
Child Birth Quotes

There are 1296 quotes

"I'd love to tell you that the birth of my children was as profound, but that was a more profound experience than the birth of my children, any one of them and all of them combined."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The sexual act is praised, yes. Children actually come from there. They don't fall from trees."
"Birth is not a problem that needs solving. It's a natural process that just needs, you know, guides to help women on the journey."
"Childbirth should be this beautiful thing, right? It's so incredible that our bodies can create life."
"When you lose a baby in the hospital in childbirth, you have a right to hold that baby. That's part of the grieving process."
"Girls are such beasts for going through that, and then they're like, let's do it again. You're an animal."
"Queen Elizabeth's husband, Prince Philip, made history by being the first royal husband to be present during the birth of his child."
"I was 31 when I had my first child, and the world frowned on me. Really, why? That's so weird."
"You don't birth unless you break water; it's impossible."
"It's been the most amazing experience I could ever possibly imagine. How any woman does what they do is beyond comprehension."
"Just because we can now have women give birth painlessly... doesn't mean they lose their natural strengths."
"Women died a lot in childbirth historically."
"When I gave birth, my body changed completely in ways that I never thought my body could change."
"The most profound experience, too, to have your child placed on your chest and, like, her when she looked at me, that's when I was like in a different planet."
"Your uterus is basically stronger than a bodybuilder...with every contraction during labor, the force equates to 180 kilograms of pressure per square foot."
"Every time a woman cries out in pain in childbirth, it is God screaming to us in mercy, 'You are fallen, you are fallen, you are fallen, but look to my Son.'"
"Waiting in line for unemployment just after giving birth is already appalling, but the very phrase 'pop-up unemployment office' is truly alarming."
"Throughout labor, it's very important to monitor the fetal heart rate and ensure that the pattern is reassuring."
"If the fetal scalp pH is less than 7.2, you're delivering that baby right away, c-section."
"There's a sadness as we give birth to other humans, but we want things to be better for future generations."
"The excitement and just the eagerness does at some point overtake the nervousness and the baby's got to get out some how."
"I felt so empowered through my last birth I really felt so confident about this next birth and what was to come"
"The three most beautiful moments in my life thus far is when I pull each of my children out of the womb."
"When a woman is in labor she is sad for her time has come but when she has borne a child she no longer remembers the pain for the joy that a man has been born into this world."
"People felt like she was compiling the only accurate list of information about childbirth and what truly happens to your body when you become a mother."
"The dramatic rescue of two premature babies born in Ukraine just two days after the Russian invasion."
"I was so glad to have capable hands." - Parent of the newborn, expressing gratitude to the firefighters
"Alice had just given birth to her fifth child. In June 1921, Prince Philip was delivered."
"It was the absolute perfect labor and delivery, couldn't have gone any better."
"I just think women should be able to choose what kind of birth they want."
"Maybe it would be the big emotional arc of the actual beauty of childbirth."
"So I would argue that it's very likely Mrs. Arnolfini died in childbirth."
"Birth doesn't really get much grosser than this."
"Listen, you can't believe in evolution and believe it's hard. You can also believe in childbirth and maternal death."
"Unspeakable power in this world which I think is even more powerful than a man's power is this magic of bringing a child into the world in raising the child."
"Women have inherent value just because they are, that has a lot to do with they can give birth to a child that's magical, men's value is in what they do."
"Even when I gave birth, I think I showered the next day."
"Childbirth is like the closest thing to death that you could come to, so hell, I want to have a baby but I don't want to die."
"Birth is what I've determined, there's no easy way out."
"When I saw my daughter being born, it was the first really totally selfless moment I'd had."
"Ending at nine months, I don't agree. To deliver the baby, yeah, right on time."
"I treasure the fact that we're growing up in a world where we can talk about all the different elements of birth."
"I will not allow my own fear to get in the way of a healthy delivery."
"First-time mothers are generally in early labor for a good 24 hours."
"Something wrong with baby's brain, you need to have the baby today."
"The birth of nonuplets is a medical milestone that's almost like winning the lottery."
"He goes up into her and while Amanda's having a contraction he rotates the baby's head takes what three or four fingers and rotates the baby's head hold that put her in a different position so that she can be birth naturally."
"Jewel is on her way to the hospital to have the first baby of another generation!"
"It was so cool because when they told me when I was crowning when his head is coming out and I felt his head pop out like I could I literally she would be like push push push I push I could feel his head pop."
"I was super excited about that. I forgot to say also with my second I had progressed to a five so I knew my body could at least do that."
"It was such a surreal experience being there... I just really had myself convinced even when she told me that we were complete that there was no way that I could have a VBAC and we did."
"Childbirth is so true life or death for a lot of people."
"Childbirth still kills more than 800 women every day."
"Up to 30% of women rate childbirth as traumatic."
"Bringing life into the world is still a big feat."
"The moment after the child is outside of the birth canal, they are now endowed with human rights."
"Women bear the sacrifice of dying every time they have a child."
"Contractions hurt worse than pushing... Contractions hurt so bad but it's like they gradually start to get worse."
"I can't imagine how incredibly scary that would be."
"Women rely on midwives and you know the whole it-takes-a-village thing."
"In the end, there were five babies in total, all of whom were born without much difficulty."
"When your body, you know, all the hormones that you have when you're pregnant, and then when you have your baby it kind of like all those hormones just drop."
"She was so in control, you know. It was just great. She sort of breathed them out more than she'd done anything else, so it was just amazing. Amazing, so good job, well done, and she was a star."
"Congratulations on a new bib, a boy! A happy mother and a smooth pregnancy makes for a happy baby."
"The reason why a baby is born is because it's getting too big to keep growing any further inside the mother, it's going to have to do the rest of its growing outside the mother."
"Every child that we are merit to bring into the world is another link in the chain."
"Congratulations on your new baby boy a happy mother and a smooth pregnancy makes a happy baby since Emmys pregnancy went so well you'll be able to choose two traits"
"She is legally allowed, I have been into labor and delivery multiple times."
"It felt like I wasn't a participant in my children's birth."
"Your body birthed a baby and that is like the coolest thing ever."
"What women do is unbelievable. Taking a human being and growing a human being in your body and then pushing a human being out of your body."
"Of all the unique things that women can do... being a doctor is something a man can do... only a woman can give birth to and nurture a child."
"It's totally your choice if you wanna have epidural as part of your labor plan."
"Seeing how transformed a woman is... is immeasurable."
"It involves a baby, and that baby, by the way, is not just the product of a woman. It's a product of the love between a man and a woman."
"My most amazing moment was when I first heard him cry."
"The birth of a child brings great blessings to you and to the world."
"Things would progress as usual and I could have my baby at any point. That's pretty exciting."
"You can have a baby without an epidural. Your body was made to do this."
"Having a good supportive birth partner is key. Their presence is all you need sometimes."
"Probably the most amazing thing I've ever done in my life is give birth."
"We still had a miracle, we still had a baby."
"I promise you all the channel earnings I get will go to either Keanu or newborns like toys diapers or like hospital bills when Michaela gives birth so all snap."
"If you suffer the pain of childbirth for hours and spend long nights in raising your children, it is the greatest sacrifice."
"When you give birth you're not giving birth to just like a baby or just like flesh it's like a conscious being and like there's nothing else that can create that than a woman."
"Fran gives birth; she names the two children Jonah Samuel and Eve Katherine."
"If your body is not in alignment and your vaginal canal is supposed to be like a narrow path for your baby to go down, if you're not in alignment with your body, how is the baby gonna move freely naturally and easy and effortlessly?"
"I'm still insanely impressed with my wife because I've now watched her give birth to kids with not a single drop of painkillers."
"I want to do natural birth, but sometimes you don't get a choice and have to do a c-section."
"I loved that they held baby up over the drape."
"Technologically we have come to the point where we can disconnect childbirth from the pains that women have to go through doesn't mean that we should."
"It's do baby you want to make sure that they have a good entrance to the world."
"Only women give birth or have ever ever given birth so why should we scrub gender out of the business of giving birth to children?"
"Granny Ruth delivers Eve's baby, her beautiful, bloody baby."
"I think you're just going to push this baby out beautifully."
"There's something so beautiful about [home birth], and I know so many women who have done it as well, and it has been such a beautiful experience for them."
"I pray for a healthy baby, I pray for our labor, and bringing the baby into the world."
"Perhaps the most graphic and heart-wrenching Narrative of the barbaric childbirth practices used on enslaved black women during childbirth and pregnancy was the account of James Marion Sims..."
"You don't quit during labor. There's a result that is being birthed."
"I just really think the baby's gonna come when they're ready so I don't get too attached to a due date."
"Every birth is wonderful as long as it brings your baby into this world safely."
"Sometimes things are just out of our control, and babies are breech for whatever reason."
"Last time I delivered, they literally used a pee pad like a doggie pee pad."
"Utmost respect utmost we've been giving birth any time come on rachel i can't do it i've experienced i mean i probably could."
"We've decided it's time for the baby to come out... because that's how this works."
"Honestly, I'm so happy my baby has been born."
"Birth and expansion normally isn't for those of you who have gone through birth and those of you men in particular who have watched births or just the general idea of birth is not easy, but something amazing comes out of that difficulty."
"The birth of a child is a marvelous event... it still seems like a miracle that people can bring new life, a new person into the world."
"Labor was 28 hours of pure pain. Now, I was terrible. Well, I did 16 hours without any medicine and then at that point, I started literally shaking and I had nothing else to give and I said give me some drugs and I got an epidural."
"I've told the doctors like that really meant a lot to me that you welcomed my babies that way."
"The key is breathe through your contractions."
"Do not be afraid of the epidural, do not let these people scare you about getting the epidural."
"I saw his little tiny head... already in love with him."
"If any of you guys can get a chance to help someone be their birthing partner... it's a really nice experience."
"As long as this baby comes out healthy, that is literally all that matters."
"I don't even feel the contractions, I got there and they were like the baby's halfway."
"He actually had the amniotic sac around his head."
"I didn't want to risk going into labor with people that I'd never met before."
"I'm supposed to be having a baby any day now, the due date was yesterday so it could happen at any minute."
"You're privileged that you get to see life being brought into the world."
"All you need to do is focus on what you're going to get at the end of all this pain and discomfort and waiting you're going to have your daughter so it's all going to be worth it."
"Your life's purpose involves children, a healthy pregnancy and birth is ensured."
"I saw my first alive birth and I guess I always thought that it was a really magical beautiful moment I wanted to be a part of but I think I didn't understand reality."
"It was actually very therapeutic to shower because I felt like I was washing away all of the stress and the sweat of everything that I had been through giving birth."
"No moment in a sim's life is more joyous than the birth of a child."
"When we give birth we do so from our core, not just the core of our bodies, but the core of ourselves."
"I just feel like I'm gonna cry, what, I don't know, because I think I'm gonna give birth soon."
"Childbirth is not nothing. Childbirth is something that everyone just conveniently skips over in this conversation."
"Little Harrison was born. Best day in the world."
"I mean it's the most empowering experience I've ever felt in my life was to you know push a baby out the natural way and be like wow I did that like my body was designed to do that and I did it."
"We're excited, we're bringing another little life into the world and it's a beautiful thing."
"This time they let like the baby be with Nasim and he was just next to me for like 99% of when I was being stitched up."
"Taking control of your labor and delivery is the number one thing that can make a woman in labor feel empowered."
"Your body is made for this, you just have to believe that."
"Us women are built for freaking childbirth, you guys. We are built for so much."
"Remember in Rush Valley, you delivered that baby, you saved two lives."
"My water broke! I'm giving birth! Red Alert!"
"It's like when a woman's gonna give birth, she goes through contractions; it's not like something's going wrong, this is a part of the thing."
"I'm about to give birth and I just want peace."
"It’s a great vulnerability because up until a couple of hundred years ago, childbirth was the leading cause of death for women, and many children didn’t live out of their childhood."
"Tragically, childbirth is extremely dangerous, and mother and babe both do not survive."
"I just have to be in a house when the baby's born," she said.
"No woman in this country deserves to be shackled to a bed while she gives birth."
"We live in an unprecedented period of human history where more people than ever are surviving childbirth."
"I'm 9 months pregnant while I'm excited about the birth, I can easily imagine the confusion of going through childbirth and child rearing for the first time."
"The pain lasted a whole day, and the next day, a beautiful baby boy was born."
"After nearly 50 hours of labor, she gave birth; their first child was born, and the baby was a boy."
"What did people do before delivery? They died, or they made do with other things that people shame them for."
"My husband described the scene of the doctor arriving as looking like Santa Claus coming up over the fence."
"I delivered that baby. You saved two lives."
"I trust that my body can do this and my body was built to do this."
"Giving birth means I get to meet my baby girl, which I am so excited for."
"I am so newly obsessed with birth stories, and I am so excited to share and talk about it."
"You as a woman go through so much to create that life, to birth that life, to raise that life."
"I did just birth a child into this world, my son is here."
"At the end of the labors, it produces the child, and the labor pains are no longer; labor is done, the child is here."
"Childbirth isn't pretty, it's beautiful bringing life into the world, but everything else is nope, a lot of fluids and stuff."
"The female body is a miracle that can create life and with that comes so much heartbreak which is miscarriages and stillbirths."
"Snacks are gonna be super important just so that you are able to fuel yourself throughout labor."
"Ever since hearing this story, I have had a crippling fear of childbirth."
"It takes so much trust and strength to surrender your own plans, your own desires as well as yourself and your baby into the hands of care providers."
"Birth is wild, it's a crazy experience."
"I had four babies two in Ireland and two in the UK all were private but obviously the two in the UK private system were completely different"
"I had her in April 2018, and I had a really normal pregnancy, pretty normal birth, like all of that kind of stuff."
"Thank you for giving birth to so many children for our Gu family."
"...no matter what your body looks like postpartum it's perfect and it's created life."
"...you're literally overseeing this birth h amazing..."
"...it helped me so much that i would do it all again like in a heartbeat 100 percent after birth."
"Your baby's gonna come out how you stop crying? Not a tear came down, Miss."
"It's like congratulations on 20 hours of childbirth here's an everything babe with cream cheese all right great work you know?"
"Childbirth is one of the most dangerous things humans do, and only women give birth to kids. So, a man cannot dictate to me to go through the biggest pain on Earth."
"No man physiologically will ever experience the atonement of Jesus Christ the way you will in carrying this child."
"However you bring your baby into this world is beautiful. It doesn't matter whether you have a c-section, whether you have a vaginal birth. However your baby is brought into this world is incredible."
"Giving birth is not easy. Not easy at all."
"It gets easier. People focus so much on the physical pain of childbirth that they forget the mental burden is often worse and longer lasting."
"A child's forearm and fingers, coming out."
"It's just so amazing to be able to feel you bringing your baby into this world."
"She's 10 centimeters dilated and we're gonna start pushing soon."
"I'm ready bro I'm ready yeah as long as as long as my girl's healthy with giving birth and and so is my kid like I'll be happy with that other than that okay"
"Seek out a pelvic floor physical therapist before we get to the labor process."
"Doulas reduce the risk of cesarean birth."
"When we are able to breathe and stay relaxed, our contractions are more effective and less uncomfortable."
"That intentional slow deep abdominal breath is going to enhance your labor hormones."
"That boy had a head like his daddy. Gratefully, I had a five-pound baby. My baby was almost nine pounds, boy."
"So I just feel like Tuesday is coming up too fast you're like I don't want it no I want it Tuesday Friday yeah Friday's like a day before I go 42 weeks I she's like I don't think you're going to get to Friday and I was like yeah me either."
"...I just have a feeling like things are going to go quicker this time so I didn't want to wait too long but I'm making a tea filling up my water bottle I think we're going to have a baby tonight..."
"My prediction is I'm going to have him in 2 hours but we'll see."
"...I've been watching so many birth vlogs and I'm like, okay, I'm ready, it's my turn."
"I just want to remind you ladies who just gave birth or are going to give birth to literally just be gracious with yourself for creating and birthing an entirely new human being with your body, like that's really amazing."
"It's amazing to me how Landon's birth and Emmy's birth were very similar because I wasn't medicated, I didn't have the epidural, but they were so different all because of preparedness."
"If you believe in an all-powerful and all-loving God, then why would he make childbirth deadly for women?"
"Any way you bring your baby into the world, you're strong."
"Each contraction is bringing me closer to meeting my baby boy."
"It's such an incredible thing to give birth."
"My golden water broke! My baby is coming!"
"I already filmed the labor and delivery story."
"The ability to give birth doesn't make you special it just means your womb works."
"These are babies. These are people. These are little beautiful people you're bringing in the world. It's not a sport."
"Like, I have friends that when I've asked them about their experience when they gave birth, they're always like, 'No, like, my birth was so easy and I didn't tear and I wasn't like in pain afterwards.'"
"That's how we know it's not baby coming out time."