
Goal Orientation Quotes

There are 622 quotes

"Plasticity is never the goal, goal directed plasticity is the goal."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When you're doing things of high value, things that are moving you towards something that you want, you feel happy."
"We all fail. The key thing is to keep in mind what is your goal and keep looking at that as you get up and dust yourself off."
"If you really care about the goal, you'll focus on the system."
"I run straight to the goal with purpose in every step."
"Our emotions are not controlling us; instead, we create emotions to suit our present goals."
"If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's probably moving you away from your goals. Nothing is neutral."
"When you focus on where you want to go, you actually go towards it. The more you focus on where you want to be, the more your mind, like a heat-seeking missile, takes you to where you want to be."
"Success isn't random. It's deliberate activity, deliberate moving forward towards that goal."
"Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."
"They're focused as a group, as a unit, it's one goal in mind, and that's to win every single game."
"Even though they all bump heads, they do find ways to work together in order to achieve the Eye of the Moon Plan."
"The main tenets of a program that we always look for are that it is specific to whatever goals that you have."
"Our jobs are so full-on... it's hard to find a balance because you go from being overworked to having time off... I hate waking up without a goal."
"As fast as you can, work towards getting a job that is applicable to what you want to do in life."
"They are trying to become a master at what they do... they love pushing forward with their goals, making things happen."
"Every single brain cell you have is dedicated to how do I kill this tower as fast as humanly possible."
"There's no point in this content if it doesn't actually help people because that is like the goal in the end, right?"
"Don't hide things in the fog. Lay out an ideal. You should pursue an ideal."
"Ultimately, people make intentional choices with regard to their diet and have some sort of a North star to head toward, and they're going to get healthier."
"If you're going for positive mental health and this is something that has affected you in particular negatively, then changing the goal to be strength-based as opposed to physique-based is going to be what makes a difference."
"I define my own success and relentlessly pursue my goals with determination."
"Commitment – Commitment to whatever goal or task at hand."
"Everything that you do is either taking you towards the goals you have or away from them."
"If your intention was to find gold, and you went out and looked in every location where it wasn't, of course, you aren't going to find gold, are you?"
"Either way, what's important to me is we get the right result."
"If you really want something and you want to get somewhere, the only way to get there is by moving in that direction."
"It's cool to lose the battle as long as you win the war. It's about the long-term goal."
"Be true to yourself, persevere, keep going, and be true to the vision that you are working for."
"The main thing is sitting on number one now."
"I think greatness is something you work toward."
"Believe that which moves you towards your goals."
"He's always looking up looking to progress the ball forward."
"There's a lot at stake... we just gotta keep working toward it."
"Manifestation is really just like you've set a goal in your mind and now your brain is focused on recognizing those things that will get you closer to your goal."
"The use of this paper, it's just a tool, a means to an end."
"Identifying what you want to achieve with the game, focus in on that and hone it to a sleek razor's edge."
"Have a north star and know the magic moment that when a user experiences that, they will deliver on that metric for you on the north star, and then think about the marginal user, don't think about yourself."
"We knew what the end goal was, what we wanted to get to, and not be afraid to take on a side hustle."
"The reason why we worked hard in training every day has been towards this goal."
"Specificity is key. Being specific means focusing your training to optimize for one particular goal at a time."
"All that matters is 2022 and getting stuff done."
"I got a new mission in front of me, so let's get it done."
"The thing that makes people successful is knowing what they want and actually just working towards it, knowing what they want and working towards it and adjusting course along the way."
"Every second you're spending on that, you're not spending on getting what you want."
"You've always got to know where the mark is." - Tom Slingsby
"Working very hard... working towards happiness."
"Keeping it positive, keeping it focus and keeping it from point A to point B is the most important thing."
"The only way to guarantee a shot at becoming a Ranger."
"We're bringing everybody together so that we're all pushing in the same direction."
"Start before you're ready, commit to the journey, start with the end in mind, and start with why."
"It's about winning four games by any means necessary."
"Don't become a villain but don't be afraid to use some of the tactics the villains use so long as you keep your eye on the prize you're not going to lose your way."
"You can't cry about what's on your plate if the overall goal was to eat. That is the definition of blocking your blessings."
"Discipline over anything. This is what I have to do, and this is what I'm going to do."
"Even if sometimes outnumbered, if we hang together, focus on our goals, and hang tough, we can actually defeat this adversary."
"Just keep the end goal in mind and keep pushing through."
"Enjoy the journey rather than getting stuck on the end goal."
"Every goal is very important, so we try to play our game, to control the game, to try to create chances, and to be clinical in front."
"Keep your hand on the plow... keep pressing toward the mark."
"Focus, commit, take action, and follow that course until success."
"You have to subordinate your likes and dislikes to the purpose of your life."
"To be able to lock in and just understand what we were trying to accomplish."
"We're always working towards something better."
"If you're doing what you need to do in order to get there, never feel ashamed."
"I'm not gonna let perfect be the enemy of good here."
"If the scheme works and I'm in open field, 10 out of 10, I'll be looking at the end zone."
"Focus, you know, put on your blinders and focus."
"As long as you're focused on whatever it is you want, you're gonna get up, you're gonna end up there."
"Raw talent and things like that are only going to get you so far. You've got to have people around you that are the same goal in mind."
"I feel like you have a target, you're right on target."
"Using Saturn energy to remain focused and steer ourselves in the right direction."
"Masculine energy is about purpose, drive, and accomplishment."
"You're on the same team, pushing the ball in the same direction."
"My goal was to take an idea and make it happen."
"Instrumental Convergence: any intelligent agent tends to converge toward similar behavior in pursuing goals."
"If you believe in where you're heading to all the other [__] is a byproduct of that process."
"Focus on what you want, not what you don't want."
"How do we win the game with it? That's important."
"You got to learn to live life in goal mode and not response mode."
"Don't give up on something you've been working towards."
"Destination can change, but if I'm heading in the right direction in my life, I'm not losing track."
"If I'm going to put in this many hours of time and dedication into something, I want to get something out of it."
"The guy's a killer... he wants to score as much as he possibly can."
"You've cracked it, focusing on your goals and self-reliance."
"Nothing stands in between this man and his objectives."
"It's pretty powerful to be in a group of young men and feel like you're oriented towards a common objective and a common goal."
"The mission is the same: make contact with the Patriarch."
"Some fights are big, some are small but my main goal was to make the fights mean something."
"Results-oriented... rather than process-oriented."
"The cycle is done, you're ready for success."
"Be receptive towards where your hard work is leading."
"Stay dedicated to your goals. Efforts will reap success."
"We have a team to win this year, we are going to go and get it."
"The only way to get past this stuff is to let it go, and the only way I think to let it go is to say, I'm gonna do and believe that which moves me towards my goals."
"I just see the moon, we're pointed towards it."
"Keep facing your TrueNorth, keep facing your goals."
"If we want results, this is the way to do it."
"It's cool how there's like quests and it's goal-oriented, and you know, playing with a different group of people is always fun stuff."
"The purpose of our town halls... so that we can all be pointed at the same North Star."
"I think there's an aspect of people having the ability to be able to work... towards something."
"The subconscious mind works on focus. Whatever you focus on, the content of your focus is what you move towards."
"We found out where we wanted to go as quickly as possible."
"I am constantly and passionately taking action towards achieving my goals."
"All the evidence is that if our goal is to prevent serious illness, we're doing that."
"It's almost like whatever you're putting your mind toward, your energy toward, whatever you're trying to manifest, it's definitely going to get you to where you want to go."
"Cut the noise off, cut the distraction off that's out there and stay focused on our goal."
"Feed the beast, starve your fears. Focus on what you want to make happen, not on what happened."
"What people want to see is progress, and that's where we're going to keep our focus."
"You have your eye on the prize, focused on success."
"I had a certain goal and I was determined to achieve it."
"I've been a part of something where everybody can set aside their [ __ ] differences and be like, 'Alright, here we go, let's go.'"
"You are always very focused on making sure those things don't happen it will also make you very goal-oriented you would like lists you like details you'd like to organize."
"Goals describe the future expected outcomes of your plan and they focus on the ends rather than the means."
"Take care of your business and stay elevating, even if you are in a [] up situation. You're in a [] up handle, take care of your business and always know there's a bigger goal."
"People often miss the most important part which is only to believe things that move you towards your goals."
"You should only ever do and believe that which moves you towards your goal."
"I focus on it because when you focus on it, you're going to move towards that, you're going to attract that into your life."
"You're solving a problem, you are seeing what the method is that you need to enact to get where you need to go."
"One last note before we move on to the corals themselves. Even though we all debate the best way in all these elements, I think it's important to remember that best is really dependent on your goals."
"You're concentrating your efforts like a laser focus on your dreams and desires."
"Navigate as you go and no matter what comes your way, if you just continue to navigate your way through it, keeping your eyes on your goal, on your target."
"Successful people are motivated by purpose and all their activities are geared toward achieving that goal."
"Your efforts will not go unrewarded but you must remain patient and keep working towards your goals here."
"Human beings aren't interested in seeking truth, human beings are interested in seeking tools to further their goals."
"We have to stop measuring struggles and start getting closer to the wins."
"You can outwork people with more talent by staying focused on your goals."
"Planning for success, focusing on it, and moving forward."
"Every day do things that get you closer to [your goal]."
"When you step into your greatness, confidently push forward to achieve what you want in life."
"Healthy parts of the self live in the present and engage in appropriate, goal-driven behaviors."
"My attitude is: Get it done, and get it done properly."
"Every station of life is transitory and that whatever has happened to anybody may happen to you also."
"Keep in mind what your mission is, what's your goal."
"All that pan Africa stuff... gotta let it go."
"Focus on what you want, not on what you don't."
"Start working towards the things that you want."
"You're very committed to your goals and your dreams."
"Move towards your destination, and it's going to be smooth sailing."
"Every day you need priority tasks that move the needle toward your projects, goals, and vision."
"When you take a step towards your goals, they also take a step towards you."
"Stick it out if you're working towards a bigger goal."
"Stay the course if your definite chief aim is based on a burning desire."
"Don't choose a team, just keep the common goal."
"I don't really care about pissing people off, I care about getting stuff done."
"You are cutting through anything that's in the way... you are focused on what you want."
"Don't remain fixated on the problem, look beyond it to where you want to go."
"Your life purpose involves around starting these new projects and being involved with media and hunting towards your goals."
"Follow your own path and really connect to the goals, dreams, or decisions that you're making."
"We become literally what we think about. This means that we must establish a worthwhile goal toward which to work, a goal that will occupy our minds most of the time."
"Focus on the problem and the solutions and we will all get there."
"It becomes much easier to take his life points down to zero."
"We want to win in the right way. We want to bring the changes about in the right way."
"Set your mind on what you want with positive faith and begin to move toward it."
"Make every action a success in itself and do not omit any action which tends to bring you toward what you want."
"I really would like to win, second place doesn't matter."
"Just keep stacking good days on top of good days. It always gonna be perfect as long as you're striving for perfection."
"I'm harmonizing with this regeneration wave, restructuring all of my efforts into artificial intelligence for very specific programming for very specific tasks and goals that I want to have."
"It's not where you're at, it's where you're headed."
"We've got to go and win this game. Simple as."
"Winner's mindset, understanding what you have to do to get there."
"If I'm gonna do it, I really want to make sure I'm doing something I really want to do."
"You're not letting other people's opinions, thoughts, have an effect on what you're trying to accomplish. You are solely motivated on your path."
"The trajectory is on course when you know who you are, what you want, and what you have."
"You're probably somebody who's very goal-driven, goal-oriented."
"At every step of the process, you have to stop and ask yourself, 'Is this step taking me towards that goal or not?'"
"We're here to win trophies. Premier League, Champions League, it's all trophies."
"We want to waste absolutely no time getting not just to the championship but to the Premier League."
"Our aim is to tell stories about a user's goals and only then figure out how to meet those goals."
"Part of being a leader is the ability to put off present gratification for a future goal."
"Nothing's by chance, it's about owning your goals."
"So there's one clear goal always in mind I feel like we're all on the same page which makes like everything so much easier."
"It's powerful, it works, and it will help to focus you on your goals."
"Be sure to sense even the slightest change in your environment and respond as necessary, whilst always remembering your ultimate goal."
"Just have the goal of being successful however you want to do it."
"Effectiveness is doing things that get you closer to your goals."
"If we're all on the same page, win vote win vote win vote."
"We are stair-stepping closer and closer and closer to where you want this thing to go."
"It's about dialing it back and really connecting with a clear path forward."
"You're heading in the right direction to get what you want."
"We only show up tomorrow night because we want to try to win the game."
"The closer you get to the end, the deeper you'll cut, the harder you'll work, your work more hours because it's worth it now because you know it will win."
"We can win this game, we just gotta put our best foot forward."
"It's a good step in the right direction."
"If what you are giving energy to is not taking you closer to where you want to be, don't put your energy there."
"Your mind's job is to tell the brain what it is we're focusing on and create the chemical electrical responses to move our body towards that goal."
"Mind altars create a Sacred Space in the cave in the head to move you towards your desired goal."
"It's not just putting up a banner, it's about understanding what you're trying to accomplish."
"Focus your thoughts on desired outcomes. Release worries and regrets."
"There's something behind this or do you rely on some form of facts?"
"Remember why you are doing what you're doing and you'll start to get inspired again."
"Self-made in a sense that like you're working towards your goals."
"You're in alignment with your true happiness, and you're headed towards success."
"We're making progress, that's what it's all about."
"We're not done, remember that everyone, we are going for it!"
"I'm tunnel vision, laser focused on where I'm trying to go, and in that, I need the least amount of distractions as possible."
"Everybody just wants to win football games...and no one cares who gets the touchdown."
"No more time for doubts or old stresses, clear the junk and go for it."
"We want to bridge the gap between where we are right now and where we seek to be."
"Win at all costs, I don't care how we do it, we have to make up ground on the others."