
Psychedelics Quotes

There are 756 quotes

"There's extreme excitement about the use of psychedelics for the treatment of various disorders of the mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The psilocybin...not for everybody...But it does appear that the clinical trials on one macro dose...are quite encouraging."
"In clinical trials, psychedelics like LSD showed extraordinary potential."
"Psychedelics are for the study of the mind what the telescope is for astronomy."
"Psychedelics are psychedelic because they disrupt our world-building model."
"The serotonergic psychedelics are not only non-addictive, they may be anti-addictive."
"Psychedelics perturb the world-building machinery of the brain, causing it to construct a different model."
"The DMT world is your hyper-dimensional oyster, opening up a whole new frontier for exploration."
"What I'm interested in talking to you about is using psychedelics not just for fun or for exploration but for actual self-actualization work."
"Use these mystical experiences you have during your trips as fuel as motivation to do the hard work in everyday life."
"Psychedelics could actually give us frontiers into reality that we're otherwise not able to perceive, much like a telescope."
"To the great surprise of many, psilocybin, a potent psychedelic, reduces brain activity."
"Psychedelics are the most effective method for reaching God realization."
"Psychedelics are one of the most powerful tools that you will find for spiritual growth and for personal development, hands down."
"Psychedelics are not about achieving some wonderful state; it's about getting insight into the nature of how the entire system works."
"Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third-story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behavior and information processing."
"The psychedelic origin of the deep Judeo-Christian ethic is a radical idea."
"Psychedelics use responsibly and with proper caution could be for psychiatry what the microscope is for biology or the telescope is for astronomy."
"There should be aspects of the mind which aren't normally available to consciousness and these drugs might be used as tools to get at those aspects of the mind."
"People who have a predisposition to psychosis, those people should really avoid the use of psilocybin and other psychedelics entirely."
"It's hypocritical to live in a society that glorifies alcohol on the one hand and demonizes psychedelics on the other."
"Psychedelics are very helpful tools in exploring the mystery and discovering more about ourselves and the extraordinary gift of being alive as a human being."
"I reconnected with my spirituality through the use of psychedelics because it really showed me that this is a spiritual realm that we're in."
"Psychedelics can come in and be useful... for most people, they need a wake-up call."
"Psychedelics, such as psilocybin, change the way that we perceive the outside world and our internal world, our memories, our thoughts, our feelings, et cetera."
"Literature can give you the positives of psychedelics without the negatives."
"So why would it be so important that music match and even contribute to the subjective experience that people have on psychedelics?"
"Psychedelics open the Venetian blinds, allowing more information to come in, which is why it feels more real."
"We are at the precipice of a revolution where access to information and research on psychedelics is opening up, promising a rapid increase in scientific understanding."
"Does it have any intellectual psychedelic benefits? ...Yes, definitely. It helped to open up my faculties. I'm a creative, you know, and I tap into the imagination a lot, so it helped with that immensely."
"Psilocybin is a psychedelic, meaning it modifies the psyche. And in doing so, it changes our level of consciousness."
"Psychedelics are helping people with intractable depression, anxiety, things like eating disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress."
"Psychedelics would influence the mind and create new ideas, new memes."
"The psychedelics can provide a lot of help that Western medicine can't even dream about providing."
"The psychedelic renaissance is like Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings': a magic coming back to aid humanity."
"Psychedelic Renaissance is offering cures, not just treating symptoms but getting to the root causes."
"People under the influence of psilocybin or other psychedelics for that matter often will report that their pattern of breathing becomes linked to the perceptions of things that they are hearing, or seeing, or feeling."
"Psilocybin expands the functional connectivity of the brain while one is under the influence of psilocybin."
"Psilocybin substitutes for serotonin, becomes a better neurotransmitter, activates neurogenesis... it causes new neurons to form, new pathways of knowledge."
"Depression, anxiety, addiction, mental disorders that involve a rigidity of thought – what psychedelics appear to do is break those habits of thought."
"The positive effects include open eye visuals, closed eye visuals, and easygoing headspace."
"Mood improvement and euphoria, increased sense of humor, laughter, minimal anxiety, and music enhancement are some of the benefits."
"Feeling more connected to people in your life or to the world is a fairly common experience."
"Reducing the boundary between yourself and the rest of the world can mean not taking your normal patterns of thinking or your normal sense of self as seriously."
"Psychedelics used in a particular way can improve mental health outcomes."
"The addictive qualities of psychedelics are non-existent; in fact, many of the psychedelic plants are used to quit highly addictive drugs."
"The shamanic cultures were very clear about this; they viewed the psychedelics as instruments that opened up the brain, the mind to telepathy, to clairvoyance, to recognition, presentience."
"Life, like psychedelics, is unpredictable. You never know."
"Psychedelic substances have been part of the human experience for thousands of years."
"Researchers argue that plants with psychedelic properties were a crucial part of our relatively rapid advance from spiritually benign primates to sentient, spirit-worshiping humans."
"This inner liberation offered in the trip can help create the conditions for a social liberation."
"Psychedelics might be the only thing that can strip off the mask and cut through the bullshit."
"I used psychedelics as a way to quickly and efficiently access information that would probably take years and years to achieve otherwise."
"Psychedelics... it's therapeutic. Every time I've done it, I have been able to have some massive epiphany about something in my life."
"I think something that has been different for me ever since I tried psychedelics was... ego death."
"Psychedelics strip away the layers of falsity that we have been attaching to ourselves since we were mere children."
"Psychedelics... uncover who you really are underneath this crazy persona that we've all been building up."
"The human relationship with psychedelic plants played a major role in our cognitive and social evolution."
"Psychedelics give you a chance to honestly relate to your loved ones in a way that is unfiltered."
"Psychedelics have been a unalloyed blessing for me, enriching my journey and allowing me to meet so many interesting people."
"The conditions psychedelics seem to work best on are all forms of stuckness, all forms of a destructive narrative."
"Psychedelics will be for the study of the mind what the telescope was for astronomy or the microscope for biology."
"Psychedelic research requires small investments that have the potential for immense payoff for society."
"If you decide to have an experience, safe travels."
"I learned more about the human brain and mind in four hours on psilocybin than I learned in 15 years as a researcher."
"One of the very common responses to a psychedelic experience is this new understanding of the natural world and that you feel connected to nature in a way you don't ordinarily."
"The ego formation of consciousness, which is what allows us to objectify the other and allows us to objectify nature, goes away or it gets more permeable."
"Psychedelics are placebos on rocket boosters."
"Psychedelic is a term coined... it means mind manifesting."
"Psychedelic therapy is a whole new paradigm. It may take a little while."
"Psychedelics are the antidote to propaganda in some ways. They help you develop a mindset that sees through all that."
"They are not addictive, and they have remarkable medicinal and therapeutic value."
"Psychedelic research is a completely open field right now."
"Psychedelics can give you insights into how to be a better person. It won't make you a better person. And if you're a bad person, you may still be a bad person."
"Psychedelics open the door for you, but it's still up to you to walk through that door and walk that path in your actual life."
"The use of psychedelics for healing is nothing new. Humans have been using visionary plants and fungus as medicine for thousands of years."
"The after-effects of that [psychedelic] experience were in the same register, I felt more expanded and with a greater purchase on a heightened sense of beauty and that would last for quite some time."
"Psychedelics... prove to you that it is possible to have just an unrecognizably different experience of consciousness."
"I think when I finally kind of left religion and... psychedelics and mushrooms really reconnected me with my spiritual side that wasn't attached to any religion."
"On this planet, the closest thing to magic is psychedelics."
"I'm a complete buyer of psychedelics for depression, for addiction, for empathy, for self-expression."
"I think it's awesome, but full disclosure, I just drank ayahuasca."
"Some people even report meeting God and for some, particular trips rank as being among the most meaningful experiences of their lives."
"Magic mushrooms... literally translates to flesh of the gods."
"The potential of these drugs to help people is so great, even people who are otherwise well, it would be a tragedy if we lost this moment again."
"No question that the use of these tools is entirely compatible with the path of meditation. For some people, an initial experience with psychedelics is probably the only thing that could convince us that a path exists and that there's a landscape of mind worth exploring."
"The primary reason that people reject psychedelics is the fear of losing control."
"Jamaica is going to be an important part in this kind of re-emergence of psilocybin mushrooms on a global scale."
"Johns Hopkins University conducted a randomized control trial showing that a single high dose of magic mushroom psilocybin can lead to remission from severe depression in the majority of participants four weeks out."
"Psychedelics have the potential to dramatically enrich your life, in the same way that music and art and love do."
"Psychedelic plants like ayahuasca, iboga, and magic mushrooms can produce profoundly altered states of consciousness."
"Psilocybin can occasion mystical-type experiences having substantial and sustained personal meaning and spiritual significance."
"I couldn't write a book about this without having my own psychedelic experiences."
"The greatest revelation that he's come to... is through psychedelics."
"I definitely understand why people advocate for it."
"I think that this mushroom represents a golden key to the doors of perception that open into a new world of experience."
"Drugs like psychedelics...allow all of the other parts of the brain to come...and start having a discussion."
"Psychedelics are to the study of the mind what the microscope is to biology and the telescope is to astronomy."
"Psychedelics, when used wisely, have the potential to help heal us, help inspire us, and perhaps even to help save us."
"Humanity now is in a race between catastrophe and consciousness. The psychedelic renaissance is here to help consciousness triumph."
"I listened to people like Joe Rogan and Terence McKenna and they're recommending this heroic dose, so I'm like, you know what? I'm gonna see what this thing's all about."
"Psychedelics are shaking off that image because this research... is being rediscovered."
"The people who respond best are the ones who have had a complete mystical experience."
"This could be a revolution in mental health care."
"Our love and forgiveness are so wide and all-encompassing."
"Shamans have used psychedelic compounds throughout human history to enter spiritual domains and communicate with supernatural entities." - Unknown
"Psychedelic substances practically changed the world."
"You have to suspend judgment a little bit, right? You have to believe... psychedelics showed me things I couldn't see."
"When you do a really really high levels of psychedelics, there's a concept called ego death."
"The unique power of psychedelics is that for almost everyone, something is guaranteed to happen."
"I think ayahuasca requires us to confront the truth about ourselves."
"Psychedelics in general are making people better people."
"Life in itself, even without the psychedelics, is Magic and it's psychedelic."
"Psychedelics are dangerous not because they're dangerous drugs, it's because they make you have dangerous ideas."
"This is a war on consciousness, and these plants are our bio weapons."
"You don't always get what you want with Ayahuasca, but you always get what you need."
"I have experimented and, you know, there's a lot of research going on right now in psychedelics and I think it's becoming not such a faux pas to talk about."
"LSD shows you that there's another side to the coin and you can't remember it when it wears off but you know it washes over you and tells you that everything is connected." - Steve Jobs
"So one could argue that the psychedelic experience would actually be advantageous to have when your brain is more plastic."
"The corporatization of psychedelics is fraught with pitfalls. Corporations need to recognize that they have an obligation, using indigenous knowledge."
"Took psychedelics, opened my mind, and made me realize how powerful I am as an individual."
"I think the fear of psychedelics is that it can make people so radical that they'll flip the system on its head. But the system is breaking so hard right now that we need to shake it."
"There's a reevaluation of the value of shamanism and psychedelics and plant medicines."
"I just smoked it and I saw the grid and it was twisting."
"In measured quantities psychedelics can definitely open Avenues in your mind to higher states of consciousness."
"I took a lot of mushrooms... When it was starting to peak, I was like, 'Oh, I hope this stops.'"
"Psychedelics can develop unused potentials of the human mind."
"Society needs these substances... When psychedelics go mainstream, it's going to be the most important thing that happened since the invention of psychology."
"Psychedelics are teaching tools for learning."
"Psychedelics can be the catalyst that teaches us how to love."
"Certain psychedelics dissolve ego and offer you a view of the world that may not be possible without it."
"Psychedelics reintroduce into the cultural dialogue, with the help of science and spirituality."
"Even with these psychedelic experiences, there's a huge sense of familiarity, tapping into a more soulful part of yourself."
"DMT helped deal with childhood trauma, lifting me up and bringing love and compassion back into the world."
"Time crumbles, the linearity of time is totally meaningless in these states. You are at the Godhead, the point where all time folds in on itself."
"Ayahuasca is a substance that makes you face things about yourself... putting a mirror up to your soul."
"Part of our work is to respect these medicines and then to change the culture enough that people doing them can be respected and held... not everybody needs to do them, not everybody should or wants to."
"There's a broad range of ways that you can use psychedelics like any tool, you need to know how to use the tool properly."
"My intention with psychedelics was not just to do one or two trips and just have some fun."
"Psychedelic therapeutics will completely disrupt the pharmaceutical industry in one of the biggest disruptions in history."
"Psilocybin and many other psychedelics have major potential especially in treating mood disorders depression anxiety and so on."
"Weed and psychedelics are the righteous drugs."
"More and more studies are pointing towards the efficacy of psilocybin-assisted therapy."
"Magic mushrooms are the nickname because psychologically, the experience feels magical."
"There was an agenda... psychedelics got lumped in with heroin and truly hard and dangerous drugs."
"Some of the greatest times I've ever had is just on the beach with mushrooms and he said I realized I'm having an experience that any hippie could have."
"Psychedelics can be truly stunning I think in terms of their effects and the way I just just you know to say the surprise doesn't doesn't come close it's just stunned you know I just didn't know that that was possible."
"The brain is only as interesting as the mind and of course it is like psychedelics are only worth studying in terms of their brain effects because their psychological effects are so damn stunning."
"Psychedelics got lumped in with heroin and hard and dangerous drugs."
"Psychedelics have been part of human evolution for a very long time."
"Psychedelics should be accessible for self-healing, not just through medicalization or religious freedom."
"If you weren't taking LSD back when Owsley was making it, you weren't taking real LSD."
"The Brotherhood of Eternal Love arrived on the scene just at the right time for Dr. Timothy Leary."
"Psychedelics encourage mystical thinking and soften ego boundaries."
"Psychedelics have transformed my life so significantly and my understanding of myself and reality and mankind that it's impossible to understate or I mean it's impossible to overstate just how significant it was."
"Psychedelics like MDMA can make therapy much more effective."
"There's no denying the benefits of psychedelics' ability to open your mind."
"The personal computer might not have been invented without LSD."
"For these folks, the purpose of psychedelic experiences wasn't just to tune out, they wanted to use psychedelics to think differently and creatively about some super technical scientific problems."
"Mushrooms have the capacity to make you a better person."
"If psychedelics... are going to be part of the solution then we should bring it on."
"I saw in Ayahuasca, I talked to Mitzi for real. She said, 'I prepared you for all of this. I wasn't just a [__] for no reason. I was getting you ready. It was basic training.'"
"Ayahuasca is a portal to the divine, that's what DMT is, that's what's in ayahuasca."
"Psychedelics are believed to be physical manifestations of God."
"Psychedelics help break down the barrier of self."
"Psychedelics... really opened my eyes... and just been able to recognize that we again are just Source embodied."
"Everybody who connects through ayahuasca or whatever, except for the ones who have bad trips I guess, but I think it's worth the risk."
"All three people said is they know they confirm ayahuasca confirms to them that death is not the end it's just another part of your existence."
"Psychedelics operate by dissolving your sense of self."
"Microdosing psychedelics as a medicine has the potential to become groundbreaking."
"We're proving the therapeutic benefit of microdosing through clinical trials."
"Psychedelics are wonderful, you should take them. This is the way to save the world."
"I think psychedelics are unsurpassed in what they can teach us about human imagination, human social introspection."
"The clinical trials that are ongoing now indicate that psilocybin, certain modes of LSD, and MDMA in the clinical setting have been shown to have pretty impressive effects on intractable depression."
"Psychedelics have tremendous potential for healing."
"Psychedelics kind of opened this imaginary door in your mind and once they blow this door wide open of what is possible in what is not possible they can change your very perception of what reality is."
"Psychedelics are not addictive and sometimes they are the wake-up call that you need."
"If you take DMT, it doesn't require your belief. You will have a profound experience that shatters your view of how reality works."
"This is the closest experience I've had to making contact with God."
"Maybe the shamans aren't crazy. Maybe the Native Americans weren't crazy. Maybe these people aren't crazy. Maybe they are actually tapping into a very profound experience that anyone can have."
"These substances allow us to peer into a wider spectrum of awareness, slow down our thoughts, slow down the distractions that keep us from seeing what's in front of us."
"Psilocybin and the serotonin receptor make love together."
"Bad trips are the best trips... it's a real feeling, like I professed love for a woman for the first time on some good Molly, and the next day it wasn't like when you're drunk... that feeling still resonates."
"It's a psychedelic Renaissance, a third wave of psychedelics."
"Psychedelics reveal very interesting facts about the nature of reality, connectivity, and ultimately show that you are god."
"Psychedelics are tools that, if interpreted, applied, and integrated correctly, can be beneficial."
"Psychedelics can be a necessary doorway for profound healing."
"Psychedelics are one of the most unique experiences that you can have full stop."
"I think that taking psychedelic has been one of the most significant experiences of my entire life."
"There are serious scientific studies that show that for a lot of people... ecstasy, MDMA, ketamine, or LSD... can profoundly help mental health."
"Level 5 or heavy experiences will generally still have about the same stages as strong experiences but the trip will begin to be characterized by a disintegration or complete loss of your sense of self or ego."
"A lingering sense of cognitive Rejuvenation well-being and mental Clarity can sometimes last for hours days or even weeks after a dimethyltryptamine experience."
"Dimethyltryptamine can be a tool that's incredibly useful and important but it shouldn't be exalted as a Divine Miracle nor treated like a toy."
"Psilocybin 'shows potential for a quicker impact and a more long-lasting impact to provide people with relief.'"
"Doing psychedelics has kind of unlocked that part where I could... it's like... like imagine being in the Psychedelic temple with the beings that you're like, these are not humans but talking to you, you know?"
"It was a spectacular improvement over amphetamine, it was a psychedelic that had very interesting effects."
"LSD heightens everything. You hear better, see better, smell better. Food tastes better, sex is incredible, like magical."
"I believe that with the advent of acid, we discovered a new way to think, and it has to do with piecing together new thoughts in your mind." - Ken Kesey
"When you take a sufficiently high dose of psychedelics you start to break down a lot of those automatically running processes and then you strip down."
"What I like about psychedelics is that they make you look inward into yourself rather than it being an escape."