
Contraception Quotes

There are 158 quotes

"When it comes to preventing pregnancy and managing conditions like PCOS, oral contraceptives have been game-changing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I'm going to die anyway; I'm going to take the birth control, for sure."
"This idea that making contraception more available causes more people to engage in behavior... it's just not in the numbers. It does not demonstrate it anywhere."
"Please don't use fasting or the ketogenic diet as a reliable form of contraception."
"Vasectomy is seen as a sacrifice that eases the burden of contraception responsibility from women and is often associated with gender equality."
"Young women are embracing non-hormonal contraception or just cycle tracking, and my argument is that this is just where we have to start."
"For the first time in our species' history, it suddenly becomes possible for women to control their fertility themselves, invisibly."
"Birth control is a goddamn miracle. It lets women choose if and when to get pregnant."
"On birth control: 'I personally have a big problem with contraception.' Large families seen as blessings."
"Medieval condoms with ribbons to tie them on, really."
"Access to contraception is a basic human right."
"Contraceptive mentality divorces sex from its consequences."
"The only form of birth control in keeping with human dignity is self-control."
"The more access to contraceptions that an area has, the fewer unwanted births."
"Contraceptives help decrease the amount of unwanted pregnancies."
"Subsidizing contraception for areas that need it."
"Marriage doesn't necessarily make everything better. Won't fix everything. Marriage arises from happiness, not the other way around."
"Wrap it up, sweetie. Every time, because even then you could still get pregnant."
"Access to contraceptives... almost every single Republican in the House of Representatives voted no."
"The pull-out method has been in development and in use for thousands of years. And look how many of us are here."
"Less than 1% of women with an IUD get pregnant."
"I eased off of the pill... and then just never started the new pack."
"Long-term acting reversible contraceptives for all poor women would solve an awful lot of problems."
"There is no place in America that believes contraception should be illegal."
"Your pullout game is weak." - Responsibility and contraception.
"It takes nothing to snip, wear a condom, all of these things."
"Stock up on Plan B, condoms, everything related to personal sexual reproductive health."
"All of you people who are having fun with contraception, your unpaid bills will come due."
"What does natural mean if you want to prevent pregnancy? Birth control is a great option."
"Abortion is connected to birth control; the two are both contingent on the fulcrum of personal choice."
"Pill users are 250% more likely to have heart attacks and strokes."
"Hormonal contraception doubles the risk of suicide in women age 15 to 33."
"Birth control effectiveness: 99 for condoms, 99 for birth control pills, but 100 percent for my Tinder profile. And that's why I'm the best contraceptive, ladies and gentlemen."
"No single event since Eve took the Apple has been as consequential for relationships between the sexes as the arrival of modern contraception."
"The pill mimics the effects of a woman being pregnant."
"Finally, in the comment section below I would love to hear what has been the truth about your birth control experience, what has been your journey and where are you currently on that path."
"Consequence-free sex is a worldly ideal and certainly a newer ideal with the creation of birth control."
"Let's stop pretending like condoms are some sort of superhero when it comes to protecting people from pregnancy because they're just not."
"You ain't got to worry about getting no abortions [ __ ] cause y'all ain't about to be getting pregnant while y'all ain't about to be getting pregnant."
"We are not the medical practitioners. These are just our small tidbits. Just read up by yourself, check all the contraceptive methods that you can use and stuff like that."
"So because we kind of didn't bed down sort of right away, there's gonna be a little period of time where this magic is not gonna be fully protecting us. I don't know necessarily what to do with that, but I just thought I'd let everybody know."
"I'm not on birth control and I never want to go back on it."
"I would not recommend my daughters to go on the pill."
"Refusing contraception is also a form of sexual coercion."
"CVS got condoms. It's expensive, bro. I don't give a [__]. You know what's more expensive? Babies."
"Birth control is ruining my life but at the same time, it's saving me."
"You guys are going to make babies very, very quickly. So make sure contraception is available if you don't want to have surprises."
"A guy should get a vasectomy because bs can be pulled."
"I mean condoms. I mean you're giving the people who will wear condoms no juice."
"Chicago is the birthplace of the birth control pill."
"After Googling what happens when men take birth control I'm morbidly curious."
"The condom did split, it was my birthday when it happened."
"Contraception gives women the freedom to have non-committal sex."
"I think in a perfect world we'd all agree that we should at the very least be working together to try and combat unplanned pregnancies"
"Development is the best contraceptive. People aren't poor because they have too many children; they have too many children because they're poor."
"I don't know how you could think that an app could stop your pregnancy from happening. Um, but if you do I just- It's not."
"I'm so upset. I couldn't afford Plan B the next day, and that's what I wanted to do."
"It's pink. She's having a great time. Pink are the condoms. Pink. That's it. Boom, romance."
"Julie is a morning after pill brand that's working to increase access to emergency contraception for women across the country."
"The reality is the enemy of condom comedy."
"You'd be wise to use the combination pill."
"96% of Catholics in the United States have said they've used contraception."
"Birth control does not change a woman in the least, it just gives the illusion that she's just like a man."
"IUD - Internal Earth Sign Deterrent."
"When the idea of contraception meets toxic cultural beliefs, that's where the problem lies."
"If you're prescribing tetracycline to a female teenager, you need to ask about pregnancy or sexual activity. It's crucial for contraceptive use."
"Finding the right birth control took time, but now I'm stable and feeling like myself."
"The morning after pills, I should have an endorsement. As many morning after pills, I've taken, I needed an endorsement. Damn."
"You're more focused on the pregnancy than the fact that I said that well no, I have zero authority in what happens. Now you mentioned, well I can't control that you came inside me, but you also can control who you sleep with, correct? Right, and protection, right?"
"Birth control is, yeah, I know, like there are birth control is good for like a lot of reasons."
"Stay on birth control like your life depended on it because it does."
"So, what the [__]? Everybody took a Plan B before."
"If every black man uses a rubber to keep from getting AIDS, what happens? No more babies."
"It can just make your womb inhospitable for that fertilized egg to implant."
"Why so many women in particular begin the pill and other forms of hormonal birth control is for symptom management. Now this is where I feel like we do a really big disservice because we don't investigate why."
"But with contraception and condoms and Plan B's and all that stuff now, it's just vetting a man for his ability to sexually please me, whatever that might be."
"So with CDC contraception 2015 yes 28 2015 and so make sure that you're guided by those guidelines which if you have the app they're updated on a continuous basis."
"Oh no and then have to worry about your ass oh no no thank you oh no and then I feel like that's why um birth control condoms why was that invented it was invented for a reason."
"If you don't like the feeling of wearing a condom, you're sure not going to like the feeling of having a child that you didn't want. This is true."
"If you know that you don't want a baby and that you're actively having sex and you're having unprotected sex then we definitely need to do some type of birth control."
"We have endless quotes of church leaders saying that birth control is bad."
"You conceive and you use abortion as a method of birth control."
"Nobody wants unwanted pregnancies. That's why they're called unwanted."
"But I just want you guys to know that this isn't me telling you that you should come off the pill isn't me saying that the pill is bad."
"I think that the pill worked for me for the longest time the longest time guys the pill really really worked for me I was taking the combination pill it was a pill called the brand was levest and I was taking that pill since I was 18 up until the age of uh nearly when I was 24."
"I just thought we should get some contraceptives."
"Plus you don't have to worry about like birth control or anything."
"The best way to prevent abortions is more access to contraception. The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections STIs is through contraception."
"You're supposed to prevent pregnancy, depending on your school."
"The divorce rate for those using NFP? 2%. Almost never divorce."
"Contraception makes them think that you don't have to be prepared for baby... it's not just a tiny little pill, it's the number of things that you can trace back to contraception."
"Artificial methods are like putting a premium upon vice... adoption of artificial methods must result in imbecility and nervous prostration."
"No Catholic theologian has ever taught contraception is a good act... up to that point, 1965, he said no Catholic theologian has ever taught contraception is a good act."
"Catholics were well educated in 1960, something like 66 percent of Catholics had never contracepted."
"The church's teaching on contraception could and should change in the modern world."
"The church must change its teaching on contraception."
"Contraception, the starting point of a culture of death."
"If you accept the Church's teaching on contraception, you are being true to yourself."
"Their next Target is contraception."
"The church's teaching on contraception as a woman is fabulous."
"Encouraging people with the AIDS virus to continue having sexual intercourse using condoms is actually increasing the spread of AIDS because condoms have a 10 to 30 percent failure rate."
"It's a Star Wars birth control, nice."
"Once contraception comes in, it seems to be much easier to manage."
"Birth control pills... are a great resource for so many women but you have to be educated on what you're putting in your body."
"Birth control pills have more benefits than risks."
"Birth control pills can eliminate or improve irregular periods, heavy bleeding, and even reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by 50%."
"The birth rate drops tremendously and what happens in the early '60s to cause that? The pill, the birth control pill."
"Development is the best contraceptive."
"Combined oral contraceptives are first-line treatment for many parts of PCOS."
"What is the best drug to have sex on? Birth control."
"The birth control pill has been shown to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer."
"The Egyptians were among the first to document contraceptive techniques, reflecting a deep understanding of fertility."
"Birth control is the linchpin to a woman's freedom."
"Combined oral contraceptives are reliable, reversible, and reduce the risk of ovarian and endometrial cancer."
"Hello, I'm Dr. Summer Sheikh, and today I will be talking about contraception and how to take a history as well as counsel your patients."
"Oral contraceptive pills do not prevent sexually transmitted infections, so it's important that you continue to use condoms to protect yourself."
"I'm always on the pill, well I'm not always on the pill, but like I just feel in my 30s I shouldn't have a second in my 30s, you know."
"The emergency contraceptive pill is not supposed to be used as a regular contraceptive; it's supposed to be used as an emergency."
"As soon as one is sexually active and they do not want to conceive, they definitely should use contraception."
"Teach kids about contraception and how it works. Comprehensive sex education is way better at preventing teen pregnancies than abstinence only."
"The male contraceptive pill is heralding a sexual revolution."
"Men can finally take equal responsibility for contraception."
"It's so important to people not to have children, put a condom on."
"I took a Plan B and it did not work, so I did take accountability."
"In the past, birth control was in general strongly condemned, but today a lesser view is coming to prevail."
"Vasogel is a quick, simple, 10-minute pain-free procedure... You come out and you have 10 years of thought-free protection."
"It's like putting a net across the river, and all those little swimmers now can't pass through."
"Vasogel is so incredibly powerful."
"You can provide free contraception and you can educate people about how to use them correctly."
"Every individual has a fundamental right to use or refuse contraception."
"Why do you want to go on contraception?"
"Contraception can also potentially do all of those things if any of those reasons other than not getting pregnant are important to you."
"These things may or may not be important to you or part of your life but always important to be aware of and think about when picking your contraception."