
Acupuncture Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Just to give you a hint of where we are headed with this, just this last week, there was a paper published in 'Nature' from Qiufu Ma's lab at Harvard Medical School, explored how acupuncture can reduce inflammation in the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acupuncture has been used very successfully to treat headache and other forms of pain so much so that many insurance companies will now pay for acupuncture as an insured practice."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for a number of different things, including fertility and pregnancy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"And he managed to do it. Yu Chun finally recovered after Wuji treated him with an acupuncture therapy technique that even the healer had never seen before."
"And the moment the acupuncture was over, I felt like I was energized and ready for the day."
"Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of traditional Chinese medicine."
"What a nice day outside, a good day for some acupuncture."
"Acupuncture began in China thousands of years ago."
"I found this guy who's apparently really good in Blackpool, so I've just booked in, gonna go have some acupuncture and then go off to the show."
"This is somewhat emblematic of urban acupuncture."
"Acupuncture is just more insight in becoming more aware of ourselves."
"These case reports are very interesting and important, raising some level of suspicion that acupuncture might be beneficial."
"These Bulls are treated very well. They all receive acupuncture after their bull rides."
"Observing Bong's deft needlework and his ability to manipulate the muscle to exert pressure on the blood vessel, Han recognized acupuncture as a remarkable medical art."
"This acupuncture kind of changed my life."
"In your hand, there is a lot of acupuncture pressure points, and when you clap, the person who is clapping is going to feel very relaxed."
"I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something. I know I definitely learned something about acupuncture."
"Acupuncture not only treats pain problems, it helps people expand their life and make you more healthy."
"Acupuncture, especially combining acupuncture with prokinetics, seems to be beneficial in terms of accelerating gastric emptying and improving symptoms."
"Acupuncture is now covered by Medicare."
"I had severe pain radiating down my arm, so rather than doing surgery or anything like that, I did an acupuncture treatment and I'm pain-free now."
"Acupuncture may decrease stress in patients."
"It's like going to do yoga, but they come into acupuncture because it fits in and they can schedule it, and they walk out feeling like they've just had a really good reset."
"It's like if you want to take it up a notch, you do the electro acupuncture."
"Acupuncture is about balancing the Qi and energy."
"Acupuncturists insert special needles under the skin to stimulate the body's own natural healing process."
"Acupuncture... it's amazing for all types of pain, anxiety, digestive issues, fibromyalgia, PMS, immune support."
"Thanks to acupuncture, there is still hope."
"Acupuncture helps so much. I'm doing it for a lot of things: for my gut, my jaw, overall mood, hormone balance, so many things. It's amazing."
"Acupuncture is safe. It's effective. It's scientific. Use it. It's really great."
"Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic technique developed in China, about 3,000 years ago or earlier."
"Acupuncture increases happy chemicals, or pain-fighting chemicals, in the brain and spinal cord."
"Acupuncture has real effects on the body."
"He's known as the Miracle Healer with Needles."
"The best point, of course, is Pericardium Six, especially for upper digestive tract or stomach chi rebelling."
"Acupuncture and acupressure do appear to be more effective than placebo and more effective than no treatment."
"Acupuncture works much faster because it goes deeper; it actually sends signals to the brain."
"Spleen six crosses three meridians, so it addresses anything of the liver, the spleen, and the kidney."
"Spleen twenty-one is the best point for any muscle ache like fibromyalgia in the body."
"Spleen 6 is the crossing point between the liver, the kidney, and the spleen Meridian, making it a powerful point to calm the mind."
"Ren 17 is the local point in the center of the chest that is best when it comes to anxiety."
"DU 20 is the highest point on the head, so it's closest to the top of the heaven, the sky, and so it's really a perfect point for mental health."
"An Mian is absolutely fantastic for insomnia."
"Each of the 12 channels has a she cleft point, I know that she cleft points treat acute conditions and pain."
"If a point has a category, then it probably means it's a big point and it's something that we really need to know."
"Needling these points can have a quick and dramatic effect."
"Acupuncture is used in several ways."
"Acupuncture can often lift that foggy-headedness that you get from dampness off of your body."