
Conservation Quotes

There are 8607 quotes

"Let's capture their genetic code now, before they're gone. And could we use that information to resurrect the species at some future time, if not in my lifetime, in some time in the future and generations ahead of us."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We create a database, we call the GenomeArk and no pun intended like Noah's Ark, meant to store the genetic code as complete genome assemblies as possible for all species on the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"But in recent years, this trend has actually begun to reverse. A little, another organism, this one much larger called humans, have begun to undo the effects of the biological pump."
"You need to preserve what we have here and enjoy."
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints."
"The challenge, in particular for Monitor, is scale. To date, Monitor's the largest marine metal shipwreck recovery and conservation effort ever undertaken worldwide by volume of material."
"Mission accomplished: this was the goal; we saved [the endangered species]."
"Nothing is created and destroyed, and that energy is just moving from one place to another."
"I believe in the importance of conserving our clothing because our clothing is what connects us to the past."
"To me, conservationism isn't just a hobby; it's a commitment to protecting our planet's precious biodiversity."
"The Lorax's central theme is maybe, perhaps we shouldn't cut down all the trees and destroy the environment."
"Nature's intrinsic value value that doesn't solely derive from our enjoyment or use but that exists in and of itself, independent of humans."
"This year a coalition of conservation organizations banded together to save one of the world’s last pristine rainforests, preserving 367 square miles, or 950 square kilometers of land from deforestation."
"Basic physics tells us that nothing disappears; all matter turns into energy, and energy can be converted back into matter."
"What Rainforest Trust does is focus on protecting regions forever from deforestation."
"This is literally my job to serve and protect this area. This is sacred to a ton of folks; we got a lot of visitors, unfortunately, it doesn't get treated that well, and so I've got to be out here protecting it."
"It's a beautiful zoo, guys. Next to our theme park, can you believe it?"
"The primary message of the land in keeping with the themes of Animal Kingdom is conservation."
"This is the last major salmon drainage, healthy one in North America."
"If you care about biodiversity in the long run, humans are critical to maximizing that."
"We don't have another 100 years to fritter away the air, the water, and the land. We need to get this on now and catch up with the lost century."
"Zoos are kind of like a necessary evil in some way because every keeper in the world will happily admit that if we didn't need zoos, we wouldn't have them."
"The land is already preserved, he insists, and to me that's kind of the same thing as saying you shouldn't donate to an animal rescue because animals are already being rescued."
"The basic rule of physics is nothing really ever gets lost; information never gets lost."
"Medicinal plants and especially medicinal animals are widely documented to be destroyed when they are integrated into a popular medical practice."
"If you sell it based on conservation, both sides, the left and the right, the environmentalists and the people who care about frugality, will all buy in."
"Conservatives are just completely confused about whether it makes sense to dig everything up and cut down the last tree in pursuit of economic growth or whether in fact there are things which are worth conserving."
"Children will ask us what became of these ancient and ineffable creatures, and we will say that we destroyed them for something as ephemeral, crass, prosaic, perverse, and unpalatable as the way they tasted."
"Take that hacker; we built a zoo and saved all the animals."
"The archaeological record...is irreplaceable. It is the responsibility of all archaeologists to work for the long-term conservation and protection of the archaeological record."
"Both sides would have done well to have left the Aleutians to the Aleuts."
"Trying to gather up all of the leaves in the process as the goal is to eventually build a new forest here."
"The old growth of the Tongass National Forest stores carbon from the atmosphere, and these trees are four to six hundred years old. So, huge, massive trees that are a natural carbon sink."
"This one is awesome because 100% of the proceeds go towards an organization helping to work to save shark species across the world."
"Magic Mountain Hotel... is a captivating blend of nature conservation and pure unadulterated fantasy."
"The Global Seed Vault is a secure facility located on the island of Svalbard, deep within the permafrost of Norway."
"It's a part of Chattahoochee River National Recreation; the land is not, the river is."
"Taking as good care as we can of our own planet is the imperative right now. We are guarding it and we are responsible for it."
"Albert Einstein talks about energy is never created nor destroyed, only changed in form."
"The sea turtles are going to be able to lay more eggs than they've been able to lay for a very long time."
"We always want to conserve what we love, and we only love what we understand."
"I don't want to live in a world where my great grandkids can't be up and close with reptiles and other animals, and that they don't maybe even care because they haven't understood what these animals are."
"There's over 900 extinct species and nearly 177,000 critically endangered animals. As a lifelong passionate conservationist, it would be a dream come true to bring some of these animals back from extinction."
"Thanks to remarkable advancements in science and technology, we just might be able to."
"As someone who grew up in southern Africa and personally witnessed the demise of populations of rhinoceros, it would be unbelievable to see this prehistoric behemoth come back."
"The Great Auk... an animal that deserves to be brought back, and conservationists around the world know that."
"The Northern White Rhino is critically endangered, currently, there are only two known surviving individuals, both of whom are female."
"Colossal Biosciences... has joined BioRescue in its mission to save the Northern White Rhino from extinction."
"Elizabeth Anne... the world's first cloned black-footed ferret, marks a groundbreaking achievement in efforts to increase genetic diversity and aid in the conservation of this beautiful endangered species."
"The black-footed ferret... an animal that we thought we had lost forever. Now we've successfully been able to clone them."
"We're here today to celebrate the passing of truly landmark legislation that will preserve America's majestic natural wonders, priceless historical treasures, national monuments, and glorious national parks. This is a very big deal."
"The reason for the Sandringham gun bus is to transport guns around the Sandringham shoot. The reason for the Sandringham shoot is to provide great shooting and great conservation of rare species."
"In his speech to BASC staff in 2010, Prince Philip stressed the importance of shooting to the health of the UK's wildlife."
"By protecting these gentle giants, we help maintain the ecological balance and diversity of the South American ecosystems they inhabit."
"This historic legislation will ensure future generations can enjoy our national parks and public lands."
"The only way to properly conserve the fragile ecosystems of this planet is by letting insanely rich people kill things."
"Leatherback sea turtle populations along the Pacific coast have declined by over 90% in the past decade from illegal poaching."
"Conservation, in the 21st century, can’t be passive. It has to be an active process, and therefore, it demands a very real, sometimes significant cost."
"We're planting a billion trees, the Billion Tree Project, and it's very exciting."
"We're helping dolphins and whales all around the world."
"This zoo is an ape sanctuary. We're doing vitally important conservation work not just for apes but for all kinds of species."
"If we don't work with people, we can't save the wildlife."
"It's one of the last great wildlife habitats on earth."
"I'm about to head to northern Kenya on a journey that I've been planning for a long time now. I've been to Africa before, but where I'm going, the tourists are rare and the fight to save rare and endangered wildlife is a daily battle."
"The purpose of the Florida python hunters was to unite everyone together to focus on the same objective, which is to save the ecosystem here in Everglades."
"Birds symbolize nature's interconnectedness, and our next special guest is raising awareness of the importance of protecting birds in a changing world."
"National Parks have been called America's greatest idea, and yet these and other public lands face serious threats."
"Nature will bounce back if you let it, if you put the right drivers in place and just allow it to happen."
"The sixth mass extinction may have already started, but there is still time to slow it down and to make sure that humans are not a part of it."
"That's the story we want it to tell; our public health would be awesome for both biodiversity conservation and public health."
"This is our pink iguana sanctuary. Wow, it's huge!"
"Socotra Island...home to a large number of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else on Earth."
"Energy can be neither created nor destroyed."
"A war on carbon is not going to solve the problem if we don't have a habitat left at the end."
"There is no planet B. We only have this Earth. We have to take care of it."
"Our world grows and becomes more populated and complicated, we have to come up with more sophisticated ways to make sure the animals stick around."
"As our world grows and becomes more populated and complicated, we have to come up with more sophisticated ways to make sure the animals stick around."
"In their charity work, they're focusing on things like mental health, wildlife conservation, and even things like cyberbullying."
"The national parks exist, specifically in Roosevelt's vision, so that we can come out here and ask that question: Can something as intangible as liberty last as long as these hills?"
"We must never, never take anything away from here."
"It would be a waste, yes, we shouldn't be wasteful."
"Ash Meadows is home to something like 29 different endemic species of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth."
"A tiny little fish able to put the kibosh to some big fancy developer's plans. When does that ever happen?"
"Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your point of view, Ash Meadows was never developed."
"But I think it’s worth pointing out that this thing hardly loses any energy when it’s not getting used. And that makes it a really effective energy storage device - and a large one at that!"
"Thanks to properly regulated hunting practices, wildlife biologists and environmental scientists can not only conserve populations of animals but help them thrive in a world being overrun by cities, livestock, and farming."
"There will be no future for us if we destroy the environment that sustains us."
"Unfortunately, with our heirloom seeds, if we're not careful in keeping pure strains, then that variety can be lost forever."
"Biogeography is a really effective way of communicating to people why certain environments are so special, and by extension, why they deserve protection."
"We learned a ton about sea life conservation, which I find fascinating."
"As the receding waters of the Euphrates unveil the remnants of these extraordinary civilizations, it is crucial that we take proactive steps to protect and preserve these invaluable pieces of history."
"Turns out, when humans step back and give animals just a bit of breathing room, they can return from the brink and even thrive."
"The real critical issue... we are still to this day, as we have for two centuries, destroying the natural environment."
"Everything is energy, right? And that energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change form."
"Humans have figured out that unabated hunting drives organisms to extinction."
"Two percent of all the sales from this product go to funding the protection of the Great Barrier Reef."
"These creatures don't need our protection; they need our absence."
"Jumbo won the hearts of everyone around the world and really upgraded the image of gorillas on the whole."
"It's a really good feeling, and we need those little good feelings to keep going in the conservation world."
"Well, no other aquarium has ever saved every ocean species before. That's so true!"
"Magic's greatest success is its ability to constantly evolve and reinvent itself."
"Maintain it, look after it, and pass it on to future generations."
"The wild axolotl is teetering on the brink of extinction."
"Save the world one little creature at a time."
"70% of the island has been set aside as a national park now they have one tree here that has crimson red sap which earned it the nickname dragon's blood tree."
"Established in 1910, Glacier National Park covers over one million acres."
"The extinction of animal species must be one of the saddest things on the planet, especially if it comes from humanity. Significant ecological challenges have recently led to more animals being endangered by habitat loss."
"The Tasmanian Tiger, falsely accused by European colonizers, slaughtered thousands, but reported sightings have continued, sparking hope for its existence."
"The Fernandina giant tortoise, thought extinct since 1906, was rediscovered alive in the Galapagos Islands, prompting conservation efforts."
"The honorary position recognized all of the conservation work that Steve spent the better part of his life performing."
"Redwood National Park was established, protecting some of the oldest unlogged Redwood forests in California."
"My simple pleasures in life is watching sea turtles get back into the ocean."
"Conservation efforts have another benefit: fostering evolutionary rescue."
"I think these kinds of trees are vehicles for change. I think they're vehicles for awareness. I think they're vehicles that illustrate our relationship with the native environment and the necessity for us to continue to preserve."
"Remember, the environment is the only thing that matters in this world. Without it, we are nothing."
"The rescue team went to Kangaroo Island to help koalas that suffered due to the wildfires."
"What followed was a Monumental decision that imposed a sweeping 20-year ban on all uranium mining activities in the vast expanse of land surrounding the Grand Canyon."
"We're going to look back and be shocked at the idea that we would literally flush fresh water down the toilet."
"Finland is home to the highly threatened Saimaa ringed seal."
"Our natural patrimony really does belong to every American — to try to break the mindset that the extraction of resources is a totally private sector effort."
"What could go wrong? The Beefalo then found their way into a national park where hunting was banned, so they thrived."
"Oceanic whitetip sharks have pretty much become the poster shark for shark conservation."
"That mental restraint, I think, is huge. We're trying to go very conservative in our approach towards restoring the beauty of the paint."
"Most of all we should end the demonization and persecution of sharks."
"Like most threatened species on today's list, human activities are largely responsible for driving this unique creature to the brink of extinction."
"These creatures require our absence to survive. If we can step aside and trust in nature, life will find a way."
"It's not too often use an original military beaver that's been sitting around for decades in the desert."
"Socotra's unique biodiversity earned it a place as a World Heritage site."
"Threats to Socotra put it in a tenuous position."
"The Granada underwater Sculpture Park helped the Island's government designate the region as a marine protected area."
"Let's do our best to treat this planet like the rare and precious jewel that it is."
"I'm afraid that you know in my lifetime we won't have Elephants or rhinoceroses anymore."
"Lastly, I wanted to shout out Team Trees, who's raising money to help plant trees all around the world and preserve our natural ecosystems, which is a really great cause."
"A staggering statistic: there are more tigers in the U.S alone than there are in the wild."
"Since opening the rescue center, Joe and his team have saved countless big cats from all around the country."
"This is an animal whose life is endangered, and we will step forward and do what we can do to save that animal."
"It's about bringing the right animals back at the right time in the right way. It's about doing things properly and strategically."
"Who would not want to protect that? I will protect all the melons, it doesn't matter where they may be!"
"We all should absolutely reduce, reuse, recycle."
"Falconry plays a massive part in conservation, and I think without them our wild bird had massively struggled."
"Efforts are being made to restore longleaf pine ecosystems with groups such as the Longleaf Alliance actively promoting research, education, and management of the tree."
"Preserving biodiversity and ecosystem Integrity isn't arbitrary; it's practical pragmatic necessity."
"Nature can still come back...animals on the brink of extinction can be given another chance."
"You see those cute little stripy animals over there? Yeah, we protect those."
"At the end of the day you can't save everything but it's clear that these prototypes deserve to be treated as the one-of-a-kind historical pieces they are."
"This entire place is virtually unmodified by human activities..."
"Teddy Roosevelt was a great defender of conservationism."
"Wild tropical rainforests are the lungs of the planet and he said it's America's last climate sanctuary."
"All of our eggs are in one basket, the Earth."
"An alternative is to repair internally, keep the structures intact rather than demolishing the house."
"This really isn't just a story about conserving wildlife, it's a story about conserving history."
"It serves to both educate the public and act as a repository of all living things, carefully organized and minutely classified."
"I want Australians to love this land and our species and become custodians and carers of that."
"In the spirit of leave no trace, they removed the monolith."
"Our main topic for today is how to resurrect extinct species."
"If any place should be unspoiled, it's Midway."
"So maybe in our lifetime, we will see the ancient aurochs return to Europe."
"We've brought so many dinosaurs back from the brink, but she's special."
"If we know the largest, oldest trees are in threat, we can go in there ahead of time, clone those trees, make exact genetic copies to multiply those out by the millions."
"Finally, The Tide is turning and groups such as the Gorilla doctors can perform their life-saving work with the full support of the communities."
"We're a non-profit exotic animal sanctuary... hopefully you go back and make good decisions in your life and you help save animals in the wild."
"If you're going to make progress for hunters and for turkeys, you have to have the research, you have to have the science."
"Save the dinosaurs, save the guests, and save Jurassic Park. So don't let my dream, my dream, be lost to history."
"The primitive poisonous mammal, the Cuban solenodon, previously thought to be extinct, has been unearthed."
"The New Guinea singing dog, once thought to be extinct in the wild, has been discovered living in remote areas of New Guinea."
"The Takahe, the biggest surviving member of the rail family, thought to be extinct but rediscovered in the South Islands of New Zealand."
"Australia brings back the eastern barred bandicoot from the brink of extinction, from endangered to thriving."
"There are some other humans out there who are trying to reverse the trend and bring some of those extinct animals back to life."
"The pinocchio lizard, assumed to be extinct for 50 years, was recently found in Ecuador's cloud forests."
"The idea that we can have this species that can tell us so much about how to survive, well, that's a whole another subject right there."
"Flora and Fauna International seized the opportunity to save the Antiguan racer."
"We're not just in it for the money, it's for conservation, genetic diversity, and education."
"The first ever pair of panda twins raised in captivity."
"About 100 square kilometers are still absolutely barred by law from public admission and agricultural usage."
"In visitors, spending, and employment, the National Park Service—the single institution that most clearly embodies the alignment of Americans and nature—has never looked so strong."
"The monarch butterfly is in so much trouble. Most of the pollinators are in trouble."
"The last female of its kind, a quest that makes you consider."
"Use it up where it out, make it do, or do without."
"The land does not belong to us, we have to be grateful for it."
"Environmentalism is supposed to be about protecting the environment and most people are completely in favor of that."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"Short-term gain hurts the longevity of the parks."
"Care for Mother Earth. Reduce, reuse, recycle."
"The polar bears are gonna be okay, however with you gone and with no children to share your ideas there will be no one left to protect those polar bears."
"The Amazon dolphins are not the only river dolphins in the world, but they are one of the few types that are thriving."
"For the rainforest and the river are interdependent."
"We all have a responsibility to leave this land better than we found it."
"Nanotechnology really has the potential to do great things for the conservation of our planet and the human race."
"They're called nutria and they're so bad that the state is actually paying people $6 a tail just to kill them."
"Women will change the face of conservation forever."
"Women have become the bridge that conservation had to build into the communities and break down those barriers."
"We prefer a future where we protect and expand wild, beautiful places."
"Preserve our planet and the wild places we love will take effort on all our parts."
"Despite the headlines, all hope is not lost."
"The goal of this caucus is not to talk about the environment, not talk about conservation, but to actually do something about it."
"The Great Barrier Reef is the biggest reef system in the world."
"The Big Cypress Preserve is often overlooked but unique in its own way."
"This is precious stuff. The recent Allies Briefings say, ‘You have no idea how important a tree is.’"
"Preservation of the natural world is key to a prosperous future."
"It's by far the most valuable place left in the world for science."