
Prioritization Quotes

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"Behavioral tools should come first, then focus on nutrition... Then focus on supplementation and then, and only if those are failing to bring your brain and body to the state you need to be in do I recommend that people lean on prescription drugs."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I made a conscious decision to prioritize self-care by working less, improving my diet, hitting the weights, and truly focusing on my health."
"All winners understand that we only have so much energy, and if we apply that energy to things that don't actually affect us getting better, we're holding ourselves back."
"Dopamine detox essentially conserves your attention for the activities that you actually want to put it into."
"Don't waste your time on tasks that aren't even important."
"If we think it's the end of the world, we'll spend everything. If we realize it's one problem among many, we will start prioritizing just like we do with all other problems."
"Your own cup has to be full, and your priority in life should always be to make sure that you're okay."
"Every one of these rituals is going to have the same meaning. It's going to do the same thing. It's gonna say, 'We are taking a moment to check in with each other, and nothing else matter at this moment but us.'"
"I needed time out and have like properly enjoyed it, just prioritized myself, family."
"Reserve your brain power for those big, needle-moving activities."
"Brain Points. You have a certain number of Brain Points allocated to you per day. Don't waste them."
"Reserve your brain points for the most important tasks."
"You've got to value your time because that's how you get stuff done."
"Productivity is not about blasting through your to-do list and doing more, it's actually about doing less. Productivity is the ability to make progress in the things that matter to you."
"We can't possibly do everything we want to do in this life... When our values become crystal clear, we're able to focus on those few things and be very okay with that."
"Productivity is more about doing more of the right things."
"Prioritization is about doing more of the things that are truly important to you."
"Every single day, ask yourself what is the actual most important thing you want to get done that day and then make time for that thing in your calendar."
"What is the one thing where if this was the only thing I did today, it would be a win?"
"The windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror for a reason."
"Prince William is making a really interesting decision to prioritize family life."
"Focus on your happiness... Spirit is indicating that right now and in the future, it is very important that you continue to prioritize your own happiness, your own joy."
"Those days are behind me. I'm here, I'm responsible, and I'm making the restaurant a priority."
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and everything else shall be added unto you."
"Prioritize the health of your mind to such an extent that you say, 'Hey, my happiness and the happiness of the people around me is worthy of a 10-minute space in my diary.'"
"When you take the feelings out of it, and you realize that the child is the most important part of the relationship, you can do magical things."
"It's always worth slowing down to prioritize health and happiness."
"I gave myself permission to cross things off my to-do list, my projects list, and just forget about them because they were overwhelming me."
"Once I took off the other things, that gave me the time and the focus to improve the one essential thing."
"The reality was I was no good to anyone if I wasn't good to myself."
"His plate was too full, and he was giving everything in his life a C, whenever everything in his life deserved an A."
"It's essential for you to make this a priority and to take this seriously."
"Make it a priority in your life, take the time out, reduce the emotional flashbacks."
"Eliminate things that don't make you happy and focus on what does make you happy."
"The key with being efficient is you got to know where to put your power."
"Have a scarcity mindset for your time because you can never get it back."
"It's nice when you can go to the Lord and get the short list from Him of that which He wants you to focus on, that which needs your attention right here, right now, rather than being overwhelmed with the enormity of all the different responsibilities."
"Health before everything. Health, health, health, health."
"Put God first in everything, not just in finances. If you put him first in your relationship, in your day, before you wake up and scroll on Instagram, just pray, just put him first."
"In life, there's never enough time to do everything, but there's always enough time to do the important things."
"Before you start anything, ask yourself, 'What is the most valuable use of my time right now?'"
"Focus on 20% of your actions which will reap 80% of the results."
"Choose in advance what you're going to suck at. It allows you to feel ease and acceptance when that particular domain starts to drop away."
"Prioritize your ability to learn how to learn."
"We only have a limited amount of resources, so let's make sure we focus those resources on the places where we can help the most. Where we can do the most good."
"Multipliers realize that next-generation time management has much more to do with what you don't do than what you do."
"To lead is in the truest sense to serve and to lead is in the truest sense to serve those who need to be served most."
"I realized that my mental health is a priority and that cannot be the last thing on my list every single day when I wake up."
"I want to get to know her heart before her body."
"Your mental health, your emotional health, your physical health, your spiritual health is way more important than money."
"Our theology should influence our politics, but that's the order: the theology comes first, the theology overflows into the politics."
"You need to ask yourself right here, right now: What is essential for you?"
"Priority means one. If you have a priority, it means everything else is behind it."
"To live like an essentialist means understanding that if something is your priority, then everything else in your life needs to be secondary to it."
"We will always put the health and safety of Canadians first."
"If you love anything more than God, drop it. Anything that's going to threaten your eternal everlasting life with God, drop it."
"Optimizing your life for hustling and grinding is like optimizing your life around going to the bathroom. No, it's something you have to do; it's not the goal."
"Sleep is probably the thing that needs to be prioritized first."
"Recognizing what actually matters and when these events are actually going to occur is important to seeking out victories."
"The privacy of our users and their data is of utmost importance to us."
"Prioritization is one of those things where sometimes it's so easy and so obvious, but other times it's so difficult."
"If I haven't done this task by next Thursday, will I be stressed? Yes or no?"
"Prioritize what your 'more' is. Some of us are spending our whole life spending money on someone else's idea of more."
"Save your best for those you value the most."
"He doesn't just talk about decentralization, he really works really, really hard to make it happen and he puts it above making money."
"Sometimes you got to keep things in the back of your mind but on top of your heart."
"You cannot over-invest in your mental health."
"My biggest worry is whether a sponsor will throw off the flow of a video. If it will, I won't do it because I care more about the video itself."
"The primary learning from QFD includes which customer requirements are most important and where an organization should focus their efforts."
"Invest all the money in yourself first. Every penny."
"I'm writing for people like my daughter who knows that it's important, but she has other things that she'd rather do with her life than fixate on finances and investing."
"Deal with things that are important before they become urgent."
"We want to be able to really do things super well, one thing at a time."
"You're not going to get it all right, just make sure you nail the big stuff."
"Learn to put God first... any life or pursuit outside Him is vain."
"Whatever you do, just prioritize: don't lose money."
"Discipline is choosing what you want most over what you want now."
"It's genuinely not worth dwelling on the other ten percent; just get the 90 done and that's good enough."
"To love God with everything you have means to consider everything else as unimportant in comparison."
"You've only got so much time and mental energy; focus on what truly matters to you."
"Now it's time to stop and take care of yourself."
"Prioritize not just over the phone, but when you are there with them."
"The interest and safety of the Ukrainian people should be prioritized and must be at the forefront of the actions of this Council and all other international actions."
"We're just asking for some common sense here. We're asking that citizens be put first, that public safety be put first, that law and order be put first."
"The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." - Stephen Covey
"Visual beauty is often prioritized first in many people's minds, though I often find it to be the least important of the three."
"We have to be ruthless about the things that we focus on."
"Warren Buffett... adheres to a concept that I'll call the 25/5 rule."
"Keep an important things list in order of priority."
"We have to get out of this pandemic first... We cannot rebuild the economy until we get through this pandemic."
"The whole issue is an appeal to worship Christ supremely."
"All I've asked him for is a relationship, and I still can't get it. That's fine because instead of taking that energy and time and being upset and angry with him, I'm charging it to the game and giving that time and energy to my son and his mom."
"Do you want to be the moral person that said, 'I want to save the world from climate change,' or are you actually going to be a person who says, 'No, I actually think saving people's lives is a little more important'?"
"Wealthy people are prioritizing actually becoming rich."
"We need to prioritize where deferred maintenance has gotten to be a huge problem and address that."
"You can have it all, just not all at the same time."
"President Trump has no higher priority than the health, safety, and well-being of the American people."
"It's not a question of expensive or cheap, but a question of survival."
"Sit back and ask yourself what are the 20% of activities that I do that produce the most significant results."
"There is no problem to be solved that's more important than a person to be loved. People are always more important than programs and procedures."
"Rearrange your time, your life, your priorities, and your values, and you can double your income."
"Many of us do a great job taking care of our loved ones yet find it selfish to take care of ourselves. Here's your reminder that you deserve the same love and care that you give to others."
"Prioritizing well enough to actually improve your life requires that you follow some sort of prioritization method or a framework and stick to it regularly."
"So that I begin my day on my knees. I want that to become a habit, a part of my routine, so that when I wake up, I put God first."
"You need a hierarchy of values; there's got to be something at the top, it's got to be something important."
"Don't lose the forest among the trees. There's so much you can do in terms of SEO, but we want to make sure you get the most important things first."
"You have to set aside things like their pride and their ego and put the other person first."
"Sleep would be a lighthouse that it's just non-negotiable."
"My hope is that the changing climate around cybersecurity will force folks to realize this and to in fact prioritize cybersecurity."
"Most people tend to major in minor things and they're just simply not willing to pay the price and to do the work because they allow their fears, their irrational fears, to overwhelm them."
"We need to put kids in a place of absolute protection. They should be the first and last thing we think about when we are devising any kind of policy."
"Our ambition in the vaccine rollout program should be to vaccinate firstly those who are most at risk of serious disease and death."
"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; love your neighbor as yourself, and don't worry about the rest."
"Eat the frog. If it is your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."
"Just a reminder to try to keep it simple and prioritize as much as you can."
"The opportunity cost of keeping up-to-date on everything all the time is that you deprive yourself of the ability to think deeply about what's most important."
"In life, you can't be perfect to everything. You have to pick and choose your battles."
"He is a reliable source of advice and support. He will regularly put your needs ahead of his."
"It's better to have two pieces that are really good than 10 that are average."
"Make yourself non-negotiable. You're going to take care of yourself this year if I have to pound it into your head."
"The most important thing that's happening in your life right now is that you are alive, nothing else."
"She that brings the most peace gets the most time."
"The most important key to success is to start and complete one important task first thing in the morning."
"The antidote... is the disciplined pursuit of less, but better."
"Every time you say yes to someone else, you are saying no to yourself and to your own priorities."
"The woke mind virus is either defeated or nothing else matters."
"We should implement prioritized testing for three specific groups: nursing home workers, health care workers and first responders, and patients in hospitals with respiratory symptoms or fever."
"The want to address your own trauma and your own sins and your own way of life has to become a precedence first."
"You're not mature until someone else is more important than you."
"You are the most important person in your life. Don't let anybody else matter more than yourself."
"There's two games here: there's trying to get the best deck chairs on the Titanic, and there's trying to rescue the ship."
"Never assume that she is not the most important thing to me. Never assume it."
"It's during autopilot moments that prioritizing mental health becomes even more crucial."
"Football, there is... it's not so important like the most important thing is health."
"If someone sends you a message, it can wait. But if the universe sends you a message, you don't want to miss it."
"Get down off the cross, honey. Somebody else needs the wood."
"We don't have infinite money; we don't have resources to just throw at everything. We really need to ask ourselves where can we do the most good."
"Let's elevate and prioritize family reunification and being able to keep these families together."
"Focus on what you want to keep instead of focusing on what you want to get rid of."
"Decluttering is not just about getting rid of stuff; it's about creating room for what truly matters."
"We must put Yah first in our life. We must make Him our priority."
"The biggest lesson for me would be, it's important to make sure that what you've got is working before you add something new."
"The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything."
"The Matrix Resurrections is a labor of love first, and a movie second."
"The main thing is to be hyper-selective, only focus or try to learn or memorize vocabulary or phrases that you consider life or death, and then get back to reading."
"We're doing our damnedest to do the most important things, and that means saving lives."
"What do you love to do? And if there are things that you do not love to do, it's time to cut those away."
"Use prayer as a first defense and not as a last resort."
"Don't think of money first, money comes later."
"We really have to get out of that mindset that American lives come first."
"Let's pick one thing and get that done. What I'd like that to be is stable coins because as a payment system right now, it would be very, very productive."
"The religious way of life prioritizes the rights of others before their own rights."
"Embracing mediocrity in certain things in our life is necessary because time is finite."
"Everything in your life is worth turning upside down to be able to seek the kingdom."
"More important than the work of the Lord is the Lord of the work."
"It's the number two solution to climate change."
"Focus is a superpower, and you need to learn to keep the main thing the main thing... If you don't sacrifice for your goal, your goal will become the sacrifice."
"Rest and relaxation is essential. So don't feel guilty if you have to take that sick day, don't feel guilty if you have to call out of that social obligation."
"Ideally, we'd have some system where we could all put in the different topics we think are useful for everyone and useful for the most in-demand jobs, contrast it with studies showing the amount of time optimally that a kid can spend learning without destroying their mental or physical health, and use that to prioritize with scientific evidence which lessons should be taught."
"Just prioritize it... unless you intentionally take actions to set up a robust recovery plan, this could negatively affect you in psychological and behavioral and relational ways for the rest of your life."
"Walking with Jesus Christ is above absolutely everything else."
"When we prioritize Allah... we are in fact choosing ourselves. Worshiping Allah allows us to prioritize our ultimate purpose and who we truly are at our core."
"If you spend more time doing the do's, you won't have time to do the don'ts."
"Maybe you've been putting off spiritual things in your life...everything else in your life should be put off until you deal with the spiritual things of your life and get your heart and your life right with God."
"Who has the time? Makeup Ariel has the time."
"I will always make my best effort to make sure I never cross that, because I am a doctor first, well, I'm a human first, but I'm a doctor second, and that's what's most important to me."
"Identify what's necessary and eliminate the rest."
"Choose your priorities and eliminate all distractions."
"It's more important than ever that we take a step back from all this craziness and keep our relationships with God strong and intact."
"We have so many more important things to be dealing with."
"You've got to put yourself first. You've got to put your mission first."
"We have to do whatever we have to do. The priorities are life and safety, and then the economy."
"Let's take out the little ones first, of course."
"Black love is a celebration and a prioritizing of black people in a world where the exact opposite is the norm."
"You focus first things first on making a good product."
"That's why you always look for captures first."
"Good things happen when you centralize your pieces and make it a priority to play through the center."
"The best way to squeeze something into your schedule is to know what's important to you."
"The self-taught route is going to be in first place here."
"If my house is in complete chaos and my kids can't eat, how dare you tell me that it's wrong to want to care for my own first?"
"If my house is burning I don't want to hear about fire prevention, let's put out the fire."
"While we acknowledge Oz is a threat whitefang is by far the biggest threat so we are to focus on them."
"We have a lifetime to clean your house and so if it's not perfect that's okay."
"Human beings have two sets of problems and the most important thing to conquer first is the money problem."
"There's nothing I love more than when people prioritize their health and well-being."
"Do things that are not urgent but important as soon as possible."
"The vaccine will be distributed to front-line workers, the elderly, and high-risk Americans immediately."
"Firepower became the single greatest priority followed by protection and then speed in a distant third... that made sense."
"The Eisenhower Matrix: Urgent, important - do it now. Not urgent, important - plan it. Urgent, not important - delegate it. Not urgent, not important - eliminate it."
"Can't you know if your house is on fire you don't go putting new windows until you've put the fire out."
"Signaling like I said is going to be one of the most important survival priorities."
"God says, 'I want to be the lover of your soul, the center of your heart.'"
"Protect your mental health at all costs... it's number one priority."
"Your power lies in your ability to focus on doing what is important."
"Remind yourself that you don't have to have all the details, with a solid vision and long-term goals, you can weed out the essentials from the non-essentials."
"You can't do everything at once, you have to prioritize."
"Make a decision about something that you've been juggling."
"The proper methodology is never to go first to the hadith, always go first to the Quran."
"You need to worry about yourself right now and you have to learn how to become a little bit more selfish with your time your energy your money your whatever in order for you to kind of like adjust to like a healthier version of yourself."
"The real measure of any time management technique is whether or not it helps you neglect the right things."