
Language Power Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The most powerful words in any language are 'I am', because whatever follows that tends, if you repeat it enough, tends to have this kind of feedback effect on how you are in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The Creational Power of Words and how important they are in this 'war of words' we're currently experiencing."
"Words are powerful. Language is powerful. It can make somebody do horrible things and think the worst about ourselves."
"Just small phrases or a word alone can actually impact your whole future."
"The tongue is a f***ing weapon... people like Immortal Technique... they're a threat to all societies..."
"Words matter, they paint a picture in our mind based on what we have experienced and what we know."
"Words are like spells, and the spells that you cast on other people could be the spells you're casting on yourself."
"I was using language to bend and twist the world into delivering what I thought was necessary."
"Your words create worlds, the power of life and death in the tongue."
"When you arrange those words in a certain way, meaning emerges."
"Your words are like spells, they are spelling what you say out in the universe."
"The two most powerful words in the English language: I am."
"Words are incredibly powerful in white-collar cases."
"Few adjectives are as powerful and derogatory as traitor, especially when spoken in the context of war where national identity transforms into a combat emblem."
"This word is bigger than a term of endearment, this word is a very powerful word."
"In late August, the world witnessed the arrival of three astronauts and one cosmonaut aboard SpaceX's Crew Dragon Endurance capsule."
"If thought can corrupt, language cannot also corrupt thought?"
"To erase a word representing some concept, the concept itself disappears from the world."
"Words are weapons of warfare, and what is the war about for most of them? Only three things: race, class, and gender."
"How is the most powerful word in the English language."
"Ruby on Rails: A powerful framework for building web applications."
"Words so innocent and powerful as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them."
"Stop saying 'want,' 'need,' these are words of 'I don't have,' and it's stating that you don't have it."
"But for it to become so synonymous with the most shocking and upsetting thing for you to say, for that to also be the word you should dehumanize Black folks is actually quite an indictment of the phrase."
"What are the two most powerful words in the English language? 'I am'."
"Language controlling the terms of the debate is directly fueling cancel culture and the eradication of ideas that are verboten."
"Words are spells, so when y'all come through calling yourself a girl and you're a grown-ass woman, what kind of spell are you casting?"
"You give your language the most power by having it be understood by the most people."
"Bad language is now the mightiest weapon in the arsenal of despots and demagogues." - Stuart Chase
"You have this affinity for language that helps people to kind of see themselves differently sometimes and see the world differently."
"We live in a world where semantics mean everything. You change the word of something, let's say that you have a really unpopular social media company, just change it to a different word, it magically fixes everything."
"Use your words to create the things that you want."
"Things can change when you change your words because your words are things."
"Words hold a lot of power. Life is more beautiful that way."
"Words are the containers of the force that creates the physical universe."
"Language can be powerful, and phrases such as going into the field or field work may have connotations for descendants of slavery and immigrant workers that are not benign."
"Language holds together our perception of reality. Who controls the language controls the information, controls the perception of reality."
"Your language is so powerful... those things might be annoying but they don't have to control your life."
"Words kind of do shape our reality, but if you think like some words when you say, 'with this ring I thee wed,' you become married."
"Language is how people understand the world. If you can change a person's understanding of language, you can basically control what they believe in."
"Power of language to shape the world."
"Your addiction, your word choices can do a lot of heavy lifting for you to express mood and tone."
"The vitality of language lies in its ability to line the actual, imagined, and possible lives of its speakers, readers, and writers."
"You have the power to change your entire impression with one or two words."
"We create our reality with our words."
"The words you use are the bricks to build the house that you live in."
"When you truly understand it... you'll discover that JavaScript is a deceptively powerful and beautiful programming language."
"This class is about rhetoric and Composition and as much as we like to study the specifics and the methodology... it's more as a survey of language and its power to shape our reality."
"Men's will and virtue may fail, but the words never do."
"Words do have meaning and when you have people playing with them and saying dreadful untrue things, it's heartbreaking."
"That's just the power of the English language, you know, putting certain words together in a certain order can make two completely different things."
"The power of language is very influential, is very powerful."
"Words have impact, they have meaning."
"Watch your words. Make sure you're speaking the world that you want to see into existence."
"Change your words, change your reality."
"The Gemini person will not bring things into existence by the mere force of language; in his mind, it's already in existence, albeit abstract, but it's in existence."
"I am not afraid of words, nobody else should be; it only holds power if you give it to them."
"Language dignifies reality, and because you name it, it somewhat becomes real."
"The ability to name and define is a very powerful ability."
"The most powerful syntactic structure in the language is the complex sentence."
"Words taken separately have little significance, but the grouping of them makes a whole from it formidable or graceful, terrible or salutary, severe or tender, according to the mosaic of the oration."
"You helped me find the language to define what I was experiencing."
"You definitely can heal your mind; changing the words changes the way that you feel."
"The greatest tool of all is language."
"Use your words to manifest the things that you desire."