
Influence Quotes

There are 73771 quotes

"The narratives that we hear as children end up being so powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Lex Fridman is no longer just an accomplished scientist, he certainly is that. But he has also become one of the more preeminent thought leaders on the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Speak into your children. Even if they don't seem to listen, they are hearing you."
"Your physical health may actually be the single most important influence on your mental health."
"He wasn't just a comedian; he was a master of his craft, bringing joy and laughter to millions during a time when the world needed it most."
"His comedic style, characterized by physicality and an innate sense of timing, influenced generations of comedians and entertainers."
"The life we live are the lessons we teach others."
"Change is nature, dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide."
"Music can influence how agreeable you are in a conversation."
"It's not that powerful. You're not going to be able to control the world. But what it says is when we are in ambiguous situations, little things can start us off on one path or it can start us off another path, surprisingly little things."
"Your mind is not your brain; your mind changes your brain."
"Your mind is not your brain, and your mind changes your brain."
"The whole reason of being where you at, Michael Jackson changed lives for sure, Prince changed lives. The people who do what we do and become great, they change lives, they change the narratives, they do things that connect the world."
"Dr. David Buss has been a real influence on my thinking, perhaps more than any other living psychologist."
"The mind is something you can control. The mind is real. The mind is the source of everything."
"If you want to have influence over someone, you actually have to allow them to influence you."
"The power of suggestion... it's so powerful."
"If you end up being an ultimate human, you're going to also make a lot of other people better."
"The life we live are the lessons we teach other people."
"Am I demonstrating bold enthusiasm? If you want to persuade and influence other people, it's the only question I'm going to ask."
"You must so impress others that they will feel that in associating with you they will get increase for themselves."
"The soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts."
"I am glad to see someone in the space who understands that when they say something, it has a very big impact on someone's life. Could be positive, could be negative."
"There's positive people and negative people... when you're with a negative person, one of two things is going to happen: the negative person is going to make the positive person negative, or you're going to take the negative person and make them positive."
"You'll only really have the capacity to make new, high-quality friends if you're not currently spending time with low-quality people who are bad influences on you."
"If processed food companies are paying billions of dollars for nutrition research, they expect something in return, and they are getting it."
"Money won't save you. Money amplifies. If you're a nerd and you get rich, you become a mega nerd."
"If you knew my mom, she's probably the most compassionate, selfless person I've ever met in my life."
"If you understand why other people do what they do, all you have to do is connect what they care about with what you want them to do, and you just increase the probability of them doing what you want them to do."
"A writer can be paid as much as they want, depending on what they write and how far their writing spreads."
"This evidence highlights the deliberate approach used by the food industry to influence public policy and public opinion in their favor."
"No matter how much I improved myself, only one person benefited. But if I could somehow influence other people in a positive way... then it made my life more meaningful."
"You are the average of the five people that you spend the most time with."
"You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"Anyone that has ever changed the world has been more in their feminine than in their masculine."
"Jose Silva... speaks with a soft, lost accent of a Mexican-American, a kind man who smiles easily whenever he hears 'Jose, you changed my life,' and he replies, 'No, I didn't do it; you did, with your own mind.'"
"The best way to teach is by being the good example."
"What's fascinating to me is that the newspapers don't control the narrative anymore."
"You're the average of the five people you spend time with."
"Clock and manners is the best form of Dawa. It's not about the arguments, but how you relate to people over a simple cup of coffee."
"The way that somebody communicates with you is going to influence how you perceive the message and how you take it."
"Surround yourself with five successful people, you're going to become the sixth."
"Impact equals writing words so powerful that they live in their head rent-free."
"The world has the habit of making room for the man or woman whose words and actions show they know where they're going."
"You can make people feel enormously strong and powerful and joyous."
"It wasn't necessarily the words he said but who he was being that made me think I was capable of much more."
"To surround ourselves with the right group of people is very important to the success of our lives."
"Being around confident people who've got their act together... they'll infect you with their positive energy."
"The most valuable thing you can have in 2022 is a following."
"Public sentiment is everything. You can get public sentiment either by making an argument or by inciting emotions."
"When you come with love, you shift the atmosphere."
"So they want influencers to say, 'No more immigrants.'"
"Shine your light, let it out because people need to see it, they need to experience it."
"Part of your story can enhance the lives of others."
"Be the example. So, you actually like showing the results of the lifestyle, and then that's going to inspire those around you to jump on board."
"The Power of Love. The Power of Love is so great."
"You're going to be the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
"It's amazing how much of our childhood really sticks with us."
"I think it's storytelling... Arguably the most powerful way to impact people."
"Believe in yourself if you want other people to believe in you."
"I love that I get to be a part of your morning routine."
"You are expanding who you are at a deep level, and it's going to be very inspiring for other people to kind of see that."
"The person you spend the rest of your life with will have the largest impact on who you become, what you achieve, and how happy you are."
"Setting the example that you need to set for the people in your circle... You need to be the one that steps up and changes things."
"Think about the people you surround yourself with and the version of you that they bring out."
"We are enriched by the life of Malcolm in many ways, more than we probably most of us even realize."
"The words that you exchange with your wife will shape your family...if you get the words right, then that shaping is going to be optimized."
"What you put in your ears is what you will put in your heart."
"You wouldn't get DMX without Pac. That's real."
"I am the Nigo and Hiroshi of this generation."
"The power of your subconscious mind can influence the actions you take automatically, without resistance or forcefulness."
"That was inspiring to me. I felt like that was really honest."
"If you want to change the other, change yourself. You can wait for other people to change for a long time, but you get at any moment decide that you're gonna do something different and when you change, their story changes as well."
"Money is an accelerator. Whatever you are, you will be more of that."
"Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character."
"The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body."
"You can affect the genes in another human being by simply loving them, caring for them, sharing with them."
"Living your purpose is where it's so much about you and your journey, and living a purposeful life is when you're now letting that overflow into everyone else's life."
"The future is a scary and unknowable thing, but it's our scary and unknowable thing to at least try and shape for the better."
"Even in the most difficult times, he instilled the sense of optimism in the heart of his companions."
"One candle can light one room, but one candle can also light a million other candles, and those can light a million other rooms."
"Your energy, spirit, all of this forever, it's so contagious, infectious, inspiring."
"Changing the perspective of one person is the same exact thing as changing the perspective of many."
"The smallest influence can make a difference."
"Naval strategy is built strategy, and the contest for influence and control on the world's oceans doesn't really begin at sea but on the drawing boards and in the shipyards."
"You are definitely a person who is meant to be in a position of power, in a leadership role. The head of a family, the owner of a business, somebody with a very strong and powerful voice."
"A Leader's job is not to follow polls, it's to change them."
"After decades, Beyoncé is still the blueprint."
"He's such a leader for this team. He stands up when it matters the most."
"The best way to attract someone to this practice is to do it yourself. If it's working for you, people will notice the change and ask you about it."
"Leadership has nothing to do with rank. Rank is simply Authority. That's all it is."
"You're a result of The Five People You spend the most time around."
"You have access to it inside you, and it's why you are here. It will make your life better, and you will positively influence the lives of others through this."
"You are such an inspiration to so many different people, girls, guys, adults, kids, not just in this community but in the entire world."
"Leadership's just influence. In fact, I say it's really nothing more, it's nothing less."
"Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, not manipulation."
"You control all of that. You are way more powerful here with a microphone on this show than you could ever imagine being in the house."
"Social media Communications is the most powerful weapon ever invented."
"Communications is the most powerful weapon ever invented, more powerful than nuclear weapons and the printing press."
"Your gift will make room for you. That's exactly what it's been doing. I've been touching a lot of people in the world, helping them get closer to God, chase their dreams."
"Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less."
"To increase your influence, you have to intentionally add value to people."
"Leadership is not about ability; it's about mentality first."
"Leaders don't seek followers; followers are attracted to true leaders."
"Make the other person happy about doing the things that you suggest."
"When somebody's that good-looking, you just, people try to be them without even knowing it."
"If you want to influence people, don’t criticize their opinions. Never say, 'You’re wrong.'"
"Everything is based on likes, whatever you pay attention to, whatever you like, whatever you share, you have the power to elevate or to de-elevate it."
"When one thinks of an exemplary YouTuber, Jenna Marbles is a name that often comes to mind, which is why her leaving the platform indefinitely was so sad."
"Kindness is currency. Kindness is such an underrated superpower in today's world."
"You will be shocked: on the Federal level, 40 to 50 people, that's it. 40 to 50 people can make an issue your top priority."
"Are you humble? Are you obedient? Then your influence is sustainable."
"You have inspired me so much and I'm a happier person because you're in my life."
"The most influential on the game...Steph and Allen Iverson are the two biggest influential guys."
"Aiming to be popular is about what you want from people, while aiming to be influential is about what you want for people."
"Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something."
"Enlarge your tents and strengthen your stakes means God is about to increase your influence."
"Influence is not just about you; it is about your ability to affect the behavior of those around you."
"Sometimes when you have influence, God puts you in a situation to change it into something other than what it is."
"How you respond to your impediment is what gives you influence."
"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls must be wise."
"The conflict has actually boosted US influence rather than undermined it."
"The people you surround yourself with, the people you allow to have influence in your life, can affect you spiritually, whether that be negatively or positively."
"John Stewart Mill was just incredibly influential when it came to the formation of contemporary political ideas of freedom and liberty."
"Powerful movements within the society attract this level of controversy."
"It does kind of feel like Dragon Ball kind of introduced, if not introduced, then popularized a lot of shonen tropes that we see to this day."
"Bill Gates is the most dangerous of the billionaires because...he was the one who more than anyone else pushed an experimental vaccine into billions of arms."
"If you can control the carrot, you control the culture."
"Our comprehension of art is significantly influenced by what we're told."
"If you're told it's by a great master, you experience it as beautiful."
"When somebody perceives you as an authority in something, they are more likely to be agreeable, they are more likely to cooperate with you, and say yes to you."
"Aiming to be popular is about what you want from people. Aiming to be influential is about what you want for people."
"When you're popular, people know you. When you're influential, people believe you."
"All of Western philosophy is consisting of a series of footnotes to Plato."
"If we can either provide something positive regarding that or put a little bit of fertilizer in the cultural mix to grow some more friendly plants, that would be very helpful and excellent."
"I get so many DMs and messages now about how much I inspire people, and that really is what I look back on and see the blessing in it all now."
"You're going to do 42 videos and not charge for it? I said yes, I want this message in people's hearts."
"Without religion, good people would do good things and bad people to do bad things, but it takes something like religion to convince good people to do bad things."
"When you become the change you seek to experience, you're going to experience that change everywhere you go."
"Michael Jordan is to basketball what Pat Williams did on your channel. He did it in style, clever, charisma, funny, gave you the drama, he gave you such a big overall package that the field can't keep up."
"Power in our modern world comes from attention."
"We were really controlling the world's psychology because every single time people look at their phone, they are basically experiencing thoughts and scrolling through feeds and believing things about the world. This has become the primary meaning-making machine for the world."
"When you control the information that an entire population is getting, you're controlling their choices."
"Cultural milestones come and go, but every now and then we are privileged enough to experience something so profound and important it not only defines a generation, it changes the world."
"I think the point is just that corporate lobbying has undue influence."
"It's not just the algorithm driving this; there's also then this bigger hand that comes in that then picks who the algorithmic winners and losers are going to be."
"I tend to forget that I do have a bigger audience...and there are people that do want to hear my thoughts on what's going on."
"Focus on the people that love your message and love who you are and love what you're about."
"You can be an encourager when Jesus Christ is in your heart because there's something that just bubbles up and flows out when He's there."
"This man basically raised me with his music."
"People are attracted like moths to a flame, to positivity."
"Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future."
"His journey is incredible... he's become a jagged little pill for that side because he's of them and he wants what we all want: a cleaner, safer, better planet."
"A feminine woman can even express displeasure or disapproval with a tone and with tact that melts a man's heart."
"The belief that we're shaped by ideas, individually we're shaped by ideas, has profound significance."
"Pep Guardiola has arguably the biggest influence on football."
"George Soros is known as 'the man who broke the bank of England' due to his significant financial actions on Black Wednesday."
"You're inspiring someone out there that you don't even know about on a daily basis."
"You hear a lot of big names, but nobody in our city, of his age or from his generation, still has the heart, the ears, and the minds of the youth."
"Water towers can fly, burned in my brain from the early days of watching you."
"Share the link...you never know whose life you might touch."
"Life lessons from a school bus driver: 'He's the father that I always wanted.'"
"It's very difficult to bring your light to the world, the light that's going to leave your mark on the world, that's going to influence people, if you are burnt out and you are not healed."
"It's so uncanny how when we change ourselves, other people around us change as well."
"You have to engage more with the people in the city; it'll take you a long way."
"You set the tone for your children; you become the inner voice."
"The power of friendship is self-explanatory. It's a power. That's gained from friendship."
"If you keep company with wise people, you'll become wise."
"Lord, we pray for the right people to come into their lives, those who will bless them, help them step into their destiny, and bring the right influence into their lives."
"Rogan is the most important journalist of our generation."
"Follow me is one of the single strongest moves in the entire game."
"You are not only rewriting the game for yourself but you're rewriting the game for others as well."
"Our life is basically made... you make or break your life on the basis of your choices."
"The conversations you have with other people...are going to be very inspiring for you."
"The book is available to everyone, from Shakespeare to modern education and medicine and science to civilization itself. It is the most influential book in all history."
"How we talk to our children becomes their inner voice."
"You can teach children to be basically anything; they'll believe you because they're sponges that absorb information and are trying to figure out how to live in this world."
"My friendships... have been more influential to me than some of my romantic relationships."
"He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm."
"At the end of the day, your taste is going to define everything you do."
"Dark Souls altered the landscape of game design in every conceivable way."
"Star Wars is the most popular, influential movie series of all time."
"The words that we say are powerful. They are powerful in the way our kids think about who they are."
"The best thing to do is not do anything but being yourself because when the other people around see how you act...they are starting to look for it."
"Reaction channels need it to exist. They get to report on how tall the fire gets when they pour fuel on it."
"Journalists are not trying to report on opinions; they're trying to create opinions."
"The single greatest lesson I ever learned in my career that profoundly changed the course of my life was multiple time best-selling author, third most watched TED talk of all time, the return of Simon Sinek."
"You're the average of your five best friends."
"By simply applying these four things to the way you communicate and the way that you speak, you will dramatically increase your odds of getting people to open up and just tell you the truth."
"AI is reshaping the global politics. It is reshaping the way people are voting."
"Ninja...kind of put twitch on the map, AKA he put live streaming on the map."
"He just shined, he always shined. He exuded happiness."
"You're not going to influence people if you're judging them."
"You want your words to have power, and you want people to trust what you say."
"There is nothing more powerful than truth in the word; that's the fundamental source of power."
"The relationship with ourselves can significantly influence our relationships with others."
"Toriyama, like Kanaro Miura who passed away a few years back, are the kind of people who were integral to so many things that we love."
"Without Miura, for example, dark fantasy stuff like Dark Souls and Elden Ring wouldn't exist."
"My constant presence and charm inspire others to greater self-confidence and personal power."
"I am full of positive energy and make others feel good with my positive energy."