
Satisfaction Quotes

There are 114381 quotes

"Pleasure is really two things. It's a joy in pursuit but it's also the joy in what you have."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"You achieve the most satisfaction, the most pleasure, when you take risks, when you have intense life experiences."
"The feeling of gratitude consumes me because all of my requests have already been fulfilled."
"We're talking about, actually, a transformation in the way in which we relate to our lives, to our bodies, to our calling, to our loves, to our ambition, and so forth, so that we can live lives of balance and fundamental, profound satisfaction."
"I am proud to say I think it was the best decision of my life."
"Motivation isn't a spark, motivation is the fire that starts burning after you manually, painfully, coax it into existence, and it feeds on the satisfaction of seeing yourself make progress."
"That's crazy, the Scythe is actually one of the most satisfying melee custom weapons I've ever used."
"When offered more options, we tend to be less satisfied with whatever we choose."
"The only thing that can make you happy is your own cultivation of satisfaction within you, your own self-love, your own recognition of the beauty that is all around you."
"You'll never feel good about life unless you serve and connect with other people."
"How does it feel to be debt-free? Oh, so good."
"Is there something about working that gives us a sense of satisfaction, of purpose in life, no matter how small, and that ultimately makes us happier and healthier?"
"It's not about the quantity of sex, but the quality that truly enriches our connection and satisfaction."
"The wanting leads to more wanting, and then we feel never satisfied."
"It feels wonderful on. It's gorgeous. There's nothing not to love."
"I'm in love with my dress. I'm in love with the price. I'm in love with the day."
"Passion plus growth plus contribution equals personal satisfaction."
"The game feels complete with wonderful attention to detail, the gameplay loop is fun and satisfying."
"If you've done your best and you've really gone for it, then that's really all you could have asked for."
"We have to find that deep, soul-rich satisfaction of being alive, tending to the garden of our hearts."
"From my perspective... I was actually happy to see what I felt like was a game built for PC gamers first and foremost."
"You're going to be fulfilled on many, many aspects of life."
"There's something just like freeing about having a tool that does exactly what it needs to do and nothing more."
"How much brighter is this looking? I am loving it so far."
"If every day, my favorite days are the days that I get into bed and I'm exhausted but proud of the work that I've done, I've left it all on the field."
"What more do you want? This is delightful. This is what we were waiting all day for."
"We're almost done. We're just gonna add the crisscross portion of them, and we are basically done. I am extremely proud and so happy with the way it turned out."
"I love it, it's perfect in this wall, it's perfect for what I was looking for."
"I love the way it turned out; is it exactly the same? Of course not."
"I don't think you get better than this. This is top-notch definitely up there for sure."
"Only you know what you want and what's going to satisfy you, nobody else."
"Creating anything and completing it, that's the good feel."
"I'm happy with all the choices I've made in my life."
"Greatness is the perception that virtue is enough."
"Contentment is a state of being in which you're always happy because you're content with what you have."
"I always hope that when we do these sorts of things together that even if we've helped one person hear one thing, that just makes me happy."
"Getting accepted into a college where you worked really hard and you did all your tests and everything is just a great feeling."
"When you're always looking for the next rush, you're never in the moment, and now we are."
"We derive a certain amount of satisfaction from past accomplishments, generally in proportion to their difficulty."
"I'm quite pleased with 'The Blind Watchmaker.'"
"The best thing that promotes satisfaction in life is meaningful human relationships."
"The pursuit of three things—enjoyment, satisfaction, and meaning—are the macronutrients of happiness."
"I've never gotten espresso martini to go, he was like do you want ice in it, I was like sure, oh this is exactly what I wanted."
"People want something, it's like they'll give you money, but they're happy to get it in return."
"To me, that was so rewarding because it wasn't a random thing; it was something that I was scientifically measuring based on previous experiences, specific levels."
"Be content with enough. Do you have more money today than you had at the start of the day? If you do, stop, go home in profit."
"I'm so happy that it came out the way you wanted it."
"Hollow Knight hides so much cool stuff, enemies, bosses, around every corner that just makes it so satisfying."
"Subnautica's exploration reward is, really, at the end of the day, just true, 100% satisfaction."
"Anytime you win, I mean, I feel like I'm lucky."
"It's picture-perfect, and it feels so good to have it in proper 4K."
"Customer service is crucial, ensuring that your customers are as happy as possible while also being financially sensible."
"Year one I thought went great. I'm so happy you've been here and joined us."
"It's a really good aesthetic, and I'm very happy to see that it's kind of turned out pretty well."
"Netflix has achieved their Holy Grail, delivering an 8-hour movie that's not just incredibly impressive but incredibly satisfying."
"Sometimes people look at other ways of making money online, and it's maybe, you know, selling digital products or whatever it is, but when it's like a physical product that you know someone is receiving, I guess, in the mail, and they can use it, it just feels like more of a real concept."
"I'm actually pretty happy with this improvement."
"A reversal spike is very good, a dunk, and it's satisfying."
"It's an unforgettable feeling when you do your best, working incredibly hard, and this hard work does pay off and bear fruit in the end."
"You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but never all of the people happy all of the time."
"I did get to open up the Mega Box, this Mega Box was way better than on my pay-to-play account."
"Even if you don't win, showing up to the table and watching everyone go, 'Oh, what's that do?' That's the ultimate mark of like yes, I did it."
"Never forget why you're really doing what you're doing. Are you helping people? Are they happy? Are you happy? Are you profitable? Isn't that enough?"
"I'm very happy with it... More than the win itself, I'm satisfied with what I wanted to achieve, and I achieved that."
"When I wear this, people ask me if I've had my lips done again. I haven't; this just makes your lips look juicy."
"Everything seems to be going pretty well, really."
"At the end of the day, we all got educated here, and I'm happy about that."
"If you don't find what your purpose is, you will never be satisfied, no matter how much money you make."
"It's okay to decide this is what I want my life to look like, and that's okay."
"Do your best in everything you do; when you feel satisfied that you've really given it your all, you're going to feel good about yourself."
"It's deep, it's rich, it's satisfying; it performs really well."
"This is really satisfying though, it's like playing those Tycoon games."
"My relationship with God, that brings me far more satisfaction."
"I'm very, very satisfied, and I think we should actually try to work towards getting that full diamond with enchants."
"I've done that, I have learned so much on the trail. I pushed myself far past my limits, hiked a thousand miles, I'm now feeling healthy and good, and I am so content."
"Anyone can get a body that they're happy with."
"My experience with universal healthcare has been phenomenal."
"I'm happy with what I do and the life that I live."
"The point...is just finding small ways to feel satisfied...gives you a reason to repeat the good habit in the future."
"Nine of Pentacles is about feeling really abundant, a lot of self-love."
"In the next life, Allah will take this desire from inside me away and even when it's taken away, it will not lead to dissatisfaction or depression or boredom."
"Satisfied beyond all my wants, if I was to ever come close to enlightenment, it was definitely in this moment."
"I was still far too satisfied to take his look of hatred earnestly."
"It was a sense of accomplishment radiating from us."
"I've never had this good of sleep in my life."
"I couldn’t imagine anything more perfect than this."
"This game does not make me want to punch a baby."
"I find a fatty steak to be very, very viscerally satisfying. I just think that's hardwired to us."
"Nobody wants to struggle, but everyone wants the feeling and satisfaction earned from struggling and succeeding."
"You're going to feel very accomplished, and it's like that feeling like you're making enough money to feel very financially comfortable."
"Contentment means to be happy with what you have, who you are, and where you are."
"It doesn't mean the absence of desire, but that you're satisfied with your present."
"Posability is fantastic. If this was just a non-transformable robot dinosaur, I would still be satisfied."
"On day two, He was thrilled with the results of day two. He declared it very good."
"There is little that can equate to the satisfaction accrued from creating value from seemingly nothing."
"I'm very happy about that, actually not gonna lie."
"It's honestly so simple and after testing them out for a little while, I'm thoroughly impressed."
"I've never done anything that I am more proud of."
"It exceeded every expectation and then a thousand times so. It doesn't make any sense to complain about the result that you wanted, even if it comes with trade-offs and other problems that you need to deal with."
"It's awesome that we got to do it and had such a great finish."
"Twenty crore people stood in queue, and no one had any complaint."
"Your innate ability to build and create brings you a deep sense of accomplishment."
"The onboard footage from this flight was absolutely chef's kiss perfect."
"That feeling of satisfaction is just like euphoric."
"We did it and not have any regrets... like there's no regrets, this was amazing."
"How good is it? I'm going to give it a 10 out of 10."
"Without that sort of curiosity, without this drive to find out what the hell is actually going on, that would be the life that would suck for me."
"No list is ever going to satisfy everyone; different people are going to have different opinions and preferences."
"You're always aware of the consequences of your actions, and then when those things pay off, it's very interesting and satisfying, even if it's a bad thing."
"Your choices matter, and you're not really sure which choices matter. You're always aware of the consequences of your actions, and then when those things pay off, it's very interesting and satisfying, even if it's a bad thing."
"You know, I'm pleased with how this is turning out."
"I enjoyed pleasing; I get off on the girl getting off."
"Oh my god, there are so many amenities here. It's ridiculous. There's like free breakfast, free lunch. Hot damn, this is great."
"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless."
"God calls it contentment...the liberating power of being content with where you live."
"This kind of seems like the way of writing the domain out of present lore, at least, which honestly is something that I'm really happy about."
"You don't know what you want because you have it already."
"The satisfaction of the game comes with exploring everything it has to offer and then actually being allowed to leave."
"I always liked honing cylinders. I don't know, I guess it's just watching the progress as it takes all that junk off the cylinder walls."
"Caddy is off with its new owner, and uh, went to a perfect guy."
"It's just great to see it go to a good new owner."
"I have not regretted a moment of it. I've had a fantastic time."
"You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find, you get what you need."
"It's equal parts relaxing and stressful but there's an undeniable sense of satisfaction to be found here."
"When you take control of it, there's so much satisfaction and enjoyment; it gives you better peace of mind."
"Step 5 is there's contrast, but I'm loving it. This is satisfying contrast, this is not separating contrast, this is clarifying contrast."
"Steve Jobs would look at himself in the mirror and ask if he was happy with what he was doing."
"As long as you love it at the end of the day, that's all that matters to me."
"This schematic... nice and clean, couldn't ask for anything nicer than this."
"Games that I felt like the grind was fulfilling and fun: Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, Elden Ring."
"I finally found a boss that I like most of the time, me."
"Where you are now is where you used to want to be, and if it was ideal back then, then it's ideal now."
"I absolutely love this update. I definitely recommend it."
"The thing I notice is like certain things, like say you buy something, it might make you happy for a little bit, but I don't think it provides you long-term satisfaction."
"Normally I like building my cars, but when you find a car this good and you don't have to do anything, sometimes that is nice."
"All in all, project successful, very happy with this little radio."
"Sometimes the grass looks greener on the other side, you know."
"Focusing intensely on something that's really valuable is a huge source of satisfaction, a huge source of meaning."
"You will be happy with the result of your transformation."
"Everything came together at the very end, and now I'm very happy and settled with this super satisfying run."
"The simplicity of this anime is very satisfying and is also capable of warming that cold Weave heart."
"The act of solving problems and getting an answer is so satisfying."
"I love physics; I don't know what it is, I think the act of solving problems and getting an answer is so satisfying."
"Wake up with determination. Go to bed with satisfaction."
"Why isn’t "good enough" good enough when that’s perfectly fine for 90% of the population?"
"I loved it. I don't miss it. No, honestly, I don't."
"I do feel like I've kind of hit the jackpot with, you know, getting to do sort of a dream job."
"It's so satisfying to see just a huge balloon clump get annihilated by the army of glaves."
"Seeing all of your failed attempts play out finally ending with your success feels gratifying."
"The actual feeling of perspective is actually a better feeling than if you just got the girl."
"It's just like everything I wanted it to be and I just never want it to end."
"It's satisfying, it's enriching, but it's not always fun."
"It's like I don't even want to leave. I could live here the rest of my life."
"By trying to please everyone, you please no one."
"There's just no greater high than when you actually go through a trial and you win."
"Whenever a deal gets made, this is the essence of deals: everyone is unhappy. If a deal happens where one side is very happy and the other side is very unhappy, well then you know who won the deal."
"I feel like 10 times better about this car than what I had before."
"It's solved but not satisfying, if that makes sense."
"When the heart is activated like that, and you feel so whole, so in love with life, so satisfied in the moment, so exuberant, that it's impossible to want, now you're no longer in lack."
"It's immensely gratifying to do well in video games."
"What excites me the most is after all the problem solving we've been doing, when you get those small wins where something finally works out."
"You're not going to please everybody, but at least you've done your due diligence."
"It's okay to want more. So many times, I was told just be happy to have a lane."
"It's unbelievable, man. I can't really put into words how good the car was all weekend."
"DK94 is only about a three-hour long adventure, but it manages to do basically everything right."
"Business degrees are the second least regretted type of degree."
"There's one thing on Earth no one can touch: It's the sleep of a satisfied man."
"Now the loot belongs to me once again. Feels good."
"The highest compliment is when a guy picks up one of my knives and says, 'Damn, this feels like you made it just for me,' because then I know I've nailed that design."
"I feel like I'm in someone else's apartment but at the same time I know it's mine. I love that."
"We are the most comfortable generation ever before on this planet, but we cannot say we are the most joyful."
"What do I have to do to set up this marriage so that you're thrilled to be in it?"
"That is satisfying. All right, grid that up. That's perfect."
"If my decision positively affected even just two people, my kids, then that's plenty for me."
"I know what I found. It's perfectly around my neck. The fact that this is $5, I couldn't be happier."
"It's better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied."
"The castle is done. Upgrade player capacity. Finally, this is actually all the upgrades you could ever want."
"All things considered, that encounter went pretty well, and it ended excellently."
"Painting... gives me a satisfying feeling, it makes me feel great about myself and my work."
"Making a painting look the way I want it to look has always been a challenge... but when I finally make my painting look the way I pictured it in my mind, it's just great."
"A lot of people love 100-percenting a game. You're stuck with it and it's incredibly satisfying."
"I think the idea that you don't have to wait in long lines for some of these attractions really does help calm one of my biggest qualms with water parks."
"There's a dignity in that moment when they give him the burger, and he cuts it in half."
"The hedonic treadmill basically means you get used to better situations very quickly and are always left wanting more."
"When you know that your purpose in life actually transcends your death, there's no bigger satisfaction than that."
"Having an achievement pop up at the right moment can be immensely satisfying, a brilliant bit of punctuation to completing a difficult or time-consuming task."
"The most satisfaction in a video game comes from the particle effects and the sound effects."
"You really do get your money's worth for this game."
"The most important thing in life is to love what you do."
"It took a little bit longer than I wanted it to, but it all ended up working out well."
"The true meaning of wealth is all needs met."
"The happier you are with your choice, the more likely you are to have a good mood and have the energy to study."
"I feel like this has been a fantastic smooth experience from start to finish."
"That's why when people tell us they fall asleep listening to the show, it doesn't bother us at all; it's actually extremely gratifying."
"I'm doing this for a good cause. I don't get anything out of this, not the money's going to me or anything, so it's just, it, I guess selfishly, it does make me feel really, really good."
"If I can win this with a Slier, it's going to be so satisfying."
"It was fun to kind of flick your mouse and try to get that hit, it felt very rewarding, it felt very satisfying."
"Playing smart in Call of Duty World War 2 is very satisfying because it lets you do well."
"I wanted to make a decision today that I look back on in two years and I'm glad that I made it."
"Minimalism breeds satisfaction in what you've got."