
Hormones Quotes

There are 477 quotes

"What they found was that people's testosterone and estrogen levels went up. Feelings of well-being went up."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We don't have to be slaves to our hormones. And certainly not the hormones that cause us stress, we can learn to control those both to the benefit of our body and benefit of mind."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Indeed, Dr. Crawford provides us with a master class on female hormones and fertility, one that I know that all women ought to benefit from, and that men would benefit from listening to as well."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Hormones generally have two categories of effects. They can either be very fast or they can be very slow."
"It's not about calories. It's about the effect of the food on the hormones that regulate fat accumulation, insulin."
"Women's hormones are their superpower. The reason you don't like them is because you've not learned how to harness them."
"Our hormones do so much physiologically that we don't think about how much they're influencing just how we feel. They really make up a lot of our personality even."
"Your body will be sending out all sorts of hormones like leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, neuropeptide Y, and things I don't even understand in an effort to slow down the amount of body fat you lose as you get leaner, to protect you."
"We really don't want to mess with normal hormonal function. Honestly, hormones cause enough trouble on a good day; no one wants to poke that bear."
"Hormones control weight gain, which control calorie intake and storage. Hormones, not calories."
"Estrogen is the group of female sex hormones."
"The hormone that controls how soon you could die."
"Naturally having more human growth hormone tends to mean you're younger, you're more vibrant, you're more energetic."
"Cholesterol is incredibly important: we need it for the membranes of our cells, we need it to make brain cells, we need it to make several important hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone."
"Estrogen is also very impactful, both in men and women, for neurological health, cardiovascular health, facilitating sexual function, mental wellness, mood regulation, just a myriad of different things."
"There's a balance to be had where you could try and keep your hormones as ideal as they can be."
"I just wanted to stop taking testosterone because I wanted to let my body do what it was naturally gonna do."
"Different types of foods will trigger and stimulate different types of hormones, and some of these hormones are going to have more of a tendency to store fat and prevent the release of fat."
"Insulin is like the king of all hormones for making you fat."
"I do agree that kids should be able to get hormones and go through HRT."
"Thyroid stimulating hormone antibodies stimulate the TSH receptor, causing hyperthyroidism."
"Stress kills via two hormones adrenaline and cortisol."
"Don't ignore hormones. Hormones have a massive impact on your metabolic rate, your flexibility, your ability to burn fat, and just generally have robust health."
"Most of the time I see it within the range... free hormones are the active hormones."
"Good sex and mental health are linked, with oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin enhancing the process."
"Meat has a different amino acid profile and part of that amino acid profile can activate a hormone."
"Cholesterol is the building block for our hormones and even some nutrients like vitamin D, which are essential for mood stabilization."
"There's concerns about the effects of plastics on circulating estrogen levels."
"Growth hormone has profound benefits for anti-aging."
"I'm pumping my body full of hormones that make me crazy."
"Hormones are at the root of most of our health problems."
"The number one thing you can do to improve your hormones is to sleep and get good quality sleep for at least 7 hours."
"Testosterone goes up to 2000 percent increase in a 24-hour fast for men."
"Estrogen loves when you fast... estrogen does really well."
"Organic bacon contains a lot of dietary cholesterol which we need to convert into steroid hormones."
"It's not that you're crazy, it's not that you're always tired, it is not that you are depressed... it is your hormones."
"The best way to figure out if you have a hormone imbalance is to ask for a hormone panel."
"Insulin is a hormone; it is released by the pancreas and responds to the glucose rise in your bloodstream when you eat."
"It's really about the hormones in this case, the satiety hormones that are so important."
"The body doesn't run on calories; the body runs on hormones."
"A healthy woman has more testosterone than she does estrogen."
"Oxytocin... creates the feelings of trust and rapport... Dopamine is the happy drug, it rewards us."
"We forget that all the hormones are made in the gut, so what you're eating gives you hormones."
"What you're thinking gives you hormones, so it's all about changing perspective."
"Growth hormone in a human being is pulsatile."
"I think of these hormones as really supporting us in speaking our truth, getting radically honest."
"There is a hormone that drives obesity and metabolic syndrome besides high insulin. It's called vasopressin."
"The knee-jerk response of most doctors is giving you a pill, shut everything off, block it. So what happens is you shut off your own hormone production when you take a pill, an external form of hormones."
"Cholesterol is the building blocks for your steroid hormones."
"When you start to correct these hormonal changes... that feeling of overwhelm may dissipate."
"It's not a democracy in the body with all these hormones. I would say the two most important are cortisol and insulin."
"Hormones control your weight, your metabolism, your digestion, your energy, your fertility, your mental sharpness, and even your mood."
"When women go through big hormonal shifts like pregnancy where certain hormones skyrocket or menopause where there's a sudden decline in hormones this can also cause brain fog."
"Our gut influences our hormones, our immune system, our brain, our mood, even our skin."
"Being a woman and having fluctuating hormones is a wild ride, and I appreciate you coming along for it."
"T3 is the hormone that resolves symptoms of hypothyroidism. T4 does not resolve symptoms of hypothyroidism."
"And that tells us that there's hormone or endocrine signals that are involved in the desire to eat, and hunger and appetite."
"Ketones will bind a particular type of G-protein-coupled receptor and act like a hormone, initiating a series of events that result in the inhibition of key inflammatory signals."
"Nuclear hormones basically, like vitamin D, is the one that I've really focused on."
"Pregnancy hormones are wild when you are literally crying to Flying Without Wings in the car on the way to Primark."
"You've actually been on testosterone your whole life, even when you were a fetus."
"It's not just about testosterone levels, it's about the balance between testosterone and the other hormones."
"All of those are controlled by your hormones, but if you ask people, 'How are your hormones?' they'll say, 'I have no idea.'"
"Estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone affect neurotransmitter levels."
"As your levels decrease eventually your ovaries will stop producing estrogen almost completely so now you've lost your protection."
"A tiny amount of these hormones will give you a feeling of peace and a sense of mental clarity."
"We can be in control of our hormones as menopausal and perimenopausal women."
"Women go through all of these things trying to just live this linear life without really embracing what some of these hormone perturbations should be."
"Your hormones are your fountain of youth like why would you want menopause?"
"You don't have to do what your hormones tell you to do. You can do what your mind tells you to do."
"The worst time of the cycle is mid-luteal, right around day 20 to 28, which is when progesterone peaks. You get another small peak of estradiol, but you've got that estrogen-progesterone tango happening."
"It just really goes to show how much hormones are driving some of our behaviors and how important these balances are."
"Testosterone is super interesting because it's thought of as the male hormone, but a lot of people don't realize that it is the most abundant hormone in the female body."
"With women, what we want is testosterone to be in that Goldilocks position where it's not too high, it's not heading in the direction of polycystic ovary syndrome, but it's also not too low."
"So the thyroid gland makes mostly T4 and a little bit of T3."
"Dial methane or DIM for short, and this helps you make more of the good estrogens and it helps you get rid of the bad estrogens."
"When a woman's estrogen goes up, she will typically become more emotional and ask for more."
"The recognition of hormones is so, so significant."
"If he has too much estrogen, he'll be fast."
"Giving back creates more positive hormones in a certain circumstance than receiving."
"So before we start, what is testosterone? Testosterone is the male hormone."
"She's so special to see, cause James' hormones are truly kicked in."
"This is about health. You can fix your health, come off medications, fix your hormones."
"Our circadian rhythms run our mood and our hormones."
"Just by eating more protein you inherently express the hormones necessary so that you can feel full."
"What thyroid hormones are doing: they enter into every cell in the body, bind with special type of receptors which are transcription factors, and alter the genomic expression of the cell."
"Managing your estrogen is super critical for being in the uh like not too low but not too high either to the point where you have a good ratio of bioavailable free androgens relative to estrogens in the body and you just feel on point in money."
"A simple way of increasing your growth hormone and your testosterone in men is just by fasting."
"Emotional fatigue and sadness can be expected as hormone levels are at their lowest be kind to yourself."
"If it's hormone related I can then say alright I know that this secret diarrhea which is rich in electrolytes could be due to a hormone."
"Hormones go crazy and it doesn't feel fair at all."
"...estradiol is part of the good things that we get from testosterone it helps with sex drive which is a brain function..."
"If you're trying to have less estrogen in your system then avoiding soybeans can be one way to do that."
"From the teens you go into your 20s then you go into that Superstar phase which is where you're trying to start a family... So you're setting them up sequentially for hormone success because hormones at the end of the day for women are superpower if they're balanced."
"...understand the biology: oxytocin and dopamine are two key neurotransmitters involved in attraction and bonding."
"Good sleep hygiene is going to improve your Hormone Health, and good Hormone Health is going to improve your sleep."
"Replacing hormones can diminish the incidence of diseases and make us feel better."
"...poor sleep, chronic poor sleep of course there's degrees but poor sleep on a chronic basis like, you know, you getting six hours 5 hours s hours broken up... changes hormones to get rid of muscle store body fat."
"It's probably along the lines of a poor sleep chronic poor sleep of course there's degrees but poor sleep on a chronic basis like you know you getting six hours 5 hours s hours broken up not just your hormones it tells your body um we need to conserve energy yeah."
"If you're getting your hormones checked to see what's causing your hair loss, make sure that your provider checks your thyroid in detail."
"When you go on a healthy diet, insulin does its job properly, and thyroid hormone is the same."
"Estrogen and testosterone for me have dramatically improved my really dry skin."
"When your testosterone is low, it's going to change who you are as a person."
"The goal is to maintain the same hormone levels from when you're in your 20s. That's healthy range for everyone."
"Hormones, prenatal hormones is another player and how these interact because the hormones themselves can change the genes that change gene expression just makes autism very complex."
"When you are artificially invoking inherent hormones, they're there for a reason."
"The gut incron one is called Gip and the other is called G glp1 and these are released from our small intestines and they have a role in helping maintain sugar control when we're eating."
"Every single cell in our body responds to these hormones, so they're biologically active."
"Our brain produces these hormones and our hormones estradiol, progesterone, testosterone work as neurotransmitters."
"Hormones are very important in the lining of our blood vessels in our cardiovascular system in our bones are very important in our brains."
"If we've balanced our hormones we're going to balance our lives a lot better."
"I intend to die on hormones and I feel really great."
"Sex gets better with age if you focus on it and you actually pay attention to it and your hormones are in balance. I can't wait. I have sex at least twice a week."
"There's definitely some case for things like particularly in the male, the reduction testosterone levels as we age, and perhaps some of the receptors potentially becoming less sensitive to the circulating testosterone as well."
"Balancing your hormones is freaking huge. It's crazy to me that people don't realize... it's a really big deal."
"Hormones do affect us in very positive ways. I feel like the spin is always like, 'Oh, hormones just make your life hell and they make women crazy.' They can, but not often. Often hormones are giving us superpowers."
"The majority of acne that we see is hormonal acne."
"My body and my hormones are completely out of balance, they're totally messed up."
"Estrogen has a complete relation to sleep architecture and mood."
"Good gut health equals good hormone regulation. So when your gut is healthy, the rest of your body will thank you."
"There's not a clear relationship within sexes between say estrogen and verbal ability or within males between testosterone and spatial ability."
"When you don't have hormones in your body, like with your bone density, it messes with your mood, hot flashes, oh my goodness, they're not fun."
"Getting sunlight onto your body for 20 or 30 minutes per day turns out to be important for hormone health."
"The foods that you eat control your hormones, and your hormones control everything in your body."
"Hormones make you hungry, they make you sleepy, they make you lose weight, they can make you gain weight."
"Women who use hormones are often protected against dementia."
"About 50% of women find that hormones make them feel a lot better: their mood improves, their concentration improves."
"...what that does is slows down your metabolism... I'm irritable... Painful periods... hair is falling out... rapidly aging... beautifully encompassed in metabolic Health... youthful hormones..."
"I've been applying the Lean 7 on literally hundreds of clients just by correcting lifestyle interventions, and then the hormones do the rest."
"You have a high metabolic rate when you're young, full of hormones."
"Oxytocin is often nicknamed like the cuddle hormone or the love hormone."
"I'm a Believer in the science behind replacing hormones in the body when the body can no longer produce them but if we can turn the signal up to the organ that makes that hormone well it's much safer to be high on your own Supply."
"Bioidentical means structurally that hormone is exactly the way your body makes it."
"Those are the hormones that will change as we grow wiser and those are the hormones that are crucial for our well-being."
"It's not your hormones, it's not your time of the month that causes you to act like the devil."
"All you guys out there should have your testosterone and estrogen levels checked, your free and total. If you go to a clinic and they just give you total, they're doing you a disservice."
"Hormones literally rule the roost."
"If you slim down, your testosterone is going to go up."
"The endocrine system consists of specific glands that produce and secrete hormones, guiding a plethora of processes within our body."
"That's where the conversation around androgen starts, it's always tests."
"Poor sleep is indicated in problems with leptin."
"Your cells require x amount of energy, and if you're not consuming the energy that you need, then your body changes its hormone profile."
"It literally turns double line in like two seconds I was 5 days late and so I'm I've been a week late like that's just hormones fluctuate so I thought oh no big deal."
"The rule of thumb is you think of insulin plus growth hormone equals igf-1."
"Your body is releasing hormones that help you feel good."
"It messes up your hormones, have you horny all the time."
"It's not natural for you to be horny all the time."
"I lost a lot of weight in those 2 months but I also completely balanced my hormones and I don't know how it happened but it did."
"When you have higher spikes of blood sugar over time it messes with your hormones."
"Adrenaline and cortisol both of these hormones increase your sympathetic response or the things that need to happen whenever you're in danger."
"The ovaries are going to regulate the menstrual cycle and they'll do that using their hormones of estrogen and progesterone."
"Knowledge is power, and your journey to wellness starts here with balanc my hormones."
"When people have excessive acetylcholine, they aren't thirsty at all. Acetylcholine actually suppresses thirst while insulin increases thirst."
"Estrogen and testosterone: key players in bodily functions."
"Fiber intake influences hormones that regulate hunger and satiety."
"High-fiber diets lead to increased release of satiety hormones."
"Self-awareness is the flashlight in the dark tunnel of PMDD; knowing it's just hormones, not reality, makes a world of difference."
"Instead of postpartum depression, I have postpartum elation and I really think it's like hormonal more than anything."
"Estrogens are protective against fat gain."
"Estrogens are helpful in helping the body not store too much fat because it helps the woman stay very insulin sensitive and keeps the insulin down."
"If your hormones are off, you're going to start feeling the effects of this."
"Hormones as it turns out does a lot of stuff to your body."
"I feel stupid for crying cuz I shouldn't be crying but it's like anxiety nerves pregnancy hormones all that fun stuff."
"Gestational diabetes is not your fault. It's all based off of your hormones and your placenta."
"Balancing your hormones is definitely requires a lifestyle change and a multifaceted approach."
"We don't want our hormones to hijack our intelligence."
"Testosterone... the effect of that is... you will maintain muscle more easily... as I lost weight, I really lost mostly fat."
"Experiencing any form of well portrayed danger in media does still release a bit of the old hormones."
"When a stressor is perceived the HPA axis releases corticotropin-releasing hormone or CRH which interacts with norepinephrine to increase fear conditioning and encoding of emotional memories."
"The sex hormones that we're usually subjected to in adolescence really encourage our brains to develop."
"There's stuff in your brain, oxytocin, women, we have a lot of it."
"Testosterone increased by 25%, cortisol decreased by 10%, and risk tolerance increased with 86% of participants choosing to partake in a game of chance."
"If your hormones are out of balance, it can impact everything to do with your health: your mood, your weight, your sleep, and your stress."
"Understanding that you're having a biological experience and that hormones play a huge role is key."
"Dairy comes from cows who are pregnant and then the hormonally driven so it could be high levels of bovine estrogen or other things and that's why I think there's an association more with hormonally driven cancer."
"None of their meat is ever given antibiotics or added hormones."
"If you raise those progesterone levels, you're more likely to kind of settle down the estrogen dominance issues that come with that high estradiol that we talked about. Progesterone can also help with some of the symptoms of low estrogen in women."
"Those women had LOWER risks for breast cancer than women who took no hormones at all!"
"Progesterone and nestorone exert effects on myelin and stroke models, indicating potential benefits in neuroprotection and myelin repair."
"All progestogens are not equal to progesterone."
"Oxytocin is literally the Queen, the queen of the hormones."
"Your hormones are everywhere, your emotions are everywhere, you're already going through a lot, so cut yourself some slack."
"Testosterone is important for women too."
"Your estrogen window does not close on your weight."
"Epinephrine and norepinephrine are your fight or flight hormones."
"For a hormone to work, it has to bind to a receptor, and if it's bound to sex hormone binding globulin, it can't bind to that receptor."
"Stress hormones actually can really negatively impact our sex hormones."
"...your menstrual cycle effects your training and even if you don't get a regular period or you don't get a period those monthly fluctuations and hormones will affect your training."
"Hunger can be just so hard to control, that's because it involves complex interactions between hormones."
"Hormones affect your food intake."
"Hormones will regulate the collecting duct aldosterone and ADH to increase sodium retention or reabsorption and increase water retention or reabsorption."
"It's definitely a sign that I am deficient in something or it's something with my hormones."
"If you follow a regimented approach to resetting your hormones and brain chemistry in your microbiome, you can get off of it very quickly."
"Aldosterone brings in sodium and makes you pee out potassium and hydrogen ions."
"If you don't have good kidney function, you'll find that a lot of patients, they end up having higher higher blood pressure. So, the kidneys secrete different hormones that affect our body's ability to control that blood pressure."
"Give carnivore 90 to 180 days to regulate your hormones."
"The science around fat and how your body burns fat and what makes you fat is all really clear now. It's all based on this hormone idea of insulin, which is a fat storage hormone."
"Hormones and nutrients interact to shape disease susceptibility, offering tools to manage crops."
"I think what gets me through it is understanding this is my hormones talking, it's not me. Any other time of the month, I'm a positive person."
"Teenagers who are learning how to deal with their feelings, there's a lot of testosterone going on, a lot of fear."