
Personal History Quotes

There are 2145 quotes

"I've been meditating on and off since I was 16 years old. I'm 45 now. So that's about 30 years of on and off meditation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I am grateful actually for how I got out of the cult and the life that I had afterwards."
"Your future is not determined by the way you were raised... you can overcome those things."
"Being comfortable has something to do with where I come from. I've had my fair share of being uncomfortable in life."
"The one thing that has haunted me my entire life is finding the truth about my parents."
"Sarah Winchester was the widow and the heiress of the Winchester rifle fortune."
"These scars we have make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them."
"This cave, this music, this artwork, this biome, perhaps even this house, takes each and every one of us back to a certain chapter in our past life, a period specifically unique to only our own memory that is now simply a representation of a chapter to which we will never return."
"Do not be ashamed of where you come from. Do not be ashamed of the story and what you have been through."
"It's my history, but to your point earlier when you talk about Legacy, I didn't want to leave my legacy with them."
"Awareness of yourself as spacious consciousness frees you from believing that your personal history is who you are."
"My entire adult life is online, which is weird, but also, I don't think I would trade it for anything."
"I came from a very chaotic home, so I'm very attracted to chaos."
"Nostalgia is a collection very dear to my heart, it's basically a reminiscence of my growing up, my history, and my childhood."
"Every important thing that's happened to me has been done by accident and often by miscalculation."
"Bearing the scars of the past as a reminder to forge a better future."
"In the 1980s, we had ten years a real communist country... my mom living in that time... said that was the best time that she had in her life."
"I grew up poor and black in South Carolina, so if you can get the love part right in that house, anything else is possible in life."
"We carry our history with us, but how we're carrying it — that's what changes."
"People don't rise from nothing. It is only by asking where they are from that we can unravel the logic behind who succeeds and who doesn't."
"Everything we are today is as a direct result of our past."
"We are all profoundly affected by the places that we came from."
"This is our story. I mean, there have been...books written about this case...we are the only ones that know what has happened to us since JonBenét's death. No one else. This is a story only we can tell."
"All I want to stress is that my discovery of her was a fatal consequence of that 'princedom by the sea' in my tortured past."
"I find tranquility comforting, the distinctly American vista. It somehow reminds me of Kronach, the town of my childhood."
"Be proud of who you are, where you've been, and where you're going."
"This brings back such wonderful memories of your life in the mountains."
"We meet in the year 1999 in Ohio, and 150 years ago, our ancestors came from two towns separated by a hill less than a mile away from each other."
"You aren't your history; you have overcome many cycles before."
"Because I went through depression, it's because I went through abuse, it's because I went through hardships that I can relate to people."
"I'm the son of a coal miner...no one in my life was ever trying to teach me what to do with money."
"The discovery of Richard's Love Letter offers a singular and personal window into the people linked with the magnificence of the Titanic."
"What I've always kind of wanted is a picture of every computer you've built. That would be so cool."
"They could have had a rough childhood... but they achieved everything they did by their own hard work and effort."
"Divide your life up into epochs, then write about the emotionally significant events in each of those epochs."
"Understanding why I am the way I am...everything we experience, every piece of our lives, lives inside us always."
"My overall goal is not just apologetic...but that we'd all marvel at who we came from, our own stories, in a way we've never done so before."
"I find it really interesting to hear what people have done in their life; it kind of gives you a backstory into maybe why they are the kind of person that they are today."
"Stalin's illegitimate son went on to have a high-powered career within the Communist Party, even though Stalin never publicly acknowledged him."
"People need to be held accountable for their actions and what they have said; they need to acknowledge their mistakes."
"He went to his grave not having told anyone about his work."
"I had never experienced before like the joy of being able to look back at the thoughts of my past self and this time capsule of what my life was like."
"I know firsthand the challenges that everyday Arizonans face. My childhood taught me the importance of working hard and the importance of helping others."
"I'm a lifelong collector going all the way back to the 1950s."
"My dad was born in segregated South Carolina. He grew up in Sumter... he was a man with talent and ambition who's trying to figure out, you know, how do I become somebody when all these doors are closed to me?"
"Now, 2K12 has a special place in my heart because this is actually the first game that I uploaded my league content."
"I've always thought of my body as a journal...no one should go back and rewrite their journals."
"I was raised in a Christian home... my mom, she mainly pushed us... I had a drug problem growing up, I was drugged to church... it was a good foundation for me later on in life."
"Her dad was a sick man, truly, like, he was horrific in every single way, even outside of the abuse of his family, he was just twisted in the things that he liked and the things that he wanted to do."
"You've overcome great odds of your tumultuous childhood."
"Who knows where I'd be in life today if I never owned a Nintendo 64."
"The cookie jar is a reminder of all the things you've overcome, all the things you've fought through."
"My accent will not tell you, but I am a Brit. I was born here, born in Edinburgh."
"Everybody has a past. The difference is, are you going to be honest with that past?"
"Gojo calls his youth the best years of his life because he wasn't so disconnected, because he alone wasn't the strongest, because he had his best friend to share life with."
"A lot of things in life have happened since...I don't care. I have a good relationship [with A-Rod] now."
"On July 17th, 1995, my 11th birthday, my parents obeyed my orders and bought me this: the Super Nintendo game EarthBound. It became a big part of my life and you could argue is even part of my origin story into how I became the beloved full-time internet personality I am today."
"It’s mind-boggling how such a clean-cut, well-liked, obviously intelligent man with no history of trauma or violence could become such a maniac."
"The prevalent theme of Cowboy Bebop is the notion of being unable to escape from your own past."
"I was indicted seven times, I had two Federal racketeering cases."
"Everybody even the infallible angels they all have [ __ ] pasts so dude be careful who you come for lim bizkit68"
"Your existence has been the protest since the beginning of your career."
"His life is very interesting and not many people know about him."
"As I look at where I'm at now, I see how the bad outcomes shaped where I got."
"Your history does not need to Define your destiny."
"Roy Benavidez life was one of struggle, sacrifice and rebirth – not once, but twice."
"Cardi B started in the strip club. That's pretty big, right?"
"When I look at God's track record in my past, doubting him in my present is actually illogical."
"He ain't got veneers by choice and he got knocked out in jail."
"You need to find out what happened with your family."
"When I see moments like this it reminds me that we all have a past and sometimes that past is broken and difficult and it has effects and it damages people and we're all just trying our best."
"You got into USC how are the grades growing up they're pretty good public school private school public school drama theater nerd."
"What was the first concert? Pennywise, at the Long Beach arena."
"He published his first story at the age of 13 in his high school newspaper."
"Everything you've done has brought you something."
"We don't engage in the behavior, and we don't engage in the act."
"By the time something appears in the books or in one of my talks, I've interacted with this story so many times, in so many different ways."
"I wrote my book to remember what I've forgotten."
"If you've played 2018's God of War you'll know that your boy Kratos doesn't really like talking about his past and so it's somewhat Monumental when he finally Embraces it."
"It was the best set of parents that I ever could have had."
"Your current life today is a byproduct of five decisions you made in the last five to ten years."
"None of these came easy, you know? All of these projects I started in some way as a story over 15 years ago."
"Newton’s family was not well off. His dad died, and his mom remarried and had a bunch more kids."
"Casey hears the words it's almost over and she once again goes to a childhood memory."
"When did you start playing Fortnite, Creek? Like, when did you start watching, when did you start playing?"
"None of this would be here, there'd be no conjuring movies, no Judy, no my wife, no Lorraine happening, nothing if he wasn't saved when he was 18 years old."
"Go through your photos for this whole year, jog your memory, actually make a list of the things that were special to you."
"I've always been vocal on social media because I was silenced for so long."
"This moment comes to us as a flashback to Reed's childhood."
"People need to know their story or their story will live them."
"I've only ever been in love once with that girl I met when I was 18."
"It's a lot easier to actually see what we went through and how we persevered through it, and it just shows how strong we are."
"Charles Montgomery Burns initially grew up in a more humble home with parents cliff and Daphne."
"Be grateful for your past, it's led you to this point."
"Why is she hanging on to stuff like that if it was so mentally scarring for her?"
"Before he amassed a $75 billion net worth, Musk was hammering out successful projects as a teenager."
"I still love this place. So, my best memories are from here."
"It's time to start healing and expanding our consciousness from our travels and all we've been through."
"Every Brontian warrior knows and can recount the history of every one of its scars."
"I officially became a truck driver in 1996. Been on the road for over 20 years now."
"You are more than what you've been through. What you've been through is just a vehicle that can take you to where you can go."
"Karen, if you have to dig 25 years to find something I failed in, that looks bad on you."
"We need to create space for her to define what's happened to her."
"We went through some very intense formative years together and so for me, that's really foundational into our relationship now, yeah."
"Never forget where you came from, that'll keep you humble all the time."
"You don't know what it meant to have somebody bring up my name again 40, 50 years after, you know? So cool."
"Monique has been through some traumatic experiences like all of us."
"In order to truly understand the actions of a person, you have to understand where they came from."
"The key question here is how did early survival shape who you are today?"
"The diplomat paused and he said, 'I was a Green Beret before I was a diplomat. Tell your buddy to say pineapple and say it now.'"
"I was never a bully I don't think there's a single person from my school that would call me a bully."
"Let's talk about Mother's Day 2013. Fate brushed the Butras and it all started after that brunch."
"I feel grateful that I knew my father and had a good relationship with him."
"It's an interesting story, he suffered a very bad leg injury in a football game going back to high school."
"The only reason I'm here today is because the love of the movies that he was in at the beginning."
"It's like my job is not to teach the world the lessons that my behavior is rooted in when my parents did [ __ ] up things to me."
"Music played a big part in my life. Mad lion, all that Tech Nine, like, you know, I'm bumping that stuff back then, and I'm really believing what I'm hearing."
"You've made it this far from where you were... that chapter of life was very unique and fascinating."
"I own everything that has ever happened to me."
"We have three years ago with Maya we handled it this conversation at the library about three years ago."
"Life was unfair to him since he was a slave."
"I come from a first-generation New York family."
"I joined this community in 2001 and have made some of the longest and most endearing friendships."
"History is about you; informs you beyond what you see of yourself."
"Main Street was largely inspired by Marceline, Missouri, Walt's hometown."
"I got to St. Louis and I went to junior high school, started high school, and I made some friends outside."
"I don't need to get everything done right here right now. I need to be patient and just let things flow."
"I'd like to be able to refer back mentally to a moment in time."
"My first cosplay was Leonardo from 'Ninja Turtles', almost 30 years ago."
"Your past is your value, values that are needed and useful, applicable to the predicament of your generation."
"If you want confidence, look at what you already did with a bunch of your ingredients. Like what did you already do? Where have you already been a chef in your life?"
"I used to work as a geologist on oil exploration rigs... we now enjoy."
"Majority of my life was just sports growing up."
"Possibly caused by his memories of serving in the military."
"What a person has done with their bodies in the past should have no impact on who they are now in their current relationship."
"In 1879, they welcomed their only child, Irving Noel."
"Mitzi survived a lot of things in her life she never had it easy from day one she was a Survivor she never gave up she was the definition of resilient."
"Everybody carries their own history of trauma and forms their opinions from that trauma, and you have to respect where people come from and their pain. You don't all have to agree in everything. That would be insane and boring."
"From kindergarten to eighth grade, I was one of six black people in school."
"We help ordinary people write their life stories, but in the 18 years I've been doing this, I've yet to meet an ordinary person."
"Lady Gaga chronicled her early fame period with a prolific pen and ample vulnerability."
"Ten years ago, I was in college partying. I had no idea that the game I started to play would end up being my career."
"George's childhood was relatively peaceful and stable, but the Harrisons were not by any means wealthy."
"A great time to keep a journal and remember what happened here."
"This is one of those 'do you remember where you were' moments."
"I wrote the tune when I was 16. I wrote the tune then, yeah, that was in the days it was actually kind of pre-rock and roll."
"As you embrace your truth, celebrate yourself. You have more than those who came before could ever imagine."
"The only way to save Aminae is to accept her past."
"I feel like whatever that is, it could have happened in the past and you've been carrying the trauma."
"Integrity and goodness is not a Detachment from what you've done; it's a contextualization of what you've done which gives you the freedom to decide how you will behave going forward."
"We are so grateful for the relationship we have now."
"20 years, so many memories, so many cars built, so many track events. Dude, it's really crazy."
"This is my first time in Bangladesh, it's amazing to be here where it all started."
"You are not defined by your actions of November the 2nd 2018."
"Growing up I was a good child, I was a good kid, I wasn't disrespectful, I followed the rules, you know I had fun, but I was a good kid, I listened to my parents."
"My mom was a gangster. I've seen my mom [__] a lot of my aggression comes from my mom."
"Cloud, you were a soldier first class, right? Just that you were the same rank, huh? As who, the first guy I ever loved?"
"I'm from prison, I'm from a street gang, you know, and to see it become this global phenomenon..."
"For years after the war I used to wake in the early hours and go walking, to forget some of the things I’d seen and done. […] I never, never told anyone I had been a sniper, not even my wife. They wouldn’t have understood."
"He's been playing Call of Duty since he was in diapers... literally training his entire life for this."
"That was the first time I ever got put out of business: vending machines."
"I have a complicated relationship with 9/11."
"It's a really important story to me because it does make me who I am today although it doesn't define me."
"Would you be where you are had there not been a sex tape? You know, I think that's how I was definitely introduced to the world."
"For many years, London became Taylor's home."
"Whether they're perfect or not they'll always be a major part of my personal gaming history."
"Hey man we used to love this place three years ago we were campers yeah man this is where Connect Three connected."
"When I look back now, I think that that was the moment that set me on the path was to writing a book called 'Your Fatwa Does Not Apply Here: Untold Stories from the Fight Against Muslim Fundamentalism.'"
"The one thing that you can be certain about with Shirley MacLaine is that she started kicking up her heels."
"I think she's lying about how extreme her views used to be."
"These stories I shared with you are what I believe to be entirely true as told by my father and uncle."
"The last 10 years have been 40% of my life, and if I were to say that that 40% has been nothing but bad, I would be lying."
"He started out as Detroit Red, went through his trials and tribulations."
"People don't remember the past in a fixed scene. They remember it in bits and pieces, little flashes and images."
"It's important not to forget that before this case froze, Trevor was a man with a future in technology, community, teamwork, and resourcefulness."
"In the moment you don't think about it's just like they did it but I mean I think back to me playing in the Jordan Capital Classic you know like that's crazy."
"You don't have to let that be your last thing and you don't have to continue to throw it back in people's face."
"That was a chapter of my life that I'm super proud of and I love a ton of those guys."
"I grew up very Catholic, very conservative Catholic."
"After Caylee died, Casey did what she'd been doing all her life - she pretended everything was okay."
"This has been a beautiful lesson, like, you just kind of taken us on a little journey through all these different styles and giving us a little bit of a deep dive on your history."
"The only peace I have with my childhood... is that it made me who I am today."
"Landline has been a huge part of my life for a very long time."
"It's like a time capsule, oh yeah, that's a whole different time of your life."
"Those were like, some of the best times of my life."
"Blue Allen Ross was born in Chicago on December the 1st, 1933."
"I've lived in nine houses in my life, this is my tenth, and it's by far the best."
"10 15 20 of them may really suck but you haven't been arrested for anything before you didn't even pull the trigger you don't have a violent history and you know what you have a skill set with the state of Texas would love to use."
"A save represents not only possibly hundreds of hours of work you’ve put toward completing a game… but also your history and memories."
"But now you have a good starting point to rescue your personal history contained within those cartridges from certain, eventual, doom."
"I grew up in a working-class family, my dad was an auto worker."
"You were always old but everyone was once young and goofy."
"You've got to do a history with them. Okay, what have you done? Because all those things that you've done that didn't work, we have to do something totally different."
"Somewhere out there in that field was Penny, not the Penny that young Michael knew. She was gone forever."
"I've had 40 years of persecution. I'm not bothered by that anymore, you kidding me?"
"Every story has a beginning, and every person has a home, somewhere you came from, an origin point."
"When I left home, I found out that the abuse doesn't leave you."
"Yeah, they had divorced but pops was a pops ran a meat company for years."
"Your life didn't begin at your significant other."
"In a world where nearly every moment of our lives is photographed, recorded, and documented, the gaps in the past still beckon us."