
Analysis Quotes

There are 18460 quotes

"Blood and DNA are the way to analyze your health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Showing up every day and from the charts, reading the tape, that means studying how it behaves without putting a demo trade on, without putting a live trade on, without trying to pass a combine on a funded account."
"Intellectual honesty is going in to evaluate something, isolating the issue, and just being really objective about what you see."
"2001: A Space Odyssey is a film that I may be inclined to call flawless."
"To truly understand the situation, we have to go back to where it all began."
"An iceberg is basically a tier list on any given topic which starts at the top with the most known facts of a subject and drops all the way down to least known facts."
"Let me make this easier: Can someone go through and tally up every single appreciation day ever? Right, so we know who's been the most oppressed."
"The three-stage destabilization maneuver of isolation, synchronized chaos, and natural evil could absolutely happen 100%."
"It's kind of my job to overanalyze this stuff, and I'm genuinely curious."
"This doesn't sound like a professional hit overall because the manner in which they're shot... it's personal."
"You know what's amazing? The contrast between Griffith and Guts."
"But now it's time to do what we love to do at the end of every season of Rick and Morty, sit down and analyze the season's theme."
"Photographic experts verified it was not a double exposure or tampering."
"The McMinville UFO photographs remain a perplexing piece in the UFO puzzle."
"The skunk ape photo has been analyzed extensively by experts and remains controversial."
"Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but the thing dies in the process and the innards are discouraging to any but the purely scientific mind."
"There's a logic behind it; it's not contrived, it's not conjecture, it's not cherry-picked."
"Most of philosophy is just a consistency test."
"It's a continual cost-benefit analysis, I think."
"Making data a pivotal point in an overarching story."
"It's insanely good, the angles, the speed, the force."
"Knowledge of the world is derived by observation, experimentation, and rational analysis."
"A year ago, I made a video compiling, discussing, and debunking most of these. However, with Hazbin Hotel having finally released and a bunch more drama happening, I thought it would be about time to make a sequel to my first video."
"It's like a strategic chess match where every move counts."
"What science is really good at is examining the past."
"A speculative religious theory is a dime a dozen, and the vast majority of them have to be false."
"Bill Burns, as head of this objective, agenda-free analysis agency, said, 'It was unprovoked, completely unprovoked, what Putin did in going into Ukraine.'"
"Intuition isn't magic; it's an analysis of a lot of different characteristics at the same time."
"Happiness economics can help us get to these questions."
"I think with reviews, what you'll find is that it's actually a combination of both of these things."
"Unpacking this whole situation is crucial to the survival of our species."
"The entire so-called recovery from 2009 to 2019, that was a 10-year recovery, the longest recovery in US history, but it was also the weakest recovery in US history."
"It's very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances."
"I don't believe in spreading hate, but rather to try to critically analyze."
"Why big institutions fall apart and why they're so difficult to change."
"The data doesn't lie. The data tells you the absolute truth."
"Sometimes it's very useful to put numbers to something."
"The Golden Age Arc asks a lot of questions, questions about fate and dreams and human will and violence."
"Some people use statistics like a drunken man uses lamp posts, more for support than for illumination."
"We took personality tests... they needed time to crunch the numbers."
"If we overanalyze love, if we question it too much, it will lose its magic."
"The rules are simple: since there's four platforms, I'll be watching 250 videos on each of them, and every video I watch will be getting a score one to five, with one being brain rot and five being actually entertaining."
"None of these men were biologically, primitively driven to murder each other and potentially harm a woman on the island."
"If you're analyzing this from a management perspective...there is no wrong option each one has their pros and their cons."
"I hope you really enjoyed that analysis; that was really, really fun for me."
"The highest form of analysis concepts creates exceptional traders, but also creates analysis paralysis for many."
"Fundamental analysis: if you're trying to long-term invest, checking if a company is profitable is first and foremost."
"We want to be able to predict future behaviors of things."
"Dino Tamer Brann ended up being the most played of the explorers in the most clearly Tier 1 deck."
"Scorpion is a classic if you look at the tracklist."
"If you understood a problem, you could solve it; if when you analyze the problem a solution didn't emerge from the analysis, then you actually didn't understand the problem."
"The actual analysis, as in the reasoning and the information you bring and how you model it and how you fit pieces together and then how you express it, is more important than the prediction."
"For analysts, it keeps you on track; it keeps you figuring out, 'Well, I was wrong there, so why was I wrong?'"
"That doesn't make the analysis that people gave wrong, or more importantly, of no value."
"The analysis wasn't actually correct even though they didn't predict it exactly, but there's still value in what was analyzed."
"Based on the analysis of the publicly available information, it appears reasonable to conclude that the COVID-19 pandemic was more likely than not the result of a research-related incident."
"Shrek is one of the most amazing film scores I've ever come across."
"If we don't do some sort of post-mortem...we will live to make these mistakes again."
"We are meticulously watching back the footage, trying to catch as many of our mistakes as possible."
"This truly is Coveter. We can see all the same tradecraft techniques and real syntax here."
"The combination of speed, contact balance, vision, and the uncanny ability to make second and third level defenders miss, especially safeties in that third level, unbelievable."
"Acknowledging the text of the film is the first step towards criticizing and debating it."
"You need to analyze what went wrong and consider ways of solving the problems."
"I definitely had a lot of fun going through a lot of these levels and picking them apart."
"Dealer workshop is to make things easy, to give you a framework that once you understand the parameters, the outliers, the extremes, so to speak, that you can look at any interaction between one or more human beings and extrapolate exactly what's probably going on."
"It's actually an excellent question because looking at this sort of thing does really help understand flaws and limitations and things like that."
"Let's really look at this. There's so much to break down in this image alone."
"Powerful social dynamics...were related entirely to use patterns."
"Ethereum's prospects are better than Bitcoin's for the next 12 months."
"This signal is specifically interesting for well, three main reasons."
"The third and final lesson to learn from A Game of Shadows is the way it manages to make its characters into real-life people with real-life, three-dimensional personalities."
"The animating impetus behind really that good is the paradigm our most beloved pop culture institutions are also our least well understood and least properly discussed precisely because they're so beloved."
"Fight Club is essentially a romance where this person transcends his own kind of isolation to bond with one person."
"It's useful to decipher people's personalities."
"I tend to analyze every detail, what I think was done right and wrong."
"The extremes inform the mean, not vice versa."
"Then one day, in 2007, everyone suddenly realized it was stupid, and now it almost never happens anymore."
"Watching it to enjoy, I'm watching it because I'm trying to break it down."
"My hypothesis is that the relationship between the player and villagers is informed by a few specific variables throughout the games."
"Technology has probably helped everybody and hurt everybody in a lot of different ways that we're still figuring out."
"Understanding exactly what's going on is the first step towards dealing with the problem."
"Applying our modern high-tech metrology and measurement tools to accurately define and analyze ancient artifacts is a task worth performing."
"The results from precision analysis challenge the conventional understanding and push us towards exploring new perspectives on ancient engineering."
"Strong sense, united to delicate sentiment, improved by practice, perfected by comparison, and cleared of all prejudice, can alone entitle critics to this valuable character."
"A detailed, defined, and professional analysis of the precision manufacturing used to create a truly ancient artifact demonstrates the irremediable truth of work involved in its manufacturing."
"Culture reporting is so interesting to me. It's like popcorn culture."
"There's nothing I love more than diving into a deep piece of music like this and getting to see all of the little connections between the different parts."
"You don't even need to have seen Gravity Falls to understand and appreciate this video on why Bill is such an amazing antagonist."
"The psychology department is why he's so fan-loved and why I freaking relate to this overpowered nigh invincible borderline godly floating two-dimensional triangle."
"Data visualization is actually often the first step of any type of data analysis work... because visualizing data often gives you an intuitive understanding of the data and it often helps you see patterns that are otherwise hard to see."
"My goal is to raise more awareness of unpopular champions by analyzing why their gameplay or design doesn't appeal to those who don't play them."
"How you feel about Trump is a Rorschach test."
"This is probably the most powerful one if I've seen a massive deviation anywhere."
"We love to hate this person because while they suck the fun and joy out of things, their critical and cynical analysis of the world is often pretty spot on."
"I think it might be, are we interpreting this like hyper autistically?"
"This card is still insane. Instantly, it's one of the best cards we're going to talk about this entire set review."
"Stockfish says you can actually just capture this pawn and it should be equal; you have already equalized."
"Pop quiz, hotshot. Do you want to spend the rest of the week calculator mashing up permutations of an absurd '90s action movie scenario like a discount Neil deGrasse Tyson, or do you want to explore the psychological trickery behind crafting a cinematic adrenaline surge?"
"It's all well and good to say Mario is fun or Resident Evil controls terribly, but that's okay, but without diving into the why of these questions and coming to terms with the way we interact with media, we're not doing these fantastic games and the people that make them the credit they're due."
"One of the best exercises for you to do is make a list of companies or businesses that you go back to over and over and over again, and ask yourself why."
"Metadata was most likely manipulated... actually proven that that metadata is poppycock."
"I think that we can probably look at some of the social parts and see how some of these things have changed over time."
"We'll explore recent happenings and astounding shifts that have swept across the United States, from economic turbulence to political maneuvering."
"Deconstructing things is really good...but you have to be able to put it back together at the end with something that is coherent."
"The word 'hypocrisy' is probably the main word that we're going to be using throughout this video."
"It's like the opposite of a game Freaker visits."
"I believe if you know what you're looking for and you know how to spot the signs of a good or bad game, you can form a very accurate viewpoint within only one hour of gameplay."
"In this book, the author and the filmmakers only have to supply an anecdote for each scene, which is much more manageable and so it feels like a much better dissection of the movie."
"We're historians, and we're supposed to stick to the past, but now we need to think about what comes next."
"A meme is a meme because it resonates with people on an unspoken level and what lies beneath is generally worth exploring in depth."
"Time reveals a lot of things; time reveals a good friendship, a good relationship, a good economy, time reveals a bad policy."
"Limits help you to evaluate a function... a limit will allow you to see what happens as x approaches 2."
"The slope of the tangent line represents the instantaneous rate of change... the slope of the secant line represents the average rate of change."
"Virgos notice everything. They analyze it so intensely that they can literally figure a situation out."
"I want everyone to think about a word we all use every single day and often: the word 'weird.'"
"Statistics is about going backwards. It's saying, if I have some data, what was the truth that generated it."
"You have to look at all the facts and all the circumstances."
"Critical thinking requires that you take an idea and attack it at every single angle to see if you can break it."
"There must be at least one root on that closed interval."
"Stopping additional harm from occurring is crucial, yet pinpointing a singular piece of harm can be challenging."
"The most important thing you're trying to identify is the author's main conclusion, main assertion, or overall prediction."
"This is the biggest investment of their life. They should do serious analysis when they think about how they want approach it."
"It seemed like a relatively cogent criticism."
"This is probably the most important part of the model where we're able to clearly display what's happening in this business over time."
"Don't be so serious, don't think too hard about things, don't overanalyze."
"Only scratching the surface of some of these cases doesn't give us the opportunity to look at the possible real reasons that some of these happened."
"The Venture Brothers is actually really interesting."
"The reach on Mings is a whole different story."
"What was really great about philosophy, it taught you how to think, how to write, how to analyze reality."
"It is quantifiable and statistically different, but only barely statistically different."
"What makes this song great videos are really not only teaching about this particular song but it's talking about music production, arrangement, parts, how songs are put together sonically."
"I spent a good chunk of the game questioning what exactly was going on, but rest assured there is one hell of an emotional payoff at the end of this rabbit hole."
"We haven't established a single way in which these groups hurt us, but we have established ways in which they help us."
"Critical Race Theory is about broadly, it's about analyzing power structures that relate to race."
"The medieval feces found at the 14th century site wouldn't smell of much anymore, but you would be wrong, and apparently, they still emanate a very strong and pungent bad smell."
"Where are Americans moving? That's a very important question to ask and understand if you're a home buyer or real estate investor."
"When I try to draw my opinions about which side is more violent, I don't look at footage of a rally. I try to look at numbers and data."
"The setups that we like the most... is a multiple time frame type of breakout and momentum."
"His analysis of the negotiations is objectively indisputable."
"I'm just connecting the dots here for you guys."
"Thank you so much for that analysis, man. You are absolutely incredible."
"Mercury represents thinking, communication, and all the tools to communicate... It's very important to think, analyze, observe, and think before we act."
"You want an analysis that is anchored in fact."
"Sometimes it can allow problems to propagate."
"Explain to me please to understand how that could be done accidentally. But I don't believe in coincidences."
"Consider a flower... by breaking the flower down into smaller and smaller parts, we've lost sight of the complexity that makes the flower what it is."
"Every valuation, even though it's about numbers, has a story, a narrative behind it."
"There's so much going on in each of these little tiny scenes."
"The air grows thick with tension as Turley's expert analysis unravels the layers of deceit, revealing a web of scandal that threatens to engulf the nation."
"These Google Trends are like the canary in the coal mine, telling us that something's up and it's time to pay attention."
"My first time actually watching you live. Thanks for all you do. Your analyses are enlightening and important."
"Calm, cool, collected. We're looking at a hired gun, no two ways about it."
"Analysis by analogy is extremely flawed. When you do analysis, you have to actually look at facts and look at the present."
"It's very hard, I think empirically, to be really boring and use the word again, it's quite... you know, to build up a list and show that there is more morality on the side of those who followed a particular faith."
"People lie; numbers don't. Let's look at the data."
"Language is going to be what we're going to use to flesh this out, to be able to pick things apart."
"Trumpism is not conservatism or liberalism, it is a separate phenomenon."
"We've touched on a lot of different areas, we've gone deep into them, explain the context, the philosophy, the pragmatic implications, the history, the data, it's been an incredibly rich debate and conversation."
"Let's rip open the nape of its neck and see what's inside this franchise."
"The very presence of so many other factors should at least put them into some proportion."
"If you really look at how you analyze stuff, this evolution makes a lot more sense."
"Let's do our own research and then reconvene on this maybe across a spreadsheet."
"This is the type of stuff that helps us understand the things we love more."
"Every time I hear a news story now, I'm going to say okay, why did this happen? What happened before this? What are all of the details I need to know before I come to a preemptive conclusion?"
"Being able to discern between those who are bad faith actors and those who are genuinely concerned is crucial."
"The importance of being critical of finance reports to understand their true impact."
"One of the most important aspects of art is its ability to evoke powerful feelings. Once you expose how it's done and break it down to its logical components, the feeling is gone."
"This is a wonderful example and study of what I would assume to be a psychopath because we're seeing everything that's always talked about about them."
"We all carry a bunch of personal biases and when we analyze situations, we do not have enough scope to grasp the entirety of the situation."
"If we have learned anything from the last 12 years or so, maybe longer, it is that it is pointless to continue to do macroeconomic analysis the way we used to, focusing on a single country."
"Policy must be based on a dispassionate analysis of problems... it's rare enough that somebody will tell you explicitly what they think and why."
"The Russians have no reason to step beyond that, and there's no rational reason that I can see."
"Historians understand that 'inspired by God' is a theological claim, and historians don't base their analysis on pretty one theology or another; they don't base it on a theological claim."
"Some attributed the phenomenon to a mere water droplet sliding down a window pane. However, with a closer examination of the video, you can see the unidentified object falls behind a distant skyscraper."
"I specifically looked at when is it that we've acquired enough information to make a choice."
"There was far too much blood for the death of Kathleen Peterson to be attributed to a simple and accidental fall down the stairs."
"In the ultimate analysis, there aren't even things for Consciousness to be the all of."
"This is a fascinating window into your thought process."
"For the past two years, I have analyzed the tapes, dissected the strategies, and it's all culminated right here."
"It's time that we pay some respect for respect is due and dissect the beauty in the GSP game plan."
"Personally, I'm rooting for Damwon. Their drafts are creative, their team play is clean, and individually, all five players are able to beat or at least hold their own against pretty much all of their counterparts on other teams at Worlds."
"You called it; you're able to look past all their losses and just see the genius."
"It's about understanding why. Understanding doesn't mean condoning."
"Luca dissects the defense... it's actually beautiful."
"Intersectional feminism and the analysis of female agency must include race, class, sexuality, in addition to gender."
"If you're talking about goats, there are legitimate categories that you can place all of these guys in, and that's the way to have the conversation."
"The Matrix is in some way a kind of cry from the collective psyche."
"Yahoo Finance says that a Citibank strategist warns of a 10% September plunge in the stock market. CNBC says that the market action we're seeing now is the same as 1999 and it could lead to a 10 to 20 percent correction."
"One silver lining to fewer movies coming out this year: a chance to theorize about some of the best classics of yesteryear."
"Based on looking at these fights, it looks to me like it got better and better as it went along."
"When you do this with the resurrection narratives...it's actually quite striking."
"You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences."
"Listening. A lot of you guys hear someone, but you're really not listening. You're really not analyzing what they're telling you."
"This has become mapped onto political priors, which is truly truly fascinating."
"Why nations fail... explains the difference between an extractive and an inclusive economy."
"All big data comes from the same place: the past."
"Hello, internet! Welcome to Film Theory: the show that does the dirty work of sifting through mountains of detail with the efficiency of a Wall-E robot."
"Outside zone one was done really well, so was two, but then the car starts to slow down through here."
"Fast going through the paces, solid line here, great angle, good initiation."
"When you look at the cash flow statement, you're going to want to see the operating activities as a positive number, hopefully a large positive number."