
Positive Thinking Quotes

There are 1615 quotes

"Thinking about a positive future leads to activation of the so-called mesolimbic reward pathway and could reduce the size of tumors, could accelerate wound healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Positive thoughts are the equivalent of forward physical action."
"Positive thinking is about learning how to take control of internal processes and understanding that that will shape your external environment."
"Change what you're putting into your brain. Every day you start feeding your brain positive, optimistic content."
"You've told me all your can'ts; now play a game with me here, tell me your cans."
"Find really small tiny pieces of joy throughout the day...little beautiful tiny bits of each day are always there no matter how bad they are." - Two Feet
"Bring your life into balance, be honest with yourself, and focus on positive thoughts and energy as you're starting to manifest."
"Every old school success book, which changed millions of lives, will tell you about the value of positive thinking."
"Thoughts become things, so I feel like you're really connecting to this idea of Law of Attraction this year to bring in better luck."
"When you change your mindset into a more positive and happy, fulfilling life, you will see that flourish externally throughout your physical world."
"Why don't you just go and enjoy that feeling of being a winner for five minutes a day, and you will undeniably find that it will start to creep into your day-to-day life, and you will just start to act and believe and think exactly like that guy."
"Express three things that you are grateful for."
"Your life begins to materialize around what you think about yourself and what you're saying to yourself."
"The simplicity is, if you are prepared to lie to yourself, why not tell yourself a better lie?"
"Think good of the other, and you are actually thinking good about yourself."
"Worth doesn't have to be earned or proved; it already exists. Just recognize, accept, and appreciate it."
"Rejection is divine protection. Remember that always."
"I count my blessings every single day, even on the tough days I try to remind myself of the good."
"Stop all negative thought; think only about what you want, and never about what you do not want."
"The law of attraction states that by focusing on positive or negative thought, you can bring positive or negative energies into your life."
"Visualizing the perfect day...trains your brain to ignore the negative bits and focus on the positive."
"Every cell in my body is functioning perfectly to keep me in a positive physical state."
"When you change your thinking, you systematically, strategically, and consciously ensure that you are inputting good, positive, empowering information into your brain."
"Lucky Girl Syndrome/manifestation is believing you have an abundance of good luck."
"Our thoughts could make us sick... is it possible then our thoughts can make us well? The answer is absolutely yes."
"People eventually become their thought patterns, and when your thoughts are dominated by positive emotions and a burning desire, all forces are guided towards acts and deeds that accomplish that desire."
"Quit negativity and start having gratitude for whatever stage of life you're currently in."
"One of the most powerful things you can learn to do in life is to turn that negative voice into your bestie."
"You may not be in control of how you feel in the moment, but you can always, always, always, always be in control of what you think, and that will change how you're feeling."
"Change your thoughts and you can change your life."
"My mind is a center of divine operation, and divine operation means expansion into something better than has gone before."
"Righteousness is right thinking, always in the direction of your fulfilled desire."
"By words or inner talking, we build our world."
"Thoughts have a certain frequency, vibration. Every thought has a certain vibration. Negative thoughts attract negative people, circumstances, environments. Positive thoughts attract positive people, circumstance, and environments."
"Belief isn't believing it's gonna happen; it's believing it's happening."
"The life that you live right now is a result of the positive thinking that you've done in your past."
"Most of us think a lot of good things in our head about the people we care about and that we love."
"Imagine the most outrageously positive possibility for your life, claim it, and consider it done."
"Your thoughts about it must be positive, clean-cut, decisive, persistent."
"Positive thinking, having set goals, visualizations, affirmations, and meditating all have their own place."
"Think only what you want to happen and never let yourself get mentally lazy and sluggish."
"When we think better, when we think differently, we're going to get more out of our life."
"Visualizing the image of your success and consciously thinking of the positive emotions you'll feel is key to reprogramming your mind for success."
"Every single day, I say to myself five things that I'm grateful for."
"Positive affirmations are simply short statements that you say to yourself to get your subconscious mind reprogrammed and thinking along an empowering train of thought."
"Be a person of good positive thinking, be a person of good positive action, and suddenly one day you will wake up and you're like, 'I just feel amazing. I feel extraordinary. I feel positive.'"
"The moment that I realized that there was such a thing as positive thinking, my life changed forever, and I actually became successful and happy because of that."
"You can't help but feel the outside forces moving in your direction, bringing large sums of money easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all."
"Positive thinking can heal you of any disease. Negative thinking can create any disease. It could even kill you."
"No one can argue that positive thinking has a positive impact on a person's life."
"This law essentially proposes you can achieve pretty much anything you want simply by changing your thinking patterns."
"Positive mental thinking, positive attitude, positive mental thinking, positive attitude."
"When you thus use all the constructive processes, it is impossible for your plan not to come into your visible world."
"A positive mental attitude is a generally constructive response to the stresses that face the average person every single day."
"Positive thinkers are men and women who accomplish an awful lot more than people who have negative mental attitudes."
"Affirmations are positive statements that can help change your thought patterns and beliefs."
"Focus on what it is that you want, not what it is that you don't want."
"Freedom is my divine right. I am free to think wonderful thoughts."
"Think positive thoughts, focus your intention and your mind on what it is that you want and the outcome that you want to experience."
"Look for the good in any situation and you're going to find it."
"Gratitude is the highest frequency you can resonate at."
"Our words are like magnets... if I concentrate on speaking about the glory of God, like a magnet, I attract the goodness of God."
"Wishes do come true. Don't be shy about your desires now. You can dream bigger and wish bigger."
"I am so happy and grateful now that money comes to me in increasing quantities through multiple sources on a continuous basis."
"Reset your negative beliefs, crush self-doubt, stop trashing yourself in your mind, get a hold of your stress, cure yourself of anxiety, and build a positive mental game."
"My thoughts are the seeds of goodness, truth, beauty, and abundance."
"I'm trying to be positive because I really do think that eventually everything works out in my favor."
"Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable when you begin to think and feel in the right way."
"I say it in terms of 'I will' or 'I am'. There's never 'I hope'... everything that I write is what it's going to be."
"Feed your subconscious mind life-giving thoughts, and you will wipe out all the negative patterns lodged therein."
"If you think good, good will follow; if you think evil, evil will follow."
"Being in a positive state of mind will cause human thoughts to vibrate at a higher frequency."
"Positive thinking is better than negative thinking. There is a lot of science that proves you can make yourself healthier by thinking positive."
"Stop complaining and focus your attention on the blessings in your life."
"Acknowledging and appreciating [the good things in life]... improves our mental health, helps us process our negative thoughts and toxic emotions, and improves our overall happiness."
"Stay optimistic about our future. Positive thinking will bring you what you desire."
"I think it's really important when you guys do have good days to really be grateful for them and cherish them."
"Here's to hoping... I just have a really good feeling about it."
"Whatever you're dreaming about, start to think about it more, but have sweet thoughts towards it."
"No matter how many positive thoughts you try to muster up, the negative beliefs in your subconscious might always win."
"You have to have a lot of mind power and positive thinking to get through nursing school."
"Always think about the benefits you are going to get from this workout. You know, think about how great you are going to feel afterwards."
"Be sure that you think on whatsoever things are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of good report."
"Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, meditate on these things."
"If your thoughts can make you sick, is it possible that your thoughts can make you well?"
"Assume you're already there, and you'll start seeing opportunities and synchronicities."
"You cannot continue speaking about yourself in a negative way, even if you don't believe it yet."
"Confidence is just a feeling, and we can cultivate and create any feeling at any time."
"If you know how to check your mindset and redirect it to something positive, you'll never be a failure."
"The power of positive thinking and moving forward in life and achieving what you can while you're here."
"The discipline required may be so high that you might not maintain it consciously for much more than a week, but a week will be enough because by that time the habit of positive thinking will begin to be established."
"Flip your thinking... Instead of focusing on everything that could go wrong, think of everything that could go right."
"Positive thoughts create a positive vibe throughout the body."
"Keep your thoughts positive... your mind is like your garden. Don't let the weeds overtake, plant the good thoughts."
"Focus on what you do have, feel great joy for that, and then you get more."
"Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, dwell on these things."
"Don't let someone's negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86,390 seconds. Don't sweat the small stuff; life is bigger than that."
"Positive thinking is necessary but not sufficient."
"Affirm a new positive belief and change that belief to something that serves you."
"If we wish to transcend old thoughts, we must rise above them and think higher things."
"Think positive affirmations. Just like, 'I am strong, I'm kind, I can do this. I will be great.'"
"Positive self talk, which is a very difficult habit to get into, but just like you were saying about you feel good when you're naked and stuff, keep doing that."
"You're making your own luck... thoughts becoming things."
"Your thoughts become things, know this. What energy are you in? Take this time to work through any inner conflict, acknowledge your emotions, and choose to resonate on a higher level."
"I'm living that in my head, and that's what really keeps me positive."
"The key is to feel the positive emotions first, not as a reaction to something happening, but as the cause that kickstarts positive events."
"Positive thoughts, put it out there, that's what you have to do."
"Tell yourself that you are amazing... Anything that you think, speak, or believe, you surely become."
"They see victory in your future, bright sunny skies ahead."
"Failure keeps me going. You know, yesterday was a bad day, but tomorrow gonna be better. And keep that positive attitude and speak it."
"Allow yourself to feel the positivity in your future even if your mind wants to talk to you only about fear to do with your future."
"Manifest that [__]! You know what I'm saying?"
"Stay optimistic about your love life, positive thinking will bring you romance."
"Look for things to be grateful for... we're all dope, we're all beautiful and young."
"You're gonna be speaking over your circumstances calling the things that are not as though they were."
"If we think positively and like I'm gonna accomplish great things... psychologically I think that you can accomplish so much more."
"Make sure you are speaking your desires and not your fears."
"Be grateful for your opportunities and accomplishments."
"My body is powerful and knows how to heal itself... I welcome healthy and happy energy."
"Live in your desired reality before it even comes."
"The universe wants you happy, the universe wants to see you win."
"When you allow yourself to be surrounded by positive energy and positive thinking, then it becomes Mind Over Matter."
"Your wishes will come true, what you put out there will reap."
"Out of this, we can create even more miracles, but we've got to stay in this moment with awakening awareness, with gratitude, with love."
"Hope comes from believing... we're going to live in abundance."
"When you're present in gratitude, you can't be anywhere else. So when you're having a grateful thought, you can't have an anxious thought, when you're having a grateful thought, you can't have a negative thought."
"I have a good feeling, I think today is going to go well."
"Appreciation is a big part in manifesting more of what you want."
"The best affirmation and the only effective one is an assumption which in itself implies denial of the formal state."
"Positive thoughts shape our reality... like attracts like."
"That attitude of gratitude... it's a choice."
"Just think about one good thing you have right now and enjoy it."
"Realize that there's a lot of room for optimism."
"When life hands you the sourest of lemons turn them into the sweetest of lemonade."
"Recognize your divine worth and choose loving thoughts."
"The power of positive and negative thinking are two sides of the same coin, and you control the flip."
"You're attracting the positive outcome, you're attracting the answers, you're attracting this, you're attracting the things that you need to make this happen for you in a beautiful way."
"Shift your mindset, shift your thoughts, and you'll truly get to where you want to be."
"Change the narrative; thoughts become things."
"Bring it on, bring it on... there it is! All I need to do is ask."
"Every thought of love we co create a miracle."
"Override my natural tendencies... I just start working out... and I'll go out of my way to listen to positive messages on YouTube."
"Never forget the power of positive thinking."
"That's one of the greatest gifts you could have in your life is to walk around thinking, 'Oh I'm lucky.'"
"There's unlimited possibilities and unlimited beautiful things happening all around you."
"You create your own reality with your thoughts and your repeated words in your repeated beliefs."
"You're doing better than you think, take a moment to encourage the people around you."
"All we can do like the best thing we can do is think productively think positively and ask ourselves okay what are the best most beneficial thoughts beliefs and attitudes for me to hold right now."
"Acceptance is key. Accept the reality of the situation, but don't give up. Use positive thinking and spiritual practices to maintain clarity."
"If you're willing to lie to yourself tell yourself a better lie I am hungry I do need to eat and I'm going to eat really healthy food because I love my body."
"Most of us found this explanation for the attacks to be extremely worrying, but Nubby chose to look on the bright side."
"Cynicism isn't the default, hope and optimism do and can win."
"Words have power. Stop speaking [ __ ] like that into existence."
"If you are surrounded by negativity, you must change your circumstance."
"Expect the best outcomes; the universe is aligning to bring you success and happiness."
"If you're confident, your brain is in the positive attitude and it will give you much better results compared to if you're feeling scared or underconfident."
"It's almost impossible to have a positive life when you have a negative mind."
"Visualize success; see yourself doing well in this situation and have faith in a positive outcome."
"If you're feeling positive emotions, you're helping to build new Earth."
"He's gonna take a chance, go for it, good chance, set your intention for a positive outcome, you can't win if you don't play."
"If you're feeling good, you're creating a future that's on track with your desires."
"It's like Bob Marley said, 'Don't you worry about a thing cause every little thing is gonna be alright.'"
"Faith is optimistic future Focus. It's your ability to see in the future and be positive in the present about what you see."
"Abundant thinkers fail, but only fail forward."
"Choose the highest vibration feeling you possibly can."
"Your thoughts shape your future, your words create your day."
"Reframe your self-talk from 'I used to fear failure' to 'now I'm learning how to turn it into my fuel for success.'"
"You want to get up in the morning and feel great about the day."
"So let's turn this situation into a positive one."
"Right thought and a right attitude are the basis of success and prosperity."
"Speaking those things that are not as though they are."
"The aim is to share positivity, to literally what we say with iron creator is for people to understand they can create their destiny."
"I try to think in affirmational. I'm really going to try to make it a great day."
"Smile because it happened, don't cry because it's over."
"Prosperity consciousness: positive thinking, positive feeling, positive action, positive results."
"Start with positive affirmations: I am becoming successful, I am healthy mentally, physically, spiritually."
"Thoughts become things, if you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hands."
"Constructive thinking in a culture that doesn't just debunk but edifies."
"Big shit's coming, manifestation's coming, you just gotta see and believe it."
"Feeding the mind with affirmations, frequencies, and feeling good inside and out."
"Receive the good things with joy and gratitude."
"Rather than concentrate on the negatives, look at the positives"
"Focus on the positive things and not on the things you can't change."
"2021 is going to be a better year better year absolutely."
"You're better off than you think and you're better off than you feel."
"Life is too short to ponder on the things lost. Choose happiness and always look for the positive things throughout life." - Grant Sykes
"Money never stops flowing to you, it rains down in buckets."
"Forcing yourself into a positive state will come back around, so do that."
"Nothing's perfect, but if you actively look for the good things, then you just start seeing good stuff everywhere."
"The power of intention can really help you here."
"Recognize your divine worth, choose loving thoughts."
"The power of your mind can transform sorrow into joy, defeat into victory, stress into peace."
"Gratitude can change your attitude or your perception of what's going on."
"A positive mental attitude goes hand in hand with success and happiness."
"The path of thinking from is both simple and profound. It invites you to shift your perspective to see the world not as it is but as it could be through the lens of your desired fulfilled."
"Whatever happens in your life, take it so positively. You can live your life with a full of smile and happiness."
"Remember to hold positive thoughts about what you request and have a certain detachment about receiving it."
"Positive thinking and emotions will help you move mountains."
"Never let what you cannot do interfere with what you can."
"The choice is simple: to be in fear and disempowered or to be in love and empowered."