
Policy Impact Quotes

There are 328 quotes

"Instead of telling vets that they were eligible for the program, we simply reminded them that they had earned it through their years of service. And that one word change led to a 9% increase in access to the benefit."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The American Rescue Plan has helped the economy get back on its feet."
"Once the inflation genie is out of the bottle, it's not going back in."
"You took a state that was functionally a democracy desert and turned it into a democracy, and now in that democracy, we can win and pass policies that make a difference in people's lives."
"It's not necessarily about tax cuts or anything like that; it's about culture."
"Loosening restrictions will get people infected if not done properly."
"The important thing for me is for people to recognize what changed in the region, what enabled the potential breakthrough so that policymakers will continue it. It wasn't luck."
"I'm proud of all the policies that we have introduced that have been improving people's lives." - Prime Minister
"Policy makes a difference. It makes a large difference."
"the Biden policies leave us defenseless and vulnerable in ways that I would have thought were unimaginable"
"Surges tend to respond to hope, and there was significant hope for a more humane policy after four years of pent up demand."
"This sweeping shift in the role of government in people's lives is not just some kind of incremental thing."
"The Student Union body was a very powerful body. It was too powerful and they were known for one thing: their voices."
"A UBI would have a stimulating effect on the economy."
"This would lift families out of poverty. The estimates are that it would reduce child poverty in the United States by 54 percent."
"The seemingly magical process that made the world economy do this wasn't actually thanks to technology, it was thanks to humans' most amazing invention: policy words on a page that establish rules that countries promise to obey."
"It's not that those policies are inherently popular or inherently wonderful, people aren't resonating to the policies, they're resonating to the notion put forward by the radicals that a change in policy will occasion a change in the spirit of man."
"Their agenda to me is the most self-destructive economic agenda that I've ever seen for this country."
"The crisis here ultimately is about the deliberate chaos and human suffering at the border."
"The idea of the oversight board is that over time, the decisions that the oversight board arrives at will create precedents which we will then have to absorb into our policies and reflect in our ongoing content decisions."
"There is life and livelihood and that balance."
"It's the cartels. Let me say that one more time. There's one group benefiting from the policies of the Biden Administration: it is the cartels."
"Ronald Reagan broadly speaking cut taxes and rolled back regulations, and the economy boomed."
"It's always the right approach to highlight harm... Just show the harm that is being caused by the bad ideas, the bad policies, the bad ideologies or causes that people are supporting."
"It's not yet universal health care, although we've gotten 20 million people health care."
"I'm not gonna be able to roll them back really, because I'll be dealing with 2/3 of the legislature. What I can do is stop bad stuff."
"You get what you pay for, and if you pay people to stay at home, they'll do that."
"The burden of standardizing testing which back in my days as governor I remember takes a number of days and sometimes up to a week to administer is not going to be placed on schools."
"America only succeeds when Joe Biden's policies fail."
"Restoration is going to inherently be discriminatory, but not all discrimination is bad."
"The crucial thing is timeliness. Our interventions should be timely to have the maximum effect."
"Republicans have no policy to help young people, they're literally trying to take away our rights."
"Who stops Biden? Who stops the bad policy that affects me and my family and you?"
"This could have been done for almost 20 years and it hasn't been done, so you're the one that got it done. So, Mr. President, thank you, thank you very much."
"The announcement we were supposed to be getting yesterday, no announcement is good news for the low income and fixed income."
"The approximate cause of this crisis are the policies of the Biden Administration."
"I think the popularity of a policy that helps tens of millions of people not live in poverty is a very good way of determining how valuable something is in a Democratic Society."
"Excessively strong intellectual property rights may result in a slower pace of innovation."
"When we Center our politics and our policy wins around the voter making the voter the hero they feel empowered to vote."
"These type of things are very real proposals that can now pass because the democrats are in power."
"Remember two years ago when you banned all these people? How did that work for you?"
"It's really important to vote for those local politicians who are mitigating policy in your backyard."
"Life will be materially improved... for millions of Americans who have hearing loss."
"In terms of its effect on policy ranging from social policy to war I think it's been mostly negative in fact often extremely negative."
"We saved thousands of lives with the early ban, despite opposition."
"Sympathy and crappy policy matter a lot more than sympathy and good policy."
"I mean, those child tax credits, my hope is that they will because, again, I think this is transformative."
"Tesla will be by far the biggest beneficiary of the new proposed EV tax credits."
"A kingdom voter votes for the person and the policies that will best advance the Kingdom of God."
"Governor Tim Waltz showcased how Democrats can lead with compassion, intelligence, and championing freedom."
"Some leaders are saying it would make Californians less safe and encourage criminals to be bolder."
"This battle is much bigger than who gets to decide the next tax rate on the top bracket in the United States."
"Under a single-payer system, all the time spent on health insurance companies or out-of-pocket expenses is eliminated."
"You couldn't be kicked off because you had a pre-existing condition, that has saved so many American lives."
"We need to talk about our policies from a perspective of how they will impact black people and black women."
"Career politicians promise to defend the workers of Ohio and then they went to Washington and voted for the same globalist policies that devastated your communities and chipped away your jobs."
"My personal take is that it's going to get restricted in some way at first, but over time, it will get banned completely."
"Democrats hate working people so much they'd rather lose political power than enact a single popular policy that helps us."
"The government is not the only thing that can make you unfree... sometimes that means government getting out of the way."
"After implementing the Mandate by late October, that number had more than doubled."
"The average voter's opinion has almost no relevance to whether or not that position gets implemented in policy."
"If joe biden drops student debt end of story there's a movement that would support him no matter what whether you like him whether you hate him or you like some of his policies."
"By cutting red tape and unleashing America's medical genius, we've reduced the fatality rate 85% since April."
"Hillary Clinton has been there for 30 years and delivered nothing but failure look at her record she's got experience but it's bad experience her policies have brought death and destruction overseas and poverty at home."
"Vaccine mandates make a lot of people mad, but they save lives."
"New Orleans saw a crime increase after cutting police funding."
"Each of those accomplishments can be tied either directly to new policies or at least indirectly through a brimming sense of hope from businesses that the White House is back on their side."
"A $15 minimum wage will not help, we believe."
"We're invested in the idea of not being black in America without policy."
"We need to build our economy back better than ever, and the Department of Transportation can play a central role in this."
"Australia's gun debate informed by history, landscape, and legacy intensified by growing urban-rural divide and the technology's ruthless efficiency was at an impasse."
"The Radical Democrats assault on American freedom and American citizenship will now end."
"I think Trump should run on the open borders and inflation."
"When you take a step back and look at the collective grace group of policies he has implemented, what I think you're going to see is that it has been monumental."
"Childhood masking and children restrictions are inflicting more harm to children in exchange for less harm to adults."
"The ban is hurting hundreds of thousands of people."
"Policies compensate for deficiencies or multiply advantages."
"The world should not ignore the impact of these policy changes."
"Thanks to Gandhi’s reforms, India, normally beset by periodic famines, became an exporter of surplus rice and wheat."
"The optimism dropping by more than twenty points just since May. What's the cause? The cause of that drop or democratic policies being enacted by winning the White House in the senate."
"Medicare for all will save the average American family thousands of dollars a year."
"22 million lives hang in the balance of people who rely on this."
"More reasons to hope student debt relief when he was contemplating it every elitist came out everyone in the establishment came out and said don't do it if you do it the sky will fall."
"The most dangerous aspect of the Biden platform is the attack on public safety."
"The technology of digital currency creates counter incentives for harmful monetary policies."
"There is no worse policy to get wrong than energy."
"Facts do matter when we're talking about politics."
"Removing gunpowder has too broad (and I mean, very broad) effects on how warfare is waged."
"We're the 5% of the population that can actually have a direct effect upon the policies."
"They'll come a time when somebody will get in office unfortunately who will undo what president Trump has done."
"Policy does matter like the way that you address crime in terms of the law and actual you know the way that cops behave it is going to affect the amount of crime in your city."
"The largest threat they see by far to our current military is the weakening of its fabric by radical Progressive or woke policies."
"The Canucks have moved down in the NHL draft due to the new lottery rules."
"I outright reject the Biden administration's defense of the embargo it is never acceptable for us to use cruelty as a point of leverage against everyday people."
"Bad optics, bad media leads to bad policy often."
"Joe Biden came to Michigan to pose for photos at the picket line, but it's his policies that send Michigan Auto Workers to the unemployment line."
"The supreme court left in place lower court rulings that found the policy unconstitutional."
"People who voted against Trump were more likely to now be penalized by this new cap."
"What's going to grow America more, what's going to help you and your security more?"
"The more successful we are, the more effective we are both in delivering for our own people and demonstrating that our policies work."
"Vladimir Putin's decision to partially mobilize announced earlier had prompted many Russian citizens to leave the country."
"It's about incentives. When you tell people that you can come into the United States, they're going to believe you."
"Spending that goes beyond just maintaining the status quo and actually helps people."
"But even more important to many shell-shocked residents of the city, Klitschko removed the temporary ban on liquor sales - so everyone could celebrate their victory!"
"I think actions speak louder than words. He only delivered that speech quite recently and there has been no kind of government policy shift since then."
"Solar was 10 times the cost of normal power from a gas plant or something. But over the last decade, due to supportive policies, alternative energy technologies are now cheap and mainstream."
"So being more mild, being more moderate and still seeing that you can make things work because an ace is an ace no matter what right."
"You do universal pre-K, you do free child care. If you want to support working-class families, these measures would be enormous."
"The gun amnesty was pretty much immediate... You would expect the results to be immediate."
"A life hangs in the balance, all because of an immigration policy change."
"Universal policies will disproportionately help those who have been disproportionately harmed."
"The Real Plan sought to completely transform the reality of the Brazilian economy."
"These lunatics will keep pushing policy that will keep making things worse."
"If he's backed by a supportive Congress, he'll achieve an even more substantial policy legacy."
"Prescription drug costs are very resonant with the American people, and that is why addressing prescription drugs and lowering prescription drug costs is a key part of the inflation reduction act."
"Universal basic income gets the boot off of people's throats."
"The wall is having a tremendous impact on drugs coming into our country."
"It's not a question about helping the insurance company what it's about is creating a market where people are going to want to do business in Florida at all."
"Stuff like Economic Policy like it matters border policy matters International policy matters all of this stuff it really really really tax policy thank you very much it matters so all this stuff matters."
"It could have been a light new deal, do you understand? Like this could have been regarded as potential new deal of our generation."
"Trust can be built through representation that looks like the community and through substantive policy gains."
"We have to acknowledge the fact that this was a deliberate policy decision that was made and it's resulted in these numbers that are just overwhelming for the people."
"Tens of thousands of self-driving cars off the streets."
"Manchester's veto allowed America to dodge a serious bullet. The Build Back Better bill is dead." - Republican Representative Dan Crenshaw
"It's very difficult for me to think of any [race-based policies] that have helped more than they hurt."
"Yeah, let's talk about some of the good things like Congress pass the chip sack and then Biden also did made his executive order that's very limited."
"An eviction moratorium is the difference between life and death for us all."
"Consumer protections often end up hurting the very people they're meant to help."
"We have to support a candidate who is pushing for policies that will help our people disproportionately."
"Anytime you intervene in a market, you inevitably make the situation worse."
"We applaud Governor DeSantis for taking action based on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Commission report."
"Critical to ending the border crisis is removing all incentives for smuggling women and children."
"These changes are going to ensure access to affordable coverage for millions more Americans and help more people with diabetes get coverage they desperately need."
"The establishment of this board will significantly impact Americans' free speech and rights."
"Janet Yellen: Inflation is likely to be with us until the second half of next year."
"No matter what you do, they're still gonna be more violent. So no matter the policy you change, it won't happen instantly."
"Until you change the culture, that's when you can stop doing the stop-and-frisk. But because it doesn't happen overnight, right?"
"Thanks to the American Rescue Plan and I would also say the hard work and grit and innovation of Americans, the unemployment rate has dropped to just 3.9 percent which is really a remarkable and historic recovery from the beginning of the pandemic."
"Bob Ross was in the military before Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed so there's no way he's trans."
"Not only for middle-class Americans, but also across demographic groups."
"The left seems so adamantly opposed to the policies that have delivered us a 4.2 percent GDP rate."
"Joe Biden has made the problem worse...Joe Biden changed all this and now it's getting bad again. That's his fault."
"Some people have said that this inflation move by the fed is the worst call in the history of the federal reserve bank."
"When people know what you stand for, and you stand for policies that actually will improve working-class lives, you'll get the loyalty."
"All these liberal programs are going away forever."
"ANC have begun to realize that we were put under sanctions by the financial system knowing that we've got a very strong state-owned economy."
"Even if landlords eventually get government cash, they may forever be less willing to rent to low-income people at low prices because of the way they were treated by government policies."
"You may bring down the inflation but then, you know, you will have dead industries." - Dr. Subramanian Swamy
"Some states have unique approaches and others are making it worse by sort of encouraging it."
"The fact is between quantitative tightening and raising rates, the mortgage Market in particular is going to be huge pressure on them."
"Policy matters, the impact of policy, that's what it is."
"It's mind-blowing because if they implement this it's gonna make Republicans dominate."
"We should not underestimate the power of vaccine mandates."
"The actual legislation is really transformative on climate."
"Trump wins on taxes, courts, and social issues."
"Overall healthcare spending would be lower under single-payer."
"The dirty little secret about gun control is the more that they push and the harder that they try, the more things that get ruled unconstitutional."
"The pledge reflects the president's commitment to ensuring inclusive economic growth."
"This is actually a good moment because now everybody gets to see what the logical progression of these kind of policies and this kind of culture is."
"The Obamacare Act was a huge success and we've been making great progress because of that."
"There is hope that the committee's warning on China's influence will have an impact in future policies." - Narrator
"They're enticed a whole bunch of people to take a harrowing journey that they're going to be abused."
"If we had fixed this problem after Sandy Hook, I guarantee you there would be thousands of kids still alive today."
"It's to prove this political point, that gun control doesn't mean what it meant in 1994."
"Politicians said legalizing marijuana would cut crime. And it has cut crime."
"The Latino vote will not be the same if this issue is not resolved."
"They'll remove the asset limit, add inflationary benchmark, remove the income exclusion, and remove the marriage penalty."
"It is one thing to pursue good policy that happens to trigger people on the left, it is another thing simply to trigger them and then assume that you have done something good."
"When we go to this chamber every day, we have an opportunity to stand up for policies that help middle class families put food on the table."
"The Federal Reserve's decision to return this unused CARES Act funds to the Treasury, making it all but impossible for Janet Yellen to access this money."
"Unemployment benefits are expiring for over 7.5 million Americans."
"Trump took a major geopolitical flashpoint that had been contained and blew it wide open."
"Their constituents kinda think, 'Oh no, they're trying to do good.' I'm kinda past the point where I think that their motives are good because they're doing so much damage."
"Banning something does not make things better... the problem actually gets worse not better."
"The statistics show that more lives are saved due to guns being in the picture rather than guns being taken away."
"When we feel a shock wave from FED policy, oftentimes the rest of the world feels that shock wave."
"Build Back Better will cut premiums for more than nine million Americans by an average of six hundred dollars per person."
"Until further clarity from the Fed and until the market makes up its mind on which theme it wants to follow, all of these moves, be it up or down, cannot be trusted."
"You don't want to answer to facts and truths and people who are suffering because of your policies." - Kim
"Legislation can be justified if it has positive outcomes on the world."
"A bipartisan action on something substantial... major prison reform."
"In states where restrictions were generally relaxed much earlier, they are now experiencing wild increases in case numbers and deaths."
"Governor Abbott blames on President Biden's administration and its policies."
"The vaccine is going a huge way towards reducing transmission and enabling much less rigorous control measures."
"Labour can mark a break in time with policies that genuinely give security for everybody."
"Oswald was so successful that Disney was able to expand their animation team."
"Your benefits will raise up 10 not just next year life time this is huge great news this is."
"We're in a fundamentally stronger position to address the issues that actually affect the lives of the American people."
"You can't have both: a city where criminals feel emboldened and citizens cower, or a city where criminals know it's met with pain and discomfort."
"All you have to do is put a black face on a policy if you want to kill it."
"Your life is literally hanging by a thread based upon what these folks have said that their policy agenda are."
"Once you know that there's a fair amount of research about how that works its way into the economy over what period of time, we'll be looking to see how serious this is and how it looks like it's going to be sustained."
"Boris Johnson was brought down by his own policy decisions."
"But the influencers and the people who are the policy makers and the agenda setters are on there and they are influenced by what they think is the zeitgeist."
"The remaining Mexico policy was incredible but immediately abandoned by Biden, probably because it worked so well."
"Democrats and their policies are hurting people."
"Higher thresholds might also benefit... historically disadvantaged populations."
"If Pluto in Capricorn is the dark side of more conservative policies, because earth energy is considered more on the conservative side, it is going to be Pluto in Aquarius that brings the dark side of more progressive policies."
"Unprecedented actions on prescription drugs."
"The federal reserve works for all americans we know our decisions matter to every person family business and community across the country."