
Life Strategy Quotes

There are 405 quotes

"Being able to take a step back, detach, and see the bigger picture to me is the true superpower of life."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The slight edge...helped me understand the importance of marginal gains and the tiny things in life and how they're compounding for or against you invisibly in every aspect of your life."
"We live in a world where everything is based on frequency...if you can tap into how this stuff works, it can give you an enormous advantage in creating the life that you want."
"Connection and balance. You have those two things, you win."
"In the game of life, sometimes the best strategy is simply to keep playing."
"So cross your river one rock at a time, but do it with a naive optimism that it's all going to work out."
"The secret to longevity is to keep the game going."
"The key to success in life is aligning your priorities appropriately."
"The further you get in life, the more defense is important."
"You have to identify what you're great at doing and stop trying to play life at the things that you're mediocre at doing."
"Approaching financial decisions with a balance of expected value and expected utility can lead to more holistic and satisfying outcomes."
"There's no better strategy for life... than to be a good person."
"We should perform a kind of triage in which we distinguish between things we have no control over, things we have complete control over, and things we have some but not complete control over."
"There is an incredible advantage in life for those who can separate past and future, who can recognize sunk costs and walk away."
"The best way to get out of a bad situation is not to be there in the first place."
"Avoid what you need to avoid; apply what you need to apply."
"It's better to work with reality, generally, than to manipulate it cause it tends to hit back."
"Gratefulness is a tactic to win the war of life."
"I've decided to just dial it up for the last 20 years of my life."
"Anything can happen if you set your mind to it, but you gotta move low key in this life."
"If you can't remember anything, remember this: that prayer is your life strategy."
"Life is the sort of game where, like, the earlier you start, the better off it is. There's kind of a snowball effect to life."
"You have to play to your strengths. That's what it means to be who you are. Accept that you're playing life with a handicap; you can still win."
"We will minimize the bad and maximize the good."
"Being dedicated to ruthless, permanent, always-on honesty is a pretty dangerous strategy in life."
"Business and life are not about how able you are to regurgitate information but instead connect the dots in the real world and find ways to build your life on top of that."
"The only way to bring about a better world is to play on hard mode."
"Life is not like that; you can just make the best move at every step of the way."
"If you're not going anywhere in life, it may not be that your ambition is too low; it could be that your energy is being spent in too many different places."
"You are a little bit more mature, you have a little bit more experience, but you're still young enough to apply some of these financial strategies that will make a huge difference in your financial life."
"Life is like chess; it's not like a linear game."
"You should work smarter, not harder, in every area of your life."
"Life is a game of balancing the battles we choose to fight."
"Understanding the value of not doing something short term that might be damaging to the long-term gratification is when you're onto a winner."
"A lot more success can be found in life by avoiding ruin than by chasing success."
"Happiness requires cultivation, long-term cultivation."
"You cannot focus on thriving if all you trying to do is survive."
"Take time to explore things, try a lot of things, trust your intuitions, pursue things as cheaply and quickly as possible, then be honest about what's working."
"I'm trying to play to my strengths... we all have strengths and weaknesses in life." - Phil Hellmuth
"You have to pick your battles in life, right? It's like this open world game and there's some bosses on the map that are just... you can spend a lifetime fighting for."
"Avoiding regret by lowering expectations about the results of decisions."
"Faith in God and a sense of humor, they're a dynamic duo in life."
"Intentional is a marathon, intensity is a sprint. It changes everything."
"Life is a game where you set a goal and arrange your actions. Responsibility gives meaning to the game."
"It meant really focusing on what's good for me, how do I live the best life that I could live for the rest of my life."
"Step one is just make a life and not die. I'll gauge the interest for the series on this channel if you do enjoy this be sure to like and comment down below."
"What doesn't work is just avoiding the whole thing and trying to get to the end of your life without more trouble."
"You have to adapt, adapt right. Yes, you have to, there's really no other option really."
"Life is a game, the only way to win it is to polar DF and marry as many people as possible."
"Renunciation is fundamental to escape the logic of the zero-sum game."
"By making the pursuit of meaning one's default mode of operation, you will be effectively and perfectly shielded against the suffering of life."
"When we assume that being right now in this moment, then the actions that we need to take to get there, the doing follows."
"We want to minimize the weakness so the enemy can't capitalize on it and that's in many areas of life."
"Sometimes you just have to... keep it simple, stupid."
"Keeping things simple allowed me to be flexible."
"Life is about adjustments, risks, and growing."
"It's The Game of Life you know if if you put the work in you're gonna win get out what you put in you know."
"Regret minimization framework: minimize the number of regrets."
"Leave room for error... both physically and emotionally."
"See the good, see the bad, hope for the best, prepare for the worst." - Grant Sykes
"There's that saying, 'It's not about what you have, it's what you decide to do with what you've got.'"
"Thank you all for watching all the way through to the end."
"So is game theory a tool for us to hack our lives? To get what we want when we want? Or should we be cautious of how the games we play can change us to the core."
"The secret to success in life is finding and staying under authority."
"Knowledge is what gives us leverage in life."
"You gotta sacrifice something, you know? Faith, obedience, and sacrifice, that's the name of the game."
"Life is about domino effects; what do you do with them?"
"It's almost like you're playing a very strategic game."
"Make your mission your goal and not women your goal."
"We need to strike a balance between order and chaos to get through this."
"If you consider asking for what you want to be begging, you're gonna be the one who ends up going through life not asking for what you want."
"Start with authenticity, then build everything else in your life around that."
"Everything I do is for a reason, with purpose."
"Live like no one else today so that you can live and give like no one else tomorrow."
"The bigger picture all comes together the better that you handle the day-to-day."
"Learn the setup of life to avoid getting hurt and to benefit."
"80% of the game in life is mental, 20% physical."
"It's not just about getting to a certain goal but also about how to realistically maintain it for life."
"The whole trick is to try to ride the waves as they come."
"I just learn in life like it's best not to share your plans so people don't [__] with you."
"Understand what you're optimizing for in your life."
"It's very difficult to improve your life generally, it is much easier to improve specifically."
"Like a lot of things in life, you just gotta move from one thing to the next."
"I fell in love with this concept of picking your battles and your reason to fight."
"Consistency and being deliberate about resting, that's the bulk of everything in life."
"So take risks take risks and do things right."
"The best revenge is to cut them off and live a good life."
"I would never tell anybody to settle, but deal in the world as it is. Ballast yourself with reality and then do what you like."
"Sacrifice, hustle, pay the price. Wanna slice? Grinding all my life."
"It's about knowing what you want, getting what you want, and keeping what you want."
"If you have a cheat code in life, take the cheat code."
"Chasing excellence is a far more fulfilling long-term strategy."
"Standards put you in position... Not having standards takes you out of position and prolongs the process."
"Some of us have the cheat codes in this game called life—your ancestors are your lifeline."
"Patience, patience, patience... it's a marathon."
"Everything I do is based on the goal that I have in my mind."
"Happiness leads to success, rather than success leading to happiness."
"Are you making decisions now to enjoy the future?"
"This is something that is more powerful than the way you've been going about creating what you want in life."
"To have a 20-year plan or a 30-year plan is not really that long."
"An unbreakable life requires unbreakable focus."
"Being adaptable and embracing change is crucial in a constantly evolving world."
"It all comes down to choice. It all comes down to how we use those 24 hours."
"You gotta have mistakes in your life for you to be able to make the right moves."
"It's very easy to see the game being played and get really good at playing the game."
"Take control of your time and you will control all of it."
"We don't have to resign ourselves to becoming tragedies."
"You don't get what you want, you don't get what you dream about, you're going to get what you negotiate for."
"You gotta operate in probabilities, not possibilities."
"When we can marry the three p's of our passion, our power, and the problem we're looking to solve, that's the exploratory phase."
"Dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations."
"Being successful in life really comes down to being consistent."
"Success is the knowledge to get whatever you want from life without violating the rights of others."
"Anytime we can copy mother nature's habits, we will not go wrong."
"Investing in yourself and investing in life. It's all the same, it's all investment."
"Do it big, you know, try to go as far as you can. But you know you have your window, you know? When you're past that window, take your money, take your chip and get the hell out of here."
"Focus more on the long term than short term immediate gratification."
"In life you just gotta be smart and go where the next thing is."
"Deep divers produce, produce, produce. That's how to win big in life."
"Balance is how to win big in life. Work-life balance."
"Go after your freedom and set your son up to win."
"You're still growing, you're still tracking in the right direction, you just need to revise and adjust based on your life experiences."
"At the end of the day, the fewer people you're competing with, the easier things are for you."
"You prepare for suffering by living a blameless life."
"People use experiences like ours as excuses not to win, but if you utilize those disadvantages as unfair advantages, then you win big in life."
"While we're alive, we gotta hit licks. You can't sit still. You gotta hit licks in life, man."
"Things are about balance; it's not an either/or proposition, it's a both and."
"What works for you may not work for the next guy."
"It's amazing what happens when you stop running and start sprinting."
"Most people never win the game of Life because they don't know the purpose of the game."
"You get to pick and choose what you want to apply to your life."
"We need to be playing chess and not Checkers."
"I like to design my life, so legitimate I win, illegitimate I still win even more."
"Successful life requires sacrifices, being focused, determined, and disciplined."
"If you jack spare your way through life and tell yourself it's going to work, it's going to work."
"Money is now just a tool that gets you time."
"It's like life, you know? If you just play fair and square, that would've actually been the best option."
"Find out who you are. Lay out a strategy. Sharpen yourself up."
"Your why helps you attract into your life the how."
"It's your turn to play the odds and break the curse of random."
"You want to speak positivity into your life."
"The secret to life is the law of attraction. Once you learn how to use it, you can basically get whatever you want."
"Conquer or be conquered, that's the code fighters live by."
"Changing states saves you the heartache, worry, and fear."
"Every year for me gets better like one after the other it's it's uphill for me because I've built my life in a way that it's anti-fragile."
"How can you make your life feel like GTA? The answer is simple: learn how to control your mind."
"You can play life like an RPG... and people who are interested in playing that game with me are my company."
"Have patience, patience is your greatest asset."
"Structure your life so that you succeed where others fail."
"Avoiding an emotion of shame is not a good strategy to live a fulfilling life."
"Pick your battles wisely; not everyone can go where you're going."
"You're playing the long game, you know, I mean, this is your life."
"All of those things that cause personal stress are usually because we're playing by the wrong rules for the game we're in."
"Be your main character in your game of life."
"All you have to do is progressive overload, which means to work harder than last time in everything you want in life."
"Discipline, profits, and investments will crush life in general."
"You know you gotta pick and choose your battles."
"Everything has a pattern behind it. If you can begin to learn what the most functional patterns are, you can craft your life into anything and then sky's the limit."
"Walking like Jesus means more than being nice. It means being strategic and living life with a plan."
"You must have a plan for your pain. Pain is not permission to quit."
"Patience and planning ahead are keys to building strong foundations in your life."
"Women do not make that kind of grand strategy call for their life in general... but they should."
"Being unbothered can be adopted in all aspects of life."
"Know what you're doing and know where you're going and have a plan to get there."
"Running will only get you so far and some battles need fighting."
"So now, the five moves that I apply in every aspect of my life... it doesn't matter what I'm doing... first, have fun with the five areas you gotta master."
"So much of being successful in life is getting out of your own way."
"A lot of you are going to be taking a bold approach to life in the coming months."
"Time is your asset. You cannot produce more of that."
"It's risky... a lot of the successful people in life have risks associated with what they do."
"You can't die on every hill you come to; sometimes you have to pick your battles in life."
"She changed her whole life, she turned into a whole evangelist to get her football player."
"The only way to answer your critics in anything in life is through action."
"Details are probably the most important thing in business, work, sports, art, and life in general."
"Knowledge and connections is the currency that you should be obsessed with at this point in your life."
"Prepare for the worst and hope for the best... that's how I try to look at things... balance."
"It's not like it just magically happens. You have to be willing to like be a psychopath to get what you want in this life."
"If you want something that truly lasts and feels good, slow and steady will almost always win the race."
"How strong is your stance on non-essential issues? Major in the major, minor in the minors."
"Life isn't a game; it's a set of games. Never sacrifice Victory across the set of games for victory in one game."
"Be deliberate about what you're doing and why."
"Facts and realities will help you get what you want in life."
"She helps you to feel like a queen in your own world to stand up for yourself and to know how to play the game of life."
"Words of motivation: plan, execute, adjust, repeat."
"You should not focus on what you don't want or what you want to avoid in life."
"I apply red pill principles to my life and my marriage."
"Literally whatever makes you happiest, so you just wake up and grind, that's the best investment."
"It's chess, man. You gotta learn how to make moves."
"I'm trying to be strategic I'm not normally very strategic with things do the things you like least first."
"The cheat code is the earlier you do it, the better it is for your whole life."
"You gotta be different, gotta make your own way."
"Align your desires, thoughts, and actions with God's will."
"Do what works 80% of the time, experiment 20% of the time."
"The only way to escape the despair-ridden burden of boredom is to choose new goals and again to assume the delusional conviction that their attainment will bring us lasting happiness."
"It's better to be at the right place at the right time, to be lucky than it is to be smart or good."
"Turns out living every day like it’s your last isn’t great financial advice."
"Pure grit, pure determination, pure listen - we either run towards pleasure or run away from pain."
"Maintain maximum freedom for the longest period possible."
"The challenge lies in making the most out of what you're given."
"Stop sacrificing the future for the present when the present isn’t that good."