
Human Understanding Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"It is the greatest driver of human empathy to learn how our minds work."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We spend all of our time dealing with people. You can't succeed in this world if you don't understand people."
"We build these things and they tend to be adopted and part of the heart of this is because when we build them we don't actually understand people."
"We live in a universe that our ancestors never imagined."
"We are becoming frighteningly good at deciphering and manipulating human emotions while we are not good at all in really understanding the human mind."
"We really don't know much about how the universe works and, in a way, worse yet, we don't know much about how we work."
"The ability to hack human beings means the ability to understand humans better than they understand themselves."
"You can't dismiss the idea of something being self-evident outright because for human logic to function, we have to accept that there are some things that are self-evident."
"The world is a strange place, and for all the knowledge we've managed to gather as a species, there's still a lot more that we don't know."
"To hack a human being means to understand you better than you understand yourself."
"There are forms of human understanding that are not reducible to scientific categories and perhaps that is what culture primarily should be teaching us."
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." - Al Bartlett
"Are we being arrogant in assuming that math should abide by human understanding?"
"These are some of the deepest insights that a human being can have about the nature of reality and life."
"I can speak with confidence as a descendant of apes that we don't know what the hell we're doing."
"Recognizing the fundamental difference between scientific understanding and ethical human understanding."
"Science is our journey, our fight, for uncovering the laws of nature and leveraging them to understand the universe and to lessen the amount of suffering in the world."
"A little bit of understanding in certain circumstances can defeat what a very, very powerful computer can do."
"This universe is full of bizarre events that defy human comprehension."
"Stories are how we understand the world, how we understand ourselves."
"The universe is massive, and many people can't wrap their head around this."
"There is little to lose by making robots uncanny and much to gain in our understanding of humans."
"We don't understand consciousness... we really want to."
"This is unprecedented. If it's alien, satanic, I don't know what it is but it's something beyond the human brain."
"There's no human on Earth who fully understands the coronavirus."
"If we can listen with respect to our mythologies and to the stories of those who claim to be contactees and returnees, what new insights might we then gain about humanity's place in the cosmos?"
"Humans are better role models and they understand what other humans need."
"The only constant is change and human understandings are always in transition."
"We are still barely out of the primeval ooze in terms of our understanding of our fellow humans, complex social systems and things like that."
"Consciousness is the thing we know about more directly than anything in the world."
"The Lucid explanation by Dr. Feiser allows us to understand that even though what we can say about God is necessarily limited by our human speech and understanding by means of analogy is nevertheless said truly when we affirm that God is love."
"Once you've seen someone naked, you already know 70% of them."
"Beauty or justice or love or indeed properly speaking even truth itself — these are incomprehensible."
"The UFO phenomenon is occurring, it's the most important event in human history."
"The only thing that will ever have value is if you understand people."
"Implications for what human consciousness is are profound."
"If there's a way we can bring technology to bear on that problem of really understanding who we are as humans I think we should try that."
"Nature understands this; people don't begin to understand nature."
"I wouldn't fight back. I would have empathy because he's a human being just like Siza is a human being."
"Can we give somebody recognition that, yeah, I've done some jacked-up stuff, but I'm a human being and need to be understood?"
"That act of tolerance or that ability to tolerate the ugly or the disfigured and to see the human inside is really important."
"Acting is about being aware of what makes us human beings."
"People who create art have a much deeper understanding of human nature than the people who make our policies."
"Try to channel through love, acceptance, and the understanding of the humanity of others."
"Forgiveness comes from accurately seeing the human being."
"There was no systematic grasp of what the human being is rooted in."
"They might feel they know more about us than we know ourselves."
"The human psyche is an enigmatic beast, and we are by no means anywhere near fully capable of understanding it at this point."
"The universe is so incredibly big that our human minds cannot comprehend it."
"Despite it being tempted to write something awful as just pure evil, a human connection is required to understand."
"You can do two things: mock them and ridicule them, or ask how they got there."
"Understanding the lengths that folks who are different than you have to go through in order to be comfortable in their bodies can certainly deepen your understanding of them, as well as enrich your empathy for Humanity in general."
"Our perception and comprehension probably have severe limits, including our comprehension of space and time."
"Our job as marketers is to turn human understanding into business advantage."
"Insights into people, they force you to think about the world in a really different and really important way."
"Each man is owed the effort of understanding how he has become what he is."
"I can't wait to get you your copies; there is a link to the Kickstarter page in the description."
"We all believe basically in the same things, and when we think we don't, it's only because we have looked at each other as stereotypes, not as human beings."
"I want to expand people's view of what human being is. I want people to see the world for how it really is. That's what matters to me."
"Understanding them would open our mind up to possibilities that we never knew existed before."
"The true value of science is to change our picture of our place in the cosmos." - Unnamed speaker
"Ideas push us to further understand our place in the universe."
"Without having this possibility of conscious Minds, we would have no knowledge whatsoever about our humanity."
"Just like people make mistakes in their lives and people do stupid [ __ ] in their lives, and that's something we gotta just understand."
"The manuscript stands as a testament to the limits and possibilities of human understanding, continually challenging our assumptions and methods."
"This isn't witchcraft, this is just understanding humanity in a way that you can help them."
"The responsibility to portray the character as a human being... I've got to try and understand him."
"We both came together on one thing, we looked at this and we said it's like we have discovered the owner's manual to the human soul."
"I feel like a lot of people just don't understand that we are all humans at the end of the day."
"Only now do I understand human beings, now that I live far from them and act in solitude."
"Are they waiting for us to reach a certain level of understanding before communicating?"
"Randomness is another word for human ignorance."
"The question 'What is language?' matters very greatly to anyone concerned with understanding our modern selves, Homo sapiens."
"Science as narrative is about taking what's out there in the world and casting it in a form we humans can think about."
"Human understanding is something different from what computers do."
"Our whole project of thinking about causation is a human Enterprise."
"Recovery of the everyday world, art, poetry, and true human understanding."
"Sharia is a human understanding of the divine, not divine itself, need to challenge the paradigm."
"More than being a contribution to the field of psychology alone, I think your books have helped to evolve our understanding of what it means to be human."
"Better human language understanding can translate directly into financial returns."
"Color, which is purely a natural thing, can be such a great bar to human understanding."
"As speculative as these theories are, they serve as a critical reminder of the vastness of the unknown and the potential limits of human understanding, urging us always to look deeper and question more fundamentally."
"You never really know someone, do you?"
"I don't think you can ever truly know what someone is thinking or feeling."
"...who are we as feeble humans to try to understand the long-term repercussions of our actions decades later, centuries later? It just seems very difficult, right?"
"Through trial and error, observation and measurement, they would bring about fundamental changes in the human understanding of the world."
"We live inside a field of intelligence, but it's an intelligence we don't understand, because it's different from human intelligence."
"His ambition is to better understand human beings through science so that we can put an end to war entirely and create a more peaceful and cooperative society."
"I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."
"I understand humans and I understand trauma, I understand pain, I understand how we take that into a relationship."
"This new science of the mind is in a position to inform us not only about ourselves but also about consciousness, the basis of emotion, the nature of free will."
"The fact that people disagree only shows humans have not perfected our understanding of reality in our quest for the truth."
"It's a matter of understanding people. Human nature is quite an extraordinary thing."
"This is like a monumental event not just this century, for thousands of years maybe in the history of the earth when intelligent beings finally come to understand the way they work."
"The universe is so complicated that as creatures within it, for us to understand it, we would have to sort of transcend the universe."
"His knowledge about human nature, human memory, learning skills, as well as how to achieve results in different fields and how to achieve them in a short and effective way, is awe-inspiring."
"This changes the fabric of our understanding of what it means to be human."
"If we can decouple human value from wage labor, we'll have a much richer understanding of what it means to be human."
"The real frontier was understanding our human systems, not technology."
"I don't have to understand you; you're human, but that's so real, that's it."
"It's a very important question to answer because it will define our understanding of what's happening here on the planet."
"One of human beings' biggest failings is our failure to have empathy for people that are different from us."
"Betty Yerxa could see that if we really wanted to understand humanity, human beings, we had to understand what they did every day, and we had to study it scientifically."
"We've replaced the guard with technology, and I really hope that all of us can collectively seek a greater understanding about the human life."
"God has put eternity in their hearts, but man cannot discover the work God has done from beginning to end."
"All I'm really trying to advocate for here is a little bit more compassion when it comes to letting people make mistakes."
"...if we were to understand humans the way we understand natural phenomena, we should be able to predict their activity."
"I'm excited about the ability for LLMs to shine light on human cognition in general."
"You don't need a super deep understanding of what humans want in order to avoid catastrophically bad outcomes."
"To enrich man's understanding of his place in the universe, that's all you could do after that."
"We sort of as humans tend to understand the universe really well, which is really surprising."
"This is less than 100 years ago and it's amazing to think that even during World War One, humans did not understand the full extent of the universe."
"Then it is enriched; then, and only then, do we acquire a real knowledge of man and of human life."
"We go through life thinking we understand people, but you never really know what someone else is going through."
"My ways are not your ways. God's way of thinking is not our way of thinking."
"God knows best, and the only way that we as human beings can approach God is to know better than what we know."
"Elapsed time is too distant and too vast; it is so distant from us that it is beyond human comprehension and understanding."
"God was incomprehensible in His essence and majesty, uses means which He knows to be suitable to their weakness and simplicity to lead men to Himself."
"Our cognitive understanding of experience is always being outpaced by experience itself."
"As humans, we need to understand the Earth, how its plumbing works, how its heat is distributed, and what it does."
"The totality of the cosmos might well be beyond the ability of our human minds to grasp."
"Consciousness is a crucial aspect of human understanding."
"Animals can communicate in such a wonderful array of forms that humans struggle to understand."
"It's possible that objective morality exists and we're in the process of uncovering it."
"God gives to man knowledge according to their ability to understand."