
Life Pleasures Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"We enjoy safety, we enjoy absence of pain, but we also enjoy friends and romance and sex and food."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is life if you can't have a cookie and a piece of cheese?"
"If you can't enjoy the simple pleasures in life, like beating a video game with an infinite ammo minigun, then is life even worth living?"
"It's as fun as you think it would be only better. I think I told my wife that I thought it was a burrito of awesomeness smothered in awesome sauce."
"Happiness is usually something simple like fishing or these things that we blow by because we think we need so much more."
"Honestly, those little life pleasures are the key to being able to stick to your health resolutions for life."
"Don't downplay simple gestures like going for ice cream."
"Savor nature, enjoy the simple things in life."
"Finding pleasure in the small sparks of life."
"Fun is something that you can have in this world."
"Is there anything better than doing something you love?"
"Some of the best parts of life are being able to meander as part of your day."
"Life becomes really fun when you have something to look forward to."
"There's a progression, enjoying that progression is part of the pleasure of doing tea this way." - Sohan
"Eat that chocolate, you smoke that cigarette and you drink that gin and tonic. Eating candy reminds you that you're alive."
"It's so like soul replenishing to just talk about nice things."
"When you enjoy food, you reclaim the pleasures of a life that white supremacy has tried to deny you."
"It's basically like you have your cake and you can eat it too."
"Life's all about... taking the time out to smell the roses."
"Living your life, having a good time, loving on your family, that's what it's all about."
"Some of the simple pleasures of life is what these two events are asking us to embrace."
"I am open to receive all of the universe's life pleasures, the gifts of the universe's life pleasures."
"Sharing it with you guys, it's gonna be a pleasure and a once in a lifetime experience."
"Enjoy it while you have it, no other benefit will ever feel as good as that."
"Just let yourself enjoy things, please. Just let yourself enjoy things."
"And I don't care how cliche this is but the sun on your face, the wind blowing in your hair, that smell of, you know, being a freshly mowed lawn on a Sunday afternoon. Nothing replaces that."
"Both of you want this relationship where you can just take your time with one another and just fully enjoy the pleasures of life."
"Sometimes it's the little things that really make you stick around."
"The gelato though, yes the gelato is the winner of life right now."
"The enjoyment of food and the memories you can create around it are still a part of life."
"Food is one of the biggest pleasures you can have in life."
"Everyone needs dancing elephants in their life."
"One will be a good cook, one will be a good dancer, one will be a good singer. In this way, you receive all the pleasures of life right here."
"Ultimately, crumpets taste nicer than skinny feels. Is that deep enough for you?"
"You haven't lived until you've tried stuffed shells."
"Enjoy it, and be seen to be enjoying it. It's okay to enjoy it."
"Great food, great wine, great showers, great music... but having someone to share it with, that's something."
"With good friends, family, and a view of something beautiful - name something better than that."
"Good food, good sex, and good company, the three things that make the Taurus woman happy."
"It's an experience like none other."
"Enjoy yourself, enjoy other people, take time to really smell the flowers and to have a hot meal and to enjoy your company."
"I'm having all the fun in the world."
"Good finish, good food, good company."
"Sharing interesting ideas and curiosity is one of the joys of life."
"That's probably my favorite things about life, just eating good quality food."
"If you've never tried Olive Garden's breadsticks with Alfredo sauce, you've never lived."
"Laughter and food make everything better."
"Food is the best part of this game, I think it's the best part of living."
"Sleep is the best pleasure, I have seen material pleasure don't sustain for long time."
"Laughter is right up there with sex and jogging."
"One of the pleasures of this world is to have children."
"Good food is one of life's great joys."
"You know it always tastes better when it's free, best things in life."
"Weekends aren't for sleeping in; they're to enjoy."
"It's the little things in life that really satisfy me."
"The story was intended most logically to prove that there is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures, provided we will but take a joke as we find it."
"The higher a man is in his intellectual and moral development, the more free he is, the greater are the pleasures that life offers him."
"Life is always better with a little bit of chocolate in your life."
"Enjoy yourself, take pleasure from the little things, the big things, anything you can."
"You don't need pizza, you don't need burgers, you don't need beer but you want them because they make life beautiful and enjoyable."
"There are a few things in life better than that."
"Enjoy family, enjoy friends, enjoy the best steak of your life."
"You are never too old for ice cream."
"I am just thoroughly enjoying it."
"Part of the joy of life for me is definitely mixing up food."
"You deserve the pleasures and the comfort of life."
"If you haven't experienced salmon just cooked just right, and flaky like, and buttery, until you get you a nice buttery, juicy, just right salmon, you ain't lived. It's nothing like it."
"What makes your heart smile? Music, art, connecting with people, and spending time laughing."
"Double chocolate chip cookies aren't really necessary either, but I wouldn't want to live in a world without them."
"What is life if that kind of stuff doesn't excite you?"
"That's all life is about, you cook together and you make good food."
"Life is just about doing little bits and bobs that make you happy."