
Benefit Quotes

There are 2721 quotes

"Understanding the way the dopamine system works will allow you to leverage it to your benefit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I also feel this year overall there'll be some sort of deal that you do or something that will benefit you long term."
"All I want to do is just pass along what's been good for me. Take it or leave it."
"You've got to put the groundwork in...and you'll always benefit from that."
"You have been attracted to these pages because you are ready to benefit from them."
"The covenant was that of grace in which one party alone, God, undertook all the obligations while the other received all the benefit."
"When the United States and China work together, the world's going to win."
"It's a process that occurs for your benefit, not to hurt you."
"It just seems like one of the really rare scenarios where if we invest in something, almost every single party wins."
"Language is the most obvious case, but there are others. How about money? Money is an institution; is it beneficial? I think, on balance, it is."
"Learn from your mistakes, teach other people from them, and that way, somebody benefits from what you lost."
"Complete trust in God has another amazing benefit: peace."
"We need a renewed enlightenment that will benefit us for a long time to come."
"We humans are very industrious little things... if any new technology, advancement, material, whatever is discovered, invented, we come across, right, we are going to try and figure out every possible use of this thing for our own benefit."
"Citizens have the inalienable right to benefit from the results of their own honest labor."
"Joining drama was the best decision I could have made."
"Usually, when this degree of hatred for one another is happening, it's because someone somewhere benefits from it."
"There's so much material good to be brought about from them collaborating with one another."
"You should say something that is meaningful, purposeful, you should say something that is true, you should say something that is beneficial to somebody else."
"Nobody is going to benefit from infrastructure in this country going kaput."
"The more knowledgeable you are at something, the more it's going to benefit you."
"Every decision that I make is: Is this good for my family? Is this good for him? He's going to benefit from this."
"I want to benefit people like that. I want to be a guide for people towards good."
"At the end of the day, competition like this is always a great thing."
"For your tier 4 government reform, you should take 'Expand Temple Rights' for plus 33% tax when you build a temple or church."
"The scientific community is gonna be reaping the benefits of Test for a long time to come."
"Obeying God is for your good; He knows the best for you."
"Congratulations to humanity for your work which is going to give benefit to people who are suffering right now."
"Walking with God is not only honorable but pleasant and profitable too."
"Life happens for your benefit. It's not happening to you."
"Anything that God tells us is good is something that's beneficial to us."
"If you're gonna want to take advantage of all those things."
"Every relationship in your life should offer some form of help."
"What man called crucifixion, God used it as a benefit."
"Putting the work in to prepare is always beneficial."
"Layers of security, redundancies, always a great thing to have."
"Everyone can be a beneficiary of his person and his ministry."
"Even if I just break even, that's still gonna benefit us because I'm gathering a ton of Facebook pixel data and I mean at the end of the day no risk no reward baby."
"It's a learning experience... one that you can learn to benefit from."
"Crossing the line will always be a net positive for her."
"It's good for everyone. It's straightforward."
"Before too long, this Linear B was found on tablets all across the mainland – implying that, one way or another, Crete had been destroyed, and the Mycenaean Greeks were gleefully benefitting from it."
"I guarantee that you'll get value out of it for sure."
"You're learning real skills by selling something that is hard to sell which is going to benefit you dramatically over your competition."
"The one who uses the gift isn't the one who benefits from the gift."
"Approaching [the power struggle stage] that way and seeing it through that lens is very beneficial because it prevents us from just fearing it and avoiding it."
"The believer is like the bee. He only consumes what is pure and produces what is beneficial to others."
"Focusing on the right thing is really going to serve you."
"Sometimes a bit of short-term pain is worthwhile for a more sustained long-term benefit."
"Whatever ends harshly is actually for your highest good."
"Competition is good; it actually drives success from everybody involved."
"It's been a real game changer for her her Aunt other members of our family and for many other people now you two can benefit."
"To each, the spirit has been given for some benefit."
"There's a huge time saving that went on, like a massive one."
"When Dave attacks you it can be very, very beneficial if you just play it the right way."
"I think it was almost like God's way of putting it in the bank and allowing to make sure that I got it and then some."
"If you're earning a million pounds, this budget will make you 55,000 pounds richer."
"Get in a relationship, it will benefit you tremendously."
"This is an all stats up thanks to Libra and wow that's really good all our luck has finally paid off."
"He's the one who sacrificed so that we don't."
"If crypto does well, they will also do well."
"Big changes may initially be perceived as disruptions, but be patient, for what's coming through will benefit everyone involved."
"Now I basically have a free phone and a bit of extra money in my pocket every month."
"Manifest your heart's desire and benefit all."
"A 35 improvement in survival is a pretty substantial clinical benefit."
"We want as many Americans as possible to understand just how the American Rescue Plan is delivering benefits for them... it is really focused on delivering relief."
"I think this is going to have long-term benefit."
"This is where we get to have our cake and eat it too."
"He follows the habit of listening much and talking only when he has something to say which may benefit himself or others."
"I think that it's only going to help him. That's my honest to goodness assessment of the whole entire situation."
"The best aspect of it is, is man, you can really make a good, good amount of money."
"Getting half of your super back after popping it is really nothing to sneeze at."
"A little bit of extra work saves you a lot in the end."
"One of the most dangerous exercises you can never get, one of the most beneficial exercises you're ever going to get for the joints."
"It's like everyone's gonna benefit when we're all kind of in it together."
"Best thing is you just got someone that's been there for like your whole life so they kind of know like what you're about."
"Brotherly Love is a damage multiplier, a tier multiplier."
"Being looking differently as a mennonite woman has... only been a benefit."
"I'm always looking for a better way to do things because even if the way I'm doing something now seems to work, there's probably some kind of improvement that I could make that would bring an unforeseen benefit."
"If you have benefited, then soaking yourself in remorse and guilt does not help anyone."
"Best of all, 90% of these products support small businesses."
"It really is kind of a win-win for everybody situation."
"Upgrading your mousepad, mouse feet, mouse cable, etc., is like a massive benefit in my opinion."
"We might benefit from that even if it's not perfect."
"Making the sport more competitive means everybody wins."
"Jane's family also felt the benefit of her elevation."
"But at the end of the day, if somebody... is actually getting a real benefit, they're not propping up the pseudoscience or woo out of it, they're not advocating for those things, then generally I don't really care."
"The people who take that risk and start those businesses end up providing employment and prosperity."
"You are so much better off having 80% of a big pie than 100% of a small pie."
"Share this with a friend it's a lot of valuable information and if you and your buddy can get a couple hundred thousand points for free."
"If he can get just as much out of it as they're getting from him, I think it's great."
"This show did more than just beat out Squid Game as the most watched show on Netflix."
"It sparked controversy that does not harm this series, and in fact only helps it in every way."
"I'd rather invest once on something big and reap the benefits of it later."
"Communication always benefits and enhances any relationship."
"Anything that makes crafting just that little bit more accessible is a big win."
"Instead of carrying around dung, dig it into your garden."
"My spirituality has really helped me in my daily interactions in human existence."
"The more you help others, the more you help yourself."
"That's amazing, and again, that's what we love, is that people are benefiting from free videos. That's so cool."
"Every single time Allah mentions 'Hasbun Allah,' it combines both the removal of harm and the paving the way for benefit and goodness to come into our lives."
"Simplifying your state is a huge return on investment."
"We're going to return a hundred million dollars of tax cuts to the South Dakota people."
"The adopting 'I don't give a f' mindset is literally a win-win."
"There's tangible benefit to being anti-establishment."
"In the 7th and 11th houses, Saturn does very well."
"Embrace uncertainty and use it to our benefit."
"Teach somebody something it's good learning."
"Very cool, thanks again for hooking me up with the deal."
"15 omnivamp alone is fantastic plus you're getting percent base max damage which is true damage."
"Let's not beat around the bush, the mausoleum is going to be good for us."
"This will simplify things, benefit public health."
"Competition is good for consumers, as someone in the chat was saying."
"It always works in your benefit to scan as much as you can."
"The more that you give, the more that you're going to benefit."
"It'll be the best thing you ever do for your money."
"There's something being offered to you that's really good."
"There's no command from God for his servants that is bad; it's always for our benefit."
"If you serve the world unselfishly you will profit."
"This sale is more for benefit than for profit."
"Even five minutes a day is better for you than one hour once a week."
"The bonuses are really good for a normal empire."
"An alliance with Kakarot is more beneficial."
"More spirit hearts mean more survivability, which is more good for us."
"Stop denying the obvious, it's here for your benefit now."
"You get the full benefit of a lot more performance not just a little bit."
"I genuinely believe some good can come from it for everyone."
"Be open to change and then the energy will be easier for you to work with, work through, and see the benefits from what is happening with you."
"Disciple could be a large burst of card draw with some nice life gain staple on."
"We're investing in ourselves because you're not doing me a favor, you're doing yourself a favor."
"Every single month, you get one free credit to use with anything in their entire premium selection."
"Even if you're not making money right away, just posting YouTube videos can benefit you."
"There could be a financial opportunity that comes about in a very shocking and unexpected way."
"Sometimes we're going to have to do things in this life that we're a little afraid of, but it's for our benefit."
"He's just producing it right yeah and everybody's cash in trend checks."
"Let's see what's up man, get him Pincer baby. Thanks for the large amounts of levels that I'm getting off of you."
"Reciprocity works. I do something for you and something will come back to me."
"As long as it's beneficial to this community, I will continue."
"Working together with other people will be very beneficial."
"The biggest benefit of forgiveness is really freedom."
"Crits as refreshes: a wonderful relic indeed."
"Look for the good, utility, and benefit in every experience."
"The more subscribers I get, the more time I can spend doing stuff like this, and everybody benefits."
"Remind, for indeed the reminding benefits the true believers."
"It benefits Humanity; it benefits more than just you."
"McDonald's is probably a beneficiary of a recession."
"This reform which allows Medicare to negotiate the price of a certain group of drugs... not only Medicare patients get the benefit of that but all of us do."
"Your spirituality is supposed to benefit people."
"It's like a small price to pay for a better payoff in the future."
"Peace of mind, that's the number one benefit of prepping."
"Our science needs to be kicked up several notches higher because that will help everyone."
"If we had a little bit more of this, then we would all benefit."
"Exercise is painful in the short term, but beneficial in the long run."
"Even as a third rate healer, I hoped to bring at least some benefit to this world."
"Considering the price, I do think it gives you quite a lot for not very much."
"Whatever you're in pursuit of obtaining is going to benefit you here, Cancer, in a long way, in a big way."
"A 15% discount is like receiving free money."
"If more autistic voices are heard, I think it would benefit everyone."
"Anything you can do to work on a team is going to be super beneficial."
"The good it does more than compensates the pain it causes."
"How much time saved is that? That's pretty amazing."
"This is why Social Security is such an important benefit."
"My mortgage is just over $2,800 a month... it basically works out to be a free place for me to live."
"I promise you it's going to put so much money in so many different people's pockets."
"Wisdom is to balance the risk versus the benefits."
"I am very benefited to live in an area where power is about 7.4 cents per kilowatt hour and 98% renewable."
"Good things do come in a charity auction."
"It's always the most selfish people who benefit the most."
"It's a win-win, I think, for everybody."
"Something that benefits you, I think, is a benefit no matter how it reaches you, as long as it resonates and as long as it's good, benevolent."
"I'm glad it happened. It benefitted me in the long run."
"Once you get used to that weight man I think the payoffs are more than worth it."
"The 401K employer match is as close as it gets to free guaranteed money."
"See how integrity can actually cost someone short term, but the long-term benefit has vastly more potential to outweigh the short-term gain."
"Always give the benefit of the doubt."
"If I'm helpful to you, if I'm pleasing to you, if I'm a benefit to you, then I must be somebody of worth and value."
"As Android started to explode in popularity, Google realized... we're not really benefiting from this."
"The rewards far outweighed any risk."
"The best change honestly and a huge lifesaver for me."
"This is awesome. This is an amazing project that, that is for the benefit of everyone in this region."
"We want to balance those risks and benefits."
"There's a lot of people who genuinely benefit from emotional support animals."
"When we are inclusive, everyone wins."
"That was indeed a great benefit; such a person can never be alone."
"I apologize if we don't get to your question but I think this will be a beneficial time for us all."
"It's a short-term sacrifice for a lifetime of benefit."
"Human beings have forgotten how we are connected. If you have any doubt that what I'm about to do, say, think is going to be a benefit for all of us then pause."
"Having a little bit of weight was a good thing."
"Just saved you a ridiculous amount of money."
"If you're not using Honey, you're straight up missing out."
"He brought press and money through the school which is always good for the school."
"The fruit is okay because the fiber does double duty."
"The wheel is turning. Your life is about to take a big turn and it's going to really benefit you."
"Being able to see and use a huge display when you're working from anywhere is a huge benefit."
"Philosophy is of great benefit to almost every other discipline."
"Nature really did us a solid on this one."
"Everything that God asked me to do in the Bible is for my benefit."
"You benefit just as much as he does from the work that he's doing, if not more."
"The best thing about solar panel chargers is that when they work well it's wonderful."
"Find ways to win, find ways to capitalize, find ways to benefit yourself."