
Sexual Health Quotes

There are 217 quotes

"As long as you're not masturbating to excess and avoiding your obligations or your family or your partners or your friends, masturbation is a healthy way of self-exploration."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a huge orgasm gap; for men, it's pretty consistent that 95% are having an orgasm during first-time sexual encounters, while for women in heterosexual relationships, it's about 45 to 50 percent."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Communication is key. We never learned how to talk about sex: what do you like, what do you not like, and don't take it personally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Tell him to go kick rocks if he refuses to wear a condom and expects me to go on birth control."
"Sexual wellness is about being confident in the bedroom and beyond."
"If we're talking about having sex and we're not on birth control, then we're consenting to the risk of getting pregnant."
"If you're teaching a class on sex ed, you should probably cover common sexual practices and how to protect yourself."
"Studies have shown that there is virtually no risk of transmission through all forms of intercourse and even greatly reduces the risk during pregnancy, labor, and delivery if a mother is infected with HIV."
"Good intimacy leads to great sex, but intimacy is me being vulnerable, allowing you to see me and to know me and accept me."
"The importance of sexual health, autonomy, and access to safe birth control is hugely important for all genders."
"I think one of the biggest antidotes to sexual anxiety is actually education."
"If you don't want to use a condom, get tested, your partner gets tested, and you guys are in a trusting, ideally monogamous relationship."
"This movement is about wanting a better world for men and women, and actually, sex is better, I tell you, guys, as your equal."
"If you're a giving person in the bedroom, you're likely to have a very good sex life."
"If you're with a partner or in a headspace where you feel like you have to perform, it's probably not a good sexual partnership for you."
"Consent to sex is not consent to parenthood."
"Women also deserve a raise... women also deserve to get the orgasm equality."
"Treat our vaginas with the same thoughtful attention you give a puzzling Zelda."
"Good sex is important because it creates a lot of despair and devastation when people don't understand their own sexual health."
"Sexual health is health. We need to be prioritizing our sexual health and educate our young people about sex."
"There's always got to be an open communication between you and your partner and understanding what kind of relationship you're having with your sex partner if there is any kind of relationship at all."
"There's nothing wrong with being an adult, being sexually active, protecting yourself, and enjoying yourself."
"Too much pressure or focus on orgasm as an endpoint can actually backfire."
"The only safe sex is a safe partner... or complete abstinence."
"Erectile dysfunction is now on the rise among young boys."
"Viagra Works in a sense to improve endothelial function via the nitric oxide Pathway to help with erectile dysfunction in men and women"
"Your sleep life has a huge impact on your sex life and vice versa."
"Sexual health is an important part of our overall health."
"I want people to make informed joyful choices about sex."
"I think that they will be never interested in sex study starting psychiatry disease because of different stories."
"Empowering people to take charge of their own sexual pleasure feels like an absolutely perfect pairing."
"Having sex does not mean you have to have a baby."
"Because the symptoms are so unpleasant, and because quite a large number of people don't actually show any symptoms, it is very, very important that you always wear a condom."
"Masturbation is bad for you? It's actually good for you."
"That all sex should be consensual and a mutually gratifying experience for everyone."
"The lotus was not only a general panacea, it was also a natural form of viagra."
"Sexual expression should be a natural extension of our love."
"Sexual assault can affect satisfaction with sex. Opening up this conversation was really important."
"If you're not sure if someone wants to have sex with you, ask."
"Exposure to porn can have a distorting effect on their sexuality that's unhealthy."
"Masturbation is a wonderful and morally neutral thing to be doing."
"Masturbation based on research and science can provide us with a positive benefit and is also a morally neutral thing to do."
"There is nothing wrong with viewing sexual gratification and sexual pleasure from the lens of how it enriches you."
"Teaching folks to advocate for themselves and to view sex as a thing that should be enjoyable for them if they want to engage in that is not a bad thing."
"I hope people affirm and champion the female orgasm."
"I think it's important that teenagers know that words like vagina or testicles or penis aren't dirty words."
"Morning intercourse reported increased connection to their Partners, a decrease in stress levels, and increased happiness throughout the day."
"The day before ovulation and the day of ovulation would be the prime time to have intercourse."
"Everybody deserves to have an amazing sex life."
"The thing about BlueChew is they want to help you have better sex."
"I was Mr. condom man but when that [ __ ] record came out it was tough to put on that many condoms." - DJ Quik
"Black teenagers had the highest rates of condom use, an incredible 92 percent for males and 100 percent for females."
"We're never gonna say stop having sex, we're just gonna..."
"Finding a girl that likes your size is hard enough, so why should finding a condom your size be? Micro Dome is here for you."
"Micro Dome offers an additional layer of latex for girth enhancement. Girth guarantee or your money back. Micro Dome!"
"Sex should be mostly about pleasure, but I understand that for some people...the primary reason...for having sex...isn't always that."
"Sex is a normal thing; however, I don't think it's an individual need...unlike things like food, water, oxygen."
"For the average healthy woman, sex shouldn't hurt...if it does, it's not something you should ever feel you have to enjoy."
"Can we just stop shaming people for not wanting to be in physical pain? Seriously, if a person doesn't want to have sex...they have every right to say no."
"For men, sexual function is at the core of our masculinity."
"You're making the decision not to just eight different people at one time and possibly get a yeast infection, wow that's policing."
"More than one person has told me that love line was how they learned what orgasms are."
"You're not gonna immediately disintegrate into a pile of ash if you have a bunch of promiscuous sex."
"Be careful with your sexual activities. It may lead to more than just a one-off thing."
"We investigated the rather sensitive subject of whether cycling can impact men's sexual health."
"Women deserve to be firmly in control of their bodies and pleasure."
"We don't have to make orgasm the goal... If we go into sex with the mindset that an orgasm is required for this to mean something we are missing out on so much opportunity for physical connection and intimacy before that point."
"When a couple is able to speak openly about sex they actually have a greatly improved sex life where both partners are more likely to be satisfied with the sexual experience."
"Women are going to start tracking this stuff and practicing safe sex."
"Your pullout game is weak." - Responsibility and contraception.
"People who sext more tend to report higher sexual satisfaction and pleasure."
"Consent is threaded into all of these questions."
"Your sexuality as a man is beautiful. There's nothing wrong with it. It's normal, it's natural, it's healthy."
"Your body is a temple, be careful who you're giving your body to."
"If you're not comfortable enough with your own body to check out your own body, then listen honey, you're not comfortable enough to engage in intercourse."
"Good sex and mental health are linked, with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin enhancing the process."
"When we can separate the two and create a space that really is uplifting pleasure and uplifting boundaries and consent and joy and we make that what sex is, I feel like we just move a lot closer to sexual wellness."
"Remember sex isn't just about one party, one person."
"Remember, your sexual health is unique to you. It's good to be informed, so please look after yourselves and each other."
"I want to encourage you to have all of the safe consensual sex that you want to have."
"I love me some damiana. It is an anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory. It boosts your sexual organs and definitely will have you feeling a little saucy."
"It's not insecure to choose not to have sex with someone who was just sexually active."
"If your brain learns to be aroused by watching other people have it is not necessarily going to carry over to the ability to get aroused when you're one-on-one with somebody else."
"The best sex is connected sex, where your mind, heart, and genitals are spiritually connected."
"Anything to informed consent, anything that consenting informed adults do together that doesn't cause any lasting harm is positive sex, is a good thing."
"I couldn't be a bigger proponent of [masturbation]."
"On a scale of one to five, how high is your sex drive? I'm a four amateur, five minute half a minute rabbit."
"Half-protected sex, get test results. Be careful with that."
"No free shout outs to Roman swipes, they're convenient over-the-counter wipes that are clinically proven to help you last longer in bed."
"Sex is talked about openly and explored, leading to lower rates of abuse and teen pregnancy."
"Sexual satisfaction is so very crucial to marital satisfaction."
"If I gotta do dirt without a condom, if I gotta pick a nut during sex, I ain't supposed to be there."
"It's also said to help increase the intensity of your orgasms."
"Your pleasure matters just as much as your partner's."
"Sexual interaction can be worked on, that you can get to a point of having better sex with a person."
"Teaching children sex ed is for awareness, not teaching them how to have sex. It's just awareness, understanding bodily autonomy."
"Happiness is very important. With that, you will be able to improve your sexual partner."
"Boost your self-esteem, be happy with yourself, and it is good for you to be happy as a lady for you to have good sexual urge."
"Communication about sex is often neglected in relationships."
"When we heal ourselves sexually, we will heal so many other parts of our life."
"Let me tell you this, no wrapping up, no going in if someone would rather put you at risk for something or have you worrying while you're having sex then you definitely don't want to risk your body on that kind of sex."
"Teenagers masturbate 99% of male teenagers like that's totally normal."
"Condoms provide the most peaceful peace of mind."
"Sexual education is a fundamental part of sexual reproductive rights."
"Practice safe sex, condoms are your best friend."
"Anyone who's feeling guilty about masturbation, just don't. Don't let your church make you feel bad about it. Don't let the Proud Boys make you feel bad about it. You gotta release the poison."
"You are not a failure if you give birth and you want to abstain from sex for over a month."
"Do not compromise your body for anybody else. Sex will not make anybody love you, hate you, date you, or create you."
"Would sex and jerking off be under the same banner?"
"Sex two to three times a week is a good goal."
"Am I really cleared for sex? What a dream. That's the first thing I want to do right six weeks out. Don't touch me."
"Open relationships can be healthy, obviously you need to practice like safe sex."
"Sexual compatibility impacts relationship compatibility."
"Sexual health and wellbeing is a human right."
"She restores her self-respect, she sanctifies her sex life, and she reclaims her independence."
"Having a dry spell or sex drought can be frustrating, but it doesn't have to be."
"If more people had active healthy wonderful sex lives with massive erections that Blue Chew could deliver us we would have so much less strife."
"Sexual health is a fundamental right, it's part of your health package."
"You can increase your performance and get that extra confidence in bed."
"Intimacy being intercourse but involving mental and emotional connection as well—all of it at the same time."
"Couples that have sex at least once a week are the happiest, good sex has been the secret since the beginning."
"Sexual health is very important, something we don't talk about enough."
"Abstinence is an investment into your sex life."
"It should be absolutely normal to talk about sex with a partner or potential partner, and not something you should ever be ashamed of."
"Most patients come in with some difficulty on that gradient, either they have difficulty getting an erection at all or they lose interaction while they're having sex with their partner."
"In order to have an erection as well as even for female sexual health, it is very important to have optimal vasodilation."
"Refusing contraception is also a form of sexual coercion."
"Children and adolescents should be rigidly protected against the implanting of sexual anxiety and guilt feelings."
"I think sex is very healthy I think you need that that needs to be part of your health and wellness."
"If you're not committed to your sexual partners, use protection."
"I reject that porn will help you be a better lover. There's a ton of research out there that proves porn is incredibly damaging to your brain, your sexual desire, comparison, and can cause literal erectile dysfunction."
"It's not my job to disclose my status to you. It's your responsibility to take ownership of your health, your sexual health. It's nobody else's job."
"And you too, ladies and gentlemen, can have a happy penis."
"Masturbate more and have sex more. Masturbation and sex have positive effects on your mental and physical health."
"Improving your sexual health is not the goal then it's not, you don't have to do it, right?"
"Sometimes their physical health and mental health and environment line up to lead to a place where healthy sex is possible and optimal on the flip side sometimes these factors lead to a sex life that's unhealthy for them and or everybody involved."
"Blue Chew is a performance enhancement for the bedroom."
"One of the most common complaints from women about their sexual health is a frustratingly low libido."
"My man has erectile dysfunction... it's a big deal because that's the only person you get to experience that with."
"Responsible ethical professional sexual health."
"The average time to achieve orgasm for a woman is 13 and a half minutes."
"And if you're looking for more workouts to help your sexual wellness, we actually have a free seven day sexual wellness challenge."
"Everybody wants a normal sex drive, but this is where it starts, this is where the conversation around androgens starts, it's always tests."
"Excessive ejaculations pave the road to living a good life but not a great life in a subtle way."
"Instead of Tensing Your Muscles As You Become Sexually Stimulated, Learn to Relax Them"
"Bluechew wants to help you have better sex so discover your options at bluechew.com chew it and do it dude love would be proud."
"Practicing safe sex, as I've always said, is non-negotiable. Always use protection."
"...lack of sexual desire is a symptom of depression and many times taking these medications will alleviate that."
"Put a finger down if you've ever debated over having sex because you know that once it's over your vulva's gonna be itching."
"Bluechew wants to help you have a better sex life."
"This course has helped me unlock my sexual potential and reconnect with my partner."
"STIs are potentially unavoidable and a totally normal part of being sexually active."
"What's interesting is penile erections represent sexual health but also physiological health and cardiovascular health. It's a really important marker."
"Safe sex, safe sex, safe sex. Wrap it up, yes!"
"...a concern about men, in particular, having sex with other men..."
"Serotonin antidepressants interfere with sexual function."
"If you're going to have a new sexual partner raw, just get tested guys, go get tested, it's damn near free, it's [__] so good to you bro, like it's for the peace of mind of the people around you."
"My mission is really to create a safer world for people to have healthy, positive sexual experiences."
"Fellas, if you come fast, embrace it. Be good in that amount of time."
"The best way to prevent abortions is more access to contraception. The best way to prevent sexually transmitted infections STIs is through contraception."
"I thought it was important that we were creating queer-inclusive sexual health content for youth."
"If you approach specifically the STI conversation with curiosity... implies that you can't be judgmental about it."
"If you are not sexually well like let's say you don't feel great in your body you're not communicating about sex in a healthy way you don't take care of yourself you're having erection challenges orgasm challenges it's going to impact your entire life."
"God wants you to have an amazing sex life. Like, unbelievably, it's crazy banging, it's amazing off the chain, that's what God wants for you."
"The act of having sex releases certain hormones that lower stress levels in the body."
"If you want to have an active, exciting, passionate sex life with your partner, it is crucial that both you and your partner understand which type you are."
"You're not frigid. You do have some sexual dysfunction. You're not responding as you'd like to. Fair enough, I'll agree to that. But you're not frigid, okay?"
"How have you responded to somebody who had erectile dysfunction in the past, or how do you think people should respond to a partner who is experiencing erectile dysfunction?"
"As long as your sexual energy remains raised, the electromagnetic field surrounding you will oscillate with vibrancy."
"It's simple, this isn't complicated science, but just to have some resources for sexual dysfunction can be really helpful."
"As we change our attachment style from insecure to a secure attachment style, it does impact our relationship to sex."
"Plan in advance to talk about sexual dysfunction, ask if you ask the question, monitor sexual side effects at each visit, and discuss the pros and cons of different medications."
"To me, it's less about having the perfect sex life and more about being with a partner that wants to explore and work through that together to create a sex life that works for both of us."
"All patients should strive to introduce lifestyle changes which may improve the quality of their erections and all other aspects of their sexual function."
"If you're having safe, healthy, consensual sex with many partners, that's your prerogative."
"If you can't have a conversation before having sex, then you shouldn't be doing it."
"My good Catholic mother said I would rather you didn't have intimacy before marriage, but if you do, come to me and I'll take you to Planned Parenthood, no hassle."
"Anybody who throws a fit about you asking for STD testing, don't have sex with them."
"The prostate is also a very important organ for sexual function."
"You should always be in control of the sexual experiences you have."
"Progesterone helps to increase the functional components of your sexual organs."
"As soon as one is sexually active and they do not want to conceive, they definitely should use contraception."
"The coil is non-hormonal, therefore it does not interfere with libido."
"A spermicide-free condom with liberal use of an appropriate lubricant is the best choice for vaginal health."
"Cerebral lysin does not cause any sexual dysfunction and works immediately."
"Consensually non-monogamous people are having better safer sex than people who are cheating on their partners."
"I am so damn passionate about sexual health and women's health, feminine hygiene."