
Medical Quotes

There are 2342 quotes

"Blood and DNA are the way to analyze your health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We at Medcram were awarded the Medical Merit Medal by the Crown Prince of Bahrain for our work in COVID-19 policy."
"The use of LED therapy can improve clinical status and reduce the need for ICU beds and oxygen intake."
"Something as simple as light could make such improvements in a disease that was so frustrating and difficult to treat."
"So does a human head remain conscious after being separated from its body? It sure does."
"In many cases, only transplants can save lives."
"Dr. Mukwege has devoted his adult life to treating the wounds of women who have been raped. The number of patients, traumatized patients who he has treated is I think over 50,000."
"Parkinson's disease... has to do with uncoordinated motor stimulation."
"You know what? I've done operations before... and it was one kid, but this one kid... he's free now."
"At 3:30 p.m. Kristle Merzlock was clinically dead."
"Cytokine storm: A deadly uncontrolled both local and systemic inflammatory response."
"Viagra Works in a sense to improve endothelial function via the nitric oxide Pathway to help with erectile dysfunction in men and women"
"The whole goal of defibrillation is not actually to restart the heart, what we do is we use this electricity to actually stun the heart."
"This is an absolute flat out time critical medical emergency."
"Bruises don't get better as time goes on, especially the first day... nothing is going to make a bruise behave differently than it organically and naturally behaves."
"This chest seal is good to have on hand in the rare case that you have to help someone in need."
"So the preload is going to drop in the left ventricle, if preload goes down, what does that do? Your stroke volume, it drops."
"If there is tissue destruction like infarction, these molecules will leak out of the cells."
"90% of recurrence will occur within three years of surgery."
"We wouldn't give a 12 year old child breast implants."
"It looks like it's going to be around about 90 percent [efficacy]."
"I'm going to make a statement today in confidence professionally and medically."
"Internal injuries involved the abdomen, including the liver, pancreas, and supporting tissues."
"One night the nurse rushed in with emergency supplies and nearly dropped them when she saw the man floating two inches above the bed."
"You give serum you don't have to do it because serum doesn't have any blood clotting factors and therefore cannot form clots in the IV drip line so it doesn't get blocked. That's one of the advantages."
"Now what is hemophilia? Hemophilia is a genetic inability to make one or more of these blood clotting proteins."
"Billy Rubin is kind of a greenish yellow chemical colored chemical and when you have too much of it it creates a condition known as jaundice."
"Calcium is very important for muscle contraction and blood clotting."
"There are two major groups of these recognition sites there's the ABO group and the RH group."
"Presumably are depending on T cells for their, so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their, um so those patients presumably are depending on T cells for their."
"Why do I carry it? Well, just because it's not co T Triple C approved it is still evidence-based."
"The operation was rushed, there was no template for it."
"Megaloblastic anemia is a type of anemia which is characterized by distinctive cytological and functional abnormalities in the blood cells and bone marrow cells due to impaired DNA synthesis."
"Time-restricted eating: a significant reduction in hemoglobin A1c."
"Each of these times I donated blood to lower my hematocrit."
"Shock is any situation in which there is inadequate tissue perfusion, resulting in ischemia followed by necrosis, and possibly organ failure if not reversed."
"Estrogen receptor beta agonist...possesses anabolic potency."
"AVPU scale: A is alert, V is response to voice, P is response to pain, U is unresponsive."
"Graves disease is primarily referred to as an autoimmune disease."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone antibodies stimulate the TSH receptor, causing hyperthyroidism."
"The most common cause for secondary hyperthyroidism is a pituitary adenoma."
"Antibodies are attacking particular portions of the thyroid follicles."
"Did you know the rarest blood type in the world is Rh null blood, also known as golden blood?"
"The central portion of the disc is called the nucleus pulposus..."
"Vaccines go through less rigorous process than drugs."
"The good news is this was allowed by the FDA to go to clinical trials."
"We're going to unlock some different types of cures."
"Depending on many factors, the pressure that's required to deliver this volume can and certainly will change from patient to patient and from breath to breath."
"Puberty blockers have life-lasting effects that cannot be undone."
"Now if your buns are burned, then your BUN is typically high because the body is dry."
"We can predict your risk down to the month when you're likely to see symptoms."
"The good news is that hormone replacement therapy has proven to improve thyroid function."
"So right now the temperature is at 95.9. We're going to check him again in a few minutes when we bring him out and see what it's up to."
"Medical expense deduction will drop to 7.5 percent of your income instead of 10."
"A new mom in England is breathing a sigh of relief after a harrowing pregnancy allowed her to give birth to two siblings who were conceived weeks apart."
"Parosmia is the term, and it's a neurological problem that people get after COVID."
"Doctors like myself are in a very unique position to actually empower people right now."
"Plasma therapy: Anecdotal evidence is now overwhelmingly positive."
"The diagnosis was syphilis so advanced it was eating away at his brain."
"If you could make that last longer it would be the greatest drug of all time." - Nitrous
"Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helping to make Prada's care possible."
"Medical staff were actually too frightened to even enter the premises."
"Lister came up with common practices that are still used, and will always be used, by doctors and surgeons."
"Shows a left sided depressed skull fracture. And temporal epidural hematoma."
"Vaccines are really riding to the rescue of humankind."
"Much of the havoc that is wreaked by different infections isn't from the bacterium itself but actually from the endotoxins that are created by it."
"The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people."
"Nitroglycerin is great in this situation."
"You can get really good medical training."
"...the brain with dementia has a perfectly preserved ability to use ketones for fuel...a direct ability of the ketone to fuel the brain."
"A tremor is defined as an involuntary, rhythmic oscillatory movement of a body part."
"The underlying etiology or the cause of this condition is not known."
"Every rule has exceptions, especially when we're talking about unusual anatomy or unusual accessory pathways."
"This presentation will get you through the vast majority of SVT cases that you'll encounter."
"Topiramate has an ability to decrease glutamate activity and it has the ability to increase GABA activity which is pretty cool."
"APB modification... is widely regarded as a crucial event in atherogenesis."
"Your lesions have reduced by 50%."
"Riding roller coasters helps to pass kidney stones."
"It is indicative of ventricular repolarization."
"What does the T wave indicate? Ventricular repolarization."
"AVR is just kind of like a lone rider that tells us about the right ventricle and the basal septum."
"The R to S ratios usually less than 1 for V1 to V3, greater than 1 for V5 to V6."
"What we really care about is the heart valves."
"What did they show? Hypoxia, no inflammation. They showed lack of oxygenation."
"Patients are delighted to have something quantifiable."
"It's a major development; it's a quantitative marker; it's a breakthrough in terms of understanding the etiology of the pain."
"This can lead to bacterial infection of the biliary tree."
"This bile is rich in bacteria but it's also rich in bilirubin."
"When a patient has right upper quadrant abdominal pain, jaundice, and features of infection... these are very suggestive of ascending cholangitis."
"If you're really trying to reduce the formation of gallstones, you can use a drug called ursodeoxycholic acid."
"My very first call as a medic after orientation with an em partner that tried to stab me."
"Brian's hair loss progression and presentation suggest that he's probably facing androgenic alopecia, also known as pattern hair loss."
"Stem cell research is still in its early stages, but we are hopeful that there might be breakthroughs."
"With conservative treatment, you can preserve normal spinal function and reduce the scoliosis without the risk associated with spinal surgery."
"It wasn't just a clean in and out sucking chest wound it had gone down and hit another organ and so he was like internally bleeding plus the sucking chest wound so it was a lot more complicated than that."
"Henry was a match and he ended up saving her life."
"The Intensive Care Unit kind of implies the rest of the hospital is like, 'look we care but we're not going to be a spaz about it.'"
"As the steroids wear off, which they typically will in about three months, the inflammation and the pain doesn't return."
"The advantage of viscosupplementation injections is that you're putting a fluid into the joint that actually belongs in the joint, so it's a more organic way of treating the joint."
"If all you do is injections and don't follow through with the exercises, even if the pain goes away and stays away, you're missing an opportunity to help bulletproof the knee against future injury, inflammation, and pain."
"It's designed by doctors and licensed ophthalmologists."
"Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder... a diagnosis comes through a thorough physical examination ruling out any other etiologies."
"There's no indication, there's no evidence that's strong enough to say that the cannabis containing products are useful at reducing tremor."
"Glaucoma progression can be slowed with pressure lowering eye drops."
"So, if someone says to me, 'How do I determine if I can't get a tubular bone score what that bone quality is?'... there's things that give me clues."
"Is there some kind of test, doc? Possibly a blood serum test."
"Treatment principles overall number one is to always avoid any triggers that the patient may have."
"...humans are likely to die from blood loss or an infection caused by the open wounds."
"The way to treat this is going to be surgical removal of the gallbladder."
"In this triad of fever, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and jaundice, is known as Charcot's triad."
"Lastly, treatment is going to involve antibiotics as well as ERCP to remove that obstructing stone, and cholecystectomy is also usually performed."
"The coronary artery calcium scan is the best initial screening test that we have."
"We get ready now to do surgery on the knee."
"I've seen a lot of spiritual phenomena in the emergency department which could not be explained by Medical Science."
"If you have a surgeon who's had less than 6 hours of sleep in the previous 24, they are almost 70% more likely to cause a surgical error."
"Ulcerative colitis is one of the categories of what we call inflammatory bowel diseases."
"With all of that being said, this is also called bulky disease."
"ADHD has an extremely long history going back more than 250 years to its first description in the medical literature around 1770 to 75 in Germany."
"...with tb500 Administration there was 42% more skin and overall like collagen formation over an open wound compared to control."
"...tb500 is the first known molecule that's able to initiate a simultaneous myocardial and vascular regeneration after systemic Administration."
"...tb500 would be safe to utilize in an ongoing human clinical trial for longer term."
"Addressing ethical challenges in heart transplantation."
"In these patients, just by looking for clots using a D-dimer, I have found them and have treated them, and these patients are hopefully on their way to recovery. Time will tell."
"It could be gun shot wound, stab wound, aortic aneurisms."
"It's not hard to diagnose diverticulitis or to figure it out that you've got it."
"As soon as you have all that oxygen in circulation... rev up the whole healing process."
"This is real so strain can really help us uncover underlying heart disease and add diagnostic information to the LDEF."
"Liver cancer can be a complication of cirrhosis."
"...if you didn't know better and you didn't see the pacer spikes you would think that this looked like just native conduction down his purkinje system but in fact there are pacer spikes there and that is because"
"To win MVP your team has to click. So that mid-systolic click is found in MVP or mitral valve prolapse."
"Patients with lupus can present with constitutional symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and fatigue."
"It's really good to have an understanding of, hey, I should probably send off some lfts for these patients and look to see do they have anything going on."
"In jaundice cases, you definitely want to be checking the LFTs and thinking about cholestasis."
"Pharmacology is about 16 to 23% of the USMLE Step 1."
"Remember, if you see a pharmacological agent within a test question, bam, recall the mechanism of action."
"The key test-taking tip, guys, is to make sure that in your questions, you're always paying attention to immunocompromised hosts."
"Beta-2 receptors naturally want to induce vasodilation, but if you inhibit the beta-2 receptors, this will cause the exact opposite of that, which will induce vasoconstriction."
"What are the three circumstances with PTH, calcium, and phosphate that will increase levels of 1,25(OH)2D3? When PTH is increased, when calcium is decreased, and when phosphate is decreased."
"It's pretty much game over when you're localizing the lesion."
"Quadriplegia, preserved consciousness, terrifying disease process."
"...this enhancement that you see is blood or hemorrhage from a subarachnoid hemorrhage."
"...but remember, because this is an arterial bleed, this is going to be a rapidly expanding hematoma."
"...that means there's a period of time where there's no symptoms as the hematoma starts to grow."
"The big thing you worry about with this disease is because it's ascending, if it gets to the respiratory muscles, the person can have respiratory failure."
"The idea here is that you have a person that has neurologic symptoms that are separated by time and space."
"Optic neuritis is sudden vision loss, it can be painful when you move the eye."
"...these make up a 12 lead EKG system that gives you a very, very significant three-dimensional view of the heart in both a frontal and horizontal plane."
"...to get a very significant large view of the heart from multiple different planes, including the frontal and horizontal plane."
"The right eye appears on the left of your screen, so this is the left eye and you can see the left optic nerve is enhancing."
"Just remember, a normal ejection fraction is above 50%."
"...my insulin, it gets below the reference range."
"That's excellent strength 5 by 5 on both sides there that's good my have you lift your head up just second tell me if this hurts anywhere I'm on the course of your spine oh great."
"Cholesterol doesn't cause any heart disease, just doesn't."
"One of the most important potential uses of methylene blue is to rewire the mitochondrial respiratory chain."
"Every single one of these surgeries has really been very life-changing and oftentimes life-saving."
"By now you have probably figured out that apart from vestibular neuritis, acute spontaneous continuous dizziness is basically synonymous with a CNS lesion and is the most concerning."
"And go forth and diagnose patients with acute dizziness. Until next time, thanks for listening."
"Knee replacement surgery can be a saving grace for many people suffering from osteoarthritis."
"I'm numbing your nerves so that you don't feel pain."
"We don't want them to go into CHF."
"The proper compression rate is 100 to 120 compressions per minute according to the American Heart Association."
"Did you say a whole new liver? I kind of did, okay, I was like am I hearing things?"
"We're going to be giving Jazz a surgery."
"Advancement in medical magic has raised life expectancy, making care for elderly people a problem."
"Despite the weather, the ship's nurses set about readying 3,300 beds for the patients awaiting them in the Mediterranean."
"Based on your blood test and your lab results here, you are pregnant, congratulations!"
"Technology these days is amazing, you can literally see what's inside my daughter's stomach."
"To become a physician, you have to take anatomy, and that means you have to conduct an autopsy."
"Any advice would be really appreciated regarding this phantom limb."
"...including Dr. Anne Louise Oaklander, who will be talking today about small fibers, and big pain."
"Another contraindication is patients wearing a wearable cardioverter defibrillator implanted device."
"TMS induces an electrical field in the brain but does not cause tissue damage."
"Seizures were exceedingly rare, occurring in less than 0.2% of sessions."
"If there's one thing I learned from this deep dive into the medical literature on floaters it's that floaters can be very disruptive and significantly affect quality of life."
"This tiny tiny vein is going to send me home."
"The way we go about diagnosing facet joint pain at long last right we're finally getting to the gold standard way is by injecting it really you use fluoroscopic guidance using x-ray guidance to take a needle and put it next to the facet joint."
"The average time from first symptom to correct diagnosis of FND is nine years."
"The biggest concern about that clot is that it can break off, and in medicine when something travels from one place in the bloodstream to the other, we call that an embolism."
"I tried to call out, but my lungs had filled up with blood."
"A blood clot formed in his ankle and it went to his lungs which caused him to get pneumonia."
"We're actually seeing reversal of the disease process itself not just masking the symptoms."
"Negative pressure goggles may just change the way we eye doctors approach Glaucoma treatment going forward."
"Continuous monitoring is the future of Glaucoma management."
"Now the understanding of wet macular degeneration is such that we know that the group of biochemicals that cause the problem are called the vascular endothelial growth factors, or VEGF for short."
"Dr. J Ram told the jury that as soon as he realized Baby K was struggling to breathe, he gave her rescue breaths with a mask and her saturations quickly picked up."
"The jelly C lens has already been implanted in 10 patients in El Salvador."
"So it is allowed providing that it was a childhood asthma that you outgrew and have not had any asthma related incidences breathing issues relating to asthma since age 13 forward to current date."
"Untreated would have died of ethylene glycol poisoning."
"It's their first experience with anesthesia."
"An arthroscopy cannot cure knee arthritis but it can help with reducing the discomfort associated with mechanical symptoms of clicking, catching, and locking."
"Total knee replacement is the most cost-effective and the most clinically effective for end-stage osteoarthritis in appropriate patients."
"Remember every patient is different so it's important that we look at your scans, examine your knee and also talk about your symptoms and health history."
"So it improves flexion and extension gap balance."
"PRP shows promise for androgenetic alopecia."
"now as far as Mr o'keef was concerned uh you assisted getting him onto the backboard is that correct yes did you also assist getting him onto the stretcher yes"
"The presence of small dense LDL predicts cardiac risk."
"I think taking that panis off really helps people helps decrease the flow, decrease the pressure on the legs and stuff like that so I think there's a lot of academic reasons for doing that as well too."
"Medical tents for emergencies are another example of shelters that offer high levels of autonomy."
"The two doctors realized they would have to share the terrible news about Caleb's condition with the boy's family."
"The doctor came in two or three times and just said it wasn't good."