
Physical Activity Quotes

There are 841 quotes

"Simply moving a lot, being a fidgeter, bouncing your knee, standing up and pacing several times or many times throughout the day led to considerable amounts of fat loss and weight loss."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Prevention is key when it comes to cancer. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, and staying physically active, you can help reduce your risk of developing cancer."
"Remember, being active doesn't have to be grueling; just move. And if anything, just take a bath and relax, still your mind."
"The most dangerous misunderstanding is how much exercise it takes to get benefits. There are minimal amounts of activity that provide big benefits. More is generally better, but you can get huge benefits just by moving your body a little bit every day."
"Get outside and take a walk, don't look at your phone while you're doing it, run outside as opposed to on a treadmill if you can safely do that."
"We never evolved to regulate inflammation other than through physical activity."
"Every culture in the world has dancing, a form of physical activity that's social, fun, and engaging."
"The best exercise is the one you like doing."
"Every single time you move your body...you're making your brain sharper."
"It's not just running, right? It's what you love doing. And it can be a sport. It could be wind surfing, it could be sailing; but just move, that's the main thing."
"The biggest reduction in risk bar none is always going from nothing to doing something."
"Including movement in your day that's enjoyable and sustainable can have both physical and mental benefits."
"Every single time you move your body, you are releasing a whole bunch of neurochemicals."
"People who are more physically active are happier, they have better relationships, more meaning in life, and are less at risk for things like depression and loneliness."
"Our brains aren't just housed in bodies like it's a suitcase that's carrying our brains around; our brains really work best when we are in bodies that are active."
"The impact I want to have on the world is to encourage, enhance, and enable pure physical play for every child. And, I qualify a child as anyone with imagination."
"I think everybody should be somewhat physically active... take reasonable efforts to take care of yourself."
"Yoga is one of the only physical activities you can do for yourself where you're going to feel both of those things."
"Why is everything got to be downstairs then upstairs, down and up, down and up, over and over? I feel like this is exercise simulator. I'm going to run a marathon soon."
"Move your body every day... it moves your mood."
"Always encourage clients like, 'Hey, if you like yoga, fine, like do yoga, but also lift weights. You have to lift weights.'"
"A habit of some small habit of daily learning... some sort of physical activity... and then, a process, a habit of reflection and review."
"Get yourself things that involve some kind of physical activity... it makes you feel fitter and healthier and slimmer anyway."
"Move your body every day to release chemicals in your mind that help boost your mood."
"Going from zero activity to just 90 minutes a week is about a 15% reduction in all-cause mortality." - Dr. Peter Attia
"Physical activity during the day does seem to have an improvement effect on your sleep at night, particularly in terms of the quality of your sleep."
"This makes me feel capable, like I can go out and run today, even though I was going to basically not run today."
"Activities that are easier to carry out that don't get the heart rate elevated as much are not going to create changes in this brain structure that is associated with tenacity and willpower."
"The most important thing that you can do in your life is to sweat and get physically active. Like there's nothing that is going to be better for you. No aging drug, nothing."
"I continued teaching, exercised every day, tried to stay positive."
"Physical activity is very important... but it's not that effective for weight loss."
"Physical activity may play a crucial role as a risk factor for severe COVID-19 outcomes."
"A lack of physical activity is a well-documented underlying risk factor for multiple chronic diseases, including those associated with severe COVID-19."
"Physical activity is one of the leading determinants of health, and the lack of adequate physical activity is estimated to be responsible for 6 to 10 percent of the global burden of major chronic diseases and 9 percent of premature deaths."
"Physical activity, including both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises, led to substantial reductions in the infectivity of SARS-CoV-2, risk of poor outcomes, and death related to COVID-19."
"One of the best things that you can do to help with depression is to go on occasional walks."
"I'm trying to get back into working out and being more active because that's something that really helps me."
"Moving is really important to making - draining the lymph system, which is kind of like the body's sewer system."
"Integrating cognitive work with physical exercise, like long runs or walks, can clear out the clutter."
"Getting people to move, whatever form it is, whether it's yoga, dance, pilates, we want them doing something."
"Dodgeball is not a dangerous sport, and it might actually, believe it or not, be fun. It might be legit fun to play."
"Exercising or just being active in general also has helped me be consistent."
"One of the best ways to counter stress is through physical work."
"Normally, you have to use a bunch of poles to go through an obstacle course, which is pretty fun on its own."
"Physical activity really is the wonder drug."
"For me personally, I believe that sex connects me to my lover, I believe it's a way of reducing stress and getting some physical exertion."
"Just getting off the couch and being active at all...is actually going to improve things. But if you want to optimize it, that's when we're talking about doing 300 minutes and mixing in some high intensity exercise."
"We've got to develop a multi-sectoral, multi-component program that addresses sugar drinks, that addresses physical activity."
"Physical activity...was never called exercise, but they did a lot of walking."
"Playing with a dog or helping out on an animal farm will increase your amount of physical activity and exercise is a well-known way to boost your endorphin levels."
"With everybody quarantined inside, we're all cooped up, we're getting stir-crazy, so we need to stay active and stay positive."
"Anything that gets people active and going and exercising, as far as I'm concerned, is a good thing."
"I walk anywhere from sixteen to twenty thousand steps or more. So you definitely need to have good shoes."
"Physical activity from their oncologist results in an increase of 60 minutes of vigorous walking a week, which definitely contributes to a more positive prognosis."
"Obesity is definitely one of the big ones, and also physical activity. More recently we've become aware of the importance of physical activity."
"Skateboarding is like a therapy...it's a mental and physical therapy."
"It's very important for people's mental and physical well-being that they should be able to get out and exercise if they possibly can."
"You go to Europe and you feel lighter. That's because they're moving. We never go anywhere without hopping in a car, also avoiding walking at all costs."
"Baby wearing actually does count as tummy time as well."
"Jogging is also a good way for me to charge batteries for a long day working."
"Learn new skills... keep learning new things, keep moving your body in new ways, and you'll keep your brain active and young as well as your body."
"A lot of people get this idea that they become more powerful by doing really tiny, small snappy movements on really small holds, and in fact, the most effective way to develop power is to do big moves on relatively good holds but a lot of distance and ground covered."
"Okay, you're working out because you have a desk job and you don't actually move your body that much. The time for nihilism, self-pity, and excuses is over."
"Physical activity is one of the key pillars of a long and healthy life and of course nutrition is another."
"Walking is a fantastic activity; just being active is going to help you."
"Walking 45 minutes at least three times a week will make a difference."
"Everybody should get into a martial art cuz why not."
"If your weight goes up, that can make you eat more calories and make your exercise go down."
"They walk a lot, they garden a lot, they work in their yards."
"You don't have to run for miles to get the benefits... but you do want to put your body in a state where you're so puffed..."
"It's better to be prepared and just go out there for a run."
"I have worn mail I can run jump do push-ups basically a hinders me in no way."
"If you're not moving your body, you're not moving your brain. Really helps me keep my together between my ears."
"Remember every muscle movement is an exercise."
"In conclusion, in order for man to succeed in life, God provided him with two means, education and physical activity."
"Water resistant means the SPF is maintained for up to 40 minutes while swimming or sweating."
"Sunscreen should also be applied immediately after swimming or toweling off or if you're sweating a great deal."
"I'm a big component of just moving your body every day."
"Movement daily. It doesn't have to be a crazy HIIT workout. It can literally be a little walk, doing some stretches, just get your body moving."
"There's almost a conflict which is we know that physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of death globally."
"People who focus on parkour like doing jumps a lot, and people who focus on free running like doing flips a lot."
"Never underestimate the power of a good walk."
"A quick fun dance class online can make you feel energized."
"Jump around it, jump around, just jump around it."
"Every time you move, you're giving yourself an intravenous dose of hope."
"Get active, get off the couch, and feel invigorated."
"Maybe book in that walk with your family or by yourself with your dog, get in that step count, get in that fresh air as well."
"Exercise, you've got to move. You've got to move every day."
"Walking about 10,000 steps a day can contribute in a massive way to your weight loss journey."
"I think it's hilarious that every time I go to a gym I get the same type of euphoric effect that I get when I go to like an ice cream place."
"Skating makes you feel freer. Roller skating mimics a freedom that you can't feel until you have them on your feet."
"I ran through the park and I swear over the sound of my heart beating fast, I could hear the sound of twigs snapping and leaves crunching."
"We need to understand that people under any circumstance if they have the ability to get fresh air and exercise, it is quite important to their health."
"Movement is the most important thing, so just do something that is really enjoyable."
"Generally if I can be if if I'm sitting I ask myself can I be standing if I'm standing can I be walking so on and so forth and those are questions you should be looking at because you know it helps and it totally helps."
"Faster movement on hills and terrain, that's what I'm looking forward to here."
"The Thrill of the Fight is probably the most physical and tiring game I've ever played in VR."
"Doing a little often is the key to reaping the benefits of movement."
"Slacklining is fantastic for all kinds of things... It's actually really underrated as a performance-enhancing tool."
"I'm sweating a little bit because, you know, cleaning is a workout."
"Ground yourself with some physical movements."
"The Quest 2 is a great device to get your heart rate up, playing games like Beat Saber."
"Just moving more, sitting less, and doing activity really matters."
"Everyday physical activity is associated with cerebral blood flow in brain regions affected by aging."
"Everyday physical activity can influence the brain and cognitive health."
"Any activity that keeps your mind healthy, keeps your body healthy, your vascular system healthy is going to be good for the brain."
"It means engaging in programs that keep me physically active as well as prioritizing all our Mental Health."
"I think the biggest problem is now we are so sedentary in our lifestyle everything is made for us. We don't have to move so the key thing is just keep moving."
"If you're depressed just go for a jog, officially endorsed by a happy smiling Mouse."
"Every now and then, sprint as hard as you can, start by moving if you're doing nothing, that's the bulk of it."
"Don't forget to breathe and well good, we're up on our feet now doing a one leg quarter squat plus half raise opposite leg comes up."
"Physical activity is a very, very effective way to get rid of acute inflammation."
"Physical activity is the single best antidote to fibromyalgia."
"Physical activity is extremely valuable when it comes to back and joint pain relief."
"Looking good because of physical activity is a very, very important component of self-esteem and self-confidence building."
"Women who take naps and women who work out and sweat from their face a lot, they have great skin."
"Neglecting your body, particularly through a lack of physical activity, can have profound effects on our vibrational energy."
"One is nutrition, what you put into your body. Number two is exercise, how you move your body."
"Unless I'm moving consistently, I'm just not as good a person as I can be. I'm a better person."
"Get out of your car, put on a pair of comfortable shoes, and just go out and walk for two or three miles."
"There's no animals except us and the only difference between us and other animals is we have experts telling kids to sit in desks all day in sunless rooms not moving when they're made to move."
"Bar: a fun way to get some muscle endurance."
"I exercise almost some kind of physical activity every day at least a half an hour to hour every day no excuses notices 24 hours in a day I could take one hour to love myself right mm-hmm."
"You're gonna feel the friction of the bow as you go and stuff like that."
"Just movement, even for twenty minutes, can make a big difference."
"Go to the gym, even if you don't have heartbreak. It's extremely healthy for your mental state."
"That is how to press a dumbbell. Truly truly unbelievable performance."
"Exercise actually makes those interventions more effective."
"Please permit your children to go out and play. Physical activities are crucial."
"I think this is gonna be for the first time that we have a medium that you can actually be very physically active and also you know be involved in virtual worlds."
"If you keep walking five miles a day when you're used to being sedentary you're gonna keep losing weight and so that's been my major goal."
"I love golf, man. Something about just hitting the ball really far."
"My daughter does Taekwondo because that was the thing that could control her hyperactivity without medicine."
"I felt totally comfortable moving and running."
"Running exhausts you, right, even though I love running."
"Stay active out there. It's worth it #BeLikeCarl."
"If you usually have trouble reaching your 10,000 steps quota, then that could be a thing of the past by laying down roots in the Paro Valley in Bhutan."
"They make it like easy to talk to, they're like oh are you able to get some movement in today, that's the main thing my coach usually tells me."
"You're moving your body, you're sweating, you're smiling, you're building strength, that's what it's all about."
"The buddy system has been proven to work. Run with a friend or in well-lit, populated areas."
"Put on your shoes and go walk outside for an hour."
"I'm running with my legs moving too fast for my body."
"Movement comes in; any type of movement is vital."
"Do it get out there even if it's starting to walk or run in your neighborhood or get on your bike do it exert yourself it's contagious and it transcends so please take care of yourself."
"Our brains suffer when we're sedentary and they thrive in a body that moves."
"The brain thrives at the top of a body that's moving and exercising."
"Physical activity can be valuable and therapeutic. I hope we'll continue to make time for it even as life returns to normal."
"Exercising is not only great for our body health but also for our skin."
"We aim to motivate you to get active again." - Game Your Fit
"You need to be getting 10,000 steps in a day, it's good for your health."
"I just went for a walk and I just burnt all these calories and you know you feel so fresh it's so light and so excited about life"
"I have not felt this much weight for a moment in a narrative since I have read Malazan Book of the Fallen."
"Moving your body just puts you in a good mood."
"Move your body every day... as long as you are taking time out of your day to move it every day you're doing good."
"Control what you have in your dominion which is your thoughts and get outside and exercise it's amazing what that does for you."
"This is the hardest part of the run absolutely."
"Exercise improves survival rates and overall health."
"Remember thinking of hatha not going too far or straining but not taking it easy either, finding that perfect balance between strength and ease."
"Get outdoors and move while learning - it's the best way to stay energized!" - AJ Hogue
"Listening to English while exercising at the gym is a great way to stay awake!" - AJ Hogue
"Want to energize your learning? Get outdoors and move while you study!" - AJ Hogue
"Literally coming back here it's like a workout."
"No one comes back from a walk saying, 'I wish I hadn't done that.' You just feel better."
"Your body is able to move in that way, it is a privilege not a chore."
"Halfway through it might feel like a bit of a chore, but a good one, it's worth it."
"We for sure made memories today, burned a few calories, had a great time."
"Should you work out when you're hungover? If you feel okay, go lift some weights, sweat it out."
"Yesterday was a half marathon on foot, then eight miles, and today has been a legit full marathon."
"Healthy heart, healthy circulation, good mind, and I love boxing for those reasons."
"Daily aerobic exercise can decrease depression and anxiety symptoms for over 75% of people."
"Only 3.5% of adults hit their recommended physical activity levels every week."
"Physical activity is the Best Buy in public health."
"Everything you're doing right now is investing in your future health."
"Exercise doesn't just mean burpees and sprints, all movement is good."
"Mentally, I'm much better off when I'm also physically doing things."
"I do a lot of running, like excessive amounts of running."
"That's a lot of uh that's a lot of physical activity."
"Exercise, researchers at the University of Illinois showed that when people lace up their sneakers and do a brisk walk 40 minutes three times a week."
"Moving my body really is essential to my self-care routine."
"Let's try different forms of physical activity that are fun and do it with other people so that you enjoy doing it and it's something that you look forward to rather than something that you resent."
"I just know that moving my body makes me feel really good and I highly encourage you to try a new workout if you haven't done one of these already."
"It's not about driving yourself into the ground, it is about moving your body and realizing all that your body is capable of."
"So whatever gets her active is what I'm all for you know so I think that's such like a big overarching piece is you know independent of just saying hey do whatever diet helps you lose weight"
"Even light activity every 20 minutes significantly improves glucose and insulin levels."
"Making sure that you're standing up, moving around, changing location, having those life experiences, going out and having a hobby that's beyond art."
"What we put into our bodies, how we move our bodies, has a direct and immediate impact."
"This is such amazing exercise. I love a little mountain biking."
"I figure I want to take advantage of this feeling good, this energy, go take a walk, get some movement into my day."
"The leg isn't hurting as much after warming up which is really great."
"Moving your body gets the blood flow going which gets oxygen to all of your cells, it's incredibly energizing and so important for so many functions in your body."
"Regular exercise is known to reduce stress levels and anxiety."
"It's beautiful, heart's pounding, feeling good. Oh yeah."
"Let's get ready to do some running then, we'll do the running in a speedy way."
"Move, move, move your body because it activates all the longevity pathways."
"Not only does exercise distract you from your negative thoughts, but it's actually been proven to physiologically increase your sense of well-being."
"I am doing a juice cleanse. I have more energy, more energy than I thought. I was actually shocked on my 31-mile bike ride today how much energy I had. I didn't lose steam. It felt great."
"Exercise is overwhelmingly beneficial to our health."
"Everyone has their highs and lows... Riding my bike makes me feel more powerful and in control, but it also makes me suffer and sweat."
"Your body is meant to move and really use our bodies."
"Pooping is very important, it will also help a lot of people who do suffer from depression."