
Goals Quotes

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"Motivation is fundamental to our daily life. It's what allows us to get out of bed in the morning. It's what allows us to pursue long-term goals or short-term goals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Do you want to be able to pick up a great-grandkid, if they come running at you?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think you live once, and I don't want to spend my life working on a theory if I really don't think it has a promise to reach the goal that we have set for ourselves."
"Trying to enjoy the journey as well as aim towards some sort of destination."
"Find your goals, smash them things out, just keep trucking on...you have it in yourself to never have to go back to that situation again."
"You have zero friends; okay, how about our first goal is that within six months, you have one friend?"
"I believe the apex for human existence is either to have a family or to accomplish goals with other people."
"I don't care how many cars passed me on the left lane going to my destination this morning. I don't know. I'm focused on a destination, which is up here."
"Define what going forward in life is... because a lot of the reason that we stay stuck in life is because we set ourselves up with a goal that's impossible to achieve."
"It's that we are making progress towards the things that truly matter to us."
"While working towards the things that matter to us, we are managing to enjoy ourselves and kind of enjoying every day on its own merit rather than purely seeing it as a means to an end."
"Whenever you have a sense of where you are now and where you want to be, that is what creates what we call goals."
"What do you want? Is your behavior getting you what you want?"
"What do you desire? You now have the opportunity to write the script according to your heart's true desires."
"I really want an achievement for being the first one out of Bleak Falls Barrow."
"It's not about making a dollar, it's about making a difference."
"Creating a well-aligned future, that's the idea."
"Don't do that ever, that's not my advice. Like feel free to choose your path and just be clear where you wanna get."
"It's not about perfection. It's about consistency."
"Chart your course, figuring out where you're going next, what direction you're going to go in."
"Don't believe every stupid thing you think. Know what you want, and ask yourself every day, does my behavior fit what I want?"
"If you master self-motivation, any feasible dream you have becomes an objective that is separated from you only by time."
"Nutrition can certainly help you meet all of those goals, meaning going faster, going harder, and going longer."
"It's not about not having goals; it's about making sure that your goals are actually yours."
"As long as you keep this positive mindset, you will reach a good peak."
"It's not about what you get, it's about who you become."
"Remember, we're not just interested in becoming functional; we're interested in becoming optimal."
"Decide what it is that you want, why you want it, and be able to create desire for it."
"Are you interested in achieving these goals, or are you committed? If you're interested, you come up with stories, excuses, reasons, and circumstances why you can't or why you won't. If you're committed, those go out the window. You just do whatever it takes."
"Our ultimate goal is to be more productive today than we were yesterday."
"You will achieve Freedom within a few years if you're doing the right thing if you're on the right path."
"Remember this: you have admitted that you are ambitious, so do not stop your ambitious goal at the same level as mediocre people."
"Make sure you don't desire the wrong things."
"Knowing how much money you need in order to live financially free is one of the most important financial questions you can ask yourself."
"It's easy to be the victim, it's easy to say, make excuses for yourself and say, well, I didn't want to do this, I wasn't feeling this, or this thing happened, or the circumstance happened, but you cannot negotiate your dreams and your goals."
"Keep your focus on the long term. Keep your eye on the prize."
"You're going to intuitively know the easiest way to accomplish your goals."
"We must set missions with clear, achievable goals, not ones we'll never reach."
"Next year is gonna be very profitable for you financially."
"Dreams are the most important thing; first things first, the only reason to do all this work is 'cause there really is something you want in your life you don't have right now."
"Having something some goal... humans need a purpose."
"You're showing people that you can still have fun, be who you are, and also accomplish your goals."
"That's female empowerment: two women working together to achieve a goal."
"If you expect to achieve your goals, if you expect to reach your potential, if you expect to have your dreams come true, you must become a master at visualization."
"Think bigger, and the reason why I say that is because a lot of times we hear that think big, but when you're thinking big, you're, 99% of the time, not thinking big enough."
"We can't achieve our goals without a great team."
"Your goals are the targets you're after... Your goals are really just the stepping stones that allow you to turn your vision into a reality."
"Before you do anything, ask yourself, is this moving me toward my most important goal or is it merely a distraction?"
"The road to achieving your goals is hardly ever straight and easy, but the journey is ultimately rewarding."
"Economics is about using scarce resources to achieve specific goals."
"It's about supporting your kid in achieving their goals and helping them form healthy gaming habits."
"Motivation is the reason why you want to do something. It's all of the things and the feelings that make you keep working hard to reach your goals or to finish something."
"Every day, fast forward to the end of the day in your head and ask yourself: by the time the day is done, what three main things will I want to have accomplished?"
"It's never about the goal; it's always about what you accomplish on the way."
"I'm working towards being my greatest version."
"I want to try to get as far as we've ever gotten where we don't get sidetracked."
"To achieve 100%, I'll need to unlock all 12 tiers of realms, complete all the quests, craft an epic endgame set of gear, guns, and tools, build a respectable home, defeat the highest level variants of all three Apex creatures, and, of course, complete all the Steam achievements."
"I can definitely window shop. I know where I'm going in my life, but I've also got to say, this is the checkpoint, and if I don't get past this, there is no future."
"You rest when you need, you have some fun, and maybe your goal is to just get through as many of those 21 as you can."
"People disagree about how to do that, but as long as you think people being happy is a good thing to fight for, then I think there's at least some agreement to be had."
"What's your vision for the world? What is that thing worth fighting for? What is your Mount Everest?"
"Daily declarations that support who you know you are, what you know you're worth, and where you know you're going."
"A goal is the result of ambition, and ambition is that what drives you to achieving your goal."
"What we're going to talk about today, is goals."
"You're gonna be like manifesting things a lot easier. Visions that you've had, things that you've really wanted, it's like, 'Oh, I'm actually on like I'm really creating that this year.'"
"Positive self-direction says I know who I am and I know where I want to go."
"The positive emotion that we find sustaining is experienced in relationship to an unachieved goal."
"Your goals should not be random; they should be designed to give you meaning and purpose."
"It feels good to feel like you're working towards accomplishing something and working towards something grander, even if it's simply to decorate your farm and achieve maximum comfy."
"Burnout is way overhyped in society right now, and it's causing people to miss out on Big Picture goals that they have for themselves."
"I'm going to be looking if I'm actually compatible with them on a value sense if we share the same goals if we actually strive for the same things."
"Understanding the height of those peaks in dopamine and the rate to reach those peaks...you're really in a terrific position to understand how to leverage the dopamine system for the pursuit of healthy goals and behaviors."
"My New Year resolution, definitely more short form content, um, more sponsorships, travel more, find a husband, just kidding."
"Figure out what you want, find out what the price is, and just be willing to pay that price."
"You are attaining your desire. A year from now, you are having whatever it is that you've been trying to reach, trying to attain."
"The key to the good life is a disciplined balance between meaningful dopamine sources and creating satisfaction when you achieve those goals."
"I found it really hard to not have a goal, you know, and a focus."
"The difference between... aiming super high versus aiming just a little bit higher than where you are, from an effort perspective, it's about the same effort."
"They want to make as much money as possible, go for it. I want to tell as much truth as possible."
"Our entire goal is to bring people up to excellence in all areas of their life."
"Every YouTuber wants to aspire to get a hundred thousand and for me to hit it again... it's a dream come true."
"You're just not paying attention to distractions, you're being very focused on what you want."
"The goal is the reestablishment of the cooperative endeavor as fast as possible."
"I'm 17 years old... I promised myself I would stay focused and reach my goals."
"You need to decide what it is that you want and then act accordingly."
"All I do is like, I try to make people laugh; that's my job."
"Don't lose focus of what we're about. It's three points; that's all that we've got to focus on."
"The single biggest connector to happiness is having something to look forward to and work towards."
"My end goal is to break generational curses and create generational wealth."
"If no one's validation meant anything to you, what would you actually be working on?"
"Life goes wild, but what I am doing is mattering and it's moving me towards my ultimate goals."
"One of the mistakes I see most often is not getting clear about what you truly want."
"After getting super clear on their dreams, one of the biggest mistakes people make is not taking any action at all."
"Give up what you want now for what you want more."
"Constantly chasing an unattainable goal will start driving you a bit crazy."
"What is your vision? What are your goals? What are your intentions? How do you want to show up today?"
"The clarity and precision of exactly what you want to achieve will have amazing neurological implications."
"Powerful goals and making sure that those goals actually get realized...it's something that is actually changing our life, transforming your life for the better."
"A goal has to be specific, very, very clear...your goal has to be crystal clear."
"Your goal has to be big and compelling...Your goals have to be big."
"Review your goal every single day like clockwork...it's always on the top of your mind."
"Make it emotional. You want to attach emotion to a goal."
"Write your goals in the present tense, as if your goal had already been achieved."
"Make sure your goal is SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-based."
"Remember, setting a goal to 'be fluent' isn't as helpful as setting smaller, more specific goals that lead you toward fluency."
"You must have goals but your happiness cannot be tied to these goals. You must be happy before you attain your goals."
"A good goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot."
"Success to me is the progression of a worthy goal or ideal."
"Goals are visions and dreams with work clothes on."
"A dream without a deadline is just an empty wish."
"If you don't have goals, how do you base your decisions?"
"You gotta set goals that are beyond your current capacity. This becomes a limitation and you get stuck here forever if you don't."
"I don't party anymore, I don't drink anymore, I am a professional and I am here to win the Champions League."
"The goal isn't to achieve your goals; the goal is to survive not being able to achieve your goals."
"Get clear on your intention, stay focused, and move quickly to achieve your goal."
"Your communication with others and yourself is either keeping you where you are right now, moving you into a place that you don't want to go anymore, or it's moving you towards that goal, that vision, that success that you want."
"The goal is not to run a marathon, the goal is to become a runner."
"In life, we don't get our goal; we get our standards. So, the question becomes, what's the standard need to be then?"
"If you're not willing to sacrifice for your goals, then your goals become the sacrifice."
"Goals, discipline, and energy. You can accomplish anything you want."
"Goals are useful for setting a sense of direction, but once you know what direction you're moving in, then I think it's best to put the goal on the shelf and focus on the system or focus on the process in the habits."
"I think you're going to have some flashes of little realizations soon about what your goals are."
"This is the most fun I've ever had playing Pokémon, which is ultimately the goal of any playthrough: to have fun."
"Most people fail in life not because they aim too high and miss, but because they aim too low and hit."
"The core of time management, the axle around which the Wheel of Life turns, is goals."
"You can exponentially accelerate towards [your dreams] if it's part of your focus."
"The goal is different, bro. That's what everybody should be aiming for: longevity."
"As we near the end of the year, I thought we could have a discussion today about where we see ourselves going in the New Year."
"My ultimate goal is to make a custom engagement ring for Sapphire, but right now, we're just besties."
"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments."
"You do not rise to the level of your goals; you fall to the level of your systems."
"If you're not willing to sacrifice things for your goal, then your goal will become the sacrifice."
"The secret to self-discipline is to train yourself to think long term and live in accordance to your long-term goals."
"Imagine who you could be, and then aim single-mindedly at that."
"It's all about wish fulfillment and getting to where you want to be."
"Discipline is going to give you the power to stay committed to whatever that goal is."
"The company was built for the sole purpose of helping online businesses run more efficiently and basically reach their goals."
"There's a goal that you have that you're going to feel very equipped to make happen this week, maybe don't mention it to too many people."
"A much more realistic goal is to say that you should always try to inject some of your passion into any work that you do."
"It's all part of the angle, like I said, D1 or the NBA."
"You run fastest when you're running towards something and away from something."
"Oh my gosh, we're actually gonna get to ten generations. I'm so excited."
"The goal was simply the overlapping goal of live the best highest life quality possible."
"Let's flip that on its head and start by asking ourselves not 'What do I want to achieve?' but rather 'Who do I wish to become?'"
"It's about having goals and working towards something that matters to you."
"I'm going to use this money and go on a vacation with Matt."
"True meaningful choice is the core element underlying the planning and formulation of a strategy in pursuit of some end goal."
"Need to figure out what it is that I want to do, where I want to be, and who I want to be by the time I'm this age."
"Take out a piece of paper, write down everything you want in that person, and then become it."
"Life coach is somebody that helps others to meet their goals, gain confidence, become motivated, find their purpose and meaning in life."
"Everybody has relationship goals, but what are goals if the habits we employ are in conflict with the goals we say we have?"
"You don't rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems."
"My main goal is being able to retire my parents."
"You experience positive emotion when you see yourself moving towards a valued goal."
"You are good enough. You deserve your long-term goals, you deserve your happiness."
"The common goal has always been to give people accessibility to fitness."
"I've got Big Dreams. My goal is to be the next Kevin Systrom of the dating app world."
"Get up and go after it. Chase down those goals, chase down your dreams, plan on purpose."
"I am trying to build a political project. I have specific political goals."
"My end goal in life is to open like a thousand homeless shelters, maybe ten thousand. We'll see how it goes."
"Greatness to me feels like I can get up every day and look at myself and feel totally satisfied."
"You don't achieve worthwhile goals quickly or easily. They take time, they take struggle, they take relentless pursuit day in and day out."
"A vision is how you see everything you've completed; a goal is a stepping stone towards that bigger vision."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and they ultimately fuel disappointment."
"You are going to stand up to them... you are saving enough money for a new home or to move."
"You can spend your life climbing a ladder and then realize you had the ladder against the wrong wall."
"Don't be afraid to set those big goals and have those big life dreams."
"Dreams without goals are just dreams and ultimately fuel disappointment."
"The fight is not the goal; the stopping of the trans genocide is not the goal. All these are urgent, but without hope, all that's left is the fight."
"Self-actualization work is about getting somewhere far and high."
"It's awesome to have a personal challenge to work towards where it's not about depending on a group of others."
"You don't want to just have the experience of climbing a fourteener or think that you've climbed it; you want to do it. But doing it is essential in order to feel that accomplishment."
"Your mind is designed to help you get what you want, you just have to be willing to believe it's possible."
"Photo realism is the most important goal for CG artists if you're trying to get into the industry or even just get good as an artist."
"That means once I get to 580 million, I'll smoke Billy."
"We're going for democracy. Our goal is to beat the Soviet Union without using any of our troops."
"Process visualization is the focus on the movement towards the goal, bridging the gap between your current and desired life lines."
"Things in life that matter are worth trying for, like your health, like the fitness test."
"You got to do the work because it's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want."
"The size of the struggle is commensurate with the size of the goal."
"Take your goals off the pedestal. How can you ever reach for something if you view it as way above you?"
"Every day, so the night before, can you plan ahead and say, 'What can I do to make sure tomorrow, the way that I'm eating, suits me, makes me feel good, gets me closer to my goals, helps me feel full of energy, and keeps me full?' Whatever the goal is for you."
"What I really want to see is people joining me in the final step where their money is working for them, and they can afford to do what they really want to do."
"When you make progress towards a valued goal, we inhabit a shared narrative and make progress towards our mutual stated goal."
"You have the courage to go after your goals and dreams."
"Good things are coming. Don't let anything or anyone get in between you and your goals."
"It's incredible if someone has a goal of what they want their body to be, but I don't think just body shape is an indication of health."
"To achieve big goals, you have to be driven by a sense of inspiration and motivation, and imagery is the way you do that with your mind."
"Don't focus on where you are, focus on where you want to be."
"I set little arbitrary goals when I make videos."
"You've grown, you've evolved, you've changed, and your targets have shifted, so why shouldn't you?"
"At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is policy. That's what we want. We want to get policy through Congress to make changes in people's lives."
"It's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want."
"I want to make sure that my next relationship is my last relationship."
"Good things are coming. Don't let anything get in the way of your goals."
"I need to know what works; I have a goal; I need to know what's going to move me towards that goal."
"What do you want and what price are you willing to pay to get there?"
"You are capable of achieving your goals and dreams."
"Create a vision for yourself. It's really important to have this working version because it gives you something to work towards."