
Frustration Quotes

There are 11281 quotes

"If you are uncomfortable making errors and you get frustrated easily, if you leverage that frustration toward drilling deeper into the endeavor, you are setting yourself up for a terrific set of plasticity mechanisms to engage."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What is in us must out; we all have to follow our creative urges in the way that nature prepared for us, otherwise we can be hopelessly hemmed in by frustration."
"Our language is like a cracked tin kettle on which we hammer out tunes to make bears dance when we long to move the stars."
"Can't we unite? That's what makes me so frustrated."
"Frustration is fuel and God uses it to energize you to get you from where you are to where you need to be."
"The joy that one gets out of fulfilling desires, what's wrong with it is this: that as we proliferate desires and try to get happiness by satisfying those desires, the result will be frustration, unhappiness."
"Sounds like this is very frustrating for you."
"I can't even stress how unlucky I am right now."
"Oh my God, it really doesn't tell you where the things are either. Jesus Christ, this is freaking cool."
"It's extremely surprising that's my life that they're playing with."
"Everything that I said that was important or that helped my argument to make more sense was cut out."
"Frustration, if used correctly, is a part of engagement in any experience that's worth my time."
"The world is your oyster, a saying that for nearly all my life pissed me off because it made no sense and I don't understand why people said it."
"They do all that, but the McFlurry machine don't work."
"I'm sorry if I sound a little harsh, but I don't know how to get through to you because you don't seem to know that you are everything a girl could dream of."
"I can't stand when someone has this meltdown and takes all of their frustration and anger out on customer service workers who are just doing their job and they've done nothing wrong. I cannot stand it whatsoever."
"Remember the one with the guy that finds the frog that can dance and he is literally driven to madness and financial ruin because that damn frog just will not dance with anybody else except for him."
"For those of you like me that are like writers or musicians, isn't it frustrating when people try to judge your work by one page or one song?"
"Telling these stories can be frustrating because we tell them again and again and again, hoping that eventually, the lesson will sink in."
"Wake up! We don't know why we're here! We don't know what we're doing! And it's all fucking bullshit!"
"It's just so when these stories get back to me, and I don't know if they're true or not, there's frustration there. I'm pissed off."
"But as I progress, I begin to realize that this world is where the game's difficulty goes from occasionally frustrating to, 'I'm going to throw my phone into the sun.'"
"It feels amazing to know that the state has given me their permission to dig in the bottom of Lake Michigan, but it's very frustrating that we don't have the permit from the Army Corps of Engineers."
"How are you shooting me through the truck? That makes no [expletive] sense."
"They handed me the recipe for the secret sauce and then spat in my face when I asked what's in the French fries."
"We're all a mix of all sorts of different positions and we are all getting frustrated by being forced to pick one side or the other."
"Achievers don't get fearful. We get stressed or we get frustrated."
"When is this body going to actually stand up and decide what we're going to do and mean it?"
"Learning to tolerate frustration is of critical importance."
"The truth will set you free, but first, it will piss you off."
"I'm surprised there isn't more anger among younger people about the way in which the housing market has been rigged against them."
"Screw this, I'm out. I'm out of it. Yeah, get off this Godforsaken planet."
"If the non-violent efforts don't get support, then millions of black people will, out of frustration and despair, seek solace and security in black nationalist ideologies."
"So it's been really frustrating, I think for everyone in my field who studies this, that CDC would not acknowledge that airborne transmission was happening. The evidence is just airtight."
"There's nothing more tilting for a killer than knowing exactly what a survivor is doing and not being able to do anything about it."
"Don't get frustrated at me. I'm just repeating what you tell me."
"This might be one of the most frustrated times I've had in a Pokemon run ever."
"This is blasphemy. Lunar, find that E; I want to leave."
"Oh my God, bro, my phone's dead, I'm hungry, I have no food in the house."
"Terrorblade can be very annoying. You either kill the creep wave directly in front of them with the illusion or you cut it behind them."
"There is nothing more frustrating than recognizing that there is more in you than your environment has room enough to receive."
"For me, writing a paper takes years; being a bit frustrated, I went to grow radish, and it took months. I guess no good job can be done in haste."
"It's all too easy to get caught in that trap of seeing examples of these perfect gardens and it can become really frustrating when something doesn't go to plan."
"The best game but the most frustrating game ever."
"Frustration is born from inconsistency. If I have little to no control over my success, then my success could take 15 minutes or 15 hours."
"I'm sick to death of 'thoughts and prayers' if we're not going to change policies."
"I'm not gonna lie, I was a little heated about that. I Rage Quit for about a day on this challenge."
"I don't know why you girls are so repulsed by me. I do everything I can to appear attractive to you. I'm sophisticated and magnificent. I have a nice car, a BMW."
"If I go into a server and the entire server has Infinity, I'm telling you right now I'm just getting off for the day."
"The road to success is paved with frustration and failure."
"You don't have a right to impose unreasonable standards on others, not defend them, and then get frustrated when they don't follow them."
"Bugs are terrible, bugs will make you miserable."
"But if Americans can understand what's really going on, they can understand these kinds of things that we're talking about, we think there's a lot of people who are incredibly frustrated with the system."
"It's very frustrating to feel when you're very attached and you love something and you really care for it, and you want there to be real answers."
"It's frustrating when it feels like they didn't have the answer; this was the neatest way to wrap it up without having to answer any of the questions."
"Whitney's face displays all signs of aggression and frustration, anger."
"Anytime one group of people is playing by one set of rules and you're forced to play by another, it's gonna cause frustration."
"You can't stop when you get frustrated; you pursue for as long as it takes."
"Why was I cursed with such idiot sisters? Just lucky, I guess."
"Imagine buying a game just to not be able to play as much as you want."
"A lot of the frustration that we get at comes from railing against a system that does not give a crap."
"Expectation without communication results in frustration."
"It's an absolute joke, mate. Lost words, genuinely lost for words."
"Here I am looking at the 'Place Order' button over here, all I want is my tendies, okay, and I'm literally fighting the green candlesticks here. This is ridiculous."
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over again, expecting a different result each time, yet only to be disappointed and get frustrated and go right back to Step One."
"God uses a frustrated man to be the one who would ultimately bring deliverance."
"This article is a really good example of why politics is so frustrating."
"AFK teammates usually ruin ranks, and you don't deserve to lose rank rating because of them."
"This is crazy, for any of you who've fought Larxene, you probably remember her splitting into multiple clones and then hating life."
"Forgive me, you ignorant fuck, but sarcasm is all I fucking got."
"I hate when you upgrade your phone and it feels like you're buying the same phone twice."
"It's like everything is just insane now. The level of complexity to do the simplest freaking thing is just through the roof."
"Flaws that sometimes make the character frustrating to read are not a negative thing; it makes the character real."
"Nothing is worse than having an itch you can never scratch."
"How to murder a designer: Ask them to send it over as a Word doc."
"It's always those cliche things, it's always cliche. Why is love a cliche? Everything's a cliche. Everything that I believe is a cliche. It sucks. I'm like, literally, I'm like love is the answer and people are like..."
"Let me just say that the dating scene seems horrific right now. If you're in it, I'm sorry, because it seems like it's just a constant game of who can care less."
"Here I am, I'm a grown gentleman of age, and I can list the five Paw Patrol puppies and their leader."
"You have the whole freaking sky, the whole sky, and you're in my house on my ceiling, trolling me."
"I'm fed up of excuses, and I think most people are at this point."
"I've watched this guy for 40 hours. I've screamed it for 16. This is how I feel, man."
"It's very frustrating to think that you've gone your whole life here and then it's like they're saying, oh, we don't want you here because you don't make a certain amount of money."
"The most important advice I can give today is this: Try not to get frustrated by those kinds of stupid things."
"Jesse Taylor, what the fuck are you doing? French Montana try to find the key to success."
"Ineos are Furious with those players. They want to implement a professional, Elite, mentality Sports football club."
"I'm [ __ ] done. I mean, does anyone ever think about me? What I have to go through? You know, the things I've seen? Arch[ __ ] this. You're [ __ ] going home."
"I hope that even if you're a bit frustrated that I haven't given straight answers to these questions, you still found this video useful."
"David buddy come on, Jesus how'd he get past me? Holy [ __ ] David you [ __ ] goober what are you doing what are you doing you goddamn goober come on man come on you goo, knock it off."
"Get a bit frustrated...that's what most Newcastle fans do."
"Why do football gods hate the Panthers? Because once again Jerry Richardson pissed off the football gods."
"My horse decided it had enough of freezing and decided to take a bath in the lava instead, and it died, losing me my gold horse armor and my only saddle at the time. This was very frustrating."
"You know that dudes ass I don't know how much more of this before I just start beating my friend's ass like like at what point is they like do I look around like you I'm still a strong ass rational boxer."
"This is so dumb, bro. Just trying to be a team player here, man."
"No woke M virus on this plane, my ass is like, I don't care what I'm doing, I'm punching the windows until my knuckles are bloody to climb out."
"We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas, man."
"He's not an example of anybody. He don't represent me as a black man, and I hate that. I want to point that out. I hate when people say to me, 'How do you not see yourself in George? How do you not see your brother?'"
"What easily frustrates me or makes me angry is feeling unheard."
"I just keep talking about getting better, but actually, the gap keeps getting bigger because they're going like that and we're flatlining."
"Sometimes I'm just like, you know what I just, I think we need another planet."
"You're so annoying, bro, just let me go through peacefully!"
"I'm pissed that so much of our history has been covered up."
"He's just throwing his toys out of the pram."
"Misdirected anger is very frustrating to me."
"The recent confirmations by the Tesla family have caused waves across the world stirring a riveting narrative that brings a more rounded and profound understanding of Tesla's life."
"There are very few things that make me more frustrated than when people who know better act like someone invoking the idea that race could play a part in things means they are calling giant swaths of people racist."
"When his patrons get canned, they're gonna get angry."
"The whole thing is so stupid and like everything else that has happened in this country since March, it was completely and totally preventable."
"Being vegan is like trying to rescue drowning animals desperately pulling them out of the water one by one and having your family friends and everyone around you throwing them back in."
"It's always like we go two steps forward and one step back."
"It's just absolutely wild to me and very, very frustrating."
"Men are quite tired of all the double standards."
"They're just going to tag me and tag me again."
"Well, this is a shitty prank I can't get out of it."
"I just put my name on the list and every time they'd be like we don't have a list that watch does not exist."
"Abusing the copyright system is really, really shitty."
"Enough is enough, I'm not going to deal with this."
"I don't even mind the loss, it's just the queue times, bro. Honestly, it's just the queue times."
"Honestly, I'm with NL, Chad needs to be reined in a little bit. It's so annoying that everybody acts like he's stupid when he doesn't solve the puzzle in one nanosecond."
"They lie, they lie, that's what I can't stand"
"How many times do I have to kill people and make them into zombies before this problem is fixed?"
"What pisses you off? What are you not happy about? What's frustrating you? Speak to me, people want to know."
"Congratulations, Evangelion. You did it. You managed to enrage your fanbase to such an extent that you succeeded in earning yourself that rarest distinction."
"How long are you gonna put that button before you get tired of trying to enjoy something fully unenjoyable for me?"
"I'm so upset that these people don't think I'm smart when they're not able to find a job and they're struggling with their lives and advocating for insane policy that makes no sense."
"I think that's enough, I don't need that s***."
"I'm at a point where I don't want to keep putting up with this."
"Some people are soft. I hate the idea that we're not supposed to be angry about it."
"Let's just remove the RNG. Come on, it will make people engage with the system more."
"I've cried in the shower because of you, because of frustration. I'm tearing up now."
"When things aren't going your way, you're getting annoyed and confused like, 'Why isn't it working out?' A lot of it is that, for a lot of guys, it's the male ego."
"We're all outraged, we're all frustrated, but maybe we could start there."
"I'm irritated with them I'm irritated with the circumstance I'm irritated I have to make this decision."
"Quarantine, quarantine, sometimes you just need to scream."
"I'm frustrated and offended because you don't seem to care about any pathway to truth."
"This did crit damage to me. Straight up, I'm [__] done. I'm done. I'm done."
"My brain is melting, dude! I can't find it, I can't fight anywhere, I literally can't!"
"When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Get mad."
"There are so many people that are trying and trying and trying and just hitting the wall."
"The most frustrating part is when squish fake Republicans applaud and go along with it."
"I know what it's like to have a mental breakdown, I know what it's like to be manic constantly, and it's really, really frustrating and it's really, really difficult. It's literally like being a prisoner in your own head."
"Time to wake up...seriously...you can't fix stupid."
"You can't fix stupid...that's why it's time for us to align with like-minded people."
"Why is everything so fing hard right now bro?"
"You blew up my dog village! Do you understand how hard I worked for that?"
"I just feel like they're hiring these teams to focus on loving interests and purple hair when it's like yo like Tim said I want to just fight the dragon man every like seriously give it a try."
"Why sweet horse God why, is it always DeSantis and Abbott?"
"Fuck this Democratic bullshit, it won't work."
"This is going to take a really long time, isn't it?"
"We're sick of this other nonsense, we're almost to the finish line."
"It truly is as maddening as cold case investigations come."
"It's just, why does Roblox have to be down right now? Oh my god!"
"I'm just looking for answers and there aren't any."
"I can't do this anymore, what are their names again?"
"What am I gonna do with that? What am I gonna do? Nothing, I can't do anything."
"Do you have any idea how long it takes to level up in this game? We want double XP, damn it!"
"She makes several mistakes along the way and her frustration prompts her to run outside crying."
"People believe whatever they see on Reddit; it drives me nuts."
"I hate it because it's one of the few measurements that as hobbies' we don't understand."
"I'm about to just run my own cross the finish line and y'all gonna have to watch me cuz I'm tired of trying to drag y'all when I'm giving y'all all these facts and y'all still want to say so what."
"Just no one understands me. They don't get why I want to work so hard at everything."
"Making me want to puke." - "Now, just throwing around the term anti-vaxxer now is making me want to puke."
"It's just a scam, I was across the line you stupid baldheaded idiot!"
"It's frustrating, but there are some people who are dumb and deaf and they don't think."
"When you're stuck there in your own head, you just want to scream but you can't."
"Why do we have to keep shifting the goalposts?"
"Are you in there? The stupid door won't open."
"Ban all of it and ban us, whatever, I don't care. Humans have lost their minds, this is nuts."
"Why is this bullshit happening to me? Haven't I suffered enough?"
"The ending terrified me to the point where it was making me angry, the need to know what they were planning pushed me to increasing levels of frustration."
"People are sick to death of what's been done to them, sick to death of the political climate they're living in with political correctness and all the rest of it."
"Frustration is essentially opening the window for your brain to get better. That's the way to think about frustration. It's a really good thing."
"I literally don't understand how you could get tired of hearing that someone thinks of you as their idol. How does that make you upset? Why does that upset you? Are you just annoyed by everyone saying that to you?"
"Either you wanna kill somebody you’re so angry, or you’re depressed because there wasn't one solution in the whole thing."
"I'm frustrated beyond belief doesn't mean I'm gonna give up."
"The process of filing taxes is undoubtedly one of the most frustrating aspects of adulthood."
"There's only so many times you can march them up to the top of the hill and have to march them back down again."
"Why would you do that, Joe? What the question was supposed to be probing to get more answers but you could hear the exasperation in your voice, why? Why would you say that, Pennsylvania's gonna decide the election?"
"Why can't I stay profiting in a sentence, Jesus? Why?"
"Give me a break with this. Bread and butter takes it."
"Mindslaver from Mirrodin: Losing to your own cards is one of the worst experiences."
"There's nothing worse than wanting to tell a story or sing a song and not knowing how to do it."
"It's frustrating that having all these issues in the game, we all know we love this game."
"Everybody steals your stuff and never gives you credit. It's just the way it works."
"This is Banana Republic crap that we're watching happen right now."
"But one thing is for sure, they're frustrated with systemic injustice."
"I'm just soggy and sad man, and so why, if I fail this challenge, I'm gonna be supremely pissed."
"What a terrible, terrible group of people at the SEC."
"Playing chess with a pigeon – they'll knock the pieces, take a crap, and strut around like they're winning."
"It's a double standard and it's infuriating... I won't forget it."
"This club is taking the absolute mickey now."
"End it now, bruv, end it, bro, end it now. Killing me softly but Fuji's FC, you get me."
"They're pricks, fam. They're pricks every week, every season, every [] week. I've had enough of this []. I've had enough."
"People like that just make me sick, like the weaponized incompetence is insane."
"I mean, I do care; it's very annoying not to get any points there because we're looking so good."
"Let the snow be there, kicked the [__] off my balcony, I was fine."
"Remember that I really would rather deal with the zombie apocalypse than the unknowable horror of the YouTube algorithm..."
"It's hard not to get frustrated by it... half the country doesn't care about logic or facts."
"Don't ever mistake tears of frustration with weakness. When you put your all into something, it's hard not to be passionate, especially when people are constantly making false claims and accusations about you."
"This cannot stand any longer. What's going on right now is upsetting."
"Fed up with lockdowns and layoffs, COVID and incivility, racism and power abused, a perfect storm of unmitigated pain."