
Stress Relief Quotes

There are 4345 quotes

"A single breath will change your state. You're nervous, you take a deep breath, and it seems to help relax."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Taking two doses of 300 milligrams of ashwagandha per day can, very dramatically, buffer cortisol."
"Altruism is the best medicine for your stress hormones."
"Let go of any stress or worries... so you can have a good relaxing cleanse."
"What makes you happy is a question that should be different from what is good stress relief for you because happiness is something you're running towards."
"Touch is a balm. It's soothing, it's calming, it's grounding, it's relaxing. It's everything that de-stresses us."
"Because let's face it, you deserve a sanity break and you deserve a break from the stress and the anxiety that you're feeling and we're gonna teach you how to reset your mind and build a more positive mindset."
"I feel like I need some fresh air...getting some fresh air always helps me."
"Take a nice deep breath and just know that things can always improve."
"Let everything drop off your shoulders; all the weight, all the stress, all the pressure. Just be in the moment and be present with yourself."
"A little bit of mindfulness applied in the right moment can go a very long way."
"We run through life like hunted animals, unfulfilled, terrorized... The problem is solved at one go, at one blow, when you realize yourself as this Atman, the infinite consciousness, beyond body and mind."
"A sincere, happy laugh, like the joyous rippling of children’s laughter, relieves tension and restores good nature."
"All you have to do right now is breathe. No one in the world at this moment is asking anything else of you."
"Nature is very useful on many levels... if you're feeling stressed, all you have to do is walk somewhere where there is more oxygen or ions in the air and your whole brain has the possibility to relax and be more focused and more productive."
"If you just meditate for five minutes and think about nothing and focus on your breathing, it helps a lot with stress."
"Exercise is the best thing I can possibly do to relieve stress. It clears my head, makes me have a mental reset."
"No matter how stressful our life seems, there are steps one can take to relieve the pressure and regain control."
"Journaling...can get a lot of the feelings out and on paper, it's a way to relieve stress."
"Good things are coming, there's no need to stress."
"During times of worry, during times of stress, we want to lean on our guitar, but more importantly, we find ourselves in this unique situation in which I am so thankful for, we can lean on one another in this guitar geek community."
"We're also going to take a little time to sort of release maybe whatever is coming and like bothering us this week."
"Crying releases stress and helps reduce anxiety."
"Green noise is very good for lowering stress hormone levels and can help you cancel out busy thoughts, leading to a more restful state."
"Meditate, breathe, focus on your inhale and exhale. When your mind wanders, acknowledge the thought and then focus back on your breathing."
"You've got time, so if you're feeling pressured with time, know that you've got time to relax and figure this out."
"The stress release, even if it's minor, what that does for your relationships... you cannot capture what it does for your boldness and your excellence in your career."
"Decision fatigue is a massive thing, so having HelloFresh handle recipe planning and shopping just eliminates stress."
"Communications with others can help alleviate stress and offer new perspectives."
"It brings my kind, people with dwarfism, together one week out of the year, and we just let go all of our stress together."
"When you laugh, your brain releases endorphins, your stress hormones are reduced, and the oxygen supply to your blood is increased."
"Mushrooms could also play a factor in mitigating stress and various factors that contribute to a bunch of different health ailments."
"One of my favorite things to do when I'm stressed out is listening to a really good song. Somehow, music seems to touch our souls and soothe our minds."
"Sometimes I just need some damn miso soup to make me feel like the world maybe just isn't crashing down around me all the time."
"Humor...makes life lighter, brighter, happier, more tolerable."
"When we're stressed, our bodies get flooded by oxytocin. Which is a feel-good, calming, stress-reducing hormone. Which is also increased when we're with our women friends."
"Camping, a great stress reliever used by mankind for ages. Tried, tested, and true, just like a GMC truck."
"Hobbies can help you relax and enjoy your free time, it can also be useful to take your mind off some of the problems that you might have."
"Physiological sighs, that double inhale followed by an extended exhale, done just one or three times seems to be nature's way of taking that sympathetic stress response and balancing it with a more parasympathetic relaxing response."
"The feeling generated was surprising... absolutely perfect for a Friday after work, feel renewed, actually calmed me down."
"Financial freedom takes away so much stress in our household."
"Oxytocin is what's released when we cuddle with other people... it calms down your nervous system, reduces your stress hormone response."
"Physical work is a great activity for shifting your attention off the problems of life and onto something else."
"The deeper rest of Transcendental Meditation is the most powerful antidote to stress and anxiety."
"There is nothing more soothing than love and pies. This game is like a warm cozy blanket for your stressed, overwhelmed little soul."
"I love running... It's such a great way to relieve stress, to clear your mind."
"If you can get to three months of savings, it will alleviate so much stress and anxiety."
"Take all of your cares and worries, your concerns and your fears, your regrets and your anxieties, and notice how tiny they are compared to the vast beyond."
"Humor helps us cope with stressful situations. It sort of recharges our brains to face the task at hand."
"Humor, it turns out, is critical for diffusing tense situations in Antarctica, and by that logic, in outer space too."
"Imagine all the stress and tension leaving your body as you softly and slowly exhale."
"I do want to write a little bit more about how the outdoors and gardening in particular and food gardening can help with your mental stress load and make life a whole lot better."
"Comedy is kind of important, non-offensive, just funny things, it relieves tension."
"For me personally, I believe that sex connects me to my lover, I believe it's a way of reducing stress and getting some physical exertion."
"I love the feeling of getting rid of bad design now. I love the freedom it gives you when you finally get rid of that horrible thing that you've been stressing about for the last year."
"Sometimes cleaning your house is just such a good adrenaline dump and it just calms my nerves and clears my head."
"That physical contact will bring down our stress level, it proves that the other person loves you and if we reciprocate, it reminds us okay, we're bonded as a couple, we'll get through this together."
"I see what it does for me in those moments when things are stressful or like I'm feeling anxious. It settles me."
"Walking in the fresh air helps you forget the burdens on your shoulders."
"Allow yourself to let go of any worries or stress and simply connect deeper with your inner self as you take each breath."
"It's almost like the definition of no stress, to be among a lot of other people who are laughing at the same thing because it means you're all being... all playing spontaneously together without fear."
"Years ago, I had a very bad day... I closed my eyes, bam, I went into this beautifully relaxed place. And everything slowed down, and my burdens lifted, and my worries disappeared, and suddenly I could think clearly."
"Welcome to the park. And since you seem so stressed out, why don't we play some basketball to make you feel better?"
"Years ago, I had a very bad day... I went into this beautifully relaxed place and everything slowed down, my burdens lifted, and my worries disappeared. Suddenly, I could think clearly and I felt alive."
"I made Everyday Bliss not just to help you be free of stress but to create freedom in every area of your life because once you get rid of the stress, worrying, anxiety, everything opens up for you."
"Sometimes the act of cooking itself is also something that is very calming, it is meditative."
"Gratitude really takes a lot of pressure off."
"Yup, it tastes so good that all my stress is gone."
"My biggest and most important tip is to get a cat. Stroking her is just the best possible thing you can do for stress."
"I come in here and I just feel like I can relax, I'm not cluttered, I'm not stressed, I feel so good in this room."
"Being close to nature helps me release stress and worry."
"It's nice to see a mom smiling, you know? That makes me feel good."
"Physical-based practices are more helpful. So shaking, dancing, putting my feet and my hands on the wet grass and just letting my electrons go into the earth, like for me, those work better."
"Things were so stressful that they had to get a pet lion just to take the edge off."
"Breathing deeply instantly makes me feel calmer."
"I feel so much better than yesterday I feel like I was just in such a stressed out mood yesterday but honestly I did this like whole rant to myself where I literally just ranted out loud to myself and I felt a lot better so yeah."
"There's nothing like being playful and coming back to creativity when we're in the midst of a stressful time."
"Gift mode on Etsy is here to take the stress out of gift giving."
"It's real important for me to find that time to decompress and unwind."
"Sunny day, sunny day, make all the stress and doubt go away."
"People can even like admit that they like to smoke weed because it makes them less stressed out."
"You leave your issues in the city, you come here, you forgot all your problems."
"Just sit back, take a deep breath, and chill out for a second."
"It's okay if your house isn't super duper clean."
"The universe wants you to slow down and take a chill pill, calm your titties."
"Nature recognizes that people are highly stressed and that people need healing medicines for the problems of addiction and depression."
"CBD has risen in popularity over the last few years, mostly due to its potential ability to reduce stress."
"Not to cure cancer, not to fix everything in your lives, but for emotional support to relieve the stress in the body so the body can heal."
"Quarantine, quarantine, sometimes you just need to scream."
"Changing the manager takes all the pressure off and changes the narrative."
"Just petting a cat can Nerf stress levels and blood pressure."
"It's just funny. If you can't enjoy this, then take a chill pill because it is one of the more enjoyable things in life."
"Everybody just needs to take a chill pill, take a puff, and relax. Just chill out."
"Exercise releases endorphins which helps to boost your energy and help you feel good and releases stress."
"It just kind of chills out your mind a bit and just helps you to relax."
"Violent video games relieve stress but do not make people violent."
"My videos are for the people who just want to forget about all the stupid stuff at school."
"Rhodiola rosea helps reduce stress and fatigue, increasing energy and alertness."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is to just take a deep breath and chill and back off for a minute..."
"Our load will be lightened by doing what Peter said. 'Cast all your care upon him for he careth for you.'"
"A breath of fresh air mentally clears your mind."
"I find that playing a sport or doing something active that requires some concentration really helps me not be stressed."
"Girls want to laugh, they want to de-stress, they want to forget about their everyday girl problems."
"Exercise is probably positive for angry people generally, isn't it? Just kind of relaxes people for the most part, I'd say."
"I love my neighbors. In my distress, they knew that I could have used a little wine to calm my nerves."
"Lay those worries down and put the burdens on the floor. Get it off your shoulders."
"Calm down, it's gonna be okay, it's not that serious."
"We've prided ourselves on being an entertainment platform... a show that you can turn on, forget about your problems, maybe learn something, but probably laugh a lot."
"A group of 20 Boston moms met in a field to scream it out."
"Boosting communities have made it seamless: boosters get their rewards, boostees get to play without stress, and communities get a cut. It's a win-win-win."
"Are you stressed out? Don't give up, look up because Jesus' offer still stands: come to me."
"How might you turn on more relaxation responses in your body?"
"Say farewell to the travel planning headaches and hello to effortless adventures."
"Just doing one thing at a time... incredible mental relief."
"I play with my dogs, I find it impossible to be angry when these fluffy cute animals are jumping on me."
"Playing sports helped take my mind off things. It was minor, but it helped."
"Shopping for new clothes can be needlessly stressful, so why not let Stitch Fix make it easy?"
"Having kids encouraged me to relax in my expectations and lower them."
"Just breathe, take time to meditate, it can really help you clear your head."
"Putting something like this, it gives you a huge peace of mind."
"Deep breathing: simple, drug-free, FDA-approved."
"A single line lowers stress levels...increases the perceived sense of fairness."
"And everybody just needs to take a chill pill."
"The first amendment is our pressure release valve."
"The anxiety and the stress can be overwhelming. I'm here to tell you there's a way out."
"Always pop those suckers, because Donald's got a lot of pent-up rage that needs getting out."
"Balance your emotions so you need to purge out anything that's leaving you feeling stressed, drained, anger, the rage, the madness, the resentment. Let go of those things."
"It's okay to take a break from time to time if you feel overwhelmed."
"Get a cat. It's scientifically proven to distress you when you stroke it."
"Spending money on yourself every once in a while... makes life a lot less stressful."
"You're ending something that brought you a lot of stress and you're moving on from it."
"We stay calm, we stay cool, we stay collected."
"If you feel this way often, doing a full body shake, whoo, when we start to feel it build, can give our nervous system the release that it so desperately needs."
"Just take a deep breath so that you can calm down, let go of your worries from the day, center yourself."
"Take a breath, say a prayer, smell the roses, just relax. We will get through this."
"Obviously, it's amazing. It's a big blessing, you know, it takes a lot of stress off, you know, not only myself but my family and a lot of people around me."
"Turning off your phone can sometimes be the best option."
"Finally, the relief was palpable. I was so happy the tension had left my body."
"Good flute music, stress goes down, heck yeah I like that."
"Now is a good time for you to cast all your cares on him, amen."
"Release the tension... Good, good... Let's go now."
"A romantic person is gonna help take the weight off your shoulders."
"You can't always be this even calm perfect energy... do something fun, laughter, song, play, whatever."
"I feel like there's this weight off my chest and I'm no longer stressed or worried about things that are financially related or about feeling like I've really screwed up."
"Relax because it's the weekend baby let all that weak stress melt off."
"You are finally getting these kinks ironed out."
"It's such a burden off your shoulders when you just remove yourself from yourself."
"The power of your mind can transform sorrow into joy, defeat into victory, stress into peace."
"I might have an opportunity now to just relax, have a cup of tea. It's been a crazy day."
"If you're having a hard time in life, sitting down and drawing can help take your mind off it."
"It's almost like a meditative practice... calm your mind."
"It's just so much fun, it's something to blow off steam."
"Relaxation is the antidote to fear and stress."
"Snuggle a pet, take a bath, have a nice drink. Something along those lines that will help you calm down and relax."
"Just quit, just [__] quit, get out, go enjoy your life."
"Once you have that [cry], everything is kind of like lifted off your shoulders."
"I feel so much better when I burn that extra energy."
"I just go get on the Peloton and just tune out and I feel way better afterwards."
"Cooking should be enjoyable. Blue Apron takes the stress out of cooking."
"Walking in natural environments can decrease rumination."
"Sometimes we just need to get away from the stresses of daily life."
"We're not all screeching 'end is nigh.' We're saying, 'Hey guys, we're in, take a couple days off.'"
"Helps reduce stress, anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness."
"Choosing the right hospice for your loved one and yourself gives you many things: care, support, the backing of an expert team, respite care, grief support, help with planning, less stress, better health, and peace of mind."
"Take a deep breath and relax, this time is yours."
"It's a nice stress reliever. Just go find a door and kick it."
"Perhaps gadgets can be my passport to a stress-free holiday."
"Don't take things too seriously, baby. Find the joy even in serious times."
"Go outside, get some fresh air, connect with nature to relieve your stress."
"It just felt like a ludicrously calming way to end a season fraught with loss, sadness, battles, internal red juices everywhere, and a lot of stress and anxiety."
"Art is therapeutic, takes your mind off troubles. It's just a way to kind of focus what you're up to and just forget the fact that the world's slowly falling apart in a fireball nightmare."
"Laughter is like that release valve that keeps the boiler from exploding."
"Meditation is something else, which is a process, but what we need for 25 minutes is this relaxation response."
"No waking up in trouble, you're not in trouble."
"Music can help reduce stress and anxiety, stimulate the brain, and promote relaxation."
"There's nothing funny about the real situation... but in this scenario it's a safer version of it."
"Once they stopped chasing, I didn't have to run anymore."
"Meditation simply means taking a moment to step back from the chaos... breathe... detach."
"It's okay to relax. It's okay to breathe deeply."
"I started moving, you know, and that was in this amazing energy that felt, I guess, like bliss, peace, serenity, happiness, no stress, no struggles, no worries, no nothing, just beauty."
"Cleaning is so satisfying to me; it helps me distress."
"So satisfying now I can go take some pills to get the headache out of my head from this dude talking the whole time."
"Saying the big things first alleviates the stress."
"You're no longer going to have to worry about those same problems."
"Let go of control and relax into the flow. House."
"Tulsi: reducing stress, boosting immunity, and increasing lifespan."
"I cannot worry about 100 today, if I lose it or if I make it, it's not going to be the end of the world."
"Turn off the news, turn off the news." — Hayley Williams
"Y'all gots to relax like y'all have really got to relax."
"Just make some chicken Parm and everything will be okay."
"This was a major bonus, dealing with the anxiety and the pressures."
"Play, stop being so serious, find your inner child."
"Laughing releases endorphins, it lightens the mood, it eases depression, it lowers stress."
"This is wonderful, really good, solid amounts of healing on yourself and save yourself, save your healers a lot of stress because it's instant cast."
"Lighten your load, decluttering could also be helpful."
"Food was meant to be something that helps you forget your issues, forget your problems."
"Do you work for someone who makes you have a lot of essential oils and you're afraid of getting fired every day? It's the nightmare at work. Bring some non-essential oils. Low risk, low reward baby."
"I can relax and breathe, it's okay that this is happening."