
Personal Experiences Quotes

There are 965 quotes

"That was the most important thing I've ever experienced."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'd love to tell you that the birth of my children was as profound, but that was a more profound experience than the birth of my children, any one of them and all of them combined."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm scared of cats because my boy got a cat and the cat swung on me."
"We can have these awakening experiences that not even all awakenings are the same; there's depth to awakening just like there's depth to anything else."
"I've been to the top of money, I've had all the sex that I've ever wanted, I've had all of the adulation and adoration, and nothing makes you happy other than being useful to others."
"I've been kissed. Yeah, I got kissed on my cheek and then right by my lips."
"My biggest fear is heights. I really don't like roller coasters and stuff like that."
"A lot of people have experiences socially, personally, psychologically that they don't feel conformed to the social expectations surrounding hegemonic sexual and gender identities."
"I am human, just like you are, and shit happens."
"Enjoyable, fun, and meaningful and deep are not necessarily mutually exclusive."
"Your entire life flashes before your eyes like scenes from a movie. The good, the bad, even the awful things you've done, but everything comes together; it finally makes sense."
"It was one of the most amazing experiences ever."
"Because once you see it, it was. One of the most amazing and emotional experiences I've ever had, other than seeing my own children being born."
"That was crazy. That was two times that I prophesied. Now, I've had visions that have come true. One vision that I had that came true, it was crazy."
"I paid thirty dollars. I kind of expected fluffy slime."
"People find their loves at all points of their lives."
"Your own personal life experiences can radically shift how you view the flock, and if that's not a sign of good writing, then I don't know what is."
"What's the worst pronunciation of your name you've ever heard? I don't even know where to start."
"It was also interesting seeing how Connie's parents reacted to the situation. How supportive her mother was."
"If you want to get to know more about autism or ADHD, my number one piece of advice is, go out and meet not just one person, but many people with the condition and let them tell you what it actually means for them."
"If you've ever been on a date with someone who seems really interesting and pleasant at first, but then goes on tirades about lizard people or how the Illuminati faked the moon landing, you have some understanding of my love-hate relationship with Elix."
"Every single one of you have stories and life experiences that if you were up here sharing them with us, they would blow my mind and they would change my life too."
"Life happens...not everyone's life is the same, we all have different demands and different lives."
"The conversations that I've had to have this week have been some of the most heart-wrenching that I've ever had to have."
"It's nice to go around and to see all these different changes and of course share them with you guys as well."
"Sometimes you stumble into a hidden jewel that you weren't quite expecting."
"Guys, all my inspiration for art is from my real life."
"When I look back, I could actually put markers saying I went to this place and I learned something different. My horizons expanded."
"I love meeting all of you guys in the other concerts. That was so cool."
"Adam...was bullied a lot and eventually developed social anxiety."
"I've learned that the industry can get a bad rep, but if you're able to be around certain people and experience new things, just take it as something that's good and learn from it and be inspired by it because there is definitely inspiration."
"The most distressing emotion I've ever felt in my life is powerlessness."
"You don't own periods, you don't own Womanhood. You experience both, and both are different for every person."
"I manifested a beet and goat cheese salad the other day, it was [expletive] crazy."
"As many launches as I've seen, seeing it in person is a whole different experience."
"Everybody wants to have a positive impact. I think your purpose comes from your pain."
"Nobody does care about my parents, that's hard to grasp because you may get some people commenting on the way that you look..."
"I know this because I spent years in the White House Press pool I talked to the Secret Service and even in the first year of his term they were having a very difficult time serving under him."
"Thank you for covering the story. I thought I was going crazy."
"This has been a really, really fun trip."
"Women are aware, we could compare periods to... getting divorced and getting half their [ __ ] taken."
"The love that I've been getting at the venues has been pretty surreal."
"Her personal experience helps her to relate and identify with others."
"Sometimes people do have even extraordinary experiences of their guardian angel."
"I had an awesome time on the East Coast um it was really nice I really enjoyed Washington DC and Baltimore and I got all the way down to Delaware so I got a chance to go visit my family and stuff so I had a really good time"
"It's something that had a deep impact on the witnesses."
"I learned what was happening to me had a name. It was called being canceled."
"This is another one of those videos where I tell you about the really stupid things I've done in my life so that you never have to go and do those things."
"Mistakes happen to everyone, even when you do everything right... I did everything right, and I still got chlamydia."
"Thank you in advance for taking your time to share [in the comments] what works for you and what doesn't work for you."
"You guys have given me the best three years of my life so far."
"Why don't I get to live life like a white person with my educational background and my accent? Why can't I live like that?"
"It just felt so good, it was epic my friend."
"I still believe that there's a lot of good in people I mean I've seen the absolute worst that people have to offer and I've also seen some of the most amazing gestures of support."
"She seems to have forgotten the color of her skin. I mean, that there's a post-racial experience you have with her which represents a fairly bright line to me of just what is possible."
"Now I have a story to tell the world and tell people who cross my path."
"But it's when we take these unique experiences - and what we've gained from them - and apply them to the community around us, that we become truly fulfilled."
"An amazing experience." - "...an amazing experience..."
"The whole point of traveling was to go to a country and connect with the people."
"It's so much about a relationship. You gotta kiss a lot of frogs. It's like dating."
"People are in fact interested in those experiences."
"The real currency in life is the love that we exchange, the experiences that we have."
"It's so personal, the criticism is all personal."
"This experience, that's his experience, and isn't that what we're trying to achieve, right?"
"There was so much stuff that was... so fucked up."
"We're starting to open up about these hidden experiences that women face."
"But as time went on, I found myself working at a college, a very open-minded environment, and as I've sort of come out there about my experiences to some degree, they've been very supportive."
"I'm very anti-medical industry because of what happened with, um, she coughed one time."
"I had eggs thrown at me last week and I did absolutely nothing I just oh wow tell us this story."
"It's crazy to me it's been six and a half years since I'm like sitting there watching Hillary Clinton announcing she's gonna run and then the 2016 election cycle."
"Being catfished with pictures from 20 years younger."
"Despite all the odds, the country is actually one of the world's most major agricultural producers."
"Let me see the scar. Yeah, hold on. They make fun of me whenever I don't like, don't go like this then what do you stab you? What do you say? Number two pencil [Laughter]."
"I think there's shocking validity to how stressful and um crazy it is to have a kid."
"Two amazing things have happened here so far: one, I was dining with Minnie, and two, I just touched Pluto's whiskers and they were so soft, this is the best day ever."
"God's using you so thank you for having me back I gotta say man I feel very privileged just to have seen and witnessed what happened with the sound of freedom."
"It was really believing that you know it's great to have this tour."
"I think all you really want is a memorable moment."
"That's my coping strategy most times is like just thinking back to all the times previous to this that I have gotten through it and I have done it I felt so good afterwards."
"I've had an opportunity to interview a lot of people."
"Getting to know somebody's body and getting to learn that is like an experience in and of itself that can't really be replicated with like a one-night stand."
"Trust your intuition this is happening for you not to you."
"I've always longed to walk with a girl after a school event."
"I've never been uninvited to something in my personal life. I've never been uninvited, period. Beyond rude."
"I strongly recommend finding other women or people who have been through the same thing and listening to them talk about it. It just made me feel so much less alone and made me feel so much better."
"Y'all just wait till you meet these people, they're some of the nicest people we've met in a long time."
"We're gonna talk about that, about what it was like in North Carolina, what it's like here. And also get into some of the science around what the seasons do to your brain, because they do things to your brain. For real, they do."
"I swear to you I would eat bread and butter until I got sick."
"But year after year, people continually report these encounters with something that, as of yet, we don't have the answers for."
"That was probably one of the most amazing memories we had."
"Talking to people helps you understand their experience when you can't have it yourself."
"At least I'm thankful I got to enjoy it a little bit at melee Island and got to share it with a lot of people that got to see it there."
"I love giving advice, sharing my experiences... I wish somebody would have told me the things that I am going to share with you today."
"In 30 years, I never got asked. In the last two years, I get asked a hundred."
"Clear skin is going to be different for every person but there are a lot of other people who have had similar results"
"The craziest [ __ ] ever, I've never really dealt with paparazzi until I was out here full time."
"I saw Sophie outside, I saw Sophie before I walked in."
"So, if it can happen to me, I know it can happen and it has happened to so many others and it needs to be talked about."
"Direct experiences, it's really hard to let go of these things."
"Yeah, it's looking at the sky through night vision. That's what I did with my mother-in-law. I actually shared it with my mother-in-law, changed her. She was like, 'This is incredible, this is worth the price.' You could see everything, it's crazy."
"The experience of being black in Brazil is unfortunately marked by pervasive racism."
"Your experience is your experience and how you choose to tell it is your business nobody can take experience away from you."
"Mostly people never believed it until they had their own encounter."
"Makes it so special and it's not only just the fans like I say when you go to Giant Eagle people will nudge you and say good game good luck."
"We've all been there, don't judge anybody too harshly."
"To end on a slightly positive note, I did contact WWE after this ordeal."
"Every time I'm in these locations, I learn something new just by going there."
"Sometimes it can be valid, like maybe you've had really awful male figures in your life that have just done awful things to you but like that doesn't mean that you have to take that and like spew that wrath on everyone around you."
"I feel like I've been more social the last couple of years than I have in a while."
"Sometimes you just don't feel it, and I think that happens a lot."
"I think there's something to do with the nature of fandoms that me and Tyler quite uniquely have."
"That's how much fun i had this week and I'll explain why if i can off the bat uh it's been a while."
"I never want my son to see the things I go through."
"I tell people all the time, if I've learned anything by living in Africa, it's that I'm not an African."
"Nobody should feel discouraged to talk about their experiences."
"Matthew's career saw him deployed for short periods of time."
"My purpose in doing this is to share my perspective so that anyone who is in a situation like I was a couple of years ago, who is questioning and wondering can have another perspective to lean on."
"I ended up feeling just to be able to share all of this with you guys."
"I think this is a very rare once every 50 years event that we are experiencing right now."
"The fastest I've ever driven in my life is 212 miles an hour in a Bugatti Chiron. Super Sport."
"I grew up with acne, I was bullied for it, I was teased for it."
"Have you ever experienced a dream that was so real and lifelike that you felt you were literally there?"
"Straight up, this was the opposite of what I thought was gonna happen."
"Shame is the worst thing that can happen to you."
"The memory zone: where I've been storing all my favorite memories so I can relive the peak experiences of my life whenever I want."
"Uploader of the footage reiterates how the footage scared her and how she was still recovering from it. Now you tell me, what would you have done in her shoes?"
"It was nice to talk about it because it was a real thing and it happened."
"So you mean to tell me you saw me like me wanting me chased me got me and then you fumbled me?"
"It's so true. My dad said it would make me have unrealistic expectations for what girls would do in bed."
"They want to live normal, well relatively normal lives like anyone else and share their experiences."
"I've never had a person tell me that they wish they hadn't talked about what happened to them."
"Dexter from Will, that dog has really made me like dogs a whole lot more."
"You basically just like, you just get assaulted all the time."
"A good song in a small venue with live music is an amazing feeling."
"Honestly, I've been taken advantage of by so many people in my life."
"When people think I'm a woman, people in general are nicer to me."
"I played it during the pandemic with my wife."
"It did not turn out how she had expected at all."
"You have to go live in interesting life, you have to go experience things to have something to say about."
"My father's country taught me in that dark decade of the 1990s that the popular struggle against Muslim fundamentalism is one of the most important and overlooked human rights struggles in the world."
"I think it's cuz the moment I came back, literally the moment I stepped off the plane in England after coming back, like the season changed."
"I just have this talent for falling in love with the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"These right here have it, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, man."
"That's Singapore, we saw KGE last time. Me and KGE, it's all about guest supreme."
"It sucks, but I feel like in my situation, like, I've just learned. You learn from it."
"A YouTube career can be a terrifying landscape."
"This has been a hell of a Hawk family world tour." - AJ Hawk
"I felt like so honored to watch this meeting for the first time of you to that meaning where you were like, hey, babies. Really, it was a really lovely night."
"We've had the run we've had... what's it like?"
"I've met some of the most innovative American farmers."
"Even the ego part of it... people... genuinely have encountered these things."
"If you have a day where you had an intense emotional experience... you will remember that day."
"I just want to say first and foremost, I love meeting my fans, the best experience ever."
"Every time I've jumped it's changed my life for the better maybe not immediately but ultimately and as I say that's what life's all about."
"A lot of Americans have spent time in Canada...have visited it."
"Without a question, this is the best thing that we've done."
"Taj is an ally in this as well and he's been experienced in this in more ways than any of you will ever realize."
"There's no such thing as overreaction, only reactions in direct proportion to what we've previously experienced."
"All that kind of hurt me but it also was really beautiful."
"Somebody thought they could just come hit it and quit it but they fell in love."
"It's funny, so she called me to come to this club for this [ __ ] [ __ ] I could have been somewhere else, I could be with another girl."
"In that moment, I experienced a fear that I've never felt before."
"Your greatest ministry will likely come out of your deepest hurt."
"Damn, that like it brought us so much. Really, right now? When you said LaPlace, I was like, I can tell."
"I just think experiences like this are worth sharing."
"Words can hurt and at the end of the day I am only 19."
"I've not spoken to anybody about it not because I'm not proud of it but because I don't want the stigma."
"There's certain life experiences that transcend Compton that transcend Beverly Hills there's just universal life experiences and somehow Kendrick has the ability to convey that through his personal experiences."
"Boundaries are a unique experience based on the relationship."
"What was it that you had? These earrings. I had a few experiences with the earrings."
"It's nice that I have visited all of the places mentioned."
"It was more of an emotional affair than anything."
"Nearly one in five Americans believe in ghosts and have also claimed to see one."
"These don't necessarily have to be concrete scenes or actions just any moments I've had playing games that impacted my understanding of what they can do."
"You just have like a much better appreciation for this kind of thing."
"Living with regret is probably the worst thing ever."
"I have two other boys at school at the time who were gay... but all my other friends were having their first kiss."
"Talking about stuff that like people don't usually let me talk about for an hour. It was amazing."
"You can learn whatever you want to learn in school, but until you start taking those licks in actual business, you're not really prepared."
"Life boils down to choices, right? You know, I've been married a couple times, I've made all the mistakes in the world, yeah. I didn't do it the smart way, I did it the hard way."
"Afterwards that's where I get the real got the real fun out of and um and you know we were pretty lucky we had uh you know I was pretty lucky to have a few few moments like that."
"Some of the greatest times I've ever had is just on the beach with mushrooms and he said I realized I'm having an experience that any hippie could have."
"I'm glad when I was young, I had so many energy, I do so many stunts."
"I feel like my thoughts or feelings or experiences are being invalidated or trivialized."
"Not everyone will fully experience everything, it depends on personal transits."
"Sometimes we all have some real-life horror moments."
"Everything's about who was there. It's not about the actual content."
"I wasn't in any kind of crazy trouble or nothing like that."
"I think it's safe to say we had a pretty eventful day."
"We haven't been through, we have been through it." - Sherry Shepard
"There is an increase in contact with the spiritual world."
"People are so scared of starting a conversation but my God they're missing out bro like I can't tell you how many Beautiful Moments I've had just by talking to somebody."
"If cheesy Netflix Christmas movies can make me cry, then some heartfelt [expletive] can also make me cry."
"It's one of those fragrances you put it on in the morning and then you think it completely disappears and then like seven hours into your work shift somebody comes up to you and they're like 'oh what cologne are you wearing?'"
"What's the strangest thing you've ever found in the sea?"
"Stuff always happens only to you, no one has ever ever rejudged the show after people crazy, I was go dude I was standing up I had goosebumps hair sticking I was going crazy."
"The highs and lows of this year are absolutely insane."
"The shallows comes out of my own personal experience."
"Being misgendered can be an incredibly painful experience."
"I was in college because I was like a scared virgin."