
Biodiversity Quotes

There are 2425 quotes

"We create a database, we call the GenomeArk and no pun intended like Noah's Ark, meant to store the genetic code as complete genome assemblies as possible for all species on the planet."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"An interconnected community or in English, the first true ecosystem developed. Essentially, it was these cyanobacteria, these phytoplankton, that jump-started all other life on Earth."
"There are plenty of non or at least non bilaterally symmetrical animals and plants as well."
"Antarctica is home to a rich array of wildlife, from the regal emperor penguins to the tiny, hardy tardigrade."
"Nature is pressing for biodiversity, and adaptation is its code."
"The human and the planet Earth get 90% of its calories from 10 of the 20,000 edible plants. Well, that's as it should be, or that's a problem? That's a problem."
"Nature is declining rapidly with a million species at risk of extinction."
"Environmental sustainability is very much recognized today, everyone is talking about the need to not destroy biodiversity, to be sustainable within resource consumption use."
"To me, conservationism isn't just a hobby; it's a commitment to protecting our planet's precious biodiversity."
"The more biodiverse the ecosystem, the more intelligent potential there is."
"Each animal reveals a unique approach to courtship, highlighting the astonishing diversity of Nature's reproductive strategies."
"The greater Sage Grouse's mating display is a blend of visual and auditory elements, emphasizing the complexity of courtship rituals."
"The amount of variability in all of the different locations that you can go to, the flora and fauna, added more creatures than the original even had."
"There are literally 300,000 edible plants on the planet. The problem is that we've narrowed it down to the point where 75% of our diet is from three of them."
"If you care about biodiversity in the long run, humans are critical to maximizing that."
"He became famous for his expedition into the Amazon rainforest in the 1840s and '50s, during which he collected over 14,000 species of insects and other animals, most of them new to science."
"A Planet with the right size and conditions and location in time and space to nurture massive biodiversity over very long times, and critters capable of genuine abstract thought in bodies and social structure very suited to benefit from it."
"Evolution is a demonstrable and measurably accurate understanding of how population genetics contributes to biodiversity."
"Lakes provide a critical habitat for an amazing array of plants and animals, establishing a viable food chain including bacteria, algae, plankton, insects, fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals."
"Antarctica has preserved vibrant and almost alien life forms under its thick sheet of ice for millions of years."
"If we restored the land and rewilded it, we'd have less cattle of course, and less sheep, but also have a huge abundance of natural biodiversity."
"The sixth great extinction on the planet right now... we're losing one species to the point of extinction every twenty minutes."
"The microbiome is very much an ecosystem and like an ecosystem on Earth, diversity is the buffer against ruin."
"The healthier your gut, the better the variety. The more variety of species you have, the more they're able to balance each other."
"These extreme places don't just support a few hardy species, even on our planet, one unfriendly lake might be playing a big role in protecting all life on Earth."
"A planet that's super habitable could have orders of magnitude more types of life than Earth."
"A super habitable planet would have all its surface covered by forests, no polar regions, no deserts."
"Land still managed by indigenous people worldwide protect and sustain 80% of the world's biodiversity."
"The dragon blood tree of Socotra is one of Earth's most astonishing examples of unique flora diversity."
"We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction with up to 200 species becoming extinct every single day."
"Humans are the single most dangerous threat to this biodiversity crisis."
"That's the story we want it to tell; our public health would be awesome for both biodiversity conservation and public health."
"The overall pattern we see is negative; as you increase diversity, you see less hantavirus."
"The chances that there could be another genus or another species of mushroom that has some sort of unique psychoactive property, in my opinion, is pretty high."
"Socotra Island...home to a large number of plant and animal species that are found nowhere else on Earth."
"There's only two: the colloquial usage refers to any change over time but... when scientists speak of evolution, they're referring to the one and only theory of biodiversity."
"Successive generations can expand biodiversity when continuing variation between genetically isolated groups eventually lead to one or more descendant branches increasingly distinct from their ancestors or cousins."
"Placental mammals are a rather diverse group with nearly 4,000 described species, mostly rodents and bats."
"Climate change and biodiversity loss pose an even greater existential threat."
"The domestication of plants decreased the diversity of our food, which was a negative, but the positive was that it increased the overall food supply."
"Reptiles are awesome creatures who play an important role in the planet's ecosystem."
"Ash Meadows is home to something like 29 different endemic species of plants and animals found nowhere else on Earth."
"There are so many cool stories to be told, and we know so little about, especially cordyceps, so there are lots of different species just waiting to be described."
"I love my job... I get to come in and ask questions about the evolution of biodiversity on the planet, and that is so exciting."
"This blackened landscape then quickly comes back to life with an incredible biodiversity."
"We set about a mission of... rebuilding wildlife infrastructure, encourage biodiversity, rebuild parts of the rainforest."
"Something like 90% of the seeds that we use to produce our food right now are owned by the big six pesticide companies."
"Unfortunately, with our heirloom seeds, if we're not careful in keeping pure strains, then that variety can be lost forever."
"It would appear the oceans are simply too vast, too rich with life, and have too complicated of a history for us to be able to claim, even in this day and age, to fully understand it."
"Every organism is essentially the result of millions of iterations of successful ancestors, which creates the tremendous diversity and optimization we see around us."
"Mammals in particular flourished and diversified into a variety of different species, which is good news because they include the guys that eventually become us."
"It's amazing to me just how distinct and diverse animals can be just because they live in the water."
"Animals not only provide meat, they perform a variety of other functions, creating an apiary and keeping bees is going to help off the ecosystem, will pollinate your crops, and provide you with honey."
"This is Pantdora, my 1000 gallon cloud rainforest vivarium complete with lush tropical plants, fungi, and an established menagerie of creatures that live in a harmonious food web, a thriving tropical ecosystem within glass."
"With over 100 million years of uninterrupted evolution under an unchanging, hospitable climate, the inhabitants will have had plenty of time to undergo specialization for every niche the forest has to offer, resulting in the greatest biodiversity of any habitat on the planet."
"Our planet is teaming with creatures that can be just as extraordinary and baffling as any creature of Legend."
"Sea mounts due to their geological formations serve as hotpots for biodiversity."
"When just one species disappears, then the entire ecosystem could collapse."
"It's crazy how they live underwater and we live on land."
"Without the mass extinction event, all this probably wouldn't be here at all."
"The plants, fungal life-forms, and creatures all had a deeply symbiotic relationship, creating a perfectly balanced ecosystem."
"We actually live here at the expense of billion friends."
"The positive meaning of life is to be found in repairing the breaches and fixing up the walls of the structure we inhabit."
"Trees provide homes to a large variety of terrestrial animals from tiny insects to large birds."
"What is this Pokémon? Feathers like a bird, a pouch like a marsupial, it lays eggs like a bird or reptile, but it's not a bird. I mean, come on, it can't be, right?"
"The number one most important driver of biodiversity and species loss is land-use change."
"These smaller dragons — or ‘Microdragons’ as I call them – make up for their reduced size with their incredible diversity and ingenious survival strategies."
"Human history is also the story of other species."
"Socotra's unique biodiversity earned it a place as a World Heritage site."
"I am the Earth, the only planet with organic life. With 8.7 million species, we all fight to survive."
"More than 40,000 species of the insects are now threatened with extinction."
"Previously unknown species are discovered all the time."
"Mangrove trees are the keystone species for creating regenerative seawater agriculture that yields food for people while restoring coastal ecosystems and dramatically increasing biodiversity."
"Actually having a diversity of animals, they'll eat each other's crap and break the parasite cycles as well."
"Preserving biodiversity and ecosystem Integrity isn't arbitrary; it's practical pragmatic necessity."
"Arizona is the most biologically diverse place in the world, like 78 different types of ecosystems."
"Okapi are such unusual animals that people often call them forest giraffes or zebra giraffes."
"Lake Baikal is not only the deepest lake in the world, it also contains one-fifth of the planet's unfrozen fresh water. Its depths are still largely unexplored and are believed to harbor unknown species, many of which are alien-like in appearance."
"Australia is the only country in the world with the monotreme."
"I could explore this world forever, and while there’s not enough time to cover every single lifeform — I hope I’ve shown why ‘The Future is Wild’ was something really special."
"They are just three. We are 300 million species. We are 7 billion people. We are more."
"The ultimate goal of 220km is to set up in every country... we need to protect the biodiversity of that local area."
"It serves to both educate the public and act as a repository of all living things, carefully organized and minutely classified."
"The bee is the most important living being on the planet."
"It's also worth remembering we haven't exactly completed the marine pokedex."
"Our main topic for today is how to resurrect extinct species."
"It does seem kinda strange that Africa is the only continent in the world today that has large mammals, right?"
"So maybe in our lifetime, we will see the ancient aurochs return to Europe."
"Upon those Islands existing in perfect isolation from the rest of the world could then be found a rich tapestry of life eons in the making."
"Here at the very edge of the earth then existed a prehistoric lost world of flightless Giants and winged predators left alone to grow to immense sizes in perfect equilibrium with each other for millions of years."
"We're losing two to 300 species of plant animal and insect to Extinction every single day. Try to get your arms around that."
"Our planet is full of incredible, unforgettable, sometimes frankly weird animals."
"Whether it's a marine creature in the deep blue or the mass of an elephant it matters little to the power of environmental change in human ambition."
"The idea that we can have this species that can tell us so much about how to survive, well, that's a whole another subject right there."
"We're not just in it for the money, it's for conservation, genetic diversity, and education."
"We could have a healthier, diverse ecosystem of the game."
"Pupfish are a weird product of the current world ecosystem. They can survive in tiny desert pools until something changes."
"If the insects disappear, we're going to disappear too."
"We should think of them as flying keys to longevity and resilience."
"The Amazon dolphins are not the only river dolphins in the world, but they are one of the few types that are thriving."
"The diversity of plants and animals in the world's rainforests is staggering."
"There isn't like a across the board like this is the average species."
"AC Family, something has happened to their refugium, their hidden water reservoir housing an extra team of cleaning plants."
"The Oasia Hotel stands out with its set of 54 different plants."
"We need to reinvest in biodiversity and learn from indigenous wisdom."
"All the plants… all the animals, all the fungus, which fun fact! isn't technically a plant or animal, it’s its own thing!"
"We are still discovering new species in remote locations around the world."
"Coral reefs in particular are just an amazing source of biodiversity on our planet."
"Our planet's health and that of all species living on it depend on it."
"Our love for life needs to go beyond our species, this is very, very important."
"The more diverse complex of microorganisms you have, the more complex the Aromas and the flavors are going to come out."
"We're losing about 200 species a day. That's 10,000 times the normal rate. Nothing normal about that."
"What happens to the natural balance when half of the species are decimated?"
"The entire web of life is now in completely uncharted territory behaviors are off track."
"The genetic diversity in Africa is staggering."
"Each game is packed with dozens of unique and compelling creatures."
"Animals are not brethren, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"The future of life on earth depends on whether small mammals like the sugar glider can find a way to rebound."
"Even though we make less than five percent of the world's population, we're storing eighty percent of the world's biodiversity."
"When you look at those children, they are rich in bees and they are rich in an environment that is full of life."
"Human life depends on two things: bees and trees."
"Efforts to improve the eel population include regulating fishing and releasing adult eels back into the water."
"As much as I do believe that polar bears and sea turtles have intrinsic value and matter, you can make an argument that like all living things are codependent and as humans we're not capable of surviving without ecosystems."
"While most demonstrations of no man's sky show alien life to be mostly dinosaur-like creatures Murray promises that life-forms on other planets will be as diverse as the planets themselves."
"If insects continue to decline, expect some pretty dire consequences for ecosystems and generally and for people."
"40% of insect species could be extinct in the next few decades."
"You are linked to the rest of the Tree of Life."
"Once the Amazon rainforest passes the point of no return, it could disappear within 50 years, risking the loss of around 10 million species."
"Sharks have a longer history on this earth than trees do."
"The overall species extinction rate is currently 15,000 times the background rate."
"You can use any flower you want with a bee farm and you only need one flower per bee farm."
"This discovery truly pays homage to the versatility of life and the evolution that enables it."
"This was so much fun, I don't even know how many species we caught."
"Every cell, every micro, every being is autonomous, autopoietic, self-organizing, free, dynamic, and evolving."
"If the whole world farmed through biodiversity, we could reverse climate change."
"Maybe this is a different species altogether."
"There really would be a diverse group of Pokemon that would inhabit this region."
"By shifting to a plant-based diet and a vegan lifestyle, we can free up so much more of the world to allow biodiversity to flourish."
"The lentil region is absolutely teeming with Pokémon."
"Diversity genetic diversity is assured during these steps."
"Wildlife, flora, and fauna - essential components of our ecosystems."
"The ocean's depths hold treasures of biodiversity and scientific discovery, challenging our understanding of life on Earth and beyond."
"As the sixth great mass extinction on planet Earth proceeds and accelerates..."
"Deeper? Yeah, it's one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world."
"Discoveries like the golden egg are not just scientific curiosities they are essential reminders of the richness of life in our oceans."
"A world without any insects would lead to an apocalyptic scenario."
"Brazil is home to some of the most biodiverse regions in the world."
"Endling: The last known individual of a species, marking the tragic end of a community of animals or plants."
"There's a whole forest full of insects signaling using incredible sounds."
"Bugs are disappearing: 50% of insects gone, critical to the survival of ecosystems."
"Our human-centric view of the world has undoubtedly constrained our appreciation of the accomplishments of other species."
"Biden hasn't added any new barriers, but is funding the repair of existing ones."
"The Florida Keys' coral reefs: supporting 25% of marine species."
"A life without wild nature a life without these great iconic species is an impoverished life If we lose all wild species we're going to lose ourselves."
"Consider what plants are native to your area to invite those pollinators."
"We're going to focus on general principles that would allow us to understand all species on the planet."
"Keystone species regulate community diversity."
"Because it's more than just climate change, it's more than just a climate crisis, it's both, it encompasses like I was saying biodiversity loss, the destabilization of other systems."
"Celebrating diversity is kind of the whole point of this species."
"You might get a different shape of tomato if you save all those seeds, you might get multiple different shapes of tomatoes, different colors, different sizes."
"Our Earth produces some quite fantastic creatures over time."
"Despite their sessile existence, they've evolved just as the comparatively lively animal life on land, sea, and air."
"The forest elephant needs to be officially recognized as a separate species before it's too late."
"Surprise to 'Freak Like Me' transition... brilliance."
"The Amazon is the most incredible place in the world especially for nature whether it's the giant rainforest or the humongous River."
"We are surrounded by such complexity, such elegance, such endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful."
"The Coral Triangle has been called the global center of marine biodiversity."
"The Lembeh Strait is truly a remarkable place, an evolutionary hotbed where many of the secrets are yet to be discovered."
"They are amazing in our battle against climate change for lots and lots of reasons."
"It's not only about the well-being of human beings, it's about the well-being of other species and nature at large."
"The Cambrian explosion Moment by moment we now see how animals Diversified and radiated in a stepwise fashion throughout the early Cambrian."
"The diversity of animal life blossoms as the new, invented forms come to dominate the oceans."
"The unmatched radiation of animal life at the beginning of the Cambrian coincided with a rise in atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels."
"A burning passion for wildlife and a desire to preserve biodiversity."
"The more we've looked in the earth, the more we found life thriving under extraordinary conditions."
"Believe it or not, only one thousandth of one percent of these species have been described. That's pretty mind-blowing stuff."
"The important thing is for us to understand that we're not only not living alone in the universe but we're sharing a planet with a lot of other wonderful life-forms."
"If you believe that extinctions are common and natural and normal and occur periodically, it becomes a moral imperative to diversify our species."
"The sandhill crane is considered one of the most incredible living fossils in the world."
"The aardvark is considered one of the most incredible living fossils on earth."
"In 2012, scientists discovered a new species of monkey living in the remote forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo."
"Nature has wowed people... organisms that walk around our planet."
"Butterflies and moths are regarded as indicators of the health of our environment, like canaries in the coal mines." - Dr. Zoe Randall
"99.9% of all the organisms and all the ecosystems that have ever existed are extinct."
"Cutting tall grass reveals insects, lizards, and fairies."
"Rainforests have 70 percent of the plants that we use in medicine."
"Science tells us that we are but one among hundreds of millions of species that evolved over the course of three and a half billion years on one tiny planet among many orbiting an ordinary star."
"Imitate your natural ecosystem, replace the keystone species with improved varieties of woody crops."
"The wildlife that shows up in systems like this is phenomenal."
"Mount Roraima is home to unique wildlife, including numerous species found nowhere else on Earth."
"The vast majority of species on the planet are going to go extinct before they're even discovered."
"Without the work of the bee population, most plants and food crops on the planet would not survive."
"We've got about three generations left to stop the loss of biodiversity."
"Evolution is a fact. Biodiversity and complexity do increase, and both occur naturally only by evolutionary means."
"Huge explosion of bird life, largely due to our planting trees and the insects that then use the trees."
"All the plant life now is now flowering regularly, under grazing, a lot of plants never get a chance to flower."
"This is the antithesis to monoculture farming that we see everywhere else in the world."
"Whether you're an animal lover or not, the truth is our planet would be a pretty dull place if it wasn't filled with some of the more heartwarming and awe-inspiring animals that we share with nature."
"Beefalos actually exist: The mighty hybrid offspring of cattle and bison."
"Here are the 20 most bizarre recently discovered species."