
Intensity Quotes

There are 17181 quotes

"Exercise and very potent increases in adrenaline come from high intensity exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you do things that are intense enough to force your brain to change, you will actually improve the highest functions of the brain."
"For anybody that knows Mack rides, you'll know that they're not really that intense. This is completely different."
"You must come in with intensity, and you must come in with focus."
"Extreme beliefs can be negative because it can create... bigotry, but it can be also very positive because when you believe something with such intensity, this is when you really can use this powerhouse of atomic energy... to transform your life."
"You want the romance that's intense. You want intense feelings. You want fireworks. You want Sid and Nancy, Bonnie and Clyde."
"The fullness of life is not about having many things, it's about feeling the intensity of being alive."
"Gauntlet as a race is everything in the game strung together and intensified... This to me is the core drama of racing."
"It was everything I thought it was going to be and more. Non-stop, non-stop, non-stop."
"I love you so much that if you knew what was in my heart for you, I think you'd be shocked."
"It's a beautiful thing, that transition from loving training fundamental motor patterns to becoming psychotic death machines that only want destruction and pain."
"RPE stands for rating of perceived exertion and it just ranks how hard your set was on a scale of one to ten."
"This is going to be even more intense for you guys... it's time to step up, to go to the next level of consciousness, to go to the next plane of understanding of existence."
"This is by far the most intense, frantic, menacing, terrifying experience that I've ever had."
"I think that the Slayer is more towards Michael Myers... he walks with this kind of intensity and focus."
"I think the two of you have a soul connection, a very strong connection, very intense, like a lifelong thing."
"He had a lot of intensity, and he really felt unique."
"This is an absolute Gladiator battle right here."
"They really want to live their best lives, they really want to live very intensely."
"The Dead Space remake has one for beating the game on its perade Death Mode while Dead Space 2 has one for beating the game with limited saves and all the enemies on their eighth can of Red Bull."
"Every experience of your life can be as intense as that, living life with intensity."
"Your connection being very, very intense. Kind of very passionate, a deep connection there."
"The quality of the gaze and the eyes between the model and the camera in these works so well because there's a real kind of arresting quality to the intensity of the look in both of these."
"The beauty of motorcycle travel lies not just in seeing new sights but in experiencing the world with an intensity that sedentary life denies us."
"She meets everyone and speaks to everyone with the same intensity."
"Talk about an edge of your seat battle there, everyone at MLG is sitting on the floor. I don't know how you stay on the edge of the floor, but regardless, that was a pretty epic battle."
"War of the worlds here, so tons of Colossus just spraying the ground with laser beams; nothing, no stalker, no zealot, no sentry, is going to survive in this no-man's land, and this is absolutely brutal."
"The thrill of the fight, the buildup, the drama, it's do or die. Blood, sweat, tears, dreams being shattered, a legacy being created. Here comes trouble, ready for war."
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity."
"Exercise should be play, it should be fun. We're designed to go intense and then stop and rest."
"It wasn't a game; it wasn't theater; it was as real as it gets."
"Knowledge, consistency, intensity, in that order."
"Can video games just calm down for a bit, please? No, no they cannot. They have no chill."
"Get intense, unleash that motivated you because it is there, just waiting to come out."
"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and V has burned very brightly indeed over the course of the game."
"Talk won't cure this; we got to have a plan and we got to have some intensity."
"The movie is a slow burn, however, from start to finish, you're hooked and can't pull your eyes away from the screen."
"It's truly despicable, some of the most insanely I think I've ever seen probably in my entire life."
"This is an intense Soul connection that both of you feel; it's mutual."
"Venus in Scorpio people attract others with their intensity and willingness to commit."
"Events like these are increasing with greater intensity and frequency, and that's what personally troubles me the most."
"You watch it on TV, and you don't quite understand the intensity until you see it this close."
"This is the movie that is just as real, just as close, just as terrifying as being there."
"This is the most intense place I've ever been."
"Consistency over intensity. Intensity should be done once in a while because, by nature, intensity can only be done once in a while."
"To live life with intensity and a passion for excellence."
"It feels like my emotions are at 110%. The unbelievable love that we all have."
"Need to take a breather after that box because that was mental, absolutely mental."
"This movie is the best at actually portraying the madness and how the madness intensifies."
"This craziness looks amazing. It's pretty freaking crazy. It's pretty insane."
"This is probably one of the most intense experiences that we've had."
"The service that my mom was in was much louder 'cause she screamed and went kinda crazy, but the title is 'Dangerous Prayers' and the subtitle is, 'Because following Jesus was never meant to be safe.'"
"When you wrestle from that place of seriousness... you become an animal."
"This is insane. This is the craziest game ever."
"It is the hardest hitting, most bloodthirsty rivalry in the NFL right now."
"Steelers-Ravens should be played in a dark alley at midnight."
"The Steelers and the Raiders...it was ultimate hate."
"This is the most consistently obnoxiously loud game I think I've ever played."
"I think there's going to be a lot going on in this one. I think it's going to be probably pretty intense."
"It starts out cool your lips... and then like the dragon shows up, man."
"We're officially approaching endgame territory here, and it absolutely feels like it."
"It was Bloody, it was very messy, but the ultimate arc of his story is beautiful in a way."
"You definitely stand out for people you care about and you love with an intensity that makes people so attracted to you."
"This is one of those moments where technology captures the intensity of nature."
"You pound on the floor to play defense, play with emotion."
"I was blinded by the Supernova that was Susie."
"Bobby Fischer: Burning brighter than anybody else."
"We are moving from a familiar global fire regime into one where we're getting more fires, larger fires, and much more intense fires." - David Wallace-Wells
"When you get in there and it's either kill or be killed almost vice president yes to that it's a very very good assessment because it's uh it's scary as hell"
"It really doesn't hold anything back and shows just the depravity of it all."
"Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity."
"This is crazy what we've got going on here is crazy."
"This news cycle is just insane. It's basically the movie 'Twister' except with news."
"This is terrifying, scary, a little bit scary."
"She's just murdering people and so like I like the part where she's not [ __ ] around."
"Oscar has some of the best intensity in all of WWE."
"This is a competition. A motherfucking battle."
"Derek Mears as Jason... is the most badass scary intense brutal Jason in any of the Friday the 13th movies."
"It's terrifying granted it kind of sounds like they were cheering my name when I first heard it since we shared the same vowel and name structure but the point still stands this is the sound of true rivals giving it their all."
"The echos make it sound more ethereal and like I'm actually atop a mountain peak."
"I just want to go in and [ __ ] go crazy in the gym and that was my therapy."
"Agony is the most powerful emotion out of every emotion a human has."
"It just cuts you to the center, man, it just cuts you to the core."
"This year's play-ins is actually nasty though, like that's freaking scary."
"This situation went from zero to a hundred really quick."
"Five minutes is insane actually. Oh this is actually insane."
"Run until you puke and then run some more until you puke again."
"Girl you got what I need, this love I got for you too much I can't measure."
"Welcome to my birthday, bro. This is crazy, this is actually psycho."
"It's only turn two and this has been a brutal game."
"This right here is a love like I've never felt."
"It's fight time, there's no more games, there's no more smiles."
"That is a mirage of bullets. That is like slaughtering. It is insane and inhumane."
"El Toro at New Jersey Six Flags Great Adventure... its intensity is simply unmatched."
"Consistency vs. intensity: How you do something is just as important as what you do."
"There is an attraction going on at the spiritual level as powerful as sexual attraction."
"I think he ended like two [ __ ] careers, right? Like that [ __ ] was crazy."
"He's just got all sorts of speed and he the RPMs are high at the moment."
"I'm lost for words. I actually don't know how to react to this. It was insane."
"I'm reading like the last 10 pages... So intense."
"Intensity... matters, especially true in a country as polarized as ours."
"This is an absolutely brilliant and intense film that I think everyone should see."
"This one is intense, it's got this heated pearl aesthetic."
"The sound inside the store is intense like sitting next to a jet engine."
"Tennis is badass, okay? You're lit, you're literally both like on opposite sides sprinting at each other 1v1 and you're smacking the [__] out of that ball."
"Atmospheric overload pours gas on the fire of what we're feeling."
"Man, it's been a long time since somebody took me to that place where I feel that I might have to do something to you or that I just have to show you I ain't playing with you."
"Do you know what it's like to read all of that at two in the morning by yourself in a dark room? It feels like a drug."
"Whistleblower: Even more horrifying, intense, and disturbing than the original game." - Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
"Just like lays down next her after killing the guy. Wow, it's a pretty crazy and intense music."
"Welcome everybody, guess what we're doing it again and this show oh it's not just gonna be fun but it might just get intense up in here."
"He latched onto him like velcro going up the hill, that was insane."
"Smoke coming off of that car coming up the hill."
"Marvel Zombies: A violent and bloody adaptation of the Marvel Zombies comic line."
"It's like an unreal feeling that you just have to experience once in your life. It's amazing."
"He's a nightmare to block on the field... he was just running around like a freaking Maniac."
"Intensity is number one. I always bring the intensity because, let's face it, if you're gonna do an exercise and you're not maxing out the intensity, you're just leaving money on the table."
"The love and intensity that comes with the love a parent has for their child is the most powerful force I feel in the universe."
"He's impressive as heck, the athleticism and intensity of Jungle Boy."
"Passion, like a river, just flows out of me."
"The madness begins in this death match already."
"The bosses in general are fantastic this time around; the Blood Starved Beast is an escalation of pure fear, he's quick, poisonous, and very, very deadly for a newcomer."
"He's serious, fine, fine. Miro is just right now the amount of anger that he's suppressing is a little bit frightening."
"Someone's gonna come on to you very strong by the way, like someone is gonna come on very strong to you."
"Are we playing a game? This [ __ ] does not feel like a [ __ ] game anymore."
"This leads to a lot of tough choices and intense action scenes. Let's jump in."
"God, do it. Give me the Undertaker first Roman Reigns. God, he will never get out of Orlando alive."
"This is dropping break times a thousand this is just this is just Rafi broken."
"Big swing from Juan Torres, big right hand both Fighters Landing."
"Honestly, it was a lot... but as usual, it was a lot."
"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer takes you on a strange, poetic, and intense journey that questions society."
"The match was nearly 25 minutes long and featured some brutal moments."
"That's not just a movie scene man that's like real life times millions."
"The intensity of the frightening tasks was amplified and made these scenes even stronger."
"These movies delivered the most anxious, urgent, and nerve-rattling openings ever committed to film."
"Derek Henry versus Jacksonville as a bloodbath."
"This is not an exhibition... this is gangster."
"It is Star Wars for a reason... they do not pull any punches."
"The fight was almost Fight of the Year contender. Yard would not stop coming on, it was wild."
"Glee is just an absolutely feral roller coaster of emotion."
"I'm upset. Louder!" - Terence Fletcher, Whiplash.
"I love the action, the high intensity, the characters, the themes."
"This isn't just protesting, this isn't just staying outside. They're breaking. That's exactly what they were afraid of."
"Peer pressure nowadays with social media is literally like peer pressure on steroids."
"Rip and tear delivers pure anger and carnage, necessary for a game like Doom."
"That's why Penta went straight up into John Moxley's face with the zero Miedo."
"This movie doesn't have that one major sequence because instead every single sequence is like that."
"It's thematically great, so intense. Every second, ultimate climax for everything we've been seeing in the whole series so far."
"This is nuts, this is crazy, it's the most insane [ __ ] I've ever seen in terms of drama ever."
"The new version of It, however, is much sharper and more intense, and also presents the heart and wit of the novel's characters."
"Every single one of these battles is like a boss battle!"
"Now I know this story isn't wildly crazy or anything, but it was intense."
"This one was crazy, to be honest. You know what I mean?"
"There is neither sanity nor madness, but merely a wave of perfect existence fulfilled by its own savage momentum." - Eldar
"This game is absolutely pumped up to the max. It's like pumping up a football and you think it's gonna burst, it's so exciting."
"The very best days when you absolutely positively got to kill every [ __ ] in the room set no substitutes."
"I’m going to blow you motherf*ckers away." - Samuel L. Jackson
"There's such an intensity to this movie. There's a real tension. Well done."
"This video isn't for the light-hearted among you, all you have been warned."
"I'm an all-in girl. I love hard, I love fast, and I will just dive in immediately."
"They went hard on that one, they really did."
"Minecraft only wishes that survival gameplay was this intense."
"You're involved in that moment, and you get to see the way nature sort of takes place right in front of your eyes, and it's so intense and amazing."
"The feeling being conveyed to the audience is convergence, a magnitude 11 shitstorm heading right towards Denji's head."
"I love when my teams attack and when we play with high intensity and high rhythm."
"This [expletive] is sick, twisted, it's demented."
"All berserkers, all the time, for the memes, right?"
"It's a terrifying thing to be on the end of."
"Oh my gosh you want to vomit because it's just so good, it's so brutal."
"I think the killstreaks are strong and add to the intensity of the game."
"I took everything personal. I took every single opportunity situation personal."
"Nothing, and I mean nothing, could have prepared me for just how brutal the end of this game could be."
"Trump followers exhibit a loyalty to Trump that is so intense and so unshakable that it exerts a cult-like gravity."
"This battle will have you constantly coming back to blast ATS and his troll face into oblivion. I mean wow."
"We got our first dead body, body, body, body, body."
"I really enjoyed it... it was definitely very meaty, very heavy, but very enjoyable."
"These things are heavy like you could burn a bug with these."
"The most fast-paced drama that we've seen in a very long time."
"The most explosive action sequence ever conceived."
"Resident Evil Revelations on the handheld is one of the best Resident Evil games. It's intense, focused, and very rewarding."
"This entire scene was brilliant. It was crazy."
"My job isn't to entertain the fans or anything like that. My job is to break your face."
"Using everything they've got potentially like the most big epic I I feel like you can't really get much more epic than the not even just like oh we're going to return to the dawn era the literal destruction of the elder scrolls universe."
"This is more powerful than any heroin or crack cocaine addiction."
"I'm violent, I'm down for a fight and whenever I see blood, I want to see more."
"This is one of the most heated rivalries not just in the women's division here in all elite wrestling, but in the entire promotion."
"The Kamehameha that he did in the special was just one of the most brutal, violent, powerful things."
"This woman may be laser focused but she is also as dangerous as a California wildfire."
"Oh, my goodness, the punches were like, that's the extra that's actually sprinkled."
"You got to get him off the island, he got the question wrong. He's got to go. Finish him, obliterate, obelisk, obliterate!"
"Intimidating and intense, every time in that ring."
"These battles can only be described as intense."
"The moment he throws Superman down that stairwell and smashes a sink on his head, you feel every hit."
"A boss battle is the most intense moment in a game, a frantic high-stakes showdown against a terrifying foe."
"There's a very intense physical desire here for you."
"The presentation of the shooting scene at the end was pretty crazy."
"That was amazing, that was like the most intense thing I've ever done in zombies in a long time."
"But when it comes to the actual romance, it's all very hot-blooded and Mediterranean and Catholic."
"You're attracting someone who is equally intense and passionate."
"The action is intense and it all leads up to arguably the best finale ever pulled off."