
Self-education Quotes

There are 914 quotes

"The beauty of motor learning is that the circuits for auditory and visual and motor more or less teach themselves."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you actually curate your education, then you will become far more educated than the average college graduate."
"Learning technical things is hard, and self-learning is even harder."
"Doing your own research is crucial, content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only."
"Lifelong learning and self-education are paramount. You've got to take full responsibility for it."
"I wrote my own patent. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book called Patents and Trademarks."
"The internet has democratized wealth generation for the self-educated and self-reliant."
"Pick one book per month... after six months... combined with gaining so much knowledge from reading, I really think that you can be set up for success."
"I never paid a single penny to anybody to learn how to invest and I think it's been going pretty well."
"We have to educate ourselves on how to survive."
"I taught myself to write by...I picked up a book called The Bonfire of the Vanities and started reading it...I used his book like a textbook."
"Teach yourself to read and you teach yourself to speak and you teach yourself to think and you teach yourself to communicate."
"My mother's knowledge was self-taught. She was obsessed with learning every single thing in our ecosystem."
"I've learned what I know about the gym from YouTubers...there are infinite perspectives that I can study and become my own personal trainer and my own personal expert."
"If you would spend the same time and energy that you would going back to school and getting a degree, and just funnel it into your job and learn as much as you can on your own, you will do just as well, if not better than going to business school."
"I married Mary Todd Lincoln. I fought to end slavery. I was also self-educated and never attended college."
"You need to do your own reading and come to your own conclusions."
"Every single thing that I know how to do, I found on the Internet for free."
"It's like college but way cheaper, and you don't have to get good grades to keep learning."
"Self-teaching can be powerful, but knowing which resources to choose and learning in a structured way can accelerate growth."
"A formal education will earn you a living; self-education will earn you a fortune."
"I Googled it and I would sit there and I'd practice."
"You can teach yourself anything better than someone else can teach it to you."
"You don't have to go to college, but you have to teach yourself how to learn. You need a skill, but the skill has to be how to learn."
"I come from nothing. I had to educate myself to better myself."
"Self-education is self-empowerment. Self-empowerment educates and empowers others."
"I wish I would have learned about educating myself earlier."
"The difference between self-education and formal education is that self-education lowers your risk."
"Self-study and self-education is pretty important."
"Investing in your self-education...is going to be the best money that you've ever spent."
"Self education will make you a fortune, and if you stop growing, you start dying."
"Self-education can make you a fortune. Formal education can make you a living, but self-education can make you a fortune."
"A self-taught computer programmer who uses Stack Overflow for two hours a day for two years can go get a six-figure job."
"You can teach yourself how to do anything, for free."
"I'm a huge believer in self-improvement and self-education in building the skills that you need to bring your ideas to life."
"I highly encourage you to do some research yourself because really it's a lot of fun."
"The single most life-changing skill I have taught myself is how to teach myself."
"I never bought a course... getting my information straight from the mouth of the top killers."
"America sucks and America's bad and America is this and uh get a little one of the benefits about having YouTube and access to different channels where you can kind of brainwash yourself out of the insanity stuff."
"In an ideal scenario, you can teach yourself the most targeted, most useful stuff."
"Ultimately you don't need college to find your passion to run with it."
"It's a matter of educating yourself around your own privilege and power."
"I just worked my way along my granny's bookshelf and didn't realize that I was getting an education."
"They need to educate themselves and if they haven't been able to do that they ought to at least take a shot at it."
"By teaching yourself, you get to explore what you really enjoy and what you really like in mathematics."
"I'm just telling people, like, take the time to do your own research."
"Everything starts up here in self-education."
"Recognizing the strength in self-education and community."
"I didn't attend any film schools, but I studied acting. Most directors don't know shit about acting." - Quentin Tarantino
"On self-education and investing in skills: 'Education can't go down, can't be taxed, can't be taken from you.'"
"Even though it takes a while, there's not that many fields that you can self-teach and make a six-figure salary."
"There's so much learning to be had out there for free, just by being a sponge."
"Don't take your medical, moral, or financial advice from me or any YouTuber. Do your own research."
"The first big step is self-empowerment. It starts with self-education, and you change the world individually."
"You don't need to buy thousands of dollars of courses, all the information is online."
"There's no substitute for researching your beliefs for yourself."
"You need to start learning on the side. Stop leisure time, stop watching Netflix, cancel Netflix. You need that money."
"If we don't teach ourselves, nobody else is going to."
"First of all, you don't need college to learn stuff. Everything is available basically for free." - Elon Musk
"Most of us, 90 percent of the things that I know, I learned it once I got introduced to the Internet."
"I'm like, you guys are buying two thousand dollar courses you haven't even cracked your local library once... are you kidding me?"
"Read Dugan for yourself, listen to the man in his own words."
"Do your own research, people need to stop looking towards their leaders and start thinking for themselves."
"Information should be accessible and free, and you should be able to look into something for yourself."
"Learning a new skill is almost always more complicated than just watching some youtube video."
"All you need to do is to actually put your effort in learning and trying to get as much information as possible from reliable sources."
"You need to educate yourself so that your perceptions are formed by yourself with your own family in mind, not by the greater fools on Wall Street."
"Hopefully something I said tonight stirred something in you and you will want to go and learn more. As always, don't take my word for things, do your own homework."
"Information is everything, folks. Staying informed is the best way to combat what they're trying to do."
"Whenever I'm in doubt about something, I go to Google and I look it up."
"Self-empowerment starts with self-education."
"The aim is to get you interested in the works of the Bible. If your interest has been peaked then please read the original text yourself."
"Get informed. Just get informed. You need to get informed. You need to know more than you do."
"Educate yourself, have fun with this, and then just start working your plan."
"Be there in the room because this is your classroom, this is your university."
"If you can learn anything on the internet, you can make a business out of anything."
"You don't need to spend money to learn how to do this, you don't have to buy an online course... I've learned this for free from other people and I'm gonna share with you for free today."
"The power of learning skills off YouTube is amazing."
"The best thing you could ever do is educate yourself."
"Self-study is the key to improving your English."
"Being a self-learner...you can go so far in life."
"Don't go to the gym clueless, like, you gotta research, like, you gotta look up workouts, look up how to use machines."
"We want everyone to have the knowledge, everyone who takes an interest be able to work things out for themselves and basically Empower people to make their own decisions."
"I started teaching myself about six years ago... I put in a lot of work for it... I went to a school for a little while... they're the Nazis of the art world."
"The more you know about your body and how it works, the more confident you’ll feel to make your own choices moving forward."
"I wanted to teach myself how these things worked, and once figured it out, turned it into video, and put it on this YouTube channel."
"Nobody taught me any of this. My parents gave me the blueprint of what I was supposed to do, they didn't teach me how to do it."
"Please, please, please share it and continue researching on your own."
"You've got to learn sales and marketing, that is number one. Read as much as you can and practice sales and marketing for any entrepreneur."
"That's all there is to self-study in order to become a technology professional."
"You have to do your own research and know your own facts and decide for yourself."
"We reclaim our future by educating ourselves."
"This is why I encourage you to do your own research."
"All the most successful people in the world are the ones that make self-education and self-improvement a focus throughout their whole life."
"It's just God's gift... if you're into self-education there's nothing like reading."
"Patience will be rewarded not drama and not you being emotional patience is what will reward you and you eventually deciding to self-educate yourself."
"People better wake up and do some research on their own instead of buying what comes across on the screen."
"Educate yourself. We have something today that's really marvelous called the internet, Google the condition."
"Kanye's message on thinking for oneself: 'I like to get more information. I like to think for myself.'"
"Listening to audiobooks while cleaning has a twofold purpose of educating myself or entertaining myself depending on the type of book."
"Thank you to every one of you who has kept faith with Mayagun on this joining of self-education and group awareness on what is going on in the contraption called Nigeria."
"For you to take time out of your days to study how your body works, I'm so appreciative because it honors that life force inside of you."
"It's worth going and finding out more about these projects yourself."
"The most difficult step in learning something new is just getting started."
"You can learn from others without experiencing everything yourself."
"We all we have to do is speak the truth and then ask them to go do their own homework and reject things that sound too good or make you feel so good that's probably not entirely true."
"I mainly relied on YouTube to improve my art skills and it's safe to say that I did learn a lot."
"If you want to learn something, you can do it; it's all on you, your drive, your passion."
"Just at least give the Quran a read... You owe it to yourself."
"I think it's so important to educate yourself and know where your food comes from."
"As long as you're educating yourself and trying to make progress, that's the most important thing."
"Educate yourself then a little bit if you're gonna do that, like know what you're doing."
"Learning to think for oneself is one of the most important things that a person can learn in this world."
"I just think it's all about educating yourself and deciding what values are important to you and doing the best that you reasonably can."
"You have no excuse not to educate yourself on what opportunities are in the market right now."
"It's important to get information for yourself, research for yourself."
"It's pretty straightforward to learn how to edit videos... You can teach yourself how to edit videos completely from scratch."
"Her knowledge of history and politics grew as she educated herself."
"The best way to learn anything is by doing it yourself."
"There is no one magic diet. You need to do the research and become an expert for you, not for me, for you."
"I researched myself right out of a paradigm."
"Educate yourself whether that's reading books whether that's reading blogs whether that's um it could be traveling as well searching on the internet uh youtube and anna's youtube courses"
"He knew how to do it. He had read Mindhunter. He had read all these books and he knew what he was doing and he was getting away with it."
"Never give up, know your numbers, find a mentor, read. Everything you need to know about running and starting a business is in a book."
"Juice fasting is probably the most one of the most important self-educational experiences we can give ourselves."
"The best thing that any of you can do read study find a real history in supports account of what has happened."
"It's going to happen and what people should do is just be informed to read teach themselves."
"Get out there and explore and study and learn and gather and Google and YouTube..."
"We gotta really start reading and understanding what's really going on."
"Passion and curiosity for filmmaking allowed him to teach himself everything he needed to know."
"Everything that the school system didn't teach us has created opportunities for us to teach."
"One of the most important things anyone can do is to be informed."
"This is way, way cheaper than formal education for the same information."
"Welcome to school, my teacher is me, and it's an accelerated course."
"You learn so much from YouTube, like YouTube was my college."
"Educate yourself, be open-minded, don't be disgusted."
"We have to educate ourselves and understand that sometimes what we do causes a lot of harm."
"An absolute monster, amazingly McQueen says he learned everything he needed to know by watching videos on YouTube."
"Grace, empathy, love, respect, and do yourself a favor and try and go f***ing educate yourself outside of your limited box and scope."
"Realizing that your parents don't have it all figured out; seek knowledge and guidance elsewhere."
"All I'm trying to do is get people to think for themselves and to consider information that they haven't considered before."
"Many of the lies that we were told in school pervade and continue to exist if we fail to self-educate and solve the issue ourselves."
"I had to teach myself how to cook in my 20s I had to teach myself everything once I became an adult I'm like wait why didn't I learn any of this stuff it was because you're at the school you almost a little sponge brain."
"All the knowledge that you need to be successful online is literally at your fingertips."
"You're not going to learn how to make millions of dollars in a classroom. You're not going to learn how to make millions of dollars by someone handing you all the information. You have to go out there and seek the knowledge for yourself."
"Don't let that degree discourage you. Even if you're self-taught, perfect your portfolio and impress employers."
"If you want to learn something, there's always a tutorial on YouTube. So give it a go."
"You can't control the unknown, but you can inform yourself."
"Create a list of moments of media and of learnings."
"Even as someone who apparently hasn't like invested any time researching it, you ask the right questions."
"Do your own research and subscribe to stay updated on investment strategies and opportunities."
"You gotta hunt for the knowledge. Stay off TikTok and start Googling what you need to have done right now."
"I realized that I was bipolar and so when I go to gonna go to know more information it actually helps me it doesn't scare me once I know it."
"You shouldn't just trust me on this one. I think you should download and read this document yourself."
"No education is complete without self-education."
"Lean into the ones that you really find fascinating and bring in some of your own. Become a kind of casual authority on the thing."
"Take from what you will or leave it but make sure you look into every single thing you can when it comes to any topic that directly affects your health or your life."
"You can get the great information that you need from the free system. It just takes time digging in, researching."
"Learning the music stuff from the internet has given me the confidence that I can learn whatever I want."
"I think it's really important one educate yourself on the basics."
"I didn't learn any of my coding skills at college. I used my computer to program instead of playing games on it all the time."
"Knowledge is power; be autodidactic and embrace learning."
"You can go online and you can, as a matter of fact, go to MIT, Stanford, these blockchain courses and you can just start learning."
"Educate yourself using free resources like books and online videos."
"Self-education has taught me so much more than formal education."
"You owe it to yourself, you owe it to yourself, you've read so many other books, read the Quran."
"It's impossible...to be an expert about everything. But I have figured out this."
"Gain every bit of the knowledge you'd get from a university course."
"This is a free education, the best education you're gonna find all across the tube."
"You can arm yourself with the power of knowledge."
"There's so much free information on the internet about how to get in shape it's not very hard."
"Don't be intimidated by research. You don't need a medical degree to evaluate those."
"There is a wealth of information out there if you're willing to just go to the effort of researching it."
"You don't have to go to college. You can self-study."
"The best part has been just kind of learning more about each sides of my culture and trying to just kind of educate myself more on like the history of things."
"Educate yourself as much as possible. Don't go on to become that ignorant individual that thinks they have all they have everything figured out."
"Xbox will be swinging big again and we'll be acquiring Sega in 2021."
"You could have learned all this [ __ ] for free."
"I really appreciate somebody actually taking the effort to go educate themselves about something that's you know out in the world so good on you."
"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."
"Get good at being a self-learner and the only way to do that is to practice."
"I want you all to be individuals. I want to empower those that are watching to go out and research, learn your body, build a relationship with yourself."
"I'm a high school dropout and I went to the school of hip-hop and these are my teachers, that's a bar."
"I learned off YouTube when I first got started."
"Educate yourself, save yourself some more trauma."
"I ain't too smart, but give me enough time and I will figure things out."
"Definitely look into it on your own and figure out what's really going on."
"When we refer to vlogging, it's usually filming your real life."
"Educate yourself as to why it was wrong, don't just repress it and say, 'Well my friends say it's fine so it's fine.'"
"When you educate yourself, you anchor yourself in a history that pulls you to move in a certain direction."
"A rise in teenagers leaving schools and getting their GEDs or high school diploma equivalents, or just creating their own self-employed small businesses."
"It's better to know all this stuff rather than just use a build blindly."
"School will never teach you the most important subjects: mental health, how to build mental strength, how to develop emotional strength and resilience, how to become self-sufficient, and build an income for yourself."
"You have to teach yourself. Find what you love and build something around that."
"Everything you want to know is already on the internet."
"My goodness, what an absolutely freaking incredible day."
"We hope this class is a step towards a bright and brilliant future."
"Self-education has been the second most rewarding thing of starting this business."
"You owe it to yourselves to educate yourselves about what is happening around these questions so that you aren't a sheep bleeding out the narratives of the Liberals."
"You can educate yourself and empower yourself."