
Play Quotes

There are 1881 quotes

"The Power of Play resides in play's ability to change our nervous system for the better, so that we can perform many activities, not just play activities, better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play can also function as a way to explore new ways of being in different scenarios in work, in relationships, in settings of all kind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Assuming different identities during the same game of play or the same forms of play has been shown to be immensely powerful for allowing people to engage in more creative thinking and dynamic thinking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Learning to play properly can enhance one's ability to focus and is an active area of research for treatment of things like ADHD."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"All of us, regardless of whether or not we have ADHD or not, whether or not we had ample access to play during childhood or not, can engage and grow the neural circuits that allow for this incredible power of play."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play serves many functions, it's not just about the self."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Play is the substrate by which our nervous system changes us from this hyper-connected batch of neurons, where everything is connected to everything, more or less, to a brain and nervous system whereby certain circuits work with immense proficiency and others are less accessible to us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Try and engage in at least one hour of pure play per week."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Dopamine is released in play for a reason because it's a great way to expand one's experience of life."
"We've forgotten how to play. Play was for the sake of play, the theater, the dance, the music."
"Children who play, who are naturally curious, they'll learn anything. That's their nature."
"This one, at the end of the day, is just a really, really cool play."
"Play is a big part of your ability to enjoy life."
"Because we're playing Giant versus Tiny hide and seek."
"You big old fool, I knew my glowing effect would throw you off because I was deep below."
"Genuine play has no agenda; it's for the process and for the joy of it."
"First thing I want to play hide and seek with all of my friends."
"This is how you're supposed to play past the parcel."
"Playing is not simply a pastime; it is the primordial basis of imagination and creation."
"We are Homo Ludens, those who play. From the moment we enter this world, we instinctively invent ways to have fun and share our interactions with those around us."
"What boys need is horseplay. It's a requirement."
"Man is truly never more himself than when at play, and play being defined as that thing which you do for its own sake."
"If a child plays, they'll be able to learn intellectually later."
"Play is so crucially important to children, and so utterly engaging to them, because it constitutes a microcosm of the expanded adult social world."
"So Linda believes that these polar bears and huskies are getting more of a thrill from playing together than they might do playing with their own species."
"Play has a purpose. It prepares children for adulthood."
"Our kids, they play, they know how to play, they use their imaginations, their creativity, and I think that kind of stuff develops leadership skills a lot."
"I'm so excited that those kids are finally outside playing in the grass."
"We evolved as a species in which kids play in mixed age groups. They learn the skills of adulthood. That's how you develop your brain to become a mature adult."
"Play is the royal road to childhood happiness and adult brilliance."
"Play is an activity that is done for no practical purpose, merely for the purpose of enjoyment or feeling positive emotion."
"Take some time this week to play, relax, and just have fun."
"The roar out the [Music] banks onto the pads, nicely flicked away."
"What if playing with your friends is the point?"
"One of the not so often talked about benefits of decluttering is that kids find toys they had forgotten about and start playing with them again."
"The purpose of life is to play... Life itself being itself."
"Is this a game, or is it a toy? I've not played it. It's a toy. It's not a game. It's a game. It's not a toy."
"Our mission really is to bring the world together through play."
"Even the most serious pursuits, for example, the pursuit of science, is a form of play. It's the highest form of play, right? Because in the same way that you try to solve a 1,000 piece puzzle by putting the pieces together, well, what is science? It's drawing links between a whole bunch of variables that heretofore you didn't know were linked together. So the whole endeavor of science is a form of orgiastic higher-order play."
"Even the most serious pursuits... is a form of play. It's the highest form of play."
"I am seven and I'm playing in the sun, making rainbows is my idea of fun."
"Through imaginative play, your child learns about exploration and learning."
"Wow, you're good! Just playing at being a pirate for Talk Like a Pirate Day."
"One important part of the ocean is every part of it can flow into the other bits. It's one big ecosystem."
"We've created this idea of a childhood where kids romp around and play and do no real work."
"Kids have always learned by playing games with each other."
"If you let people play, they'll do amazing things."
"Play is not just for leisure, it has an extraordinary important human function."
"When two animals play with each other, they both communicate aggression but they never feel endangered."
"Sometimes a little girl just wants to play with the Barbie."
"It's like, here's a sandbox, here's toys, go nuts."
"Remember making that best friend that you would see once and then never again perhaps you both throw the tire swing together or played Beyblade in one of those big red plastic Arenas."
"Play is so important for bears... They're capable of extraordinary behavior."
"Have fun. We want to play. When we get older, we work and work out."
"You have to let them play, but we're not talking about that's not what we're talking about."
"My castle is made out of a cardboard box. It is a very fine castle. Thank you."
"Learning by doing through play and simulation... represents the fundamental difference between learning by proxy through books and tested memorization than learning by doing through play."
"Instead of adding new swings to the playground, it's new ways to interact with what's already there."
"Human beings love to play and get this occasion just gives us an opportunity to combine the two."
"Literally, the purpose of playing games with toys, whatever it might be, is to have fun."
"It is child abuse not allowing children to play with other children that's what it is child abuse."
"Lego, which means play well in Danish, is probably the most successful toy of all time."
"Playing often is important but not nearly as important as spending your time playing wisely."
"Overall, free play has always been one of the best ways to improve and will continue to be if you purely want to get better."
"Children playing, this is what childhood should be."
"Honestly, all right, Legos probably are a pretty great thing."
"That's what's so wonderful about childhood is work and play are all the same thing. You just get totally absorbed in it."
"I'm going to build the best Peppa Pig house and I am not getting my house destroyed."
"Kristen loved the time she had with her brothers and whether they were playing house or climbing around outside on some Fantastical Battlefield they were always smiling and laughing."
"This hobby should be about playing as much as we can."
"It's not until you've actually set up the environment for that that you should begin to then look at all of the toys and activities that you have available."
"Without love, you would not be happy or want to play."
"For cetaceans like whales and dolphins, play is a vital part of cognitive development."
"I did like the sandbox thing because I figured this is the type of kid that would like to eat sand."
"This requires skill. This requires brain power. This is stacking blocks."
"Cultivate play and rest and let go of exhaustion as the status symbol."
"Benjamin loves to play under here, he comes under here and he like dances below the willow."
"Cursed Child, they deal directly with that moment."
"Man is never more authentically himself than when at play."
"There isn't anything more important than play fundamentally, I think play is the antithesis of power."
"Games like Fight of Gods aren't actually bad, they're absolute guilty pleasure kind of games."
"What a player! It's one big run going in." - Recognizing exceptional individual skill or play.
"Just let kids be kids, they're outside, they're playing, as long as they're not harming anybody or themselves."
"It's really wonderful to see the family playing with Ben like this."
"Children playing in the frost, a reminder of the innocence amidst chaos."
"Play is what fundamentally defines us, that play is inherent to human nature."
"Kids, if the bored monster comes, there's only one way to get him to leave us alone."
"Let's play fair and let's play how everybody wants to play."
"Play is a major tool for building trust, connection, creativity, and imagination."
"Child's play is a constant process of creation."
"Kids playing with each other is very important for Social Development."
"He is so tuckered out from all the playing. I guess it's kind of realistic that they have it set so that a lot of activity drains the toddler."
"This is a great thing about LEGO, you work with what you have."
"Unlock your potential, build amazing skills through endless play, become a LEGO member to let your creativity free!"
"Play has no limits...really about speaking to innovation and speaking about new experiences."
"You look exhausted, you trying to get that ball?"
"My kids have played with him. He was a nice kid."
"Play is productive. That's how we create new things, that's how children learn. Play is productive."
"You know you're not playing school, you're playing right."
"The Tara doll does not inherently know everything."
"Let the kids be kids and play around and have fun."
"We're playing out there together, you know. There's a lot of playtime that goes into this sort of hard work."
"It did a fantastic job of reminding everyone what it was like to tinker with your toys as a child, not with tinker toys but with Lego."
"Kids only like to play games that are voluntary."
"Parents don't look exactly like their kids and the kids don't look exactly like their parents, but it's just fun to do it with our lol families."
"I wanna be trained turn Erica manicotti treat the little ones to play."
"A celebration that to be a boy doesn't have to mean like boys can play with dolls if they want to."
"I'm determined to play Barbies and The Sims and make the ultimate Barbie."
"This feels like a Barbie room that you would play dolls in for real."
"Time for fun, time to play... it's about fun!"
"It's kind of tough to see where those dolls go sometimes."
"What do you folks say we Shuffle up and play?"
"Resolving disputes through constructive play."
"These guns owned by people did it expand the number of households that own guns or are there just individual owners that now own more guns."
"Playing is your child's birthright. Independent, immersed, autonomous play is their birthright."
"If your child is playing, even just for a few minutes, or just for one minute, don't say anything. Do not evaluate."
"There's no great way of doing this... allowing your children to face risks means running the risk that something bad will happen."
"We want to encourage rough and tumble play... in which the children themselves are deciding what the rules are."
"It's really convenient because it stops kids putting the toys on the hard floor or the carpet."
"It's moments like that that took me back to being a kid and playing with Play-Doh."
"Okay, they're all playing together. This is so cute."
"It's nice to have something inside the house for her to climb around on safely and get out some of that excess energy."
"Open-ended play really encourages your child's creativity and imagination."
"The fundamental moral obligation of a parent is to encourage your children to be great Partners in play."
"That's a good Pathway to walk down, that pathway of play."
"I saw kids play for keeps and I'm not even joking."
"The sense of powerlessness is what creates the opportunity for play."
"Play, by definition, is self-controlled and self-directed; it's the self-directed aspect of play that gives it its educative power."
"Actually, there are so many more things that you can create with this play-doh set, so if you have it, make sure to just be creative with it and most importantly, have fun with it."
"Girls like to play tea party because it involves the sharing of food, which is something that women are particularly good at."
"I really need God. I am sick and I can no longer make it alone. I need God to help me give, to help me be kind, to help me love."
"You guys should play with magna tiles, it's a kid's toy that's fun for adults too."
"Kids are only kids for so long. Your kid brings you a race car, you are now a Formula 1 driver. Deal with it."
"You are never ever too old to build a killer fort."
"I saw him back then playing outside with his sister."
"The definition of childhood is play. Unfortunately, the global trends and modernity are taking that away from children and fixing them on computers and television sets."
"Phenomenal play by Correa, a cannon at home."
"Modular sets like this offer endless possibilities for creativity and fun."
"The versatility of this Creator set allows for endless configurations and customizations."
"Children love to play, and it's considered work for them because they are using their brain so hard and having so much fun playing."
"You can't play with us, we're playing Super Heroes now."
"Children tend to play fairly radically in the way they combine stuff together."
"Most importantly, it's a pretty tough toy as well."
"I got a new toy. I can't wait to play with my new toy. Hey everybody, grandma's here. Where's Billy at? Oh, there you are, Billy. Ouch."
"Everybody wins when everybody plays right in the sandbox."
"Let the games begin, play now and create unforgettable memories."
"The room stays clean, he can play in there, he has so much more room."
"Let's talk contrast cards. If you didn't know how to play with a newborn, this is it."
"These are pretty fun to stretch around and play with."
"I rather you let the guys play and let the guys win it on the field."
"It doesn't matter whether you win or lose, it matters how you play the game."
"The exchange of trust that comes with this kind of play can create a deep sense of connection."
"Sounds like the birdie train to me."
"I'm just going to lay up and have a nice little wedge in."
"We give them back childhood, we give them back play, we give them back each other."
"Infinite games tend to not have so many rules and they don’t have a time horizon attached on and the only prime directive that exists in the infinite game is that all of the players of the game have to feel that they’re winning."
"Jumping up and down in muddy puddles."
"When you put kids into a Sandbox, the most important thing is that they play nice with each other."
"I used to play outside, man. That's what y'all should all do, play outside."
"Hi, I'm Chucky. Wanna pl-plaaaaaaaaaaaaay"
"When you find a way to do the things that truly matter to you, when your work genuinely feels like play, you'll eventually become a master at it."
"It's something that he can just use his imagination and make something."
"In front of a crowd, I'm sure we'll find you a part that you like. Now let's go play."
"I kinda wish you were Princess Anna."
"Please Goldie, will you be my Princess Anna? Please, Goldie, this play depends on you."
"Do you wanna build a snowman? Come on, let's go and play."
"We have room for the Lego city now."
"Surrender to play is a time for recreation and rejuvenation."
"Children need to play, and if we don't protect them with zoning, there'll just be cars running around."
"Just imagine being a two feet kid playing in this room."
"If you don't play, you'll lose. Rock, paper, scissors!"
"A way for you to connect with your emotional body can be to play again, to get back to the things that used to bring you joy."
"What a great play by Elliot Kau, an alert play."
"Minifigures in this set, they did not come to play."
"I don't like to work, you know. I'd like to pretend and play and experience and experiment and stuff."
"Play is built into our brains; kids play spontaneously, infants play."
"The universe is a big act, it's play not in the sense of something trivial but in the sense of a stage play."
"Well defended on the two-point play."
"I love Legos, there's something so satisfying about the building."
"I'm building really awesome Lego stuff."
"That's where imagination happens, that's the free play zone."
"Let your dogs roll around and play with sticks, it's natural."
"You can't make a pile of leaves without playing in it."
"I actually find it refreshing to just leave my phone in my bag and go play."
"That might be the most consistent play in the Pro volleyball Federation"
"Once you know, from then on there is only play with God, nothing else"
"Peter shows me that in each of us is a need to play and he taught me the importance of Make-Believe"
"This line rolling stamp is perfect for creating fun roads for your kids to play with their cars on."
"And while we had a lot of fun with these magnets toys we want to remind you that you don't need toys to have fun you can have fun no matter what you have no matter what you are if you just use your imagination."
"It's a kind of intellectual orgasm, and it's play because it has no practical end beyond itself. It is our end."
"I just want to play soccer... I just want to play... I want to play sports."
"Do what feels like play to you, but looks like work to others."
"Animals make you feel so relaxed when you play with them."
"This Washington team gave us, in my opinion, the worst play in all of NFL history."
"It's a masterpiece, that's the thing, the plays a masterpiece."
"Playing and walking out here, it doesn't get any better than that."
"Do your homework, kids, play a lot."
"That's the longest play that Michigan gave up all year"
"The dad is always willing to play with his daughters."
"I had a really good time playing around."