tend to be incredibly lucky."
"Creative energy flows in an open, awakened, quiet mind."
"The union of clarity and emptiness; clarity refers to the clear light and emptiness to the emptiness quality."
"If you don't believe you can do something, then you're going to physically and mentally be weaker than if you believed that you can do it."
"Saving and replaying of memories but also saving and replaying of mental state or mind states."
"Becoming aware of what's alive for you in your body, what's alive for you in your mind."
"When you're in a state of relaxed alertness, it's like pushing the off switch on overwhelmed, desperation, and anxiety, and pushing the on switch for confidence, resilience, and control."
"I can't even tell you guys what the last 24 hours was like, mentally."
"A state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream."
"I've mentally been in the best place I've ever been before."
"When your thoughts and feelings are aligned, you're in a state of being."
"It's not only physical, yes, it's physical, but it's also mental. So that's why it's unacceptable, you know what I mean? It's like I'm fighting you but I have a knife in my pocket."
"I think you're doing it right. You weren't trying to not think. So, if you lose perception of time, that means that you're entering a no-mind state."
"In order for you to get to that state, it's got to be challenging."
"If you're feeling fear and despair, your mind narrows down."
"Men are not prisoners of fate, only prisoners of their own minds." - Henry Ford
"It's actually quite a tragic glimpse into the psyche of a man who doesn't feel like he has all that much to live for."
"Having better supplies helps your whole experience and having a calmer state of mind."
"Leadership is... even when you're not in the right headspace, you carry on."
"Don't listen to what your brain is telling you."
"It's almost like you feel tranquil, you know? You feel untouchable."
"Defeat is only a state of mind and nothing more."
"Our minds are just assaulted by panic and doom 24/7."
"Genius is like a state of mind as opposed to a person, and so this state of flow makes you feel happy, makes you feel alive."
"This rhythm game induces a flow state, a state of heightened mental flexibility that allows the subject to master the tempo."
"The only thing that ever made you unhappy at any moment in your entire life was thoughts. That's it."
"The extra three weeks was extremely important, not only for my cardiovascular system but for my mental preparation."
"I loved being alone, being sad, spiraling, staying up all night."
"You're being paranoid. Don't call me paranoid, it makes me paranoid."
"You can have all the chart work you want, but if your psychology isn't right, it won't matter."
"The mind force will come back, and when the mind comes back, it will come with a sense of life, but 'Oh no, I've lost it, I've lost it.' And you may forget that the feeling of lost it is only a feeling and a thought, and not a reality."
"Reverie: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts."
"I don't think I would have made the decisions if I was in a better state of mind."
"Everybody has abilities... it's something that unfolds when you're in a state of coherence."
"A lot of my most brilliant ideas were not when I was like this, but rather when I was like this."
"I maintain a state of mind based on the premise of the fulfilled ideal."
"This is the final boss battle and I'm going crazy."
"Anxiety isn't a constant state of terrified fear."
"I was basically in a tar pit, like I was like in this place of just struggling."
"The entire game feels like a descent into madness."
"Pain isn't an option when you're in that mode."
"You can't feel this like listen Europe mate all she's sad because cheating at the trials over he's actually insane."
"But sometimes life gets you bogged down, and you may feel overwhelmed or like you're not showing up the way you want to."
"Everything gets better when you're in a flow state."
"Consciousness is free of all the comings and goings of thoughts and emotions."
"I only win when I actually don't think about it. That's the problem."
"The surface of our mind is choppy waves, it is like the 'got to, got to, got to' mind."
"I was never going to be totally normal because I was always going to be a little too nervous, a little too distracted."
"In Turiya condition, one goes and achieves this delta state and one is fully aware."
"I don't think mad is the right word, what's the right word? The Daft, deluded, the doted King."
"When you tap into this state, you cease to care what other people think, become one with the task you are engaged in, and know exactly what to do next."
"You're only as stuck as you feel in your head."
"Stay in that high frequency mentally; stay true to your vision."
"The secret is thinking from. When you enter into a state and think from it, you give it all the tones of reality."
"Our default position should be to be a bit anxious."
"You can't be thinking when you're in prison because if you take time to think in prison then you too late"
"Once you get the feel of this mental state, you will be able to will yourself into it immediately without any visualization exercises."
"He gets to abandon his mind and let instinct take the wheel."
"Every option that you're entertaining in your mind... just a reflection of where you're currently vibrating."
"True happiness comes from what's in your head."
"This treatment like this actually wipes out everything... it softens up your head massively."
"I'm sorry, little one, but it seems your father couldn't shake off the delirium of the flow."
"Without peace of mind, all of those things bring nothing but torment."
"It's kind of insane to think like, we are so close to just straight up giving up at all moments down here, you know?"
"Entering Flow State leads to higher output and a higher quality of work."
"Peace is not a place, it's a state of mind for me. So, I could be in the most chaotic situation, but staying calm in that place is true peace."
"We make our worst decisions when we're exhausted."
"Believe the entire time and sometimes that's what you gotta do, you gotta go into this deeper meditative state and just believe."
"The main obstacle is getting your head right."
"It's not willpower, it's not force, it's not distraction, it's awareness."
"I felt my something in my gut was rotting, something in my head, my moods were off, my spark was gone."
"After you've murdered two people, sanity is out the window."
"Everything's just clicking into place. Out it, you know. Like I don't even have to think about it."
"Affirmation: I realize that by bringing myself back into my ideal state of mind, I'm able to maintain flow."
"It's just been pure madness. It's insanity intensified."
"I realize that I have the power to work with imagination and reorient myself back into my ideal state of mind."
"I feel like there's less of an urgency to you you're thinking more"
"My head still feels like it's literally in the clouds."
"That deep rest state is a place that is beyond the limits of our normal cognition."
"That deep rest state... that altered state of consciousness."
"Understanding how to get into flow state... could really improve them in a very short period of time."
"To get in the zone, you kind of can't really try to get in the zone... you have to ease into it."
"She's like an evil figure that her mind had just gone to a different place at that point."
"I've been in a really great place with my confidence."
"Languishing is tough... not severe enough to derail your day, but not minuscule enough to not affect you."
"Hypnosis is a very natural state of being. We go in and out of hypnosis about a thousand times a day."
"The fear-tinted eruption was closer to the manic cackle of lunacy than anything else."
"Can something be logical and insane at the same time? Absolutely."
"You're overwhelming yourself from the decision-making process, stuck in this low vibrational way of thinking."
"Mercury retrograde is basically when the mind reprograms itself."
"All happiness we experience is in the mind, reflecting our true self."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and thinking it's going to hurt someone else."
"I am actually legitimately losing my marbles at this point."
"They're fighting an uphill battle right now because they're getting more and more out of their mind"
"The absence of being sad or stressed... you just don't feel as... so you're not supposed to feel high at all."
"All you have to bring to the table is a clear state of mind."
"I guess I was in a zone of, it was kind of a... It was a bit of a fog."
"Get happy before the solution comes, and then the solution will come."
"Madness of the particularly nice or romantic kind is an absolute prerequisite to a happy and successful life."
"Just because someone may be visualizing killing themselves, it doesn't necessarily mean that they do want to die."
"Am's suicide planning shows how insanely far he is willing to go."
"What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking."
"Currently nothing. No thoughts, brain empty, just vibes."
"The mind is at its best when it seeks a higher truth beyond itself."
"The title 'Brazil' points to the state of mind of the protagonist Sam Lowry, a man who lives a depressing existence but has dreams of a better, more vibrant world."
"Struggling out here, but took a big deep breath."
"So that's kind of where everything starts going on autopilot and everything just starts clicking."
"Never work in the wrong frame of mind—it is a bad idea to operate any power tool if you're not at a calm, centered, peaceful state."
"Everything's going great, and then you start worrying about the future."
"Joe Biden is out of his mind. These people running this country, they are going to destroy everything."
"Oh my god, I just killed her. So how am I going to get out of this? I have to get out of this area." - Speculation on Brian's mindset
"Stuck is an emotional and a psychological experience. It's not real. It means that you don't believe that you can create or recreate or change or transform your experience because of one thing or nothing."
"My brain feels like there's gravy on it right now."
"The real question is how long are you going to stay in that emotional state?"
"Nobody in this room has ever been in a fight like these guys are in, and what kind of pressure under what you're thinking."
"That's what I call the zone. Okay, so how do you get into the zone? I have no idea, I just do. And that's when I feel unstoppable."
"On that walkout I am so calm and I feel like you can see that."
"It's just emptiness, and it's just the opposite of feeling lost or like your mind knew, you feel very calm."
"When somebody's not heard or valued, they're stuck in that mindset."
"I realized I lived my entire life in a disassociated state."
"Colbert offered a poignant reflection on Trump's State of Mind, characterizing his rhetoric as a manifestation of self-delusion."
"It's like a sensory deprivation chamber in a way."
"Fictionalizing what is in front of you 'cause you don't like it, that's mental."
"In the fundamental pain and meaninglessness of life, we must not find ourselves lethargic and paralyzed."
"In the zone, the nirvana that comes through."
"That just doesn't sound like the voice of someone who's about to take their own life."
"You're crazy! At first I thought you were just driven, but I was wrong, you're absolutely crazy!"
"It's in the moment of the thing that I'm at my happiest... it's why I think I'm at my happiest in the fight because it's my home."
"Ignorance is not bliss, it's misery. It's poverty of the mind and spirit."
"We need peace, we need calm, resourcefulness."
"The fear is actually what's going to lower your vibration, the fear of it is actually what's going to mess you up."
"And I'm not in the groove yet but I can feel the groove approaching there and it feels good it's just this kind of this calming like uh I think they call it Flow State."
"Your mind state is dependent on your environmental state."
"How would you describe your mental condition?"
"I never get caught up in thinking about things, I just stay focused on the fight."
"But in the Kink world it's called pup space or puppy space. It's like being on drugs, everything kind of melts around except for you and your partner."
"He felt in his mind a lot was hinging on it."
"Colin loved the zen state of driving rally which demanded laser focus on every turn of every stage."
"I don't feel relaxed, I mean, no one's gonna feel relaxed in the middle of a lockdown."
"Happiness is state of mind and you should be happy regardless of material or people around you."
"I will do anything and I will pay any amount of money to not feel the way I'm feeling right now."
"Reading is peaceful. It puts you in another mind state."
"As long as you know you are aware, you should be okay."
"It's all mental from here, the work has done."
"Dying is like dropping acid, don't do it unless you're in a good headspace."
"The brain can't physically be in gratitude and stress at the same time."
"I felt like the world was ending. I couldn't move. I was just a crying mess of a person."
"You don't have to be happy and positive and high vibration to see miracles, to see good things happen for yourself."
"Insight in Advaita Vedanta can throw the mind into Samadhi."
"In 1999 he told a judge 'it's like I have a shotgun in my mouth and I've got my finger on the trigger and I liked the taste of the gun metal' whoa that's intense."
"Your state of being, your state of mind is the most important thing."
"My brain kind of just disappears at this time of night."
"Aaron's State of Mind is probably crazier than we might even be imagining."
"I wasn't living at all, just living to worry about everything."
"If he was in a bad headspace, it was a little bit more likely that he would potentially partake in something like that."
"There is a theory that the entire movie is all in Joker's head."
"How do you feel the opposite? It's like fog."
"Feeling great, feeling confident, always thinking bro."
"Your space is super disorganized in array that's only a manifestation of what's going on in your brain."
"As long as I could just stay in this good headspace and keep making good music, all the accolades should come."
"Gratitude is the fastest way to get ourselves back into an effortless state."
"Boredom is anything but an evil to be thought of lightly; ultimately it picks on the countenance real despair."
"When you're truly free... you're just in a very, very good place."
"Everything becomes noise... you're just in a very good place."
"Clarity is power. Confused mind doesn't do anything."
"Time is meaningless... my whole brain has turned to mulch."
"Being content, satisfied, blessed, and optimistic isn't a state of affairs, it's a state of mind."
"Getting in the mood is actually... a hard thing to do."
"Your circumstances in your life don't matter; all that truly matters is the state of being you're holding while you're going through the experiences."
"It sounds like he's really losing his mind but in a good way."
"My mindset is totally bliss. My objective is going there with the best intentions of my life to disable my opponent."
"He's terrible, he's compromised, he's mentally compromised!"
"Get yourself in a better state. The biggest mistake most people make... is that they try to go immediately to solving it."
"Put yourself in a space where you're more receptive."
"Nobody's gonna mess with me, but that's in my mind. I'm scared somebody's gonna mess with me."
"Retirement is not an age, it's a state of mind."
"Creativity comes from a quiet mind, being alone."
"It feels like so much is going on in your mind and with your emotions."
"It was no longer as before a dark unseen river flowing through the gloom but a dark sea swelling and gradually subsiding after a storm."
"Wow, that's even kind of more chilling that she just wanted to escape to Hawaii and that was all that was on our mind."
"I still believe it was not a ghost that I saw that day. It was just an illusion caused by my mental weakness."
"Symbolically, since there has actually been decapitations during the time that this fixed star was activated but it symbolically symbolizes people completely losing their head and losing their mind."
"To recover means to return to a normal state of mind, health, or strength."
"You just never had this clarity of thinking without any input from the outside."