
Breathing Techniques Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"How we breathe, including how often we breathe, the depth of our breathing, and the ratio of inhales to exhales actually predicts how focused we are, how easily we get into sleep, and how easily we can exit from sleep."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"A single breath will change your state. You're nervous, you take a deep breath, and it seems to help relax."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The most powerful form of breathing is the one that takes into account the fundamental mechanisms that increase heart rate, that exhales decrease heart rate, and that carbon dioxide and oxygen relate to the bloodstream and the brain in particular ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This breathing technique brings you right into the deepest part of physiology, anybody can do it."
"The double breath... allows for the most rapid reduction in stress levels."
"The Wim Hof method is a combination of three things: exposure to cold, breathing techniques, and meditation."
"If you're stressed, two inhales, two exhales, to max lung capacity, and then a long exhale, and your calm will just be right there waiting for you."
"Learning to control your heart rate and thereby your mind using your breathing goes: breathing, heart rate, mind."
"You can choose to change your breath to feel the way you want to feel."
"If you consciously slow down your breath and change the way you breathe, instead of sending stress signals up to your brain, you can send calm signals instead."
"Breathing through your nose in a structured cadence... is just breathing through your nose in a structured cadence."
"If you consciously change your breathing, you can change your physiology."
"99% of people are breathing dysfunctionally. They don't realize the damage they're doing to their bodies and brains."
"If you breathe at a rate of about 20 breaths per minute, you get about fifty percent efficiency. Slow that down to 12 breaths per minute, that increases to 70 percent. And if you slow it down to six breaths per minute, you get 85 percent efficiency."
"Why would you do that? Why not breathe more closely in line with your metabolic needs?"
"Slow down your breathing to the way that you would be breathing when you're calm, and you will start shooting calming messages into your brain."
"Use your breath to just settle into it, and to calm yourself down."
"Don't panic. Use stress management techniques. Breathe, that's a good thing to do when you're nervous."
"Even though mastering a specific breathing technique in the real world will not allow us to use supernatural powers, I still find it fascinating how these various breath techniques form the crux of demon slayers epic battle system."
"Breathing deeply and slowly can bring serenity."
"By slowing down breathing, we can actually raise carbon dioxide, allowing oxygen to move into the cells where it's needed."
"Breath is the most powerful tool that everyone has within their reach to bring their stress response right under their control."
"Breath is the commander of the mind state and the mood."
"Unlock your hips, stretch, and do diaphragmatic breathing."
"Find the range of sensation that you can still breathe into, you still have a level of control over how relaxed you are."
"Do not hold your breath, keep the breath moving."
"Remembering to breathe can reset your headspace in stressful moments."
"Breathing exercises can help you get back to calm and control."
"The speed of your thoughts correlates with the speed of your exhalation."
"Children naturally breathe into their belly; adults switch to chest breathing."
"Your breath is your fuel, your breath is an anchor for your mind."
"Don't forget about your breath even here, use it to kind of calm the nervous system and restore the body for the rest of your day."
"You can change the electricity in your mind by the way you breathe."
"Breathing through the nose will increase oxygenation about 20 percent with each breath."
"Guess what else breathing can do? Can very quickly decrease inflammation."
"A huge part of yoga is all about connecting to your breath."
"With breath you can learn to manage and regulate your emotional self."
"Through breathing techniques, I can exchange energy with everything around me."
"Not about tensing everything up trying to get as much breath, just a natural breathing, easy flow in and out of the nostrils."
"The solution is to breathe right as much as possible throughout the day."
"If you master your breath, you have the strength of 10 tigers."
"Inhaling for a full count of three, filling up belly ribs chest. Sign out nose or mouth, get all the breath out of the body."
"Relax here, keep a long smooth steady breath."
"Vocalized exhalation... was able to increase grip strength by 25 percent."
"Changing the way you breathe could influence your body weight and allow you to hack into your nervous system."
"Slowly in through the nose and then slowly out and keep those even I find that works for sleeping."
"The deeper the breath, the more the life. The shorter the breath, the less the life."
"Breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out."
"Respiration is a powerful lever on state. Voluntary breathing can shift your emotions and your inner state."
"Help you with breathing but like I said it takes practice."
"Test anxiety is real, but conscious breathing can have a huge impact on your stress level."
"The nature is going to be throwing up pandemics and we may throw up some ourselves."
"The science of breathing by the way can cure a lot of diseases in himself and also strengthen your aura in a way that no negativity can penetrate."
"We have the ability to let it go through the awareness and intention of the breath."
"Conscious breathing: breathe in, hold, breathe out. Healthy breathing means more oxygen to the brain. Dementia, Alzheimer's, cancers - all affected."
"Life is all about breathing rhythmic breathing."
"This is what we call our 'ujjayi' breath and we want to maintain that breath throughout the entire practice, no matter how challenging or how gentle it is."
"Breathe steady, smooth breaths in and out through the nose."
"The key is breathe through your contractions."
"Faster breathing may have physiological basis in our breath."
"Science is finally catching up and showing evidence that breathing well can affect our mental and physical health."
"I want you to emphasize the breathing, I want you to breathe and expand, let's go big deep breath in, come down, that's it, fire, good, perfect."
"With each exhalation, you are allowing yourself to go deeper and deeper."
"One of the best ways to activate your parasympathetic nervous system is deep breathing, slow deep breathing."
"Take this time to tune in to your breath, so nice big inhales through your nose and exhales through your mouth."
"That intentional slow deep abdominal breath is going to enhance your labor hormones."
"Breathe in two, three, four, five, and out two, three, four, five, just one more time for this time."
"Covering your mouth, creating any kind of air pocket around you, and controlling your breathing will make sure that people have as much time to find you as possible."
"At the top of the breath, a total feeling of relaxation to the body."
"Breathe in for one centimeter, breathe out for one centimeter."
"We can almost induce a feeling of anxiety and panic by changing the way that we breathe."
"By adopting those different breathing practices you can push your body into different states, you can relax yourself on purpose, you can stress yourself out on purpose, which has pronounced benefits to doing that as well."
"Breath work is probably my favorite."
"The breath is a very, very integral part of your practice. Some say that the breath is the practice and the poses are just there to keep us busy with our bodies."
"Breathe right into the center of your chest."
"Take care of the exhalation and the inhalation will take care of itself."
"It's literally the simplest thing to do: you search for pain in your body and you breathe diaphragmatically."
"You start with the awareness of breath, but then you can apply postural breathing."
"The most practical benefit of it is that it teaches you to relax and maintain your breath during periods of stress."
"Breathing less to breathe right is the number one tip."
"Meditative breathing... is a very powerful way to quell that anxiety storm."
"Breathing less air can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, bringing the body into relaxation."
"Slowing down our breathing is a great way to help reduce panic."
"I believe that actually just with the breathing techniques... we can actually give people the energy, the will, the desire to make other changes in their life."
"Focus on slow, controlled breathing because it's going to help activate your body's parasympathetic nervous response."
"If you're stressed, try to take a belly breath because that put me back into this little calm, tranquil kind of state of mind."
"Controlling your breathing, called box breathing, is simple and it's changed my life."
"The number one key to calm yourself and relieving and releasing tension is to allow the breath to open up the body."
"Pause and breathe. You're going to try to take deep slow breaths."
"When we are able to really connect to the breath, steady the breath, slow the breath, find the breath, it helps to ease anxiety almost instantaneously."
"Learning how to sort of slow that process down and take deeper breaths actually helps people have better emotional control."
"We're talking about nose, we're talking about great breathing, we're talking what we didn't talk about last time which was chewing because this whole chewing thing and breath work has just blown my mind."
"Control your breathing and relax, all the hard work is finished."
"Letting your breath find its natural peaceful rhythm."
"We want to keep the energy channels open while we're breathing."
"One of the best ways to bring us instantly from that fight or flight response into that rest and digest response is just doing that lovely deep breathing."
"We can take a deep breath or breathe deeply, and that increases the probability that we get into the relaxed state."
"Proper exercises, proper breathing are a very important part of our way of living."
"Mindfulness-based stress reduction, abdominal breathing are very simple techniques that everybody can use to enhance that state of resilience."
"Let's center first, allow yourself to find your focus, to find your breath."
"All we were doing was changing his brain's processing about how to breathe, and the whole system just relaxed."
"It's important to take deep breaths as you engage your diaphragm."
"Three-part breathing helps us tune into our bodies and tune out any distractions."
"If you're holding your breath or taking short breaths, your body's getting the signal that it's not safe and it needs to tighten up and stress out, so if we can just take deeper breaths, you'll find a nice, deep stretch, and your body'll start to relax more."
"Breathing deliberately allows us to enter into a rhythm of restful awareness."
"Building awareness of how you breathe personally is the first step to improve your CO2 tolerance."
"Kriya Yoga is a set of breathing techniques focused in the transmutation of internal energy."
"Just do nice, slow, controlled breathing."
"Deep and slow breathing is another way to stimulate your vagus nerve."
"Wim Hof's breathing exercise is amazing."