
Self-affirmation Quotes

There are 1954 quotes

"The most powerful words in any language are 'I am', because whatever follows that tends, if you repeat it enough, tends to have this kind of feedback effect on how you are in the world."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You are wonderful, you are special, you have a place in this world."
"Research suggests that self-affirmations like these can actually reduce stress and improve health-promoting behaviors."
"I can have it all, I can have it all, I can have it all."
"Daily declarations that support who you know you are, what you know you're worth, and where you know you're going."
"Close your eyes and tell yourself that you deserve to feel joyful. You can allow joy into your life regardless of the circumstances you currently find yourself in."
"The two most powerful words in English language are 'I am' because whatever you put after that completes that sentence."
"The neuro association with a high-five is so entrenched it has only ever meant 'I celebrate you, I see you, I got you, keep going, you got this, I'm behind you.'"
"When you put your toothbrush down, take a minute to look at yourself, set an intention, and then high-five your reflection. It might feel weird and awkward, but it is neurologically and scientifically impossible to raise your hand, high five your reflection, and think negative thoughts at the same time."
"Every day in every way, I am becoming more abundant."
"You are enough, you are good enough, you are smart enough, you are pretty enough, you are enough."
"There's something about the declaration, using your own voice of saying things that you don't often say to yourself."
"Let the weak say 'I am strong.' The way to become that which you want to be is to say that you are that."
"Yeah, heck yes, she thought to herself. My life kicks ass."
"You are a bomb-ass blank. Fill in whatever title that you want."
"You feel the affirmation, you let it soak into every part of you, into your psyche."
"Once a day or twice a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, stand in front of a mirror and say, 'I am filled with unconditional love, and I share it today.'"
"I am wealthy, I create an abundance all around me, I invite it into my life, I am wealthy, I am rich."
"I am deserving of a peaceful and uncomplicated birth."
"I am completely in control of what is going on around me."
"My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth, beauty, and abundance."
"I'm going to speak life over myself and prosperity and well-being and blessings."
"I am able to easily generate thoughts that align me with tremendous abundance. My life is full of freedom, ease, and fun."
"You need to step boldly back into the call and say, 'I am who God says I am, not who people think I am.'"
"It's iron time, there's only room for one baddie in these caves, and it's me."
"I am powerful, I am loved, I am loving, I am caring, and I am the divine feminine."
"You are so beautiful, you are so wise, you are so kind. You are the essence of peace, sincerity, clarity, brilliance."
"You've got to form your own identity and paradigm... and remind yourself of it every single day."
"You are more than enough, and just allowing that energy to flow on down."
"Think 'I am.' That's a very powerful statement, by the way. I am becoming exactly what I need to be."
"You are courageous, you are confident, you are strong, you are powerful."
"You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath. You are more than a conqueror. Hallelujah."
"Take a few deep breaths really focus on 'I am. I am capable of this. I am doing this. It will happen.'"
"I am success. Like a magnet, I attract all that I need and desire."
"I am powerful and strong; my energy is that of love, joy, and abundance."
"I am a vibrational match to all that is good."
"I am a believer, and I have what I say I have."
"I remind myself that I am amazing, I am powerful, I cannot be messed with."
"I will be victorious. I am worthy of the success. I am the one I've been waiting for."
"You are good enough. Full moon in Virgo. A time to give rather than to take."
"Cancel clear. I am worthy of everything because I've done nothing wrong. I deserve the world because I've done nothing wrong."
"Tell yourself that you are amazing... Anything that you think, speak, or believe, you surely become."
"This is a time of great personal strength for you."
"I affirm my power and I trust my own resourcefulness."
"You've got to make the conscious effort to tell yourself this is passing, this is all going to get much better. I am worthy, I am lovable, I am abundant."
"Feminism means that you believe that women should have equal rights. Congratulations, you're a feminist. Good job."
"I am worthy, I am worth it, I can do this, I deserve success, wealth, love, abundance in all the highest forms."
"I'm a millionaire, I'm a millionaire and I tell myself that before I walk out."
"I matter. I can say this. I can feel this. I can do this."
"I just wanted to prove to myself that I could."
"I am full. I am known. I am loved. I am significant."
"The best affirmation and the only effective one is an assumption which in itself implies denial of the formal state."
"It hurts to be this good, never didn't have it guys, it was there the whole time. Why not?"
"I am talented, I am walking into my purpose."
"We can restore the connection between your brain and your limbs or we can cure full body paralysis."
"God's message has to be clear. You can take it for what it says, and it tells you to be a Muslim, one who is submitted to the will of God."
"He's back, the face that says I told you this was me I told you this was me I was due for this performance and I delivered."
"This is the cultural influencers these are the people who make the culture in which your kids engage."
"Progress like hell yeah, this is my time, this is it."
"Diagnose what is missing... remember, what is war strategy? What is strategy? Reconnaissance, looking, observing, plotting, data points..."
"I am blessed. I am strong. I am talented. I am disciplined. I am focused. I am prosperous. I am young. I am energetic. I am vibrant. I am radiant. I am fresh. I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am attractive. I am getting younger."
"You need to be yourself, you need to be yourself, you need to be yourself."
"I deserve to be here, I earned my spot here."
"I'm resilient, I'm resilient, I'm resilient."
"I am wonderful, I am powerful, I'm a winner."
"Raise your vibration and say things like 'I am healthy now.'"
"You are strong enough. You are ready enough."
"Your affirmation for this reading is: 'I am stepping into my power.'"
"I am beautiful, I am powerful, I am spiritual, I am determined, I am willing, I am free, I am blessed and highly favored, I am."
"You are good enough to go after what you want."
"You are amazing. You have got this, you've got it."
"I speak positivity, love, and blessings over my life."
"You are so beautiful, you are grace, you are more than enough."
"Remember you are love, you are already loved, love is abundant in your life."
"You can have what you want and need... you're starting out with the proper attitude towards yourself which is that you're worthy of care and respect."
"I think it's important to tell yourself that whether it's in writing or out loud."
"You're doing your best you did good today, whatever you did."
"It's time to move on, this is the era we in now, you're not the one."
"Let these [__] know that you're not the one, bye girl."
"I am happy, I am strong, I'm powerful, I'm courageous."
"You are powerful, you are capable, you are lovable, and you are ready."
"Stand your ground, you deserve a place at the table."
"You are so smart and bright, remind yourself of that."
"I will take my space whether you like it or not."
"I felt really vindicated, do you know what I mean?"
"Stay true to yourself and just remind yourself that you're doing an amazing job."
"You're amazing you know you're so powerful and you're so beautiful and just shine your beautiful light."
"I'mma walk in every room I'm supposed to be in."
"Through it all, we're reminded: You're loved, you're appreciated, you are enough. That's the message we want to spread."
"You are amazing is not just a phrase. It's the unspoken reality of your existence."
"You've made a choice here, Aries, and you're embracing it."
"You are freaking beautiful, okay? You have so much Beauty."
"I attract everything and everyone I want, what did I say? You will get everything that you want."
"You also gotta remember like damn I've done a lot of good."
"You mean I can be happy because I said so you mean it's possible to be happy and joyous and carefree and be in a good mood no matter what."
"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people hate me."
"Streaming is the future, but we need to assess what works and doesn't work."
"You're enough. What if you were actually perfect?"
"I choose to be happy no matter what happens. Happiness radiates through my body."
"Each time you attach a statement to 'I am,' you are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy."
"You just end up doing it when you believe, think, and say it."
"Stay focused on the positive, stay focused on what is true for you."
"No really though, when you come out of this period of life you are going to have such a better understanding of the world, of yourself, of your spirituality."
"This is mine to have and just claim it, claim it internally with yourself now and just know that it is and it is what is coming for you."
"You stand in your power and you stand in your truth."
"Remember you are one of my things, you are enough, you are not alone, you can do hard things."
"Randy Orton and Edge, you deserve all the accolades for putting on a tremendous match."
"You are staying on the path that you are, absolutely one million percent. Yes, you are staying on the path that you are."
"I'm not saying I'm a perfect mom but I love my children and I'm doing a great job."
"You are perfect, you are multi-talented, you are everything."
"You need to tell yourself that you are enough every single day."
"You are a tenner all [expletive] times, bro. All times. This is your mantra, my darlings."
"You're standing on truth, you're standing in your power, you're standing on your truth, you can do this okay."
"Proud to say I'm not an incel or believe any of those hateful ideologies."
"Turn that into a statement 'I am lovable' and if that becomes programmed, then love is now open to you."
"Affirmation: I realize that by bringing myself back into my ideal state of mind, I'm able to maintain flow."
"I'm not gonna let them sideline me and they'll say well who you think you are well sit down let's I have I'm going to tell you who I am."
"To just be like, look in the mirror, tell yourself I love you, and that would change the entire trajectory of my life."
"I wasn't trying to prove anyone wrong I was just trying to prove myself right and what I always knew I wanted and needed and deserved is what I have now."
"I think if I could go back to tell my younger self something, I would literally tell him to keep doing exactly what he's doing."
"I am worthy and the worth that I am flows through me."
"I love you, you are beautiful, and you can do anything."
"I earned this, okay? I'm Gabby Hanna. I earned it doing what I know how to do."
"Strength is a reminder that you are strong inside and out."
"You are a badass being full of life, love, and possibilities."
"I'm a money magnet. Wealth and prosperity are drawn to me."
"You are intelligent, you're the baddest, you are strong, you are worthy, you deserve success."
"Now we are the Duke of our land and nobody could criticize me."
"Your affirmation here is 'I am ready.' Saying that to yourself means that you're telling the universe as well as yourself that you are ready for these events to come into your life."
"Bring on the moments that I have nothing left but to stand strong in who you said you are."
"I am happy, healthy, prosperous, successful."
"You're a total badass, and this process is just about elevating that."
"I am powerful. Yes, yes! I love my life. I love myself. Whatever feels good for you. Yes to fun! Yes, yes, yes!"
"You're doing what you're doing because you are awesome."
"I am a shine with the light of truth, I am a flame with the glow of health, I am enriched with divine abundance."
"The hard part is over, you're here, you made it. You're awesome. It's valiant, it's beautiful, it's love."
"I made the right decision. I deserve to enjoy the results of my decision. I'm not a bad person just because certain things went down."
"I always speak highly of myself deep divers I always say I am wonderful I am powerful I am loved I am careful and through these affirmations I raise my energy frequency and vibration and then just say so gets me a live baby."
"Your word is really powerful, start calling in that abundance and prosperity."
"Keep me in the [__] game. This is my type of game and it showed."
"Light attracts light, I am light, so I am a beautiful brown shining light."
"I deserve this. I am meant to have this special moment."
"Who do you think you are? I am, that's me, that's right."
"When the enemy tells you nothing has changed, tell them he's a liar. I have mercy."
"I am strong, I am powerful, I am brilliant, I am enough, I am moving towards my best life, I am living my best life, I am so much more than what people realize."
"You are a boss. I don't care if you're masculine or feminine. You are stepping into your power."
"I can, I will, I am doing what I need to do."
"I am still here. The enemy has not defeated me. He has not destroyed me. He actually made me. I am a champion. I am a warrior."
"I can't deny the fact that you like me right now, you'll like me."
"The thing that made me feel the most powerless became a superpower because I decided to go all in on that fear until the fear disappeared."
"I am abundantly healthy happy joyous and successful now."
"You are capable, intelligent, and able to move through this."
"Live your life sis, don't let anybody else make you feel like what you are doing at this moment isn't adequate enough because it is."
"This is your time to shine, this is your time where you prove everyone that you are important."
"You're gonna admit that we're strong enough now. Keep winning, Tanjiro."
"You're the king, you're the dragon, you're the boss, you're the man now."
"Let me tell you boo boo, this is a reminder that you are sexy, you are amazing."
"I do not fear, I do not worry, affirm yourself when you do it."
"I am more than enough for myself and others, and I have the power to make the changes in my life."
"We're saying yo man, we are good enough. I appreciate all these brothers, man."
"We are not weak. We are strong. We are not foolish. We are wise."
"Strength, stability, endurance, stamina, I am power."
"My eyes are windows to clarity and vibrant health, and I embrace the gift of clear vision."
"You're gorgeous, you're sexy, your heart's beautiful."
"They want you to know that you are good enough."
"The two most powerful words in the English language: I am."
"You are strong, you have powerful strength about you."
"When you say 'I am,' I'm not only talking to myself; the creator of the universe is stepping down into my situation."
"Resistance is belief. It is believing what God says about you."
"If you prepare yourself, go into that mindset, and say something positive beforehand and prep yourself to be in that position of success, you'll get it."
"A good coach would tell his student: Make a motto in your head, make a mantra, shout it out. 'I'm the greatest, I'm the best, I'm the champ.'"
"You are enough to begin this journey, to walk this path, to be this hero."
"You are enough, you are worthy of this change, you are worthy of this level up."
"Strong roots, strong foundation, all in the works, all in the workings, honey."
"The individual should establish the truth of the following words in his subconscious mind: 'I am the expression of the perfect mind of God. This perfection is inherent within me.'"
"I am love. I am light. I am cool. I am awesome. I am perfect. I am wise when I choose love."
"You want to speak positivity into your life."
"Whatever you consistently tell yourself without wavering on it is going to be true for you, including how the law works for you."
"No obstacles will stop you now, go ahead and write that down no obstacles will stop me now."
"Remind yourself every single day that you are enough."
"You are beautiful. You are enough. You are strong."
"I'm the champion, I am a legend, and I can see that happening here in the NWA."
"This was a validation to me that I was not crazy and that there are things in this world that cannot be explained."
"Write down affirmations that express your belief in yourself and your complete fulfillment in this lifetime."
"I just want to tell this version of myself it's enough."
"Recognize that what you want wants you and what you want, you deserve. Align yourself with people and situations that love, support, and care for you."
"I am thankful that I am worthy of that and that I have the power to manifest the wealth in my life."
"I had to really push hard to prove that I was okay."
"I learned chess the other week, yeah, I can tell. Thank you, I'm a queen, yes, you are, yes, you are."
"Just be in this place of feeling good because that's what's drawing in all of this good luck, love, things that are meant for you."
"Stay true to yourself, you good person. You're working really hard just like I did."
"I am fruitful, I have power to gain wealth wherever I go, and I live in prosperity."
"We are your reality. You create it, you affirm it."
"If you can look in the mirror and say 'I love you, I'm proud of you, and you matter,' those are three of the most incredible things that a person could say."
"You are a winner, born a winner, it's time to tap into the winning circle."
"You still are, you're still you, you went higher remains."
"I'm the real deal. I got a lot going on for me."
"Don't let anybody tell you that you're wrong."
"I declare that I am blessed and wonderfully favored."
"You are alive and you matter, and you deserve love."