
Self-reflection Quotes

There are 22834 quotes

"It's very clear to me that asking certain kinds of questions about oneself and one's self narrative life history essentially can be very beneficial in the moment or moments of doing that practice as well as the subconscious."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Patterns that we don't like are the reflection of unhealthy defense mechanisms, and patterns that we like are the consequence of healthy defense mechanisms."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm trying to understand the systems I'm in... I'm always gonna be blinded to where I'm at in reality. I'm just trying to punch through to ever greater levels of awareness."
"It's really important for you to do self-reflection on what's okay for you, what lets you sleep at night and what doesn't."
"I still felt really empty in that way. And yeah, I think man's search for purpose is a natural thing."
"The market doesn't owe me anything, and one thing that has really, really helped that is journaling down, you know, taking responsibility for whether I win or whether I lose."
"We're so into thinking but not so much into being aware of what we're thinking."
"I am proud to say I think it was the best decision of my life."
"I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I'm not where I was."
"If you want to generate goals... ask yourself what do you care about, what do you actually value in this life, not what you should do."
"The real question is why did you ever get the idea that you didn't have worth. That's where trauma comes."
"Journaling in full honesty with oneself is very powerful."
"The mountain is a mirror of our capacities coming up, and we've got so much more within us."
"When are we ever just present? When are we ever just living in the moment?"
"What are you still trapped in the habit of doing that you don't want to do, and what are you still trapped in the habit of not doing that you do really want to do?"
"Be kind to yourself and others, and don't believe everything you think."
"One is too many and all the drinks in the world are never enough."
"Solitude is more than just being alone; it is a state of being, an experience where one can be alone with their thoughts, disconnected from the chaos of the outside world, a sanctuary of self-reflection and introspection."
"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone."
"The more that we program our brain and we're in control of our brain through affirmations, through healing, through self-reflection, through journaling, the more we have a more cohesive outer reality."
"There is only one thing that truly matters in life, one question that we all need to answer... Are you happy?"
"Happiness really is an internal equation that you need to solve."
"Instead of happiness, here's how to know if you're doing good in life: Are you proud of your recent efforts? Are you grateful? Are you excited for something coming up?"
"Most people spend the first half of their life saying they're too young, and the second half saying they're too old."
"Satisfaction in life begins with self-reflection and happiness, leading to a greater ability to meet and interact with people whose 'light is on' as well."
"To accurately assess the data and figure out what it's telling you, you have to be willing to stare nakedly at your own inadequacies."
"What do I actually care about and why do I care about it and how do I reflect on what I believe to be both true and meaningful?"
"Cherish your solitude; be alone. Get comfortable being alone."
"Your life is a physical manifestation of the conversation going on in your head."
"The quality of your life is affecting the quality of your life, which is something you've probably never considered before."
"I always treat every interaction as one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"Whenever I see a patient, I always treat every interaction as...one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"I wish I'd lived my life and not the life that other people expected of me."
"Stop lying to yourselves. It's the single greatest mistake."
"We have it the best and all I see is people sitting around and dwelling around dumb shit around what they don't have instead of focusing on what they do have."
"The reality that you're currently living is actually the byproduct of somebody else that made choices for you, which happens to be a past version of you."
"Reflecting on what kind of person we are and what parts we want to change in order to be better for ourselves and those around us is really important."
"When that true love comes your way, don't run. Rather than run, figure out why am I even trying to run. Let me fix this."
"Think about the people you surround yourself with and the version of you that they bring out."
"You've been very sensitive to any perceived criticism but have found your way through that and recognized the need for that radical self-reflection and honesty."
"Imagine watching your story like you would a television show and the empathy you would have for the main character, which is really your story."
"I had love and passion and excitement and wisdom inside of me, but I also had anger, resentment... When you squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out because that's what's inside. When you squeeze a human, what comes out is what's inside of the human."
"When you don't think things are going right... ask yourself: is my element out of alignment, is my environment out of alignment, or is my energy out of alignment?"
"I'm going to say something that people don't understand: You see those moments that he's talking about, that's what made me who I am."
"Have a conversation with who you see in the mirror. Tell them what you love about them and what you don't love about them, and how you gonna change because nobody can make that change but you."
"Question your limiting beliefs... and work towards overcoming them."
"What did you want to do when you were a kid, before the world told you you couldn't do it?"
"I feel like I've had so many different eras."
"You can tell social media that you're happy all day every day, but at the end of the day, if you're not, who are you really fooling? Let's just be real; let's be honest."
"Whether you ran a marathon, read Moby-Dick, or continue the ambitious project of organically fusing your butt to the couch, you might be thinking not nearly enough."
"We all need to look ourselves in the mirror."
"What if I'm not broken? What if I'm just covered in layers of mud and silt and abuse and hurt?"
"The universe is a never-ending process of self-reflection, of self-understanding."
"Always ask yourself: What is this in service of? Is this actually serving me?"
"Self-reflection is very important... There's also an aspect of you that really respects and appreciates your alone time."
"FOMO stems from outward perceptions, so to combat it, the research suggests turning inward to reflect on your own motivations and happiness."
"What am I actually chasing here? Like, what's the idol that I'm worshiping at the feet of?"
"We are now living in an age of 24/7 connectivity. But who are we connecting with ourselves at all? Who's got time?"
"Being puzzled about consciousness is a very good sign that a system is conscious."
"Why am I so weird? I don't know why I'm so weird."
"We as humans are the beings that think and gain mastery of our world. Perhaps one day, if we meet another race that does the same things we do, rather than seeing something truly alien, it perhaps will be like looking into a mirror."
"This work really makes you question your place in the universe, doesn't it?"
"Edward comes to terms with everything he has been, everything he is now, and everything he is to become."
"Abandoning a friend is equivalent to abandoning oneself."
"He who sees himself in all beings and all beings in himself never suffers."
"The universe mirrors to you through other people how you feel about yourself and how you treat yourself."
"The real threat to authenticity is a lack of reflection on your beliefs and actions."
"We attribute our good qualities... to ourselves, not to God."
"I finally had a lot of time to address things that I was not ready to address with myself."
"The only person you're fighting with is you."
"It's the only book that when you read it, it reads you."
"You don't have to teach a person to be selfish; it's our nature."
"Ask yourself, what is my 'why'? What motivates me, drives me, and is it worth getting over the excuses that I have?"
"Look at your life and look at the pain you must be in. I want you to ask yourself what you're really afraid of."
"Feel into your heart and soul. What is it that you want? What feels brighter to you? What do you really, really desire?"
"What would you love even if they didn't love you anymore? That's unconditional love."
"The battle that's the centerpiece of Rick and Morty isn't against Rick Prime. It was never against Rick Prime. It's against yourself. It's about finding a healing for your own emotional scars."
"She hasn't forgiven herself... it will never let her forget her sins."
"We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves." - Dalai Lama
"Think good of the other, and you are actually thinking good about yourself."
"Compare yourself now to where you were before. Growth is a continuous journey."
"The only people responsible for your performance is what's looking back at you in the mirror, not what's on there."
"You've got to stop and ponder where you've been and where you're going."
"I'm okay with who I am, so I can admire without turning it back on myself."
"If your beliefs are not greeting you peace in the midst of chaos in the world, then it is certainly time to question them."
"Through art, especially this new art of cinema, the human being can view itself in ways never done before."
"The only pressure I should feel is the pressure of competing with the best version of myself."
"Once you recognize it, it's done. The only thing is, you might need to dwell on it intensively for some period of time."
"Ask yourself, what do I really want in this life? What do I really love doing?"
"The best ways to look at the external world, the people around you, your circumstances, is as a mirror revealing to you what you are projecting outwards."
"The conversation that you have with yourself at that point is the most meaningful, profound, and life-changing."
"It's easy to point fingers at others, but when you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you."
"What are you leaving for the world with your art? Sometimes it's important to think, what am I actually impacting?"
"I die to myself. It's a perfect ending. Thank you, Kyle, for this beautiful moment."
"Remember your roots: What do you want to build upon?"
"Our main character is given the redemption arc because it was him who was in the wrong for looking on his own life and deciding to change it without first confronting the entire community and thinking about the 'we' instead of the 'I'."
"Escape digital at least once a day. People don't realize how cooped up they are."
"Energetically, you have really done the work. You have gone inward and done a lot of healing and self-reflection."
"A little bit of time spent in self-reflection will help you to take the action that you need to take in this situation."
"You never think about the great, you always think about what you could have done better."
"It's time to do a self-assessment and to have no shame in who and what you are and the path that you've walked on."
"Parenting is the hardest thing I've ever done, and that's not a reflection on my kids."
"If you want to build faith, ask the question: Who am I?"
"The thing that you would tell yourself 10 years ago is still the same thing that you need to hear now."
"Am I living my values? If you align your behavior to your values... that is the best way that you can be on a good path to leading a fulfilling life."
"The solution to evil, if you really care to stop it, is to acknowledge that you are the devil yourself."
"My outer experiences are a reflection of my internal condition."
"Look at what's going on inside of you. How are you treating other people? How are you treating yourself?"
"The more you think about yourself, the more miserable you are."
"Think about how you're showing up. Think about your fears, your own anxieties, how they're showing up in your parenting. How I can do things differently. Where do I start? What's the one thing that I can do today? How do I begin to separate my own childhood from my parenting."
"How much of your life have you wasted pleasing others?"
"Easily aroused hostility or cynicism then you might want to pause."
"Talking is how I do my stream, and doing my stream helps me come to grips with certain issues."
"I've never said I'm a perfect person nor pretended to be someone that I'm not. I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them."
"We all have a place of knowing inside of us that we don't often listen to, and if you can get quiet with yourself, you will hear the voice from that place of knowing."
"You know how babies have oversized heads? My head forgot to grow up."
"The real healing and growth happens when you look in the mirror and start taking ownership for your part in the failure of that marriage."
"We need both radical self-honesty and radical self-acceptance."
"Hell on earth is meeting the man that you could have been."
"As far back as I could remember, this marked the beginning of my quarter-life crisis."
"Most important conversation is the one you have with yourself."
"If you told your 10-year-old self what you were doing, you would shake your pants."
"What's inside of you is also inside of the person you see, and that's something that made me... and that's something that I think was the trigger to my success."
"You don't understand. I could have had class. I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody instead of a bum."
"I do have a lot of patience; I've displayed a tremendous amount of patience."
"Personal integrity... do you live up to your own expectations of yourself?"
"I was scared, insecure, jealous, fear of failure, fear of success."
"Your biggest enemy, the most important conversation you will ever have in your life, is the one you have with yourself. You wake up with it, you walk around with it, you go to bed with it."
"What does it mean to live a life well lived? What defines your legacy and how are we remembered when we're gone?"
"What would it look like to start each season or each day and go, 'What matters most to me today? How am I doing?' where you check in with yourself."
"People relate to one another when we see the best and the worst in ourselves because it makes us feel human."
"The one piece I was missing was me having the courage to face myself."
"Has there ever been a time in your life where you've looked around at all of the things that you're working on and all the things that you're doing in life, and have you ever felt discouraged because it seems like nothing is going extremely well? Nothing is just flowing well."
"Laugh at ourselves first and foremost and others, provided you shouldn't make fun of people actively."
"I would say something along the lines of, 'Hey, I know I've been really mean to myself... I just wanted to apologize in case I made anyone feel uncomfortable.'"
"Every relationship we've ever had will reflect back to us the relationship we have with ourselves. Period, end of story."
"Obviously, your behavior was sufficiently reprehensible to be plaguing your conscience, but at least you have a conscience. That's something."
"No matter what you did yesterday, who you were with last night, and what you were planning to do tomorrow, this is a divine moment in your life."
"The ultimate adversary is the enemy you harbor in your own heart."
"I stopped and self-evaluated... what worked, what didn't, and then what do you have left to learn?"
"When you're alone, your intuition speaks the loudest. Solitude can be a profound teacher."
"I've been eating a lot of corn dogs. This is like flash flashback a year ago today, salmon salad, hot, sexy looking in the mirror just being like [__] godamn who are you, best shape of my life fast forward a year, a year forward today, how many corn dogs can I physically have in one day before have."
"Take some time to pat yourself on the back and be grateful for where you are currently at."
"Why was I even created? What is the point of my very existence?"
"As we near the end of the year, I thought we could have a discussion today about where we see ourselves going in the New Year."
"Our lives, what made us who we are, the beautiful people that we are."
"The outer world is a mirror reflection of the inner world."
"I've been incredibly successful. I've done things that I would never imagine doing."
"I'm very proud of myself, actually, at the moment. Just on a reflection point, I've been pretty good the last few weeks. I'm doing much better."
"Be a little bit more grateful for what you have achieved."
"I thought to myself, you have such an extraordinary life, you get to do amazing things, you have a dope career; the fact that you still feel lost and confused and sad was very upsetting to me because I thought, what would have to happen in your life to not feel this way?"
"Am I turning into my dad? What is happening?"
"The only way to make peace with others is to make peace with yourself."
"If any man be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass."
"I've learned to protect myself by doing something that absolutely works. I ask myself, 'Would you let someone treat your child that way?'"
"I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."
"Your relationship with others is a direct reflection of your relationship with yourself."
"I look at my future self and I ask myself what's that guy saying to me today."
"What you wish for other people is what you wish for yourself."
"The quality of your life depends on the quality of questions you ask yourself."
"Your life is a beautiful reflection of your soul."
"What are you going to do with the rest of your life? That's your question. You got to make a decision."
"This entire world is a reflection of your consciousness."
"If you do not like what is happening to us, it is a sure sign that we are in need of a change of mental diet."
"Judgment, the great revealer, total transformation, heed the call, renewal, surrender, awakening."
"You don't draw in what you want, you draw in who you are."
"We don't attract what we want; we attract who we are."
"Restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted."
"Such violent fantasies only reveal the darkness in your own soul."
"You need to ask yourself right here, right now: What is essential for you?"
"Nostalgia isn't always just about the past... The way we experience nostalgia actually tells us more about the time we are currently in than the one we're looking back on."
"We pay so much attention to our failures... but keeping a list of achievements helps me to see and helps me to remember the progress that I've been making."
"Going to sleep at night knowing that you have spent a good day on this earth is the most important form of greatness."
"Journaling is one of the top things that I would suggest...it's really going to give you a chance to really be self-reflective."
"The only way we improve is when people point out the things that are wrong in our work or enough time has passed that we can look back on our old work and critique it with fresh eyes."
"Autonomy is commonly conceptualized as the capacity to make decisions that reflect our true values."
"It's emotional, you know, I'm proud of myself. Proud of, you know, I'm proud to have done what I did with this group."
"The person in your mirror is the secret sauce for you to build wealth."
"Journaling... it's really a way for you to self-reflect."
"I also feel like I have many of the traits I had as a kid right now."
"Sometimes, you got to acknowledge the mistakes you made in the past."
"To be in conversation with the God within is key."
"No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes."
"Humanity is at a time of reckoning, a reckoning as a facing of oneself and all of one's creations."
"It's time for people to notice the emotions that arise for them and to really question: 'I have this emotion; the crisis is new, but are these emotions really novel, or do I kind of know them from the inside already?'"
"What does it mean to have a belief, and why is it crucial to you? There's a deep association between belief and value."
"Man must entirely reverse his attitude toward nature, himself, and things."
"It's up to you to decide: Do I want to do this? Is this working for me?"
"Take stock a little bit and think, 'Alright, I'm ready now to really take a right turn or to try something brand new.'"
"A third of the mornings I wake up, I ask myself, am I still me or am I someone else?"
"You're 13 you think you're grown, you're 16, still think you're growing, 19 you feel like a child again."
"Our attitudes towards life doesn't affect the world and the people in it nearly so much as it affects us."
"Your word is like a mirror that exposes every single one of my blemishes and weaknesses not to ridicule me, or to berate me but instead to build me up and encourage me to lean on you."
"I want to be forever proud of who I was as a man and change who I used to be, the liar, the insecure guy."
"You sit down and reflect on what you've gone through."
"Success is to me peace in its inner world. Success is who is the person that looks back at you through the mirror."
"Write about your life; that'd be a good thing for you."
"Am I happy? Am I being of service? Do I feel like I'm contributing anything to the world? Do I love myself? Do I love others? Am I being a good brother? Am I being a good son?"
"Travel upwards into the stars for a moment... see the light, see the brilliance, see the beauty that's always been there."
"Do you feel what you're doing right now, whatever that is - a project, a job, your life purpose, a relationship - you need to get honest with yourself."