
Heart Rate Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"It's not about the bike. It's about the elevation of heart rate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you measure heart rate in standard ways that cardiologists measure heart rate and you stimulate over this left dorsolateral, you get a deceleration of the heart rate and it's very time locked to the stimulation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most powerful form of breathing is the one that takes into account the fundamental mechanisms that increase heart rate, that exhales decrease heart rate, and that carbon dioxide and oxygen relate to the bloodstream and the brain in particular ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hit workouts are fat burners, and you're going to get your heart rate up and also get your steps in."
"The study involved having subjects listen to a story...different subjects listening to the same story, undergo the same variation in heart rate."
"That's the baby's heart rate actually. It is kind of a song."
"Realize know what you're 100 percent maximum heart rate value is."
"Every adult should know their blood pressure and their resting heart rate."
"No, it's a heart rate Flat Line. It doesn't mean [__]."
"That makes your heart beat twice as fast."
"My heart rate is historically always right around 55."
"The more variation you get [in heart rate], the better it is."
"The activity of the heart was by far the best indicator of a person's emotional state."
"You'll end up with an increase in heart rate and an increase in contractility."
"Beta blockers all end with a suffix of 'olol' or 'LOL,' which sounds like 'low' and indicates their effect on lowering heart rate and blood pressure."
"My heart rate averaging... I feel completely calm."
"Being in nature drastically lowers our heart rate."
"The key is to not... You want your heart rate somewhere between 125 to 140. 140 starts to teeter on a little too high to maintain an hour, so I try to keep it around 130 to 135."
"The quicker camera cuts are making it [__] more intense, my heart rate's picking up more and more."
"It's scientific fact that it calms people down, it brings our heart rates down."
"This kind of a workout gets your heart rate up but doesn't have it SuperDuper spiked."
"Heart rate is a pretty good metric to use because it's an actual reflection of what's happening inside you."
"Heart rate is one of the most simple and accessible metrics for especially aerobic training because your heart rate increases exponentially in line with oxygen consumption."
"Heart rate can be great for holding people back."
"For some, driving enjoyment also comes with a lowering rather than a raising of a heart rate."
"Do not under any circumstances whatsoever use 220 minus your age to get your max heart rate."
"Now when a human is feeling the love, a few things should happen. First of all, their heart rate should go up."
"Heart rate can be a super affordable, accessible, and adaptable way to improve your sessions."
"The more relaxed you are, the more accurate your resting heart rate will be."
"I'm going to share something with you tonight that you've probably never seen before: the kinetic heart rate zone titles."
"Lifespan times heart rate doesn't change with size; it's the same for everybody."
"Nice gentle introduction, we're putting a couple of efforts just to raise the heart rate up a little bit more, a bit more warmth in the muscles."
"With these compound movements, your heart rate is going to get up, lots of things are working."
"How's that heart rate? Hopefully, it's pumping; you're feeling that cardio too."
"Let the heart rate decrease a bit as you take a moment, breathing in and out through your nose, nice and slow and controlled."
"By stimulating the vagus nerve, it releases a substance called acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter, and this causes a slowing of the heart."
"In atrial fibrillation, the upper chamber starts beating at almost 600 beats per minute."
"It's anything that gets your heart rate up or respiration increase."
"The heart rate that we have at any given time comes about from the balance of these two forces, the sympathetic and the parasympathetic."
"Come back to the breath here, feel your heart rate."
"The more trained you are, the lower your resting heart rate."
"Does my heart literally skip a beat? No, but it can speed up."
"Stroke volume times heart rate equals cardiac output."
"By having changing heart rates while we are working out, really kind of teaches you where your sweet spot is."
"We want to make sure that we've got a little bit of opportunity to bring our heart rate back down."
"Your lovely SA node will fire about 60 times per minute, and this is your heart rate."
"A person exercising at eighty percent of their heart rate reserve will have greater cardiorespiratory adaptations than a person exercising at forty percent."
"When you're exercising at 80 to 85% of maximal heart rate, that is high intensity."
"I love core training, so good. We're going to raise that heart rate, we're going to train that core, you're going to feel it all over the body."
"It's a really fun workout... perfect if you want to raise your heart rate but use just your body weight."
"If you ever see a heart rate less than 60, even if it's 59, look in the stem of the question and make sure that there's no action you need to do."
"Cardiac output equals the heart rate times the stroke volume."
"Cardiac output is heart rate times the stroke volume."
"Anything higher than 100 is tachycardia."
"The maximum predicted heart rate is calculated by the formula 220 minus your age."
"A lot of these hard rate questions come back to the fundamentals."
"I love kickboxing, it really elevates your heart rate and it works on the entire body."
"They really didn't take into consideration how much lower your heart rate would be in space when you went to sleep."
"That's what we love about high-intensity interval training, heart rate stays up even though our intensity level with our workout goes up and down."
"Turtles... they live a very, very long time because their heart rate is super slow."
"A well-oxygenated, healthy fetus should have spontaneous temporary increases in heart rate."
"High heart rate variability is considered a sign of good health and a healthy heart."
"Their heart rate is about 250 beats per minute at rest, and in flight, it reaches 1200 beats per minute."
"They have heart rates during the race ranging from 100 to 160 to 185 beats a minute for nearly two hours."
"The emphasis of this class is to be able to get the heart rate going, move through postures at a fairly good rate, and to build strength along the way."
"The fastest way to get your heart rate up is through your arms."
"The heart rate goes up when you stand, and so the best way to test it is to have the individual lying down for a few minutes... then you just take the blood pressure and pulse and then you ask the individual to stand up, wait a couple of minutes and do it again."
"I did feel a lot calmer... I feel like my resting heart rate was lower."
"Wonderful, how is your heart beating now? Take a moment and just check in with the physiology of your body."
"If you can control your breath, that controls your heart rate."
"I love this move because it gets the heart rate up, it's going to train your core in a lengthened position, and it's low impact. It's a win-win all around."
"We're going to get that heart rate up, get the blood flowing, get our bodies warm."
"Knowing how to use heart rate, knowing what sort of things will fluctuate your heart rate, I know when to push, when not to push."
"Heart rate being lower isn't always a good thing unless you can still push it up to where you've been capable of previously."
"Temperature will affect heart rate, so if it's cold, it's very difficult to get the heart rate up."
"Take your time, get it up there, you'll be able to sustain it."
"Exercise intensity is always going to be measured off of your heart rate."
"To provide this, the heart speeds up."
"It's precisely because heart variability is just your nervous system manifesting in your heart that makes it important."
"A pulse rate irregularity is not a normal part of aging of the heart."
"After about 20 breaths, your heart rates will start to sync up."
"When you don't have enough blood going back to your heart... you increase the heart rate."
"Do you feel that heart rate? Do you feel when we put things together?"
"Fear seizes Emma, causing her heart to race faster."
"Increase in heart rate will be sympathetic; decrease in heart rate will be parasympathetic."
"From our data, we have evidence that the heart rates are lower in healthy young adults."
"Really getting that heart rate up."
"Try to open big so we're also mobilizing the shoulders, not only raising our heart rate up."
"Use this time to take longer, fuller breaths, slow down your heart rate."
"Take long, slow, deep breaths, especially if you feel your heart rate is lifted."
"Power exercises are explosive and fast by nature, so they are more likely to get your heart rate up."
"That's a great pickup because typically we see the highest heart rates in the run."
"We want the babies to be always over 120, and your baby's 150. She's good, normal."
"It does a really good job of being a chest heart rate monitor."
"The heart itself will increase its rate more gradually with exertion and slows more gradually with rest."
"It'll actually bring your heart rate up because you're so focused."
"We are keeping our heart rate up while we are strengthening and toning our muscles."
"Just to start to increase your heart rate, get the muscles in your legs working."
"This should be elevating our heart rate as well before our workout."
"The longer you train, the more your heart rate will be able to go up and be sustained for a long period of time."
"Your heart rate's slowing, softening, your energies melting, calming."
"A normal male resting heart rate is between 60 and 70 bpm; for females, it's 72 to 80."
"Sinus bradycardia is a slow but steady heart rate that is under 60 bpm."
"The average heart rate of a horse is generally between 35 to 40 beats per minute."
"The more fit these horses are, such as a racehorse, we generally have lower heart rates, sometimes as low as 28 beats per minute."
"We're focusing on three different high-intensity movements today designed to keep that heart rate up for the whole workout."
"Our goal is to get our heart rate up here somewhere 60 to 70 percent of our max."
"We're gonna start to bring that heart rate up a little bit."
"Remember, we're getting the strength but we're also focused on that heart rate."
"Just get that heart rate running, elevate it."
"The whole goal of this workout is to just get your heart rate up."
"It's a HIT training session, so we're going to be pushing our heart rate really high."
"At this point, your heart rate should be up, you should be feeling it, we got a long way to go but we're gonna get it all done in under 30 minutes for you."
"Your heart can give you away when you lie by starting to beat faster."
"By activating our vagus nerve, we see many benefits: it helps decrease our heart rate and lowers our blood pressure."
"129 beats per minute from my heart."
"The point of Tabata is to get your heart rate up."
"We are going to start by getting our heart rate up."
"Vagal activation slows the heart rate down, reduces the force of contraction."
"Take a breath or two here, notice your heart, it might be beating a little bit faster in your chest."
"Keep moving because I am worried about keeping your heart rate up, that is number one in here in this class."
"You're bringing your heart rate up and down, which tricks your body and is supposed to result in a higher loss of fat."
"The SA node is considered the heart's primary pacemaker with an intrinsic rate of 60 to 100 beats per minute."
"We have three different morphologies of P waves and a heart rate greater than 100 beats a minute, which makes it a multifocal atrial tachycardia."
"The heart beats at a regular rate between 60 and 100 for an adult."
"The ability of this watch to display real-time continuous heart rate."