
Obligations Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"As long as you're not masturbating to excess and avoiding your obligations or your family or your partners or your friends, masturbation is a healthy way of self-exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The obligations we take on in our lives are the things that make us the most human."
"Are there truths, things that are true that transcend our subjective experience? Are there moral values and obligations that transcend us all and therefore obligate us all to align to them?"
"If what you want is impossible because you have to work, like you can't just have freedom from obligations... what do you do?"
"Obligations, there are consequences, there are accountability if you don't meet your obligations. When you make a commitment for marriage, that has to mean something, just like any other contract. No-fault divorce that we find in the feminist West is a destruction of that very basic justice that you know keeps society together."
"Security Council resolutions are binding. We call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the United Nations Charter."
"I find obligations are not a stable basis for a relationship."
"To say we have objective moral duties is to say we have certain moral obligations regardless of whether we think we do."
"When life becomes about meeting requirements and fulfilling obligations, checking off boxes and checking in on time, we forget the basics."
"Moral duties specifically are obligations; they're prescriptions."
"Rent is due on April 1st and it's going to continue to be due every 30 days until you do something different."
"We have an obligation to remedy the lasting effects of this segregation and have paid an enormous price."
"Our obligations, it's not just to win this war but survive."
"You owe me one, and I was like okay, yeah, that's fair."
"A contract can't require you to do something that you're legally obligated to do and it also can't require you to do something that is illegal."
"I think we're all liberated enough and what we need is more and better obligations."
"It can be frustrating when it feels like there's some kind of obligation."
"The oppressor still has obligations to the oppressed."
"The lack of commitment to honor the financial obligations soon turned into ongoing pressure."
"If you're subpoenaed, you've got to show up and you've got to testify if his parents feel like they'd be any danger of incriminating themselves."
"Contracts make the world go around... obligations and commitments."
"Render therefore to all their due: taxes to whom taxes are due, customs to whom customs, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor."
"No screw your freedom because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities."
"Does that mean he has to talk with them and buy them all dinner and listen to their complaints? Probably not, because he's the king."
"You have your whole life to pay back that person if it doesn't work out."
"Less obligation sometimes feels really freeing."
"The civic virtue distinctive to our time is the capacity to negotiate our way among these sometimes overlapping, sometimes conflicting obligations."
"Poverty does strange things to people, but just because you're suffering from poverty doesn't mean it alleviates your obligation to your children."
"Stop being obligated to the wrong people or the wrong system."
"Here and now, there are no obligations, there is no to-do list."
"Your obligations to society and your beliefs scale with your means."
"I got some things I gotta do out here sorry babe."
"They want our time and our money."
"Oppression from both sides, not knowing your obligations and rights, leads to imbalance."
"At this present time in our lives, we don't have the time to run a BNB."
"Implied contracts are legally enforceable obligations that arise from actions, conduct, or circumstances."
"The bill at the North Lake Motel at this point had not been received yet but they wouldn't let them leave the county until they wired that money."
"I had a few other things obligations I had today kind of swapping spots with Jared yesterday it was mostly today you got mostly Jared."
"How did you guys get through that I mean cuz you're on the road like you said you have obligations that you have to do for work did you stop everything to do absolutely everything just stopped for three to four months everything just stopped"
"I need to pay the bills, you know?"
"People have their own businesses to take care of, people have their own things to do."
"Did you know that if you fulfilled your own obligations then your rights will automatically be met?"
"The husband should get the job because of his obligations."
"It's nice to be invited to a wedding, but you always look at that invitation like, 'Ah, this is gonna cost me.'"
"An employer has an obligation, legal and moral, to pay their employees on time."
"Failure to meet obligations at work, home, or school because of the dysfunctional relationship."
"Everyone likes home warming. I don't want to end this call, but I have to go get ready for home warming. Barnaby will be here soon. I have to go."
"We've got such a backlog, I'm sure I've got a load of voicemails to get back to as well."
"Every right that a man has, a woman has, and every obligation that a man has, a woman has."
"You're not breaking any contract if you leave."
"Every obligation on your plate will bring with it a fixed amount of overhead."
"The citizen not only has rights he has obligations. If he ever forgets that, soon he's got..."
"You owe her nothing. She hasn't given you anything except insecurities."
"Adding the state to marriage creates expectations and obligations."
"Here's how one person puts it: 'The Roman patronage system meant that everyone, whether slave or free, had obligations to someone higher up in the social pecking order all the way up to the emperor."
"'I'm afraid my time here is spoken for.'"
"To interpret what our rights are and what our obligations are, you have to look at the Constitution."
"Your body has a right upon you, your soul has a right upon you, and your lord has a right upon you, give everyone its due right."
"The thing is contracts can get kind of complicated one basic thing that's going to be on every contract is if you commit to writing for a brand you can only wear that brand's gear."
"I can tell you, many of the bills in your house would be paid."
"When you find out what your rights and obligations are for the very specific legal relationship you just signed up for, you find that out when it's all too late."
"Other people got their life before I got out of here. Now I'm sure they want to help me and everything, but they also got obligations."
"We cannot and should not ignore... obligations under International agreements and U.S domestic law to accept and protect Asylum Seekers."
"You have to pay for those you know."
"Guys, I have to run, unfortunately."
"It's handy for the O2, I've got to go to Leicester."
"The best gifts come with obligation."
"There's a lot going on right now. We got bills to pay, we got mouths to feed."
"It's still an agreement, it's still a contract, but only from one side."
"We call this a voidable contract. A voidable contract is just one where one side is off something is wrong with one side but the other side is still locked in."
"At the end of the day, you have bills to pay."
"All of those expectations, all of the requirements that people place on him, he can just think about that later."
"We're gonna need the renters to do more than that because they have to go to work so they can pay the rent."
"Contracts ensure Clarity, protection, and Define the obligations and rights of all parties involved."
"We in the modern world have forgotten parts of our central vocation."
"We've got to carry our life on as well, aren't we?"
"I think you shouldn't feel obligated to go to your friends' every occasion, wedding, baby shower, everything, if you can't make it, whether financially or just because of time."
"There is an endless list of obligations and expectations, desires and ambitions, and worries and fears that will always be ready to insert themselves between you and the feeling of peace. If you never learn to let them go, there will never be enough."
"We have some mutual obligations towards each other, that we have some fellow feeling, some sense of solidarity, some belief in community."
"Businesses can't ignore their broader obligations, their broader responsibilities."
"Is it reasonable for one party to act in a way which utterly prevents the other party from meeting their obligations and then to turn around and sue that party for not having met those obligations? To me, it sounds completely unreasonable."
"He promises mom that he'd get his degree and he had complete student teaching obligations to fulfill graduation requirements."
"It is simply the duty of collective bargaining to bargain; it is not a duty to reach or get to a concession or an agreement."
"Accountability is really just the quality or state of being responsible to one's obligations."
"The individual is the source of all rights and these rights impose commensurate obligations on others."
"We will continue to call on all states parties to the Outer Space Treaty to comply with its obligations, including Article Four."
"If every country fulfilled its obligations under the charter, the right to peace would be guaranteed."
"True alliances are rare; they are relationships between nations that entail broad mutual obligations of assistance for as long as the alliance endures."
"I have to stay on top of my obligations and my deadlines."
"Fulfill your obligations... and He will draw near to you."
"The expectations and the obligations you have to each other are a lot deeper."
"Immediate obligations have been replaced with 'bills' because that makes sense, it's my monthly bills."
"Fulfilling obligations and jobs out of fear will ensure that many do not break the status quo."
"When you have a spouse, the center of your religious life is your obligations to your spouse and to your children."
"As a global citizen, it's not a future tense reality; I have obligations to people I'll never meet and we're both alive at the same time."
"A statement of work is a detailed description of the specific task or service a contractor must perform under the terms of the contract."
"There are certain things in life you have to do whether you want to or not."
"It's so much easier for me to serve because I'm not trying to balance multiple big obligations."
"All insolvency means is the firm cannot meet their obligations as they come due."
"An offer is a statement by a party that they are willing to be bound by the obligations which are set out in the offer."
"Contract management is the process designed to ensure that both parties to a contract meet their obligations."
"Whites owe blacks a lot of things; reparations is not one of them."
"I hate being sick, this used to be so fun when you could skip like obligations."
"For every right, there is an obligation."
"Always despise the free lunch, because it comes with a hidden obligation."
"Liquidity is the extent to which a company is able to meet its short-term obligations using assets that can be readily transformed into cash."
"We can raise awareness about the treaty and our government's obligations under the treaty."
"You're required within 21 days of the tenant vacating to send to them an itemization of their security deposit and the charges against it."
"He owed money to just about everyone, from casinos to friends and even a roofing company."
"If there's a legal obligation or a constructive obligation, then you credit the provision."
"Knowing what you're doing, knowing what's on your plate, having extreme clarity about exactly your workplace, seeing the Matrix of the obligations being thrown at you with Clarity."
"Having your arms around your obligations is what allows you to do so many different things."
"Present obligation as a result of a past event that gives an outflow of economic benefit."
"Hey honey, me and my friends have to go to a school thing, you think you can help me out?"
"By looking at the network of obligations, we can build much better monies."
"We will respect and honor all our international obligations."
"You are invited to temporarily release yourself from the dreariness of have-tos, shoulds, and musts."