
Relaxation Quotes

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"A single breath will change your state. You're nervous, you take a deep breath, and it seems to help relax."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But where we tend to be more relaxed, and we tend to be almost in a kind of sleepy mode... that's when we tend to be better at novel configurations of existing elements, which is creativity."
"Remember, being active doesn't have to be grueling; just move. And if anything, just take a bath and relax, still your mind."
"Have a wind-down routine... Sleep is much more like landing a plane. It takes time to gradually descend down."
"Learning to relax inside of our own skin a little bit is the best thing that any of us can do because it opens up possibility."
"Certain patterns of breathing will calm you very much like entering a hypnotic state."
"It's very important that people take control of their mind and their body in a way that allows themselves to calm down."
"The most revolutionary thing that a woman could be, in this world or any, is relaxed."
"I want to slow down and hang out with my friends more."
"Trust this moment, trust yourself, trust me, and close your eyes."
"The double breath... allows for the most rapid reduction in stress levels."
"Resting in mindful awareness with nothing to do, nowhere to go, just observing, and enjoying that."
"The stimulation of tea is very different from that of coffee... tea has a compound called L-theanine that's a relaxant."
"If you're stressed, two inhales, two exhales, to max lung capacity, and then a long exhale, and your calm will just be right there waiting for you."
"Let go of any stress or worries... so you can have a good relaxing cleanse."
"Don't take life so seriously. Don't try to control every little thing that's happening around you. Let go of that. Enjoy yourself."
"Taking a walk where you're just letting your mind go is very powerful."
"Creativity is magnified when you're able to access these states of relaxed mind."
"I'm just going to close my eyes and dream about unicorns and fairy tales."
"Grab your popcorn and your thought juice and get comfortable."
"It is so important for everyone to have a day where they can just take time to themselves, whether it's once a week, twice a month, once a month."
"I think relaxation and downtime is an important part of living a healthy, mindful life."
"How do we strike a balance between being productive and relaxing, taking a break, giving ourselves the time and space to do absolutely nothing?"
"We need to grant ourselves the opportunities to just chill."
"Your mind can relax. As I chanted, we meditate to let go, not to attain, to be peaceful, to be kind."
"Relax, look for joy, observe, let it come, let it be, let it go."
"Let everything drop off your shoulders; all the weight, all the stress, all the pressure. Just be in the moment and be present with yourself."
"Take some time to tune into the energies of the cards. Sit back, relax, get cozy and comfortable. Take a few deep breaths."
"It's time to relax, so there you have it, another 100 days of Mega modded Stardew Valley has just flown past."
"Sometimes, just turn your brain off and just laugh. It's fun to laugh sometimes."
"Coffee's kicking in. We ain't got nothing to do but sit around and do some tarot."
"Take some time out for yourself, somewhere else, just chill outside of your regular style of chilling."
"In this meditation, my aim is to help you achieve a healthier body, mind, and spirit by using the power of a focused desire and a deep body relaxation."
"A concentrated mind leads to kind of follow through, leads to relaxation, and leads to enjoyment."
"Relax to let your success mechanism work for you."
"Sometimes you don't know what to read, but it's a nice sort of moment away from the hustle and bustle."
"Meditation will enable you to access deep levels of rest in only a short period of time each day."
"The universe is giving you a message to take time to relax. It is okay to take time to relax."
"Take a break, allow yourself to relax, rather than being so tied up in responsibilities."
"He won the S+ ending because...he's now enjoying semi-retirement with his family. He won."
"This is like the one gig that everyone in the world can come to and you're in your pajamas at the same time."
"During Transcendental Meditation, your body gains a state of rest and relaxation in many regards deeper than the deepest part of deep sleep."
"Relax and take it easy on yourself and practice self-love. Stop pushing yourself to the very limit because you deserve it. You are precious."
"This is the weekend to sit on your couch and do nothing; get almost anything with Uber Eats delivered straight to your door."
"I relax and enjoy life. I know that whatever I need to know is revealed to me in the perfect time and space sequence."
"The atmosphere here, the vibes, the chillness is just unmatched."
"Sometimes you just need to tune everything out for a bit and listen to some good music."
"Stop thinking about it now, close your eyes and think of something you love."
"Your home is like the one place where you should be able to feel relaxed and be your full self."
"I like to cook. It's a great way to unwind after a long day."
"You are okay to take a second to breathe, you are okay to take a second to relax."
"The sound of the sea, even though we live by the coast, it never gets boring. It's so calming, isn't it? Relaxing, romantic."
"Daydreaming on purpose is the simplest way that I know to evoke a relaxation response."
"If you can do that, dip in and out of that deeply relaxed state once or twice a day, your whole stress thermostat starts to shift."
"The default position is relaxed and comfortable."
"Do wellness. So now just allow the vortex to move out through the soles of your feet and you can stay in this wonderful state for as long as you like."
"I don't have to be so pretty, I don't have to be so strong, I don't have to be so successful. Oh, bliss at last, I can just be me!"
"For people like me and many other entrepreneurs who have an overachieving personality, taking more time to relax and appreciating life more can be the biggest catalyst to bigger results."
"This is the relaxation class. It's all about leaving stress behind."
"You get through the clutter and it starts to focus on a thing... 9 out of 10 of my best ideas come in the last 30 minutes of that massage."
"Every Friday night at sunset... it forces you to slow down and just add that margin in your week."
"Relax, grab your favorite snacks, and enjoy as I try to survive 100 days in a cave only world."
"It's the peace and quiet. You know, you don't have to go anywhere to have peace and quiet."
"Days like today, you just want to sit and rock and just hear the birds chirp and relax."
"We don't have to hurry; it's fine to take our time."
"Kick back, relax, and enjoy it. And again, thank you guys so much for your support."
"Reading before bed may calm the mind and keep it from dwelling on stressful circumstances."
"Masks are my favorite part of a skincare routine because it forces you to take 'you time,' relaxation time, self-care time."
"Stop being frustrated. Stop trying to swim upstream. Just sit back and relax and allow the wind to just guide you."
"When you're relaxed in your heart and awake in your brain, there's a beautiful dance that goes on between the two."
"It's supposed to be a relaxing trip; that means sleeping in and watching girly movies and sleeping all day long."
"My mom told me it's an underrated attraction where you get to relax on a 20-minute cruise around the rivers of America."
"The People Mover is just the most relaxing and pleasant attraction in Magic Kingdom."
"Nomad Lounge is one of my favorite spots to sit back, relax, and enjoy being at the Animal Kingdom."
"We're hella high. 'I told you, it's peaceful.'"
"I'm going to go have a beer with a buddy tonight and a hamburger."
"Relax, inhale, exhale, surrender to your greatest purpose."
"You just try to control the game, get Tour Guide, and chill."
"On a Saturday night, you need to have a nice cup of tea in a good library and a good book."
"It's like a happy end to your day to go to sauna and after that you feel more relaxed."
"It's always good just sitting down having a little bit of fun."
"Visualizations, like imagining that I'm a gigantic sea monster or a dragon, it's just so great for me to go to bed."
"Once four babies are asleep, and I just cherish that time at night when everyone's asleep and I can watch whatever show I want and just have some alone time."
"We need to know how to let go and relax and say you are okay the way you are."
"One of my favorite things to do is walk around just to clear my head and see what the local area is like."
"Who needs to relax this week? Air conditioning companies."
"It's relaxation... You sit for like an hour... focus on your breathing, and try to release all the tension in your body."
"It's perfect for when you just want to lay in bed and watch movies all night."
"There's nothing better than having nothing to do."
"Relaxation: Something to celebrate involving relaxation. This could be vacation."
"Take three deep mindful breaths to relax you and calm your mind."
"You don't muscle creativity. It's more like relaxation."
"Everybody relax. We're here for a good time, not a long time."
"Spirit of Wonder is a relaxing and beautiful anime that takes place in the 1950s."
"People used to sit on their porch and watch the world go by, which was incredibly soothing."
"When we're working on increasing our flexibility, we'll hold our stretches a little bit longer than we normally would because it helps to really communicate the message to the muscle that it's okay to relax, it's okay to release tension."
"We live our lives constantly in such a rush, going from place to place, from activity to activity, constantly have things to do. But this moment here that we're spending together, stretching, being with our bodies, is one of the most precious gifts you can give to yourself."
"Make sure to take time to breathe and be nice to yourself."
"There's nothing like winding down for the evening with some lighthearted television."
"Just grab an ice cold drink, kick up your feet, and get ready to relax and laugh!"
"At the end of the day, we all want to have a little bit of time to relax, enjoy life, and have fun."
"Enjoying the cherry blossoms and nature. It's the perfect place for a picnic."
"Breathe and feel your chest rising, count to eight then count to ten as you're blowing out that air."
"I'm gonna hop in the van and go fishing and just relax. I don't care if I have to work back-breaking labor, living a humble life."
"This is just a gift; it's a 24-hour period where God says rest, relax, connect, and I love that."
"You've worked hard for your success and now is the time to enjoy the fruits of your labor."
"The relaxing, safe sound of the Ionian mode combined with this jaunty groove feels so good; we're just vibing out, having a great time not a care in the world."
"Allow a warm, deep, pleasurable relaxation to spread across your mind and body, just feeling so good."
"The kind of thing you can just sit down for a minute and set a timer and do, because they are really about changing your state of mind and body."
"Just chill, that's our ethic on the show. Chill."
"Feeling a sense of contentment, a sense of ease after completing this first part of your journey."
"Sometimes doing nothing is just the best thing. Just turn off."
"Grab a coffee, grab a cocktail, put a big bowl of spaghetti in front of you, whatever makes you unwind and get comfy."
"I have been really into gravestone cleaning... I find it to be very relaxing and very rewarding."
"Relax, man, relax. Stop fighting, stop chasing. Consider the impossible."
"Take your time washing your face, do a mask, relax, moisturize; go through a stress-free moment where you can just focus on taking care of yourself."
"I love you and I hope that you got some relaxation from this and I hope you have sweet, sweet dreams."
"I think facial steaming can be a good relaxing experience and can prep your skin for putting on products afterwards and can help you know for hydration."
"Sometimes you just gotta let things go and settle down for a little while."
"I'm just having fun with my friends, I'm in love, which is great, and I'm just gonna chill."
"You deserve a glass of wine. You deserve to kick up."
"Be kind to others, make this day a fun day, drink juice and take a nap... whatever you do today, make sure it's a good day."
"Let's take a break; you don't have to take life so seriously all the time."
"Sit back, relax, get cozy and comfortable, take a few deep breaths if you need to."
"Why don't you just relax and feel yourself? Why don't you just leave yourself alone and be?"
"I love a hot tub but you know I love a hot tub in a cold environment and a fire pit, just upping the romantic ante."
"I don't understand how there could be this idea of sitting around and relaxing. I despise relaxing."
"If you will relax instead, you give some space for a little bit of it to pass through. The more you relax, the more you lean away from the energy that's making all the noise, the more space you leave, and that's a very, very deep spiritual practice."
"It became my healer, it became my thing of choice to find peace and relaxation."
"Hobbies can help you relax and enjoy your free time, it can also be useful to take your mind off some of the problems that you might have."
"A relaxed jaw is a signal to the body to relax."
"Deep relaxation, deep rest is very essential."
"Use its three modes, relax, focus, or sleep, to feel calm and safe, to enable lengthy concentration, or be soothed into a deep sleep."
"You have to get so much momentum that you're fully confident that you could take a day off and just eat ice cream."
"Libra, if you feel the need to take it easy, please take it easy in September."
"Breathe in, breathe out, unclench your jaw, relax your shoulders. You're fine, you're okay, you're doing great."
"That's why when people tell us they fall asleep listening to the show, it doesn't bother us at all; it's actually extremely gratifying."
"Let's just kick off our shoes and clown around. It sounds like a good book."
"Sometimes in life, you gotta just chill out."
"Remember, a little bit of softness, a little bit of breathing, a little bit of listening to calming music, soothing music, maybe a little bit of meditation, could take us a very, very, very long way."
"You're gonna have more time for rest and relaxation. Life is going to feel easier."
"The feeling generated was surprising... absolutely perfect for a Friday after work, feel renewed, actually calmed me down."
"You gotta relax the night before a final, otherwise you're just going to be stressed all night."
"With each breath in, feel your body expand... and with each exhalation, let your body relax."
"We gotta lighten up; we gotta have a good time."
"It's Sunday night, the day has come to a close, and the sight of twinkling stars in the night sky is as welcome as the crisp night air."
"Keep your PJs on, grab a bowl of cereal, and have fun with the afternoon cartoons compilation."
"I want you to take a deep breath in, let it go, and with your eyes closed, begin to let go of your day, letting go of whatever happened, letting go of the past."
"With each exhalation, giving yourself the permission to surrender and let go into the mat, relax deeper into the ground underneath you."
"People primarily play video games to simply relax and have fun."
"It is really a time to like get away and unwind."
"I'm gonna take my time, I'm gonna pull up something good to read or watch and really just sit there and enjoy it."
"ASMR... can be defined in several different ways but generally regarded as a relaxing or enjoyable feeling, perhaps accompanied by a tingling sensation."
"Focus on self-care and maybe just setting up some time where you turn off the radio, the TV, and just sort of like sit and think before you go to bed."
"If you can relax, truly deeply, for at least an hour every day, it creates the environment for your physiological healing mechanisms a crapload of breathing room."
"Make sure that you're picking truly relaxing activities... something nice and easy you can read a book... or chatting on the phones with friends and family in a way that doesn't arouse you."
"If you're training really hard and you care about your results... then you have to take all the stuff that you do per day, squish it down a tiny little bit... and spend a little bit more time in the evening relaxing."
"There is nothing I love more than to sit down in a comfy chair, turn on the PC, fire up a brand new RPG, and lose myself in the world."
"It's followed by like a sound bath, and that just sounds so nice right now."
"I feel like I'm a very chill and like, you are the chillest person I've ever met."
"The vibes were laidback, they were immaculate."
"Doing nothing is great for the soul, especially if you've been burning the candle at both ends."
"Reading is really good, you know, to give you that peace and quiet... It's kind of like swimming; you're just with your conscience and kind of relax."
"I don't put any pressure on myself. Expectations of playing, I could have a bad round or a good round. I just like being outdoors and being able to relax."
"Just a really nice place to chill out, have a glass of wine, watch a sunset."
"I think the first one you said is exactly what I want. Yeah, just to cuddle up on my couch, maybe a candle, maybe some nice TV on, just having some tea."
"It's normal to get out of your routine, especially during the holidays, and it's totally healthy too. You need breaks, you need to relax."
"I've been loving finding new music and just laying or just chilling and just listening to music. I love it."
"Switch out the things that you do in your breaks that are immersive to more mindless activities."
"Close your eyes and take a few slow deep breaths, just feeling the effects of that chi self-massage in your whole system."
"I am a natural homebody. I love being home, I love chilling, I love relaxing."
"Feel yourself relaxing, falling back, and surrendering yourself into the loving and forgiving arms of Jesus."
"Release the weight of your worldly cares as you focus on the lightness of the gospel."
"If you're in need of relaxation, if you're in need of time just to be able to refresh yourself... this hotel is superb."
"Christmas afternoon is one of my favorite things because it's just so relaxed and cozy."
"I like that. I'm going to bed. I know it's six, but I don't really care."
"Epic dude. Have a relaxing weekend. I'll do my very best."
"Sit back, relax, grab some popcorn, and let's have fun with it."
"It's just a game, chill. Ain't going to change anyone's life."
"This reading was so much fun, very relaxing."
"Everything is fine. Everything is okay. We're just gonna go into the weekend and enjoy ourselves."
"Imagine having fun, not worrying about graphics cards, not constantly checking for it anymore, just enjoying your time and not feeling so bitter and angry at the world. That'll be awesome, right?"
"Taking a time out, vacation, enjoying the simple things, slowing down which fits with all of your messages too. The home could be your focus."
"It's a beautiful day out; there's a part of me that's like, maybe I just go outside, go for a walk, get some sun, you know."
"At the end of the day, whatever you consider self-care, what actually takes care of you, and what helps you relax, do it. Who cares, no one should judge you, if they do screw them, they don't matter like honestly, you need to do what is best for you."
"I spent the entire time just reading, swimming, doing puzzles, and I finally watched Ted Lasso. So, this break has been great for me."
"Come join us in Animal Island; come take a vacation with us."
"Put your seatbelt on, get your popcorn out, have a martini in the middle of the day. Go for it."
"So this weekend, out of compassion not for yourself, out of compassion for all those people who have to put up with you, please give yourself a break and a rest."
"Don’t focus so much on falling asleep, focus on relaxing. Take an imaginary box in your mind and put each of those thoughts and worries and things on your to-do list in the box, close it, lock it, and put it on a shelf."
"Take some time this week to play, relax, and just have fun."
"If I wanted to have a wonderful time, I'd make myself a cup of tea and I'd play Jedi Fallen Order."
"I hope you're all having a wonderful day. It is currently Saturday morning, the whole weekend is ahead of us, and this is gonna be such a fun relaxing weekend."
"I knew I had a good retirement check coming every month, and we'd be able to just kick back, enjoy life, no more working midnights, live like a normal human being as we call it, and spend quality time with each other."
"You want to take time to practice the art of just breathing."
"The universe is literally telling you you need to start focusing more on relaxing a little bit more to rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul."
"I watched this ASMR where this girl did my taxes, quote-unquote, and it made me fall asleep for like a solid month straight."
"People need to do that, rest, relaxes your anxiety, helps you grow."
"Relaxing is going to allow your brain to come up with the answers because honestly, you probably know them; you just may be forgotten or need to kind of remind yourself of that."
"Prepare, get a glass of wine, water, or something else that'll make you feel good."