
Narratives Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"The narratives that we hear as children end up being so powerful."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The grand narratives we identify with, we divinize them, we give them an absolute status."
"The best narrative is one that leaves the option of exploration continually open, allowing you to update your narratives with new information."
"We need to create grand narratives with mutual respect."
"Technology-driven narrative of the future is one thing that won't go away."
"These lives threaten the communal narratives currently in place, but what is a threat to some can be to others a glimmer of a new world coming."
"Narratives are usually another beautiful sign of where the root of the problem is."
"So much of who we are is attached to the stories we tell ourselves."
"If America loves anything, it's a redemption arc."
"We need to get better, as a society, at questioning narratives, questioning authority; stop just asking why, and start asking who is benefiting from this story?"
"Question every official narrative. Every single mainstream narrative, bar none, is either inaccurate or incomplete."
"No democracy can survive the denial of truth, the substitution of narratives of power for discussion about ideas."
"The West talks about rejecting a master narrative, but then when you take away their chaff, what they mean is they reject other people's narratives and their own narrative remains grand."
"There's always elements of truth in any narrative."
"To win in crypto you need to follow narratives. Narratives are what you expect to play out so that you can place your bets early."
"We know that the rules that we are forced to comply with are according to one narrative only, and you're penalized for going outside that box."
"The narrative is the reality, and the smart money usually starts the narrative."
"The crypto world runs on narratives, everything."
"Narratives drive money flowing into markets."
"The traditional story of the making of England is completely wrong. The real story will reshape our future and rewrite our past."
"We've abandoned all notion of any kind of Truth, and now it's just simply a battle of Spin and narratives."
"It's a battle of opinion-driven narratives, not fact-based narratives."
"The public began generating their own autonomous narratives about world events... cobbled together eclectically from reports by various news outlets but beholden to none of them."
"There are so many incredible storylines heading into this weekend."
"History is a story and it's our story... the dominant forces seek to form a story that justifies, buttresses, and even glorifies their grip on power."
"A lot of these narratives oftentimes embody the very thing they claim to hate."
"The official narrative...is that the virus came from a wet market."
"Every time you open that war story, you're looking for misses."
"A portfolio is a thesis of a whole lot of narratives that come together, and buying coins in all those narratives... I don't see a portfolio, I just see five good coins sitting in a collection."
"Doctors can't be scared to question the narrative."
"This is like the good guy ending kind of... the game is kind of split about what."
"Narratives carry more weight in conveying persuasive messages than mere rhetorical messages."
"The new form of terrorism as they call it is false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories."
"It's really nice and convenient to think of the 'let's roll' story."
"It's the end, everything after this is a new story."
"None of these narratives are ever true, the deeper you study, the more complexity you discover."
"Sometimes everyone just needs that happy ending."
"The best we can do is show people that truth is out there. You don't have to follow the narrative."
"A roller coaster of emotions... an incredible start but a terrible ending."
"It's just right there. I know that sounds crazy but look, it's the narrative they're already creating for us now."
"Narratives don’t need to be universal - emotions do."
"I'm disgusted. I'm absolutely disgusted with how we've got two very different stories tonight."
"You're not fueling your narrative with facts, you're not fueling it with history, you're fueling it with your own whims and desire, and that's the problem."
"Six's tale is about empowerment... while the runaway child is about hopelessness and oppression."
"People invest in narratives they believe will make the world a better place."
"Facts, not fiction, shape memorable narratives."
"All these narratives are what perpetuate the system. Let's bring it back. Let's bring it back."
"The true end of this story will always be all good things."
"Narratives are the solution to coordination problems."
"Hillary Clinton had a built-in narrative about her."
"When we're looking at history, we have to see it as a series of narratives."
"Cutting through narratives and calling out lies."
"You're either in the right narrative in that moment or you're excluded instantly."
"War is more complicated than these black and white narratives."
"The occupier and colonizer is losing the war on narratives."
"The truth matters. We have to push back against those kinds of narratives."
"Attacking mainstream narratives enhances our critical thinking skills."
"Reject these narratives of panic... the better off we all are."
"I think we're going to see some kind of rebalancing between mainstream narratives and independent media."
"I think what Putin is doing is continuation of this ploy into grand narratives to foster support for the Russian actions."
"Streamers and their fans love to deny the most obvious things imaginable that they've explicitly said and create these completely untenable narratives all the time."
"Within this storm of political might, a tapestry of narratives weaves, inviting everyone to ponder the implications of a figure whose rise seems inevitable."
"I would change the human understanding of themselves to place more emphasis on our shared biological reality and less on all the fictional stories that we create with our minds."
"People have this insane narrative that white is better."
"It's the story that keeps getting from going from bad to worse."
"A lot of the manipulation, a lot of the narrative manipulation that we see, it has to do with figuring out which of many stories are best able to trigger and capture these emotions."
"Crypto is all about narratives, it's probably less about individual altcoins in the market and it's about broader narratives and Trends in the market."
"Suka captures how reductive narratives we force upon people can be forms of violence."
"Our old narratives are breaking down and new ones are gonna be written."
"Humans are addicted to Doomsday narratives. I've noticed that sometimes people want things to be worse than they are so their neuroticism and paranoia will be Vindicated."
"This destroys so many left-wing narratives about the NHS and immigration."
"The great climate apocalypse narrative emerged out of concerns of overpopulation."
"This event is one so wrapped up in narratives, personalities, ideologies, and the sheer weight of time itself that it forms a mass that appears to pull in everything around it, bending the fabric of the past by its sheer influence alone."
"Mean coins really fulfill multiple narratives."
"The generalization of all video game plots being bad because games aren't narrative-centric is already fairly ignorant."
"Narratives are built and then those narratives don't, like they stick to it for like the rest of the year."
"There's always a learning opportunity, always another side to a story."
"We have never been more aware of how deeply influential narratives in early childhood are."
"These are nine stories of redemption."
"This leads to a formal account of collective intelligence that rests on shared narratives and goals."
"Society spins dangerous narratives about marriage and singleness. We need to confront these narratives and trust God's instruction."
"A lot of people are afraid all the time. There's so many different doomsday narratives that are out there, regardless of someone's belief system."
"I love all my brothers that are doing this and sisters that are doing this because... now we're starting to tell our own stories instead of having to go with the narrative that people paint, exactly."
"...because once a public narrative is out there, it's really hard to check it, right? It's really hard to combat it."
"The stories about how we created society will always be more significant because they form the trunk of the tree from which every other narrative branches off from."
"Every story needs a hero. Hit it!"
"Europeans need to learn how to use history critically. Some people mobilize history, myths, fiction, and they are very real in their effect right now."
"Narratives are extremely important to look at in crypto because this is where money first magnetizes to."
"Narratives drive the world that we live in."
"The Quran and hadith affirm the Christian narratives while denying the Jewish rabbinical counter-narratives."
"I think much in intellectual life is a clash of narratives, it's a conflict of narratives."
"Dreams, the silent storytellers of our deepest desires, shaping the narrative of our lives."
"Model assumptions shape narratives and policy discussions."
"Pretty hilarious how one of the themes for the movie Joker was that the media creates false narratives based purely on speculation."
"Stock photos in and of itself tell untold stories. Why don't we tell these stories?"
"We all need stories, we all need narratives, and today science is creating these narratives also."
"All of those narratives of safety and security and success and money and status were precisely what was preventing me from just allowing nature to express itself through me."
"There's all these stories that I would have never known or no one would know... but they also got like everyone."
"We're drowning in a sea of infinite stories, yet we have very few shared collective narratives."
"Join us here every week when we challenge the culture's hugely flawed narratives regarding men, women, sex, and love from coast to coast and from around the world."
"The magic of letting go is that you're letting go of stories you've been telling yourself."
"We need new narratives, and as soon as you start using them, we see that people suddenly start seeing the street for what it really is, and they start understanding that they have something to fight for."
"Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to our Channel, and share our videos to let more people know the truth about blacks and to hear their own part of the narratives."
"There's no fairy tale endings to some stories."
"Do you ever feel like it's becoming harder and harder to make sense of the world to find the truth when it feels like we're all adrift in a sea of competing narratives and perspectives? If so, you're not alone."
"Changing some of these narratives, these beliefs, these are stories."
"We are surrounded by two fantastic stories."
"We're functioning either on the mainstream narrative or the alternative narrative, both are quite disempowering."
"These stories usually have a lot going on so there are usually some underlying plot threads going on amidst everything else."
"I think our language is important of how we tell ourselves things and the narratives we write for ourselves."
"There have always been narratives to keep us going, however little they had to do with the actual life we were leading through our history."
"I just want to get, I think the truth helps us, right? False narratives do not. The truth is enough."
"This place is full of fascinating stories."
"What I'm trying to do is to engender another set of narratives that don't have to do with the first set, which is all about winning and getting to the end and having an endgame."
"The best revenge stories aren't really about kill counts. They're about closure."
"New narratives always beat old ones. I've said this to you guys many, many times. Valuations increasingly make no sense. So, as the market becomes more and more hyped, the market cap makes less and less sense."
"People respect narratives from the person they respect, not the actual narrative."
"Narratives of triumph and downfall are often commonplace in the world of sports stories."
"Life would become entirely dysfunctional without the narratives."
"What's important is not to get rid of the narratives. What's important is to understand in the back of your mind that you're always only dealing with internal fictions."
"We need to get really honest about the stories we were given."
"The narratives they're constructing and how they're holding together and how they're building them, how they're coming and just showing us such a crazy view that is not real except until it becomes real and that's fascinating to me."
"The old story of addiction versus the new story of addiction."
"Whatever you call them -- narratives, expectations -- these things that tell us who we are, really are just about control."
"As native populations were devastated by disease and warfare, English colonists created narratives like the myth of the vanishing Indian and the myth of the vacant continent."
"I can show evidence to the contrary of these negative narratives for the end of time."
"Totally agree, clinging is often shaped by the stories we tell ourselves."
"The portrayal of Jesus in the Christian New Testament offers a complex blend of theological and historical narratives."
"Politics is driven by myths, isn't it? Absolutely. The stories that we tell ourselves and we tell others about ourselves are hugely powerful."
"The world is made of stories and those stories are written on them."
"The narratives of the 20th century get written after the war."
"The Mongol period is wonderful because it not only produces the reality of contact but also a large number of narratives."
"We want to get into some more stories tonight because the history is rich."
"Our narratives are not always as simple as we make them out to be."
"I'm a firm believer that stories are not merely fictional narratives that we follow."
"If you continue to tell yourself those stories on the inside, people are going to start telling you the stories back to yourself."
"We are the stories we tell about ourselves."
"That's good, because stories never do."
"They are compatible stories, and therefore we have no difficulty accepting both of those stories."
"The narratives of Judah and David's stories share striking parallels."
"Both narratives frequently circle back to these tales, reminding the reader of the divine promises and how everything began."
"Every truck has a story, you know, and we're just here to tell it."
"Lyotard is arguing is that we no longer believe in these meta-narratives anymore because everyone has their own perspective their own story and their own interpretation of reality."
"The notion that somehow human beings are flawed and have been surpassed by technology... I think those are very unhelpful damaging stories."
"We live in a kind of multiplex cinema where every screen is showing the same characters and plot, but written in a completely different way in each cinema."
"Christianity... those were the beast of all kind of narratives, Christian narratives, that were created to sustain white supremacy."
"The problem only exists by virtue of the fact that you think you are somebody, and that somebody is founded in these deep narratives of inadequacy, insecurity, and scarcity."
"...those are the really cool stories I want to talk about."
"''Some of the most important narratives that we have are about recognition.''"
"When false information begins to stick in people's heads, it becomes a narrative."
"There's only one SCP-001, it's a shell game, the rest are all fakes to stop people from taking any single entry too seriously."
"Mythic narratives reconnect the audience with the cosmic world and collective memory."
"Narratives are being pushed on us every day, about history, about government, about the poor and the rich, even narratives about ourselves."
"Someone tells something, someone else someone else then just goes on and on that's the beauty of stories."
"We are all interested in our narratives and everyone else's narrative."
"How do the good guys always [ __ ] win dude? 'Cause they write the story after true true."
"So I'm just like, 'You know what? Again, it didn't start off as being something against NFL. It just started off as police fatality, and then it took like three, four different narratives.'"
"So many different stories to tell."
"We're less familiar with them, and as a consequence, sometimes the point of the story strikes us more directly."
"The quality of the storylines that were going on during the Ruthless Aggression era were the main drawing point."
"By the end of his career, he was clearly a symbolist trying to compose stories and new narratives."
"Journalism should be there also to challenge orthodoxies or at least just try to say is there some other narrative to the orthodoxy."
"The presence of the stolen cup motif in various narratives from the biblical tale of Joseph to the Greek ass story and the Aesop romance underscores its adaptability and enduring appeal."
"There's no better story in tournaments than that."
"History is the essence of innumerable biographies."
"The history of the Civil War is the portraits and stories of its soldiers, sailors, and civilians."
"I see nothing wrong with jiving with certain cultural narratives or traditions as long as you're aware."
"Narratives are really complicated; they offer space for a lot of nuance and many facets."
"It feels like when you reach a certain level of intelligence you can craft these narratives that make any action you want like post-hoc either excusable or inexcusable."
"It's about shifting culture, shifting society, and changing narratives."
"It's kind of interesting, there are a lot of cultural narratives out there that see the world in these terms."
"We discussed four narratives that are going to play out and are going to make millionaires in this bull market."
"As you move Beyond these control narratives, a new landscape of possibilities unfolds."
"We have to change the narratives that sustain inequality and injustice."
"There's a lot of good stories to be told."
"I'm very passionate about storytelling and how we create narratives and the power in creating platforms for alternative lifestyles."
"I definitely want the younger generation to know it's a lie they've force-fed all these different narratives by these different platforms and these different players."
"For many years now there has been a massive imbalance in historical narratives."
"A flexible mind is one that doesn't believe its stories right away because you've got to find out if your stories are true."
"When you travel, you want to get both narratives."
"It's important to be informed about news echo chambers instead of being in the dark of media narratives."
"You're trapped in narratives; I've realized the truth."
"We are only as educated as the narratives that are shared."
"You're trained away from the large meta-narratives and you really look for the small details."
"Be very careful of people who would impose and dictate what narratives you should resonate with."
"These grand narratives have been the points of unity that ideologies form around."
"When the story we're being told makes no sense, you can bet there's something else going on behind the scenes."
"Narratives can often shift and sometimes the accolades and accomplishments of different artists can sometimes be underestimated and sometimes be overlooked."
"People having different, not even overlapping narratives, but different separate narratives."
"You are able to let go of the crap and you're able to let go of the narratives or at least face them head-on and identify that they are just stories, they are just myths and other people's fears."
"Narratives, especially the intimate kind found in novels, have the remarkable power to create a safe space in which readers can make strangers and strange others their friends."
"They decenter the natural sciences, disrupt masculinity, deconstruct embedded power structures, depart from homogeneous and masculinist narratives about glaciers, and empower and incorporate different ways of seeing, interacting, and representing glaciers."
"We're experiencing the breakdown of, you know, traditional media or centralized narratives of media."
"The similarities of these narratives display our humanity; the differences are our identity."
"It's time to discuss the biggest narrative shifts in MMA."
"We're trying to use our own logic to justify someone else's story."
"Understanding reality beyond all narratives."
"What other false narratives do we take as truth in our everyday lives?"
"The Bible, this sacred book we hold in our hands, is a repository of incredible narratives."
"We are all implicated when we allow our society to be shaped by narratives of fear and anger."