
Human Development Quotes

There are 365 quotes

"We humans stay even more plastic in our brain functions compared to other animals. We're more immature. We're still juvenile like compared to other animals."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is the love that forms, shapes, and molds a human being."
"What does becoming a more developed human being fundamentally mean? It's a philosophic, spiritual, religious, existential question."
"Growing scientific evidence demonstrates that social and physical environments that threaten human development because of scarcity, stress, or instability can lead to short-term physiological and psychological adjustments that are necessary for immediate survival and adaptation but which may come at a significant cost to long-term outcomes in learning, behavior, health, and longevity."
"Music education isn't just about creating incredible musicians; it's about creating incredible humans."
"Education is the foundation of the Human Development Index, which is measured on three critical areas: life expectancy, education, and per capita income."
"Highly questionable there are such a thing as normal human development to begin with. Have you ever seen a normal human? I haven't."
"When we lose our privacy, we gradually lose the ability to fully develop as humans outside of the public eye."
"The fact that fetal stem cells have only nine months to create an entire human being should help illustrate the power of these cells."
"Babies in the womb suck their thumb way before birth."
"Consider what is surely one of the greatest wonders of all: how a tiny egg and a single irrepressibly plucky sperm can unleash a process that brings forth in the end another one of us, a being of vast ability and unlimited potential."
"Mankind was developed as a species, as a spiritual being. And I think we've gotten so far away from who we really are."
"You can always find alternatives to things, but one thing that I believe that we should do is ensure that whatever energy we bring to or whatever children we're raising, we're gonna put them in a situation where they can be better human beings."
"Technology is affecting the natural evolution of human beings."
"Nurture can only take you so far until nature catches up."
"The science of embryology shows that human beings begin life at conception."
"By recognizing their shortcomings and focusing on human development, Africa might not be the next China, but African countries just might be."
"A human baby is the most dependent creature in existence."
"When you see a baby, you kind of realize that all human beings were that thing once."
"Growth is something you have to go through as a human being. As a man, especially, maturity."
"We believe that real development is human development."
"Bringing up means somebody is molding you, molding means it's a predetermined shape. No flower that blossoms is the same way as another one which blossomed."
"If we believe that people are the result of their environments, then that means that we need to make the environment as good as possible."
"Our job now is to make sure that we impact this planet as little as possible as we grow and develop as a species."
"It's a category error comparing a human being, a developing human being, to a tumor."
"Humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before; we are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction."
"Our progress as a species and as individuals comes from our setbacks."
"It's time to learn from the past as to get better and grow as a human being."
"Human advancement knows no boundary, but this has not been without its price."
"Humans start out being basically completely equal and are completely shaped by the culture they grow up in."
"Star Trek...optimistically assumes that humanity's ethics and morality will evolve at the same pace as their technology."
"We have to allow human beings to step up the energy density ladder so that they can address their absolute privation."
"Humans are evolving; it's just not as apparent as we might think."
"Technological frontiers are moments when innovation allows a human population to make more or do more or grow more than they did before the innovation occurred."
"The meaning of life is for human beings to grow in soul."
"This is the biggest inflection point in human history."
"Play is not just for leisure, it has an extraordinary important human function."
"For us as the human species to mature, we need to find others and get a better perspective about our place in the universe."
"We're the product of millions of years of evolution."
"Difference has moved the cutting edge of human awareness throughout history."
"Art and Medicine when they join together they create a good human being."
"Being open-minded about things is the only way human beings can move forward."
"Knowledge is the fuel that drives human existence."
"I believe that every human has potential... if you take a kid from anywhere and you give them access to knowledge."
"Every life is unique in a truly beautiful way from the moment they're conceived."
"There seems to be a real tidal wave of people that are awakening to some sort of preordained mission to accomplish during this particular phase of human development."
"Humans require a womb to be successfully born... take nothing for granted."
"The blank slate idea is that everything is nurture and almost nothing is nature."
"Reduced size, shortening of the face including a reduction in teeth size, reduced sexual dimorphism."
"Progress is a foundational pillar of human happiness."
"The ability to harness energy from the world around us has quite literally fueled the technological development of the human race."
"Video games are an untapped reservoir of human potential and civilizational advancement."
"Change is vital, necessary. It's a mechanic of growth. That is how we, as humans, are where we are right now."
"Technology is getting more and more powerful while the level of consciousness is far behind. If we don't advance consciousness faster than technology, we're done."
"We're actually type zero which is not something that, yeah it feels depressing, but we have nowhere to go but up."
"The most important thing we can be doing is developing good humans."
"The discovery of tool making was a major milestone in human history."
"Mirror neurons are essentially the thing that allowed us to rapidly progress as a species by giving birth to culture."
"These are the most important times from an evolutionary perspective for Humanity."
"Humanity's ultimate goal is to develop organically."
"Human beings have spent thousands of years trying to get out of the elements."
"Male genital mutilation can have a huge influence on the development of the human psyche."
"Is it possible that we, as human beings, as we're developing and as we're transforming and metamorphosizing, is it possible that we would have two hearts?"
"So how did it happen? How could a tree dwelling creature develop what we now consider to be the most fundamental aspect of the human form? How does an ape learn to walk?"
"Humanity's creation collides towards a predetermined direction."
"We have this huge acceleration of growth for humanity, especially those who are paying attention and doing the work."
"Watches are just a part of Neurology. The story of her ology goes all the way back to the beginning of human civilization."
"Every area of human existence that's even worth studying is worth studying because rich and complex structures are developed."
"When you grow up without the simplest form of human affection, it creates a ravenous cavity inside of your heart."
"Leaders love to grow the best human beings the real obsession is evolution and personal optimization."
"If people live forever, they might not have been able to progress."
"Innovation is the thing that moves the human race forward."
"One fundamental responsibility we have as a generation is the next generation we produce must be at least one, if not better than us. If they are less than us, we have failed as a generation and as human beings."
"The speed at which complex human civilizations emerged across the planet is remarkable."
"The adolescence of humanity is coming to an end."
"Feral children prompt profound questions about human development, language acquisition, and the impact of socialization on cognitive and emotional well-being."
"The flawed RPG approach to human development."
"The more you help the whole human, that's not just a player, I think the better off you're going to be."
"Humanity's in right now we're going to become an interplanetary civilization in a state of enlightenment and peaceful."
"That is a huge moment in terms of human history, I mean it likely changed the development of humans as a whole."
"There's a form of education... about us learning to achieve the fullest human potential."
"It means 'greatness from small beginnings,' kind of like humans, you know? From babies." - Uncharted 3
"The most important thing is that you've got to be curious, you've got to want to grow as a human being."
"Language is after all the tool that propelled humans to innovate and solve so many of the problems."
"Whenever you have life force and sexual energy, it maintains, sustains, expands, and evolves the human mind and body."
"This is what would go on to make us the species that we are today."
"We are basically learning to produce bodies and Minds. Minds bodies and minds are going to be the I think the two main products of the next wave of all these AI technology."
"To deny a child that kind of education, you're robbing them of a lifetime, not just of learning, it's a lifetime of who they are as human beings."
"We go through cycles in life... childhood phase... warrior phase... king and queen stage... wise man or wise woman stage."
"Rain is the most important part of human life... it allowed humans to go from being a boring dumb species to what we are today."
"Your brain is not even done fully developing until you are 25 years old, baby."
"I'd create a society that has everything it needs to get to the next stage of humanity, and a sustainable planet for us all to live on in peace and harmony."
"The concept of a God came about as human society changed."
"The level of improvement in the average human being's life in the next decade is incredible."
"Life begins at conception and the child in the womb deserves protection."
"You're growing humans you literally you're literally growing the human race."
"Cities are the center of human civilizations."
"Life spans increased and people grew taller and fitter in later decades."
"Meat played an integral role in the evolution of the human brain."
"The progress of human society has largely been built on the backs of beta males."
"Humanity must evolve beyond focusing on everyday practical concerns to thrive."
"Education is a life and death affair, shaping the kind of human being you'll be."
"Cro-Magnon man was far more sophisticated than we ever gave him credit for."
"The quietude considered themselves to be both the epitome of human development as well as the only rightful heirs to the human future."
"It's crazy that we all used to be the size of a quarter. Dang, that hits deep."
"Language, theater, altruism, metaphysics, poetry, dance, religion... evolved under the aegis of a near symbiosis with psilocybin mushrooms."
"We're looking at a hologram; the Moon is hiding something else."
"Their attacks to human development, they're attacks to knock people down every single time humanity has embraced a technological age."
"Marriage is a foundational bedrock of human society."
"I mean before there was civilization and we were just cavemen right."
"Your real body is a process. It starts when you're born and moves forward until you die."
"I wonder like can these things like can are there traits that humans might evolve that could could sort of push us too far and actually become detrimental?"
"Join fume in accelerating Humanity's breakup from Bad Habits."
"Fundamentally, all of us happened due to the power of ideas."
"History is the story of maximizing human cooperation, maximizing non-zero sum outcomes."
"Everyone in the maturity of his faculties as a human being, everyone who has learned to think rationally."
"Language itself could have been a fundamental force shaping human evolution."
"Evolution. It's a philosopher's stone, one that will choose through DNA who shall proceed to the next stage."
"What women do is unbelievable. Taking a human being and growing a human being in your body and then pushing a human being out of your body."
"At conception, an unborn child is a human being that God is forming."
"What it does for the human being, it gives them a larger choice yet again."
"Metaphor is the most important concept in the history of communication and human."
"All of this will change the path of human history."
"The theory about why aliens haven't contacted us is because they have observed our planet society and determined that we're still too primitive."
"Our focus was always on producing great human beings."
"The real truth is, those people are idiots. Every time there's been social advancement, as we wake up, the American story, the human story, is one of constant social awakening and growth."
"We know that modern humans are taller, stronger, and living longer than humans in the past."
"The biggest danger we face today is that we will cease believing in the one force that raised Humanity out of the tens of thousands of years of General misery: the very idea of progress."
"Trial and error went on throughout human history and that produced some pretty good stuff."
"Interacting with different civilizations is part of human evolution."
"Eating animals became key to unlock our continued evolution."
"We're right there we're just at that point now where consciousness human consciousness is about to hit a critical mass."
"The real purpose of socialism is precisely to overcome and advance beyond the predatory phase of human development."
"Psychedelics are not just neutral, they're amazing and very important for the development of the human race."
"Human consciousness is expanding exponentially."
"Progress is what continues to help us evolve."
"Humanity is a hybrid species... the hybridization process still takes place today."
"Massachusetts: boasting a human development index higher than all but one country in the world."
"Every aspect of human wellbeing has seen progress over the last decades."
"I think we want to expand the scope and scale of Consciousness."
"Human thriving and freedom are formed by a mother-father family."
"Maybe they are the aliens that helped us get to where we are right now."
"Modern humans show up and every generation is something new...to build on the experience, knowledge, and wisdom of elders."
"Fire is a major significant part of our evolutionary story."
"Did you know that when we're just a few weeks old in our mother's belly, we actually have tails too?"
"This monolith is not the same as the one on earth; it's not beginning the process of human evolution; rather, it's a check for human evolution; it's a relay."
"The higher a man develops, the freer he will be."
"Human development has been stunted for a generation by abusing basic freedoms."
"Reality is a very fascinating subject... What does that say about our reality? It says that I think it says that Humanity has not fully grown up yet."
"Spiritual Master transcends human development."
"The true science of the human being is understanding the methodical exact way in which our Consciousness develops and our form actually shifts over time."
"The majority of human beings did not have writing even up until the year 1900."
"From the first stirrings of life beneath water to the great beasts of the Stone Age to man taking his first upright steps, you have come far."
"I'm a massive history buff especially for pre-history in ancient history because it's a very cool point where prehistory meshes with human history."
"At some point in the distant past, some ape threw a clot genetically and we ended up with a mutation that means we never outgrow neoteny."
"Energy is fundamental for human flourishing."
"We have to find a way to create an environment where leaders who really stand for the principles of our Republic and the principles of human development are able to assert themselves in our political process."
"In the modern education system, we often overlook the nurturing of a good human being, favoring instead the boosting of intelligence and accumulation of information."
"I think, in the future, everybody's just going to be ambisextrous, like everybody's just going to be."
"The unborn are human from the earliest stages of development."
"Access to Affordable and reliable energy is the one thing that promotes human flourishing and without it, it's very cold and it's very dark."
"Human evolution is not over. It's a process."
"Survival is over; it's time for humanity to graduate to planetary civilization."
"You can give a human baby to another human for the same reason."
"Evolution is undeniable. The complexities of the human body are traced from basal myosin apes to now."
"The state of the world and human populations 10,000 years ago really helps us understand how history would eventually unfold."
"Every adult is a former child, just as every child is an incipient adult."
"The most profound cultural development... language itself... coaxed out of an evolving primate species."
"The heart is the very first organ that starts developing and it is the first organ that reaches a functional state."
"Writing things down... has to be one of the main propellants of our race as humans to create and evolve and get to where we are."
"Early human beings had a communication system dating way back to before the first written language of the Sumerians."
"The evolvement of human consciousness evolves from a low level of animal instinct and survival into a higher level of understanding, compassion, benevolence, and love."
"Humanity's adolescence is over. We could probably do what we're doing now for another couple of hundred years, but why? Why vacillate and go into a repetition complex?"
"We are at a moment in human history where we are about to undergo a major paradigm shift."
"This is such a monumental moment in human history."
"The goal of life in this world is happiness and human flourishing and wellbeing."
"Humans aren’t born with many skills, and we need to learn how to sort mail, land airplanes, and have friendly conversations."
"The human collective is shifting, integrating into higher states of consciousness."
"There are stages of evolutionary development, and we're at... the bottom."
"The answer is the human being: at the dawn of his life, he crawls on his arms and legs; in the middle of his life, he walks on his two legs; at the end of his life, he has to rely on a cane."
"The scaling of humans is first the scaling of human expertise being available to everyone."
"Every human development is a result of somebody going out on a limb somewhere, at some point in time."
"Nature's agenda is that we should all develop into independent human beings with our own sense of what we want and what we don't want."
"We do not know for sure whether animals are conscious and we do not know when consciousness arises in human development."
"...the technological environment I believe derailed human development on almost every track."
"The HDI is the most widely used indicator of human development, has changed how people view the concept."
"So somewhere in the single cell that we all start life as, the DNA program in there is enough to make a human being with a human brain."
"All of the things that are normal for people to have for human development and to have the most important things cultivated in their life, they are at catastrophic lows."
"The most impressive is what the human infant can do just by hanging around for 10 or 20 or 30 years."
"I think as humans, we should be constantly learning and evolving throughout our whole lives."
"Humans take a long time to be independent. As humans, we need empathy to take care of children."
"The great bulk of human development begins with an experience."
"Challenges are good, they're the reason for... all human development."
"To be a full-fledged human being is important."
"This is the idea that the spiritual journey is correlative or corresponds to the natural evolution or stages of human life from birth to death and that at each stage God asks of us to consent to what is appropriate for that particular stage of human development."
"So, liberal arts education or humanities are really open to every human being."
"So, any form of education you're making, helping to good human beings to flourish as good human beings, the earlier the better, everybody agrees on that."
"The African continent was a site of significant agricultural innovation, contributing to the development of human societies."
"Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems model challenges us to go beyond the individual if we want to understand human development and promote improvements."
"The only thing you're looking for with human development questions is an age or a stage in relation to a behavior."