
Relationship Advice Quotes

There are 5621 quotes

"Communication is key. We never learned how to talk about sex: what do you like, what do you not like, and don't take it personally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Don't marry a person expecting them to change."
"Marriage is absolutely a wonderful thing, and you have to decide what the best thing is for your marriage."
"Love yourself first, and then you can show true love to somebody else."
"Intentionally removing the phone from the bedroom... will transform your relationship not over weeks, within days."
"If you want to bring excitement into a relationship, you need new experiences."
"Our advice is to just do it. You don't have to say 'I love you.'"
"Communication, communication, communication."
"What makes a relationship work is not the absence of conflict, but how we repair the disappointments."
"Don't stay in a relationship because you can't live without your partner, stay in the relationship because you want your partner."
"Never weaponize your partner's insecurities ever under any circumstance, even though you could win an argument by hitting them with that insecurity. You can't do it, not even once."
"If you want to have a successful relationship and marriage, and not end in divorce, you can't just want to be fulfilled and go sleep with someone else."
"When you're okay being independent or single, that's when love comes in."
"I think you need to love yourself before you love someone else and all those things will lead to a happier relationship the next time you're in one."
"Men need appreciation more than anything else in a relationship. Without appreciation, he will not want to be in the relationship."
"That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and you'll grow from this. You'll learn from the mistakes that you made in this relationship."
"Marriage demands that you be the best version of you, or it ain't gonna work."
"If your partner is telling you that in order for you to fully love them, you need to sacrifice the things that you need to feel safe and valued and empowered, that's a bad sign."
"If you can't love yourself, how the heck is someone else gonna love you?"
"Marriage is not only the essential ingredient of the family, it's also the spice."
"If you want a better wife, be a better husband. Or if you want a better husband, be a better wife."
"Love is not a science with a recipe you can follow."
"The moment they drop below those standards, especially in the dating scene, you can count on that setting the tone for what you could expect in a relationship, and they need to go."
"The best time to resolve any conflict with a female partner would be between days 10 to 15."
"The greatest catalyst for change in a relationship is complete acceptance of your partner as he or she is, without needing to judge or change them in any way."
"If you want someone to adhere or respect a particular boundary, it has to be clearly laid out."
"The crucial element, the key to really doing it successfully, is consistency."
"I do give good relationship advice, but everybody's different."
"It behooves you as a woman to know how to comb through and identify the real from the fake, the complete from the incomplete, how to identify a real man, a solid man, a quality man."
"Love is an action more than it is a feeling."
"There is no such thing as a perfect partner."
"Patience is just saying the tide will come in when it's ready. So, this connection might require a bit of patience, but all of the best things do."
"Love is love. You should be happy when you find it."
"At the end of every fight, you know that you are both in it forever or you know you're both in it a hundred and ten and no one's wavering on the commitment."
"Tough love only works when there's actual love."
"Just let love happen like we're in a happy Disney fairy tale movie? No, when you just let love happen, you end up falling in love with people that don't deserve you."
"The benefit of reading The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is you can understand the mechanics to a healthy, happy relationship."
"What I want you to be able to do is to choose a woman who you can be happy with 10, 20, 30, 50 years from now."
"Your job is not to find a woman and then change her into what you want; your job is to find a woman who already has the qualities that we're going to talk about right now."
"Just make sure that you are being honest about everything; that's all that matters."
"It really helps people not only to find the right person but more so to be the right person for their own happiness."
"Love is not enough. Love is an emotion; it's powerful. However, without a deep respect for another individual, without an understanding of yourself, their values, yours, how those align, I don't think it's enough to last."
"Reassurance is okay, especially if your partner is asking for it."
"Both of you know how to love, how to give love, and how to receive love."
"If you've ever been a supervisor or a manager, I want you to think about dating in the very same way."
"If you're not happy with your income, raise your standards. If you're not happy with your relationships, raise your standards."
"The quickest way to ruin romance in any relationship is unkindness."
"Women are unhappy when they date a boy instead of a man."
"If you don't change the way you operate, you are going to continue to negatively affect this woman's spirit, which ultimately negatively affects your child's well-being."
"Better to be single than to be with a knucklehead."
"The five key ingredients for a healthy relationship are Self, Passion, Intimacy, Communication, and Learning to say Yes."
"A woman will overlook most of your mistakes if you project unshakeable certainty and self-assuredness."
"Relationship expert, Shasta Nelson, said that regular contact is one of the strongest requirements in any relationship, and without consistency, the relationship will naturally atrophy."
"In real life, the big gesture isn't enough. You need to be consistent, you need to be dependably good."
"The sweet spot is having enough proactivity to open the door to possibility in your love life but enough pride to notice when someone is not meeting you there."
"Here's some relationship advice: Practice empathy, respect your partner, listen to the desires that they're communicating."
"GGG is good, giving, and game. It is what I think we should be for our lovers and what we have a right to expect our lovers to be for us."
"In a healthy relationship, both partners are focusing on their own flaws and the other person's strengths."
"You need to figure it out. If you can't figure out how to talk, that's step one if you want to be in a successful relationship."
"Listen to your partner, make sure they feel wanted."
"Keep channels of communication open. Always disclose your feelings."
"You need a shared vision, you need common language."
"Encourage people to know and love themselves before they are jumping into the deep end of the pool."
"Not understanding your attachment style and your partner's attachment style can mean the difference between having a loving and supportive committed relationship or a lifetime of toxic, emotional rollercoaster type and dead-end relationships."
"Communication is always a good place to start."
"The least attractive quality, the most unattractive quality I think that any person can have, man or woman, is always being too clingy."
"Love is a feeling, an attitude, a decision, and a skill that is cultivated."
"Know your worth. This is not about you; this is about them."
"Some couples just need to work through their problems, and therapy can help."
"A green flag you look for is the ability to have meaningful conversations and really make a good connection."
"What you don't do is take those bumps to somebody else to take care of. You stay at home and say, 'Look, I'm mad at you, I'm not happy with you, what are we gonna do about it?'"
"If you're looking for men, please look for a man that has purpose."
"Love is not enough for a long-term committed healthy relationship to fully work."
"There's intense pleasure in momentary domination; that's why people do it all the time, but it's no formula for a long-term successful relationship."
"It's not about being in a relationship; it's about being with the right person."
"If you tell your father or mother or wife or husband 'I love you,' just saying 'I love you' is more effective than saying it many times without feeling."
"A good man is a man who comes home every night. It's a man who listens and communicates to you. It's a man who doesn't cheat. It's a man who pays bills and shows up for the children and fixes things where he can. That's a damn good man."
"It's better long term for unhappy couples to break up and move on and be happy by themselves or find other people than to stay in unhappy, unhealthy relationships."
"You're focused on the wrong things. You need to focus on why you lost her."
"Be open and honest with your partner, and especially with yourself. Talk about this stuff."
"You can't stay in a relationship just for love."
"Compatibility is an achievement of marriage, it should not be its prerequisite."
"Be the best person you can be, invest in your communication skills, learn how to talk about hard topics like sex and conflict."
"A great relationship is when you stop thinking about your needs and you just say, 'I'm going to give to this person.'"
"If it could boil down a healthy happy relationship to three things: communication, want them to win, and lots of sex."
"Respecting a woman comes naturally if you're already a respectable guy. What you have to hyper-focus on are the qualities that you're not good at."
"I think the key to a marriage is having a lot of fun together."
"The key to a successful relationship is creativity and caring."
"You got to make her feel safe and comfortable."
"Real strong relationship is not about appearance nor is it only physical. Communication and interaction play a very important role here."
"If people could put this much persistence and effort into their own personal improvement, they would not be single."
"Any type of attachment, whether that is an attachment to some type of story that you have, or whether that's an attachment to one specific person, you have to let go of."
"You can't keep giving out chances; you can't keep giving a specific person chances; it's just done for you."
"If you met somebody new and they dip, let them dip. There's always somebody better yet to come."
"I don't think it's ever smart, unless absolutely necessary, to get involved in relationships that are not your own."
"One of the best things you can do in your marriage if you're arguing with your spouse is actually tell them what would minimally satisfy you."
"If you do what you did in the beginning of the relationship at the end of the relationship, there won't be an end."
"I read somewhere that says when you get married, the man must date his wife every single day."
"Anger from a man, from a husband to a wife, is almost never productive in a marriage. It's usually either disguising hurt or fear."
"101 questions to ask before you get engaged is about avoiding future arguments."
"Nice guys do not finish last. To be honest, including myself, I'm pretty sure a girl will prefer to have a guy that treats her right."
"You can't change yourself for a relationship."
"Having standards for yourself in your dating life is gonna dictate the kind of date you attract and the kind of relationship you end up having."
"I think the general trend is, if some days you'll be super in love and other days it might even go down a little bit, but as long as the general trend is up, then that's fine."
"You've got to talk about kids before getting married."
"You have to have something in common because looks fade, things fade."
"If you love someone, sometimes you must set them free."
"Communication is so important for a relationship to be healthy, for a relationship to flourish."
"Being supportive and caring, good communicator, efforts given to her are also reciprocated."
"You want to say, 'How do you know when you've found your match?' All four: I admire this person, we have connection and chemistry, we have genuine mutual commitment, and we're compatible."
"Recognizing your deal breakers sometimes we get so comfortable with the person or so excited about a future with a person that we don't accurately reflect on what we can and cannot compromise on in a relationship."
"When it comes to love, we want consistent, protective, patient, loving, and kind energy."
"Once you understand those, you can go by the numbers. You go, 'Okay, she needs affection, conversation, honesty and openness.'"
"I think communication is everything in a relationship."
"You can find passion and good sex from a ton of people, but friendship and really getting along mentally is the most important thing because that's rare."
"The three most important words in any relationship are not 'I love you.' They are 'let it go.'"
"We need to be wise enough when we're dating someone to look for signs."
"He's got the whole package; you don't forget why you don't settle, and you don't look back."
"I believe the greatest spiritual gift is kindness. Statistics show that when a divorce is imminent, when a marriage is on the rocks, the first thing to go is the kindness and politeness."
"Your marriage is no more. We can talk about another subject today."
"No woman is going to want to be with a man who has settled."
"If you're not attractive to him based on you having an authentic, open conversation about what has happened to you in your past and the views and the values that that has given you to go forward, then you didn't find your guy."
"I encourage the dynamic that I do because I'm looking at what's going to be truly beneficial for both sides in the long run, in a loving, healthy relationship."
"Good guy doesn't mean right guy, and good girl doesn't mean right girl."
"You have to create your own relationship goals. You are your relationship goals."
"You can't tell your family everything. And you certainly can't tell your single friends everything about your relationship."
"I always say to my friends, like the most romantic thing in the world is someone who's trying to build relationship competence."
"Don't confuse the fact that because you are trapped by COVID that you are trapped by your relationship."
"If you want to have a good relationship, don't go through anyone's phone. If you look, you will find."
"A truly fulfilling relationship, you don't keep score like this. You put everything you have into your relationship because you genuinely care for the other person on both sides."
"Be the change that you want in the relationship."
"People are happier and they stay together longer when they don't have sex before marriage and don't shack up before marriage."
"Learning how to recognize signs early in a relationship won't work out or that someone is just too incompatible can save us a lot of pain and regret down the road."
"It's absolutely necessary if you want to have a healthy relationship."
"Your woman should never ever be your number one priority. Your priority should be your goals."
"Being married to the wrong person is a type of hell no one should have to go through."
"I highly recommend couple therapy for every couple. I don't care if you're in love or on the verge of breaking up."
"You should never fight for her validation; it should be on an even playing field."
"Relationships shouldn't be a sporting event to see how much suffering you can withstand. If it's not getting better, leave while you can."
"You came up with a hilarious solution. You do have a husband problem though."
"You want to make sure there's some humility on the other person's account."
"If you're looking for love, true love, which I describe as something that's long-term, then you have to show your true authentic self."
"How does a guy know if he's with the right woman for him? The right woman will be supportive of his hobbies, interests, goals, and most importantly, his mission and purpose in life."
"There is a major positive shift that's about to occur within your relationship."
"You never stop dating, you have to keep winning the person over and over again."
"I opened up this book, shook it a little bit, and all these red flags just fell out."
"Over-communication is the key, but it really is about fearless kinds of communication."
"If you're searching for a relationship and you feel like you need it for fulfillment, the last thing you need is a relationship."
"Don't confuse the length of your relationship with the strength of your relationship."
"It's a lot more fun and a lot easier to date women and to have relationships with women who actually like you than ones that you're trying to convince to like you."
"All it is, is just accepting the good and the bad. Patience, patience, patience is a big thing."
"Instead of believing they'll change, you must accept they will undoubtedly stay the same."
"Communication is really, really hard... setting boundaries and having open, healthy communication is so hard."
"Stop seeking happiness externally. Become internally fulfilled from there, and then you can find a match on a normal, healthy level."
"You just want to make sure you marry the right woman."
"Love is work. See, that's so true. You can't just give up."
"Communication is key for relationships. Without communication, you just don't have too much of a relationship."
"So why, if that's the case for your son, why don't you have the same energy for you? You're dealing with somebody else's son."
"I may not be the best person to make this video about relationships because I am single, but I'm going to make it anyway."
"Treat the girl like a person, not a vending machine for sex."
"I'm not trying to teach you some kind of magic bullet on how to find a man tomorrow. I'm just trying to teach you about how you can be honest with yourself about what kind of man do you want."
"Communicate with the desire to understand rather than immediately condemn. You have to remember that you guys are on the same team."
"Understand what the men that you desire want...if you want the best partner, you also have to be the best partner."
"Take your time. It's going to take time to prove if a man is what he appears to be or not."
"A healthy relationship is based on mutual respect and partnership, not to mention communication and honesty."
"Having a bad man is infinitely worse than having no man."
"Monogamy is good for you. It makes you a better person."
"If you don't love yourself, you won't be with someone who loves you, period."
"Be willing to give more than you receive or debt. Give first, receive second."
"People should have relationship checkups... at some point, we need to sit down and have an understanding."
"If he wanted to marry you, he would have married you."
"I think that love is a daily action, it's not something you just get to turn on and then get to behave however you want because we said I love you 10 years ago."
"Talk and share with the other person when you're gonna make any kind of large purchases."
"Now, do you see how maybe important it is to have a partner when it comes to this?"
"Appreciation and gratitude is like breathing and ice therapy for your relationship, right?"
"Love will find you if you're willing to let go of trauma."
"The less you try to change him, the more he changes to be there for you."
"His job isn't to make her happy, his job is to make her happier."
"We want to encourage you to look at the research and be mindful of the things that the research tells us about how to experience long-term relationship satisfaction."
"If you want any kind of relationship with your son going forward I very much recommend both of you and your wife's apologies for throwing a tantrum at his wedding."
"It shouldn't matter. I should be adding value to your life of some capacity. It shouldn't just be something that you can get anywhere else."
"Be in relationships because you really love that person, you want to grow with that person, you can see yourself growing old with that person."
"Creating healthy relationships is one of the ways that evil can be defeated."
"The single most important thing that men need to understand, if they want to have a relationship with a woman, is that they have to learn attunement."
"The foundation of female attraction lies in respect. That respect needs to come from a fear of loss."
"The man is always the prize. You need to assert dominance and make these women qualify for you."
"Live for you, do for you, because at the end of the day, these men will never be satisfied."
"The softer and more gentle you can be towards a man..."
"Happy wife, happy life. No matter what nonsense maybe, my wife knows that I love her very much."
"Don't let them treat you like anybody else, you gotta give each other space."
"Compatibility, in my opinion, is ultimately something that you work at and develop."
"Age is just a number and as long as there is love age isn't a problem."
"This person is going to treat you right, they're going to cherish you, they're going to respect you."
"I would love it if you just communicated your intent."
"If you want a guy that's worth something and that's in that percentage of guys, like, you have to get on this program."
"Why can't you just love somebody for who they are?"
"Let's just stay together and let's work it through."
"It is time to tell Mr. Depp that this was his last chance. Tell him to move on with his life, tell him to let Amber move on with hers."
"Polarity is the secret to a healthy relationship, not compatibility or open communication."
"Confidence is one of the most attractive traits in a partner."