
Childhood Trauma Quotes

There are 171 quotes

"Most of narcissism... is rooted in the childhood trauma of not feeling good enough."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What role does early childhood trauma play in how we respond in situations? And well, now we're really getting deep."
"I wanted to change the way people thought about childhood trauma. That's a grandiose objective."
"Confronting fears and memories from early childhood can lead to healing and emotional liberation."
"Childhood abuse and neglect do rewire and change the brain. However, in large part through a variety of techniques, most people can learn to rewire their brain."
"As a traumatized child, you always dreamt that someone would come and rescue you and make this dream life you think about a reality, but you never assumed that that would in fact be you, saving yourself."
"It really paved the way for understanding childhood trauma."
"If you've been heavily gaslit in your childhood, then you're gonna have a fragment or a portion of your own consciousness whose job it is to Gaslight you."
"It really hurts my heart when I think about you know just kids something happening to kids in them not being able to you know just even realize that life can have joy in it because something like stunts them at such a point."
"If you're being beaten or abused in some sort of way from a young age, although it's painful, it's their norm."
"The average physician to this day does not hear a single lecture on childhood trauma."
"Behind every pathological narcissist is a person who experienced abuse, neglect, or deprivation as a child."
"When you heal from your childhood trauma, just about everything in your life gets better."
"The best available research suggests that 75 or more of those who commit acts of sexual or physical abuse against others were themselves abused as children."
"One of the two primary goals in the childhood trauma work that I do is finishing business with our family system of origin."
"Stop a lot of unnecessary suffering that we put ourselves through because of our childhood trauma."
"Of course you have some magical thinking going on because in childhood you really had no help dealing with this kind of nightmare that you were going through."
"Healing your inner child and old childhood traumas are going to be coming up to the surface for you to heal and release."
"Childhood trauma survivors struggle with not fully being in their body and not being present in their emotions in real time."
"I've been trying to heal a childhood wound... and getting my Akashic Records read was the breakthrough."
"No matter how terrible your childhood is, no matter what upheaval or chaos a person may suffer, it is never too late for them."
"The narcissist, when this child becomes an adult, the child is sad. The child mourns the fact that he had never had a childhood, not a proper one at any rate, had never been loved unconditionally, had never been accepted, had never been seen, had never been embraced, never experienced warmth."
"Mental thing is important. Have you heard the term ACE? Adverse Childhood Experiences."
"Childhood trauma, what I'm learning, is so much more patternized and predictable."
"So, you know, you were traumatized as a child but you're a lot easier to take advantage of in your if you're a child now you have all those memories about being hurt."
"Addiction is really a compensation for something lost in childhood."
"Self-care by itself probably won't heal childhood PTSD, but it makes healing more possible and sustainable."
"No man in the sky intervened when I was a boy to deliver me from daddy's fists and abominations."
"At the end of the day, I am okay. I was a child, I was being victimized."
"DMT helped deal with childhood trauma, lifting me up and bringing love and compassion back into the world."
"These children are literally traumatized. What they have been through, what they have seen on this journey is nothing that a child should ever have to experience."
"Good therapy and good childhood trauma is a lot about almost like jump starting a dead battery."
"It's become an interest of mine in the past few months studying childhood trauma and the impact on the adult personality."
"Heal your inner child, heal from your childhood wounds."
"My heart breaks for the little boy that couldn't ever feel the love in return."
"It's not something that one can actually cause environmentally but there are those who argue that deeply traumatic influences in early childhood will surely have a damaging effect on an otherwise normal child possibly causing psychopathy."
"Helga reveals that she was severely neglected as a child."
"It's the worst moment from a kid's life put to screen."
"Opal: a 12-minute short that despite its small length manages to pack an entire story and history of childhood trauma."
"According to Rusty at this time, his father made him kill a man with a house key when he was 10."
"There's a very clear connection between abuse of childhood equaling then becoming an abuser later in life."
"It's been an amazing journey to go back and heal certain memories and wounds of the little boy inside of me."
"Your daddy beat you like a dog and now you're evil, man, from Georgia, sweet Georgia, history books unfollowed, that's a messed up bit in the mind."
"I am in love... she is just struggling so much... I love our main character... themes that it's covering... how children in these horrific situations are robbed of their childhood... I feel so much for her."
"Imagine being in that situation at 12 years old... it'd be so horrible."
"In the minds of traumatized people, if you were abused or neglected as a kid, it can be hard in adulthood to resist the lure of a relationship."
"It was a horrific sight, I realized I was the same age as these kids."
"For me, one of my biggest traumas was where I lived when I was growing up, and I didn't realize it was traumatic until I grew up and became an adult."
"The narcissist is reduced by mortification back to a childhood state."
"There's the wounded child, the child who's in need of rescue or love or protection and healing."
"Igaro's childhood abuse led to a severe case of gynophobia, or the fear of women, as he was the only son in a family of all females that constantly abused him."
"What we've gone through growing up in high control environments is hard and isn't something that's widely talked about."
"Trauma basically is... you had needs that were not met as a child."
"He suffered with his mental health after being abused as a child."
"We witnessed was traumatic for us but it was the trauma response of three girls who realized that the adults around them do not give a about them."
"The traumatogenic perspective suggests that DID is a coping mechanism in response to overwhelming childhood trauma."
"This is an assault upon a whole body of American citizens."
"Ironically, anger in survivors of childhood adversity leads to depression and anxiety."
"No child should have to ever experience anything like this."
"Finally, in May 2019, the little boy who witnessed his father kill his mother got justice."
"What could life be like if you were to heal from childhood stress responses?"
"Imagine being that little girl... to pretend she was dead in order to stay alive."
"This was a perfect storm, some mental health issues likely at play, a childhood filled with abandonment and abuse."
"Be brave with your healing and with your heart because I promise when your childhood PTSD gets better, everything is possible."
"To this day, I still harbor fear of dark rooms."
"Competitive trauma can do to a child in other types of abuse."
"A truly horrible way... probably one of the worst ways to grow up."
"You weren't born punching yourself in the stomach. Something happened."
"Narcissism is not something someone's born with, it is created in childhood, it is the result of repeated trauma." - Mel Robbins
"He was only 12 at the time... pretty tragic to think of a 12 year old kid... being pushed away at arm's length when he tries to get some comfort from family members."
"Childhood PTSD is at its foundation neurological...it develops in relation to brain changes caused by early adversity."
"The trauma, the emotional and psychological trauma you created for that 12-year-old girl is damning."
"This sounds like the origin story for a severely developmentally stunted kid locked in a room deprived of parental affection."
"Your parents were garbage. How on earth could your mother literally just tell you while you were a child that you were born to become your older brother's caretaker?"
"There will be lots of people watching this who've had violence in their childhoods you don't deserve it it was never your fault but you won't have turned into Killers because actually it's probably something that's going to make you more empathic."
"Using the super hero genre to offer a great study of how childhood abuse can destroy families and impact the victims well into adulthood."
"When we grow up with a narcissistic parent, what we struggle with most is emotional neglect."
"These children are going to need intensive therapy."
"I don't believe it's normal, I will say it's common. Many childhood trauma survivors have issues around sleep and anxiety at night."
"Getting PTSD during childhood and going into magical thinking... may just have saved you from having your spirit destroyed."
"I had such a traumatising childhood from my perspective."
"Extreme neglect in childhood... can lead to a kind of emotional leakiness."
"This young girl would also grow up to have so many questions for a man that she believed could have prevented her mother's murder."
"Scott learned the truth about how he'd been tormented by Sinister as a child."
"I mean that I want to change the way the world understands childhood trauma."
"Imagine trying to get invited to the birthday party when those are your parents, you know, and while that doesn't sound like the most of these kids' problems, being outcasted like that at a young age is really damaging fundamentally..."
"Being told you're a sinner is abusive or being told that hell exists is psychologically damaging to children."
"I feel like people as adults go to therapy and they try to heal their childhood trauma so it's just like that"
"He began hitting me when I was four. I told my mom, and she just stood there, emotionless."
"Deal with family issues; they may have inner childhood traumas affecting their decisions."
"It was really sad. I understand as an adult, but as a child, seeing that horrible look in his eyes and listening to his erratic behavior was something that gave me nightmares for a long time."
"My strength was put to the test at the age of nine when my mother went crazy, kidnapped me, and showed me what being homeless and on drugs look like."
"...it's happening because your very early experiences of life were disorienting and so your mind did the absolute best it could to form a strategy that it believed would keep you safe..."
"Behaviors are at least partly driven by beliefs, and when we have childhood PTSD, a lot of our beliefs come from trauma experiences."
"...Batman's merciless approach to training his partner prevents Dick from any chance of enjoying a warm loving childhood ever again."
"When you have PTSD from childhood, the problem isn't always that you don't feel what you're supposed to feel more of the time, I think the problem is that you do feel your feelings too much."
"When bad things were happening and a parent hurt you or abandoned you or told you you were worthless your little child's mind you know if you had stayed present and lucid in those moments you would have had to absorb that blow."
"I escaped [a bad childhood] barely with years of trouble, but I did find the entire world in looking for something. I got saved by poetry and I got saved by the beauty of the world."
"Now we know that there are people who have borderline personality disorder who have sustained childhood trauma."
"It really is amazing how much of his powers seem to come from his childhood stuff like some of his moves that he's created that he uses are named after stuff that people were screaming at him when he was being strung up."
"Bullying is horrible for a kid, isn't it?"
"I realized that I was not really progressing in my life the way I wanted to because I hadn't really cleared out this old garbage from childhood."
"Marceline is said to be terrified of pigs because when she was a little girl she fell into a pig pen and got repeatedly licked by them."
"Give yourself what you did not receive as a child."
"They may have difficulty with self-esteem, they may have difficulty with fear of abandonment, because remember when they were a child, they were trying to keep their caregiver from disappearing."
"All anyone deserves is peace and feeling secure and Mark never had that since he was a kid."
"One of the cruelest ways the damage shows up from neglect and abuse in childhood is that we go through life either alone or in relationships where we're not loved not safe and not happy."
"Childhood trauma, yeah. For sure childhood trauma. It is the gasoline for all art for a long, long time."
"I tried taking my life you know three times well because I did yeah I did because I felt that you know when I was a child I felt like they're winning you know I have to do this"
"I do not like the idea of a poltergeist, especially because when I was a kid, I was like kind of traumatized by the whole Poltergeist movie."
"No kid's supposed to go through that."
"Batman's story began when, as a boy, he witnessed the kind of street violence Depression-era readers knew all too well."
"...the gateway to addiction to me is untreated childhood trauma."
"When not dealt with and processed, adverse childhood experiences... are one of the biggest contributors to potential chronic disease in later life."
"When your family gets broken apart when you're a kid, it can imprint you with a broken picture of what's possible for you in relationships."
"Many commenters have stated that they recall seeing the source video and how it traumatized them as a kid."
"As a five to eight year old, I threw desks, hit them, yelled, and cussed in class at other students and teachers. I was abused a lot growing up before I was adopted."
"A lot of these things are from childhood traumas, from wounds, from programming."
"Because say little man does something, I did not have a male figure in my life, I didn't have a dad growing up."
"You're releasing childhood wounds traumas."
"I was just a child, your son. You were my mom, and I don't know why you didn't protect me."
"Repeated or prolonged activation of a child's stress response without the buffering protections of trusted nurturing caregivers and safe stable environments leads to long-term changes."
"A part of you was left behind very early in your life."
"Well, Billy and Daisy both had parents who were not present emotionally and neglectful. I think neither of them felt loved, and I think that's something that they both really connect over throughout the show is that sort of wound."
"I'm wondering how to deal with anger and hurt over being emotionally neglected as a child."
"You have so much love to you from us here, around the world."
"Pathological narcissism is a reaction to any breach of boundaries emerging in the child. When the child is not allowed to separate from the parents and to become an individual without fear of punishment, then we have a narcissist."
"So you have the power to cultivate it and bring it to life. The parent does or to conceal it. What happens when a child is hurt? When a child is criticized again and again? When a child is put down? When a child is silenced?"
"We want to help people identify losses and feelings associated with their dysfunctional childhood."
"So I think it's kind of, in a weird way this show is sort of an exploration about childhood trauma and the after effects of what that does to you as an adult."
"One area of our lives that gets really damaged from childhood PTSD is the part of our lives where we have romantic relationships."
"At the age of five, Sarah watched communist soldiers shoot both her parents."
"35 million children are faced with trauma today, and they will go on to do some amazing things."
"What people don't address with childhood wounds, specifically abandonment from our parents or caregivers, is that it creates this downward spiral of constantly seeking for outside validation."
"The root cause of crime primarily is childhood trauma."
"I think a lot of it trumps that childhood trauma of being in poverty."
"As much joy as they caused, I'm also starting to realize how much genuine trauma people actually have from cartoons."
"You were deceived as a child and you went through something that was very traumatic."
"Young Skip had a traumatic childhood, navigating through punches from an evil alcoholic father."
"These conditions are related to childhood trauma but they begin as adaptations."
"I was severely bullied in year seven to the extent where it was physical, it was mental."
"Being a damaged kid doesn't give you a right to bully others."
"It's part of that healing, you know, processing through that trauma, some of that is healing that child of us that went through it."
"I've attended actually two years of therapy sessions to work through my traumatic experiences as a child and better myself."
"All of your childhood wounds can be healed."
"I feel like I've healed a lot of internal traumas that I've been carrying around with me since childhood."
"These men are not only breaking down the stigma and shedding themselves of the shame that was never theirs to carry, but they are also giving us a window into what it means to endure, to cope with, and to survive childhood sexual abuse as a man."
"There's so much trauma from my childhood, but there was also so much resilience too."
"We've been about growth and overcoming our traumas that we endured in childhood."
"For children who don't have these healthy early attachment relationships and are living in fear and stress, they may have a heightened stress response which leaves them stuck in their emotional brains."
"The ACE study revealed that early adverse experiences are far more widespread than formerly believed and experiencing ACEs is strongly connected with negative health and behavioral outcomes in adulthood."
"...the parental abuse that she experienced and the effects that that abuse had on her as she was growing up."
"You've healed from some sort of childhood wound."
"True healing and solution can only come from rectifying the traumatic emotional imprints of our childhood."