
Wealth Quotes

There are 24094 quotes

"He eventually arrived at being truly wealthy with all the components of mental health and peace, contentment, delight."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Having a lot of money is viewed as extremely or very important for a fulfilling life."
"Relationships are the most wealth you can ever have. If you got good relationships, you'll never go without anything."
"Become wealthy, but not in the way you think, not in terms of money, in terms of time."
"The moment you start feeling abundant, you're generating wealth."
"I focus on abundance and am rewarded with wealth and happiness."
"Happiness doesn't come from wealth, but wealth can come from happiness."
"Wealth is happiness, completely. It's how much you laugh and how much the people you love laugh."
"The desire for riches is really the desire for a richer, fuller, and more abundant life; and that desire is praiseworthy."
"Gratitude is the key to wealth and fulfillment. It connects us deeply with the source of all abundance, making every aspect of our lives richer and more rewarding."
"Some people have food but their health doesn't allow them to eat freely; some people have money but that money can't restore their health."
"Health is the necessity of the good life, wealth is the indispensable, love is the purpose, and happiness is the culmination."
"What would you say is the difference between a wealthy or rich mindset versus a poor mindset? It's a way of thinking, a way of acting and being and doing."
"I think the smartest thing the rich people ever did was convince the broke people that money doesn't make you happy."
"Yes, money does buy happiness, but only up to a certain point."
"Poor people see money as something to be spent. Rich people see money as something to invest."
"The biggest wealth you will ever have are a set of experiences that can't be repeated, some knowledge that can be beneficial for yourself and those around you, and the feeling of love."
"The best life that you could possibly think of is when you become rich, become wealthy, get lots of money but then you also do it when you have a vibrant social life of people around you that you love."
"Happiness is not about money because very simply, people who are much richer are only a little bit tiny bit happier than the rest of us."
"Having a bunch of money and power doesn't actually make you happy."
"The happiest people are not the richest nor the poorest but rather those with a slightly above average level of wealth and success."
"Wealth is not having many possessions; it's having few wants."
"You can measure your wealth in terms of how much money you have in your bank account, or you can measure your wealth in terms of how much free time you have."
"Venus in Capricorn is definitely the energy of old money, family money."
"Wealth creates the conditions to pursue happiness, not happiness itself."
"The reaction has been incredible. The public has been shocked to learn some of the details of how the wealthiest people in this country do and do not pay their taxes."
"Real wealth is built through your investments."
"You can make so many more mistakes in life when you're born into a wealthier family, and when you're born poor, you're like one or two before your life is over."
"The first time I made a million dollars in a year, my car was 500 bucks."
"Managing money and making money are two completely separate things, but managing money is what can help you get and become wealthy and it can help you stay wealthy."
"The most successful and wealthiest people are entrepreneurs. They're people that have started their own business."
"I started realizing that there's a lot of people they start a business with nothing or with very little money but they end up becoming wealthy in five years or ten years."
"More money just amplifies who you are...if you're a good person and you have more money, you have a tool to do more good."
"This is not you don't need to be rich to...feel great."
"Norway has been a relatively wealthy country for most of its entire history."
"Be fruitful; there are spiritual laws that govern wealth and abundance."
"We live in a very abundant world. The laws of money and flow are eternal and natural."
"I genuinely believe you can be rich and spiritual."
"GDP doesn’t distinguish between activity that increases a country’s wealth and activity that doesn’t."
"The evidence is clear that as soon as you make people rich enough so that they're not living hand to mouth, then they start to become concerned with environmental degradation."
"The poor are getting richer despite the fact of inequality."
"Elon Musk officially became the richest man in the world, leaving Jeff Bezos from Amazon and Blue Origin behind."
"Countries that are closest to laissez-faire capitalism, that have the most economic freedom, are also the richest."
"It's okay for others to have more than you, as long as you have more than enough."
"It was the story of an ancient civilization that thrived thousands of years ago, free of poverty, where wealth was meaningless."
"One of the reasons the rich keep getting richer is because they tend to look at investing in ways that most of us don't."
"A man with character can earn any amount of money, but no matter how much money you have, you cannot buy character."
"If you have to work every single day in order to fund your lifestyle, you are not wealthy. You have no freedom."
"Being broke has never helped anyone. Period. You can help more people if you have money. Money is just fuel; it amplifies what you do."
"I think most of the civilized world believes that religious leaders shouldn't be crazy rich."
"Breaking generational curses, having generational wealth, and really just making our last name mean something."
"Money can't buy happiness. That's true though, you can't. So don't try to buy it, don't try to get rich. It's not gonna make you happy."
"Your blessings bring wealth without painful toil."
"It doesn't matter how much money you have if your heart is bankrupt."
"I would rather get rich slowly but get rich for sure."
"Cash flows your freedom, but appreciation gives you wealth."
"Wealth and fame are things we understand in America, we don't really understand power."
"Do you know what his poorest kid is worth? $74 billion."
"Epicurus famously wrote, 'If thou wilt make a man happy, add not unto his riches but take away from his desires.'"
"Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness."
"The best way to change the world is get rich and use your money to change it."
"The very wealthy began to pay their fair share."
"I'm a capitalist. If you can make a million or millions of bucks, that's great, just pay your fair share in taxes."
"I got plenty of money, so I'm not working for money. I'm giving away plenty of money because it helps."
"Wealth is not just financial, wealth is also how much enjoyment you get second to second."
"Wealth is interesting and it makes life comfortable, but it's not the deep joy that a human being needs to be happily alive."
"I technically became the richest man in the world for 7 minutes."
"Beyond a certain point, extra money does not actually contribute to extra happiness."
"It is so obvious that he had reincarnated into a fairly rich household, and that alone is a reason for him to be grateful."
"Sarah Winchester was the widow and the heiress of the Winchester rifle fortune."
"Nothing motivates me more to be a freaking millionaire than traveling."
"Enjoy life. What's the use of being a billionaire if you don't treat yourself and your family once in a while?"
"There are many things about being rich that unfortunately cannot be understood only financially."
"The real wealth is not necessary only outside; it can be inside also, your talent."
"Focus on what makes you happy, not what makes you rich."
"Desire will be fulfilled, wealth will be gained, there is a rise in status."
"Now we can purchase the sun. The one thing I always wanted on my bank roll."
"After buying the entire solar system and having more money than God and activating more money than God per click, it is now time to give it all back."
"Poor people always think about money... Rich people think about things... But wealthy people think about ideas."
"One of the hot spots for the ultra-rich to see out the year was St. Barts, a former French colony in the Caribbean."
"My money makes two to three times off the same dollar before it ever circulates outside of my territory."
"If you want to become wealthy, you have to break away from the majority, you have to start thinking different, and you have to be financially educated."
"The one thing that differentiates somebody who becomes wealthy and can live the life of their dreams and somebody who cannot is your mindset."
"It doesn't matter how much money you make, it's what you do with the money you make."
"We went through a worldwide health crisis and a worldwide recession, and yet, you have some people, the rich people, who became now significantly more rich, while you have the majority of the world, average people, who are now poorer than they were before."
"When you really make friends with wealth, you will always have a surplus of it."
"Money should mean freedom from want; it should mean beauty, luxury, a sense of security, and refinement."
"Your thoughts make you wealthy or poor. Choose the riches of life right here and right now."
"Once you understand the rules of the game and you understand what most people that are wealthy know that you don't know, you can play the same game and you can win."
"Recognizing the powers of your subconscious mind is the way to opulence, freedom, and constant supply."
"Your true source of wealth consists of the ideas in your mind."
"The wealth was in the mind of the man who believed in a guiding principle."
"You must subjectively possess riches before you can objectively possess wealth."
"I am grateful for the wealth and abundance in my life."
"The universe has chosen me to be wealthy so that I can help others with my wealth."
"Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways."
"I am very happy and grateful that money comes to me in increasing quantities from many sources on a continual basis."
"I don't want my kids to make money. I want them to be happy."
"The reality is for every millionaire lottery winner, startup wiz, or beneficiary of great aunt Berget's estate, there are 100 millionaires that got there by earning good incomes, living below their means, and saving the difference."
"One of the largest determinants of wealth is homeownership."
"You can become wealthy and establish in your own business, in your own profession."
"In not pursuing money, I have made money pursue me."
"True wealth is being able to choose where your time goes."
"The true purpose of wealth is to completely remove the financial burden from the individual."
"There's a lot of wealth that's built from investing."
"If you don't find what your purpose is, you will never be satisfied, no matter how much money you make."
"Generational life-changing type of wealth. All of us making insane amounts of money right now."
"As the leader of this amazing community, I'm excited to move us forward and allow us to make this number go up and get rich. That's what I want for all of us."
"There's no such thing as an ethical billionaire."
"You generally get rich by doing the things that others consider too hard or too boring."
"It's fun having all this money because we can just open absolutely everything we want."
"You don't have to live like that today. There's more money in hip hop than there's ever been."
"He's a gross representation of what terrible things a terrible man can do when he has access to immense power and wealth."
"Being rich personally is not worth destroying your society."
"You'll be able to fulfill your desire, have success in your venture; there will be excessive wealth, acquisition of comfort."
"You will gain wealth, vehicles, support, luxuries, and a rising in your profession."
"You'll be highly capable of solving problems through your own efforts; you'll be established, wealthy."
"There will be a new birth of a new project and new ventures; you'll gain name, fame, and acquire a lot of wealth during this particular period."
"Your wealth may rise from day to day; you will be enterprising, ambitious, may progress through your own efforts."
"Wealth is my birth-right, my natural state of being."
"Being wealthy gives me joy, happiness, and peace of mind."
"I am successful in every way. Money is flowing to me."
"Irregardless of how desperate you may become at any given time to acquire wealth, power, success, or fame, never use children as leverage or social currency, especially under malevolent or erroneous pretense."
"Abundance phase is where you've built a level of wealth that allows you to spend your time focusing and diving into what gives you purpose and fulfillment."
"I describe myself as a poor man with lots of money."
"Most young people don't realize how rich they are. Money can't buy everything."
"You assume that the things that you have when you're young are going to be around forever... but if you're young, appreciate how wealthy you are."
"Your time means more than any amount of money."
"The people that you don't think are millionaires are millionaires, and the people that you think are millionaires are not."
"Rich isn't what you think it is, kid. Rich sounds like money and stuff... but rich is having a strong faith, rich is having a great family and loving your family, rich is having great friends."
"Wealthy people aren't bad, evil, greedy people; they're actually hardworking people that have certain habits."
"Your wealth should not define your justice before the law."
"I would rather be happy and broke than be miserable and gigger rich."
"You can make more money, but you can't make more time."
"True wealth in life is knowing that if I call for help, I have thousands of friends who would be there. That means so much to me."
"The true meaning of wealth in life and I hope that's the return of me living my life as a people pleaser, being positive and smiling to make people feel appreciated."
"At the end of the day, eating lunch with your buddies, having these types of relationships, knowing that you could call up thousands of friends... that's the true meaning of wealth in life."
"The wealthiest people I've met are the happiest, most humble, and kindest people."
"Rich people aren't evil, they just had different education than you did."
"You realize the silence within yourself, you understand the meaning of true wealth."
"Fortunes gravitate to those whose minds have been prepared to attract them, just as surely as water gravitates to the ocean."
"I've given away more money than I ever dreamed of making in a day in my life."
"Money equals freedom. Money equals the opportunity."
"Rich people are planning decades ahead, and the really wealthy are planning past their lifetimes."
"I have run the experiment of does wealth solve all of your problems, and wealth is awesome, but it does not solve all your problems."
"It sucks being ill. It consumes everything else in your life. You can be the richest person in the world, but if you don't have your health, you're going to be miserable."
"The true measure of wealth isn't money; it's happiness."
"Better is a poor man in his righteousness than a rich man and trouble therewith."
"The development and improvement of capital is what has allowed the world to become as wealthy as it has over the past 250 years."
"The more value you create for more people, the more money you will have."
"The person who is truly wealthy is the one who gives."
"Riches and honor are with me, enduring riches and righteousness."
"A path with money is waiting for you to find it."
"The blessing of the Lord makes a person rich and adds no sorrow with it."
"As people become more wealthy and have access to more institutions, they tend to have less children."
"Publicity is for those who are rich that are aspiring to be wealthy; the purpose of being wealthy is to be hidden."
"I have had client after client after client crying their eyes out with millions of dollars in the bank account, nothing that money can do to help."
"Whether you're rich or not, we love you all the same."
"Manipulative product, franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams."
"Most guys are not rich yet they still have a girlfriend or a wife."
"You're not going to get rich overnight; the rags to riches story is one in a million."
"The Real Housewives franchise has fundamentally changed the way that we think about a lot of aspects of wealth, and how we'll spend money and how we represent ourselves, particularly as women."
"Cocaine is God's way of telling you, you got too much money."
"Even though you don't have any money, if you have more than 50 friends who let you stay for one week, you're rich."
"Whoever figures out how to accelerate healing in the human brain will be the first trillionaire of our time."
"Every day in every way, I am becoming richer and richer."
"How do you know whether they're interested in you as a human being or your money? That's the trouble with being born rich; it's both a curse and a convenience."
"What I'm really trying to say is, as my worldview changed, as my attitude towards money changed, as my relationship towards money changed, more of it came into my life."
"Remember, the word prosperity includes wealth, but also things that even money can't purchase! It includes good health, peace, good families."
"Everyone desires to be rich, but not everyone knows what constitutes enduring riches."
"At the end of the day, what good is a person's wealth if it doesn't touch people's lives?"
"Who you are is not based on how much money you have."
"The most important thing is in this city right here where millionaires are made every day, some of the loneliest people are people with a lot of money and no relationships."
"A jobless man was asked, 'If you get a billion dollars, what would you do with it?' He replied, 'First, I will get myself a job.'"
"I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers."
"Money doesn't bring happiness, but the absence of money brings unhappiness."
"You are at the top...you are the one percent earner...you cannot use the excuse 'well, I live in a society'...you have so much money, do something with it."
"If you become the most powerful, rich, wealthy person in the world but you don't know the purpose of your creation, you failed."
"You can have everything in the world money can buy, but if you are lonely, there's something missing."
"My children have grown up in a wealthy family; it's a big disadvantage."
"The real measure of your wealth is not in the possessions you have, but in the life you live and the love you give."
"You can always make more money, but you can never make more time."
"Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless."
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."
"Rich financially but very broke emotionally."
"You don't go from being a waiter to being worth like $50 billion ethically. I'll tell you that."
"Bill Gates... has made the Forbes richest list every single year since 1986."
"We have great testimony in our community of people that have reversed all kinds of things and created all kinds of wealth and mystical moments."
"The richest people in the world don't use social media for fun; they use it for market research."
"I've done so much, I mean, look at how much I own now."
"Free time is the most valuable thing. As long as you're doing what you want with your free time, the richer you are."
"Money is an attitude. If you feel like you're so happy and so content with what you have, you are already wealthy."
"I'm too rich to argue, I respectfully decline."
"Focusing on wealth allowed me to have all the things, including debt freedom."
"It's not the money that gives you the wealth; it's the goods and services."
"My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest." - Warren Buffett
"Make people rich and they become environmentalists."
"The first thing that comes to mind is if you know all this, why aren't you a billionaire?"
"Our consciousness is the best bank account that we can have."