
Teaching Quotes

There are 13767 quotes

"Role play... is very powerful for teaching the brain how to function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What would I want written on my gravestone? Some combination of good father, good husband, and inspirational teacher."
"The life we live are the lessons we teach others."
"If you learn something with the intention of explaining it to somebody else, you're going to learn it much better."
"The best ways of learning is actually teaching."
"Learn with the intention of teaching it to somebody else."
"When you teach something, you get to learn it twice."
"Creatively, you're in a place where you can teach or speak, especially if you're looking to do motivational speaking or establish a brand or product."
"Teaching is seducing. If you want to get to people, you have to go ask where they're coming from and you have to tell your arguments to where they're coming from so that they can emotionally relate."
"I don't want to give you a fish; I want to teach you how to fish so I could feed you not just for a day but for a lifetime."
"The best way to teach is by being the good example."
"We learn as we teach...by having to articulate it and explain it and distill it, you are understanding it better than if you were just learning it for yourself."
"I want to teach self-improvement, teach people how to fish so that they can achieve great things on their own down the line."
"This career has given me the life of my dreams, it's given me the freedom that I've been chasing after for years, and it's given me the chance to do the one thing that I love doing most, which is teaching."
"Most importantly of all, it taught me the joys of being a teacher."
"Every human should spend at least one to two hours a day learning new information to the level where they can teach it."
"This course does not aim at teaching the meaning of love, for that is far beyond what can be taught. It does aim at removing the obstacles to the awareness of Love's presence."
"You guys are artists, and you teach people with your art. You inspire people with your art."
"I think if mum can start to manage her own emotions and regulate them, then she'll teach the kids to be able to do the same as well."
"If I won the lottery... what would I do with my time? It would mostly be probably continuing to make educational YouTube videos because I just love teaching."
"Mentoring others is the best way to cement your own skills."
"Good level design constantly teaches the player something new."
"People with a near-death experience were my greatest teachers."
"I'm your teacher, right? Your professor, your guide, your talking, faceless dictionary, an encyclopedia in eldritch art house, child between Wikipedia and audible.com, raised in the weird parts of the web."
"Experience is not the best teacher, evaluated experience is."
"All life is suffering... but the other part of his teaching is, 'I show you suffering and the end of suffering.'"
"Men should be open to receiving biblical and doctrinal instruction from women."
"It's educational philosophy, is why I do it."
"The greatest teachers are ones that probably failed a lot in the beginning because that's how you learn."
"Life ultimately is the greatest spiritual teacher."
"Anybody can get there if you work hard, and they also need good teaching."
"My purpose in teaching these courses was to try to teach what I call the theoretical minimum—the minimum amount of stuff that you really need if you truly want to technically be able to go on to the next step."
"Empowerment is teaching someone how to be an entrepreneur instead of trying to own them."
"A good benchmark for having learned something is to be able to explain it to someone else."
"He was very good to the boys, and he taught those boys so much."
"Storytelling is such an important part of the overall lesson here."
"I love teaching. It gives me a great sense of satisfaction."
"The best way to learn is to teach. If you just read it and you're not able to regurgitate it, eventually you'll forget it."
"As a lot of us find out on the medical training path, teaching is surprisingly rewarding and fun."
"If you do not show humility to your children, they will not learn humility."
"If you teach something, it forces you to break down the information and it forces you to understand it well enough to break it down simply for someone else."
"It's so hard for naturally charismatic people to teach people how they do what they do. It's much easier, in a certain sense, to not be that person and then have to learn it the hard way."
"The Buddha himself made clear that my followers should accept my teaching not out of respect, but rather through your own investigation and experiment."
"Any teaching that doesn't teach love is a false teaching."
"School. I've had all kinds of experiences with it. Sometimes you get a great teacher who can make you excited about learning."
"He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you."
"I always try to teach it in the way that I would have wanted to learn it if I was just getting started."
"For Dale Earnhardt Jr., if that wasn't like the old man, I don't know what was. Tony Senior, hey, he had a good teacher."
"I love having teacher Sims. I'm not really sure what it is, but I just like that."
"Helping people learn how to be the best versions of themselves is a personal passion of mine."
"The best way to understand something is to teach it."
"Remember that you were once learning the thing that you're currently teaching someone."
"The radicalism of Pauline and ultimately Christian teaching is to say no, that's not true, everybody's body, no one has the right to have that done to them."
"This person is a teacher; they're a leader. You guys will learn a lot from each other."
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for one day. But if you teach him to fish, you feed him forever."
"Life is good for only two things, discovering mathematics and teaching mathematics." – Siméon Poisson
"I actually don't want to ever just tell somebody, 'Here's how you do something.' I actually prefer to say, 'Here's an interesting question. Do you have any ideas?'"
"With a little creativity and a little bit of courage and confidence in yourself, because we all have something that we're good at, there's always something we can teach."
"Your external world is a reflection of your inner world. This is what you teach."
"Even teaching [near-death experiences]...can really result in positive changes."
"For a hungry person, you can give them fish, but if you really want to help them, teach them fishing."
"Just because I teach this stuff... doesn't make me immune to what it means to be human."
"What I'm teaching you to do is to not let your mind hijack you."
"Mothers need to teach their children that they are loved unconditionally and regardless."
"A lot of the things I found most meaningful throughout my life have been when I've been teaching."
"Teaching and learning are fundamental to building a society that is passionate about lifelong learning."
"I want to be a teacher. I want to be somebody who helps turn on lights."
"Why is there a party for me? Everyone wanted to thank you for being the best teacher in the world."
"When you find somebody that’s willing to learn, it doesn't matter what level they're at. You can take that person and be able to, oh yeah, come on because in your learning, you're gonna be able to teach me something."
"The purpose of art was to teach us how to feel."
"Practice as I teach because that's the best way for you to learn any new technology."
"The best way to learn something and master something is to be able to teach it in an easy way to other people."
"The ultimate teacher is really silence. The ultimate teacher goes beyond logic and rationality."
"I teach people what I have experienced. Enlightenment could be just the capacity to be in the present moment without assumptions, without imposing interpretations."
"I think, maybe, the reason I lean into teaching is that's where I learned the most."
"If the teacher, the guide, offers something that is real, depth, dignity, spirit, points towards you know you are better than you are, speaks honestly, there's another thing."
"Learn from your mistakes, teach other people from them, and that way, somebody benefits from what you lost."
"I love teaching and helping as many people as I can. The purpose of what I do is to help you guys, professionals, to pursue the careers that you really want to do."
"You help people understand why it's necessary and important for them to grow up and adopt responsibility."
"You disseminate your previous mastered life lessons from prior incarnations into the population this lifetime."
"We will all someday be teachers ourselves because someday we will all be history. We will someday be the ancients, and we can choose what that will mean."
"Machine learning is the most exciting field of all of computer science. I'm actually always excited about teaching this class."
"Failure is the best teacher you will ever have."
"I always wanted to share my knowledge. I'm an educator, I teach a lot, and my passion is teaching and making someone else's life better through teaching."
"It's the simplifying the complex... I do a lot of English to English translation. Like, I talk to lawyers, and then I tell the clients what they say... I think I do the same thing with concepts that I've learned."
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness."
"My whole like the thing that brings me the most fulfillment and meaning is teaching."
"The greatest example that you can give, the greatest way to teach is being it."
"Teaching is kind of that live interaction; you get to work with people, you get to help them get better, help them enrich their lives."
"One person will touch another person and teach somebody else. That's the most important thing."
"For he taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes."
"I finally feel like, you know, this is what it's supposed to be like. This is what I envision teaching like."
"I think sometimes we teach what we most need to learn."
"I taught her how to use the bathroom, brush your teeth, and all that. Nothing but smiles when we were together."
"It is true that all the major world religions have the 'love your neighbor as yourself' teaching in there."
"Unfortunately, I had to start class by apologizing."
"Teaching as a craft... has always been something that I've been passionate about."
"I really feel like a lot of you are meant to be teachers or meant to travel as a job or a life purpose."
"You thought it was about escaping to heaven one day, but Jesus said, disciple the nations, baptize them, and teach them to obey."
"I try to be uncompromising in terms of what Jesus taught but lead with grace and kindness and understanding... I have a ton of compassion for Christians, non-Christians who are wrestling with this internally."
"For as long as I exist, I will keep showing up for life. I will continue to be a learner and always strive to be a teacher by imparting my hard-earned lessons to others."
"Please put your hands together for Daniel Dennett. Can I ask for the house lights to be put up? I'm not an actor; I'm a professor. I like to see the students' eyes; I like to see the audience's reactions."
"His anatomy, having taught animal anatomy for over 60 semesters...I know it well enough to say 'here's someone who knows it so well that he's hardly thinking about it'."
"Allah did not send me to be harsh or to irritate people. Allah sent me as a teacher and Allah sent me to make things easy for people."
"Healing yourself and teaching others to do the same is the most congruent path of life."
"The truth is so powerful that once you really acquire it, it's no longer your responsibility to hold it in; it's your responsibility to try to teach."
"A deep sense of satisfaction and energy comes from learning and teaching."
"My principal actually told me that my teaching portfolio was one of the main reasons I got hired."
"This man was a teacher for 40 years; at year 20, on picture day, he realized he'd worn the same outfit as the previous year, so he got the idea to continue to do so for his whole teaching career."
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching."
"He tells her that since she had chosen him, he'd teach her how to conquer it."
"It's not about how much money you can make in this world, but how much knowledge you can teach others to change their lives."
"Trying to teach someone else that new skill is, in my opinion, the most effective strategy I have for deepening my understanding of a new skill."
"I love to teach, I love to lead, I love to collaborate and be a teammate, and I love to compete."
"Failure... is going to be the best and the biggest teacher."
"We want to teach you how to think, not what to think."
"When you are actually doing the live coding, do your best to explain what you're doing... try to keep in mind that people watching might be completely new."
"I am a positive force. I teach the world discipline, male or female of any age."
"I've been waiting to make a beginner guitar course for years and years and years, ever since I was a guitar teacher back in the mid '90s."
"One of my goals on the planet is to teach, to heal, and to create a connection and a community of lightworkers."
"The kids were great, they always are. That's why we do it."
"I am a positive force in the world, and I teach discipline, male or female, of any age."
"The villain of the first film, Tai Lung, was once a student of Shifu and Oogway who showed a natural talent in Kung Fu."
"I love to teach...but I don't like to preach."
"They're almost taking what you've taught them and doing even more with it."
"Learn to swim as soon as possible and teach your kids to swim. There's no such thing as too young."
"The out-of-the-box thinking of how we can better teach our students is in part directed by Dr. Lowenstein."
"The greatest teachers teach without speaking."
"I've been using the new GFX 50s camera, and I thought Horseshoe Bend would be a beautiful place to teach you the strengths of working in medium format."
"The Dalai Lama is an incomparable Buddhist teacher. In every aspect of his life, he embodies the principles he teaches."
"Like many little girls, Rylee wanted to be a teacher when she grew up."
"I was excited to be independent, excited to be what I'm trying to be, a teacher."
"The best way to teach your players the mechanics of your game is to do it invisibly, blending them in perfectly with the gameplay without altering the pacing in any negative way."
"We need more funding for teaching professors."
"I'm leaning towards just leaving medicine completely because ultimately the thing that I'm passionate about is teaching."
"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime."
"I've been flying forever and I have 19,600 flying hours. I have taught over 3,000 people to fly."
"Financial literacy and stuff like that is important to me and that's what I'm teaching my kids."
"It's like that one saying, you can teach a man to fish... wait, no, you can take a man fishing and he eats for a day, or you can teach a man to fish and he eats for life."
"I'm a teacher first. I love to write, and I'm in finance. And the way I described it, I'm in three businesses that are all begging to be disrupted, three really big, badly-run businesses, all of which need to be taken to the cleaners."
"If you want to accelerate your learning, teach it to somebody else."
"The Feynman Technique is a method of memorization where you learn a more complex concept and then you break it down into simple terminology and then you teach it to someone who knows nothing about the subject."
"The truth is the truth, and we're ordained to preach it and teach it."
"I love you all; there's really nothing else to teach. It is time for you to go do."
"If Allah called Himself a teacher, who will refuse to be a student?"
"Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam was the best teacher ever in human history and not just history, even in the future of humanity, there will never be a better teacher."
"Holiness is the characteristics of God revealed to the prophets and the apostles through teaching and divine revelation."
"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. You teach them to fish, you feed them for a lifetime."
"Then I will teach transgressors your ways, so that sinners will turn back to you."
"If you're hungry, I can give you a fish, or I can teach you how to fish."
"The best way to learn anything is to teach it."
"If you really want to learn something, you teach it."
"I love teaching you; Friday's my favorite part of the day."
"Embrace The Beginner's mindset...Someone who is a beginner is often much better at teaching other beginners than an expert."
"It was Keith's dream to teach the kids how to fish when they got older, and I want to fulfill Keith's wish."
"The reason that I'm on here and I teach things for free is because I want to give back whatever I can."
"Educating is my passion. I love doing it. I love teaching."
"No matter how cool your substitute teacher is as a person, they really only can be as cool as the lesson plan left behind for them by the teacher."
"I'm here today...to try to touch everybody that will listen and teach you how to not make the mistakes that I made."
"I've been learning and then I've been teaching, so I've been trying to edify the people, and also learning from the people as well."
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations... teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." - Matthew 28:19-20
"Don't harm yourself and others by accepting the teaching experiences and encounters that are not proven and established in Scripture."
"What I'm going to give you is not very much theory; I'm going to give you a lot of applicable, usable techniques."
"I love to see people do well. So I like to teach people."
"Teach me who He is, teach me what He is like. That's what I want to do this year in the New Testament."
"It's not about being perfect; it's about being an example. As we learn, we teach."
"She led us with her love, but she taught us that the fires, well, they were our friends too."
"I'm a teacher. I've always been a teacher. That's all I do, and almost everything I do in my life is an extension of my teaching."
"My struggle in this old age is to get the young ones to fall in love with the Quran."
"The first thing you're taught in martial arts is respect."
"Preach, teach, and heal, and healing will open up people's heart to the reality of Christ. He is the Living God."
"Teaching people as early as you can to be able to control their emotions... not be at the whim of your emotions."
"We always teach our kids to do what's right, no matter what the personal cost is to them."
"Being a teacher is hard and the only thing that stands between him and crying in front of all of you is like two or three bad reviews."
"This series is probably going to be the most important message I've taught in my lifetime."
"Discipleship is simply the process of teaching...it's really passing on divine truth because people live and make decisions based on convictions."
"She was a kindergarten teacher, the most amazing mother, she was my little sister, but I really looked up to her."
"With whatever skills you have learned, you can actually teach that to other people and you can make an income from doing that."
"Convey for me whatever you know of Islam, even though it be only a single verse from the Quran."
"Sometimes people come in knowing more about it than I do, and then they teach me, and that's I love it."
"Give a man a fish, feed them for a day; teach someone to fish, feed them for a lifetime."
"I'm having fun; I'm teaching board games for a living. Let's have a little joy here."
"I aim to accidentally teach people stuff by passively making them laugh. I think that's my approach."
"The true test of knowing a topic or knowing a subject is if you can now take what you learn, truly understand it, repackage it in your own way, and teach others."
"She pushed her students to challenge themselves but was never one to ask anyone to do something she wouldn't do herself."
"Intelligence, motivated, and hardworking, her dream from a young age was to be a teacher, and she was over the moon when she got a job as a primary school teacher."
"The word of God just continually, continually, continually reveals and teaches all the foundational realities...and that's enough to make the man of God complete."
"If you make the decision to have a child, you're making the decision to also be a teacher for life."
"Everyone has something that they're good at, and there are other people who would like to learn how to do what you do too."
"You don't teach somebody something by doing the same thing they're doing."
"By being silent, you're teaching them that that behavior is okay."
"I really believe in learning by sharing and teaching others... it's a great way to become an expert in this field."
"I really believe in demos. I think they make the concepts very concrete."
"Give a man a fish, eat for a day; teach a man to fish, he eats for a lifetime."
"Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions."
"He has this ability, I think, to teach and explain chess that's unique."
"Relax and release. That's the highest thing I can teach you."
"If you can teach something, it's the best way to learn."
"A teacher who gets them and just listens and accepts them like unconditionally, yeah, it's so important."
"If you want to master something, teach about it."