
Underappreciation Quotes

There are 311 quotes

"Human beings have a long history of underappreciating the power of the discoveries that are then in their own hands."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Players give a lot of really fantastic feedback... QA testers... especially in the non-development world, people don't really give QA enough credit."
"Brian never gets the flowers he deserves in this space."
"Not a quarterback and then any evolution he makes, they won't give him credit for."
"It's such an incredible tool that we've just sort of forgotten about."
"Our modern life and civilization is based on metals; it's not appreciated but critical."
"Arsène Wenger's legacy, in what he did in the '90s coming over, kind of revolutionizing how Arsenal played football and sports science... three Premier League titles is not enough."
"Memory is such an everyday thing that we almost take it for granted."
"All of this marks him out as a sadly overlooked philosopher in the history of philosophy."
"I might go so far to say this is the most underrated game mode released by Call of Duty."
"Plaza Restaurant... doesn't get enough credit for its comfy cozy home-cooked style meals."
"This country's diversity, albeit underappreciated, is absolutely our strength."
"She hasn't had a lot of the credit she deserves for her charity work."
"Tesla's work wasn't appreciated at the time."
"Bart Starr definitely is the most underrated player in the history of the NFL."
"Sting was so ahead of his time and the shots nowadays are overlooked but even with that, Sting will always be one of the greats."
"There's probably no other group of Americans that are more deserving of celebration and no other group that's more often overlooked."
"She never gets the attention that she deserves."
"It's a real shame that this game didn't get the audience it deserves."
"No one has given him any credit and I think he's only had two bad moments."
"Edward the Elder was much neglected in our history."
"Their significant accomplishments, in contrast, are rarely acknowledged."
"The suffering is a great looking video game that flat out does not get the respect it deserves."
"An achievement often ignored in our fascination to try and find something special about this aircraft."
"This dude seriously doesn't get enough credit. I know so many people like to make fun of him and clown on him for show greedy he gives the players insane amounts of dead."
"All this work and the design for the sake of the player and their experience goes underappreciated."
"People did not appreciate the star hopper days for what they were and I don't even think I did."
"I never get no respect. This run is so long, if you ran it, you would have run a marathon and never get any respect."
"Tron uprising was one of the most underrated shows ever made for Disney and one of the best spin-offs that directly impacts a franchise in a positive and intriguing way."
"Guardians of the Galaxy was one of the most underrated games of 2021."
"You've really been taken for granted a lot of the time."
"Guys are doing a little things like people take granted for it."
"Sometimes how well someone works in a team gets really ignored way too hard."
"Teachers are so undervalued, so underappreciated, so underpaid."
"Shadow: tragically overlooked masterpiece with inspired photography and mind-boggling set pieces."
"QT Marshall doesn't get enough respect—he's a genius in this business, damn it!"
"Steph Curry's greatness is drastically underappreciated."
"It's the tragic thing that no one ever really gives the weight that I feel like they deserve."
"Changing the tone of a show this drastically is a very difficult thing to pull off and I don't think Teen Wolf gets the credit it deserves for actually succeeding."
"Jessica Chastain just put in... she's the lead actress in Molly's game and she didn't get the love that she should have gotten."
"But equally I don't think he ever got the respect he deserves as a young prospect that's been brought into your team to do a job."
"There is an elite select group of people out there... misheard or unheard or not appreciated."
"It's amazing how little we hear about this guy in the West just because his story is so good."
"True stoic greatness doesn't translate as well, so we don't hear about it as much."
"Yokai Watch is like the best franchise you've never played."
"He was more important than anyone knows, the single most influential figure in history."
"From $2500 to $8 million, it's a reminder of what we hear and see in the world of sports, what is not appreciated enough as far as I'm concerned."
"The tizen os is a very very good piece of software, it's actually quite underrated."
"Sly Cooper is a series that will never get the respect it deserves."
"Regular people can be heroes. Those teachers can be heroes. They're paid less to be heroes, trained less, armored less. They can be heroes."
"He's just never really been given the credit he deserves."
"He died alone in a small one-bedroom apartment, unaware of the legacy his cars would have."
"The mini-map is honestly one of the most underrated features in PvP."
"Having the union back us makes our workplace have accountability for things that are going on."
"Carly Rae Jepsen is severely underrated in the general realm of pop music."
"This is a record that should have done infinitely better than it ultimately did."
"He doesn't get the credit for the events that he's put together for black America."
"Highlighting the shoes that don't get the recognition or perhaps the attention that they deserve based on their performance merit."
"Rey Mysterio doesn't feel as important as he should."
"But I still don't think we get the credit we deserve."
"Trisha deserves a lot more credit than people give her."
"The film was well received over here but the psychological details were overlooked."
"Like you're a [__] genius, it's so funny to watch people not appreciate that."
"I think one of the things that's often missed in deep sci-fi is the past."
"The numbers are really impressive... most of the people don't know about this."
"The fact of the stature of the player... I don't understand why these players aren't looking to the likes of Cavani."
"For every amazing gaming experience on the Super Nintendo, there was a Sega counterpart you just didn't hear about."
"I think off-ball movement is consistently one of the most underrated skills in the game."
"Why this game was never in the game of the year conversations in 96 97 will always baffle me."
"There's a lot to be said for non-League football."
"Caitlyn is an oppressive lady carry that it feels like a lot of people are under appreciating lately."
"These scars show that this character is a completely changed person from where they started and that this person possesses an inner power that their partner doesn't truly appreciate."
"It is an absolute crime that Going Under hasn't received more attention because it deserves the worlds and then some."
"He gets a lot of stick and doesn't necessarily get the credit he deserves."
"Re:Creators is the most underrated anime of the last few years."
"Unfortunately, despite its great size and the number of people it moves every single day, the Delhi Metro is woefully underappreciated."
"LeBron James, six-nine, can run like a six-two. One's [__] gifted."
"He's so good for whatever reason he just doesn't get the respect he deserves."
"Tim Duncan's about the most boring superstar, he's also the most underrated."
"Pleasure is one of the most underrated aspects of this."
"We all know how great Damian Lillard is; we just don't talk about it enough."
"Registered dietitians are the most under utilized team on the planet."
"The best among us don't get the attention that they deserve."
"Dandelions are perhaps one of the most underappreciated weeds out there. They're loaded with all kinds of good stuff for us and they actually make for a really tasty smoothie green."
"He underrated as hell, man, I don't mind playing her, she underrated, Eula does need more appreciation in general if you ask me."
"These are treasures that we've taken for granted, I think."
"Nobody really acknowledged it because it wasn't a Premier League title."
"I think Bernardo Silva is weirdly underrated. I think he is one of the best players to have ever played in the Premier League."
"I think working with other people is amazing I think it's really undervalued."
"Even if he never gets another shot at being the world champion, Dolph Ziggler can rest easy knowing that he's one of the best performers WWE has produced in the last 20 years and certainly one of the most underrated."
"People often don't appreciate the significance of doing research on agriculture."
"The late 17th early 18th century is such an epic time period for fashion but it is so under loved and underrepresented."
"Kyle Connor, I think he's a little bit underrated because he plays in Winnipeg."
"Brady Kachuk, I think he's a little bit underrated."
"He deserves so much more recognition than he got."
"Okami, holding a bittersweet world record for being the best game of the year winner that almost nobody played."
"Women are not given enough credit for being stay-at-home moms."
"A lot of these artists... didn't get the kind of love and acceptance."
"Giannis doesn't get enough credit for being one of the most intriguing playoff storylines."
"It goes to show you that you're always undervalued, always underappreciated."
"Sometimes we take these super GM games very much for granted."
"People never give him his flowers and his credit."
"The more you hustle, the least they take you into consideration."
"I think his leadership is not just getting talked about enough."
"Dan Marino deserves more credit than he gets."
"Those are remarkable things that we take completely for granted."
"Sadly, this game doesn't get as much attention as other games, and it deserves attention."
"Trains are one of the most underrated methods of transportation out there."
"Apollo Crews deserves so much more than that."
"Lighting design is really important but just overlooked."
"Just imagine, they beat AC Milan in the second leg and he doesn't get credit for it."
"Niacinamide is such an underrated ingredient."
"It's criminal that the Great Owl Institute isn't talked about more."
"Dwight Howard has been way too disrespected in these NBA streets. I think it's time for us to go down memory lane and remember exactly who the [__]."
"Social media is such a powerful platform. A lot of people kind of don't give it the credit."
"This is like the most underappreciated underrecognized kind of feature I think or definitely value of being in the AMD ecosystem..."
"Chris Brown went hard that was probably one of the hardest diss tracks and he's probably not going to get as much props like you know like if it was Drake or Kendrick or Cole but he he he dropped he dropped he did the damn thing"
"The Battle of Flodden, a significant yet neglected historical event, deserves more attention."
"PAs have the most thankless job in the show biz industry."
"Seth Rollins deserves a little bit more than he's given."
"Memory is something that we take for granted."
"Charizard and venusaur don't get enough respect."
"She's underrated and usually doesn't get much credit despite doing a whole lot."
"One of the most underutilized features of the early eighties IBM pcs and clones."
"Despite everyone ignoring the album at the time, this is arguably my favorite kiss album."
"I felt underappreciated, like there was a dynamic that was wrong."
"The Boss 429 is the engine that got a raw deal."
"Bruce Timm even referred to the show as the best thing he ever worked on that no one watched."
"A case to be made that he's been underappreciated, but all he continues to do is win at the highest level for close to two decades."
"This is the event that doesn't get a lot of love."
"...there was not anything like an adequate appreciation of what she had done."
"You could be the backbone or the reason for somebody else's success, and they don't even appreciate you."
"The modest basil plant is one of the most underappreciated potent plants when talking about success."
"It's astonishing to me how overlooked somebody can be who has talent."
"It's one of those things that rarely gets the attention it deserves."
"He is absolutely one of the most underappreciated all-stars that we have in the league."
"She's a badass and terribly underutilized."
"Ski Mask's rapping ability and overall creativity is massively overlooked."
"Platonic relationships never get the hype they deserve in society."
"I don't think people realized what a great actor he was."
"Silver the Hedgehog deserves so much better than he has right now."
"Sometimes things go unnoticed because they're expected of you and taken for granted."
"Scottie Pippen never got the credit he deserved, but he thinks he deserves more credit than what he should get."
"It's almost a theme of his career that perhaps his greatest works have been the records that have been most underappreciated."
"He makes it look easy so I think people don't appreciate how hard it is."
"Opposable thumbs are actually one of the biggest like evolutionary like overlooked things that we have."
"Mexican food is so eclectic, it doesn't get enough credit."
"Greens Keepers never get their recognition they should, unbelievable."
"He was always looked upon and not really appreciated as far as being a good, honest hockey player and somebody that could deliver the goods."
"Rocket man's so underrated funny."
"It's a compelling story of second chances, making it an underrated treasure in the Kitchen Nightmares series."
"Black people don't get the credit they should for the kind of compassion that we have."
"The Carrera in many ways is the most iconic sports watch that people don't talk about as much as they should."
"This film is so incredibly powerful that it's a shame it didn't get more attention than it did."
"He was one of the smoothest runners the NFL has ever seen but just gets nowhere near the credit he deserves."
"The artistic ability of those people is super underappreciated."
"Social workers are professionals and do not get enough credit for what they do every day."
"They will never give you the credit that you deserve."
"This is one of the most underrated sibling pair ups and I wish they'd do it more often."
"A Million Ways to Die in the West is an underrated masterpiece."
"Tchaikovsky is kind of a has-been, which is a tragedy because Tchaikovsky was an astonishingly great composer."
"These are some of the most hardworking, amazing heroes, and they're not getting paid enough."
"The Sacramento Kings of the 2000s... criminally underrated and slept on teams."
"Danny Montoya, seriously, probably one of the most underrated technical skaters ever."
"Chronographs are the most underestimated complication in the watch industry among collectors."
"They didn't deserve him and that they would soon regret taking him for granted."
"It's actually ridiculous that they aren't more revered in the annals of rock history."
"Beautiful movements, people don't ever give them credit."
"I still love this band and I think they don't get anywhere near the due that they deserve."
"He's a fearless guitar player and very creative and very strong, kind of undervalued as a guitar player."
"They don't get as much love as they should; they deserve a lot of credit."
"Jack Gyllenhaal is underrated; he's consistently impressed me."
"Not only did Steve Carell never win an Emmy for playing Michael Scott in The Office, he was nominated six times but he never won."
"I think personally, in many aspects, the community is underrated."
"He was so beautiful that people never gave him credit for being the actor that he was."
"Neville is very much unappreciated in the Harry Potter series, I believe."
"Service workers are some of our most underappreciated people."
"The camera does not do this rhinestone piece justice."
"I feel as though his contributions to the team are underappreciated a little bit."
"It never ceases to blow my mind how underappreciated this landscape is."
"Joyce has the whole town on her back, and this woman does not get the credit she deserves."
"Steve Harvey is one of those people that doesn't get the credit where it's due."
"I think teachers are the most valuable, underpaid jobs that we have."
"It's an honor to nurture and feed that development, but yes, we are underpaid and underappreciated."
"Thank you, kids ministry volunteers, leaders; you will never get enough credit for what you do."
"Booker T was always an underrated gem in WCW."
"They are remarkable women, and they do not get the credit they deserve."
"Facebook has these two great assets that people in the U.S. underappreciate."
"The period between the 1500s and early 1700s is, in my opinion, the most underrated era in Western history."
"He doesn't get enough credit for how well he has performed."
"Hip-hop journalism is underrated."
"The story of the Triumph Sprint ST 1050 is a bit of a sad one for me, not because it's not a fantastic bike, but mainly because it gets overlooked by so many bikers so often."
"I believe this is one of the most underappreciated underrated players of his generation."
"Those are the two greatest goal scorers in the history of the game, and Lampard doesn't get enough credit."
"People forget very quickly when you've got sanitation workers just showing up and doing their job; they're not appreciated."
"She's good. Like, I don't think she gets enough credit for how good she is as a vocalist."
"I will never understand why no one gives you credit for your kindness."
"Charlie Munger's contribution to the long-term success of Berkshire is probably always underappreciated by the market."
"I think he is a guy that has not received the credit that he deserves."
"They don't get enough credit for their defense, they are exceptional."