
Delight Quotes

There are 3029 quotes

"Delight changes our nervous system in a way that gives us access to new abilities."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The iconic Mr. Men and Little Miss books have been delighting children and adults alike since 1971."
"I feel like I'm at church... oh my gosh, that is absolutely delicious."
"The virtuous man delights in this world, and he delights in the next; he delights in both. He delights and rejoices when he sees the purity of his own work."
"Donnie Darko is a baffling experience and one that confuses just as much as it delights."
"The Lord your God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love, he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing."
"The amount of blankets and pillows I have amassed is absolutely delightful."
"Delight thyself also in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart."
"Pog juice is how most people know and love it. Oh, so good, it's so fruity and delightful!"
"The epitome of being a great teacher is to educate and delight."
"Your primary goal with your audience is this: to Delight them."
"This is the most adorable thing I've seen all day."
"What really gets me excited is when people experience delight with the product. I don't think there are all that many things where you really experience delight." - Tesla Owners Austin
"That is delicious crunchy bacon, a beautiful runny egg. That is the food of Gods."
"Wow, that watermelon left me a little speechless here. I'm blushing. So delicious!"
"I just died and went to heaven. That is delicious."
"I'm going to protect you because you delighted in me."
"It smells so good I can't stress that enough."
"These are these young, very, very vulnerable and sensitive parts of us who, when they're not hurt, give us all kinds of delight and creativity and joy and playfulness."
"Jalebi, it's like one of my favorite desserts. Oh, it's like a giant funnel cake. Oh, that's magical."
"It's like biting into a cloud, it's amazing."
"There is also going to be a realization of your true potential. It's going to reveal a true potential of something you know, and that in itself, it's also going to be rather delightful."
"Wow, that's delicious. Just you want more. Chocolate's delicious, got a little crunch. It really is vibrant and a nice blend of spices. Really nice."
"That was unexpected and a delightful surprise at the end."
"This game has remained utterly delightful despite all the time that's passed."
"Sometimes you have to have the courage to break your own heart because it's the right thing to do."
"Buying pizza and then getting hit with a 20% off coupon, thanks to Honey, is just absolutely delightful."
"Cookie Puss, less so. But Cookie Puss was also an incredible delight."
"The Lord's commandments: more precious than gold, sweeter than honey."
"You were just like pure joy for this person here."
"It's kind of wonderful... it's a whole delightful thing."
"Delightfully satisfying, isn't it delightful?"
"I'm like a kid in a candy store right now eating this egg. It's too good."
"Change the color of a folder... it's almost magical."
"An evolving layered unsolvable problem that is utterly delightful."
"The universal intelligence that animates the existence of all things will both surprise and delight you."
"This game in particular is just pure and simple delightful."
"The entire Super Mario Brothers Wonder experience surprised and delighted me."
"Our gratitude deepens as we understand that God delights in guiding each step of our journey."
"Prayer is proof that God is looking for partners."
"Delight in the Lord and he becomes your desire."
"You're such a wonderful delight and delightful person to talk to."
"Being able to interact, talk to you and try this food... it's mind-blowingly delicious."
"You will delight in the desire to serve and love others."
"Delight in the differences because the difference is the superficial."
"Isn't this spec just an absolute dirty delight?"
"Tastes like a perfect cookie, and then somehow that perfect cookie just got a little bit better."
"I bit into a sausage and it was a garlic sausage. The most magical moment."
"This is friendship, this is cute as hell. It's perfect."
"There are many low-key establishments that serve some of the most delicious food you can imagine."
"This is the ultimate cat moment, this is so good."
"Literally everything is so cute, I feel so very spoiled."
"That shaved chocolate milk is a genius move."
"A bonus onion ring in your fries or complementary hotel chocolates can make a world of difference."
"He had a taunting grin on his face as if seeing her suffer filled his heart with delight."
"I'm a giant sucker for carrier ships. Little ships nesting in ships makes me really, really happy."
"Wow I’m literally gonna probably like when I go back to the United States whenever I’m back I’m gonna make these because this is like absolutely so so delicious."
"Surprise and delight, serendipity, such an exciting part of life."
"Enchant: to fill someone with great delight or charm."
"Man, what a surprise, too. It was just such a hidden gem."
"Overall, the Paradisa theme is just so full of purity of pleasantry and wonder."
"That is frickin' sweet! That is frickin' sweet!"
"The actual spell thieving part of it, if it's within your own spell range, is just a wonderful icing on the cake."
"So that was three minutes and it is complete look at this cuteness."
"Just from the first impressions alone, it's divine, this is the best thing I've ever tried."
"Tada! Isn't that cool? It's like magic. It's so gratifying."
"Animals never fail to delight us with their funny, silly, and wild behavior."
"I love a good vanilla smell, this is freaking delicious."
"It's like a Turkish delight-ish, it's its own thing."
"I am pleasantly surprised and absolutely delighted."
"It's like an angel crying on my tongue."
"Isn't it the freakin' cutest little basket? It just flips open like that."
"But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."
"Wow I can't believe it first I find money and now ice cream, oh so yummy."
"We are truly delighted to have such a special guest with us today."
"Oh my gosh, this one is adorable."
"That is a lemony taste, that's so weird, it's just a squishy, like that's such a lovely lemon."
"I promise you now that cookie was the greatest cookie I've ever had in my life."
"This, my friends, is a Mornay sauce, then I promise you, you're going to want to eat it just like this, it's amazing."
"...you will find the Laces most charming, delightful people."
"Every bird that cuts the airy way is an immense world of delight enclosed by the five senses."
"It's so strawberry and so smooth."
"That was so overwhelmingly delicious. Rich and velvety and creamy."
"It was the most delightful human experience."
"It's delightful, it's great, got our drinks."
"Fresh strawberries from the garden are delicious."
"It's like an explosion of sweetness and flavor."
"This Chicken Tinga is so unbelievably delicious."
"To our delight, we were able to get heads of lettuce and then, two weeks later, bulbs of fennel."
"This cookie is villainous in an extra, extra good way."
"Our little kingdom is enchanting."
"We have three beautiful versions of pancakes, so cute."
"Hello and good evening, I am so delighted to be here with you."
"Wow, oh my gosh, it's so good, oh my goodness, okay taste test."
"That is so chewy, soft in the center, that is an amazing breakfast."
"I could not be more delighted than to participate in a conversation with two of my favorite people."
"Smile with delight, this is the season where you're just going to smile."
"This looks like I'm holding raw steak to me this is a solid five star cake it is exactly what I wanted."
"I really honestly didn't know that I was gonna love it as much as I did."
"I was obviously delighted to have caught him."
"it's really wonderful in these times"
"This is lemon heaven, yes, paradise."
"Look how big this cotton candy is, and it's so cute."
"It's a delight to drive, a real delight."
"It's tight, this is white chocolate Nutella, this is literally straight out of my dreams."
"Elijah is the ultimate fan favorite character and there is a reason for that. He's just such a delight to watch on screen."
"Guinness in Ireland just tastes different; it is a creamy delight."
"He was delighted to see it land in the forest to make a nest as its home not too far from the village."
"Oh my gosh, and it's so, so comfy cozy."
"I love honey and I love mustard, and those two paired together are absolutely a match made in heaven."
"As for the saints who are on the earth, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight."
"I'm absolutely delighted with this block."
"It's very rare that something just enters your life unexpectedly, and you go like, oh wow, I'm tickled."
"That's chocolate. That's amazing. That's really good."
"Oh my goodness, that is so good. That is wonderful, wow, wonderful."
"That's two thumbs up. So super pleased with that plate."
"That was delightful. It's amazing as usual. It hits every time."
"It was just so good. I can't even believe it."
"Resale shopping is like a box of chocolates—you never know what you're gonna get, but it's always a delightful surprise."
"This park is really quite a delight."
"I am absolutely over the moon with this."
"I'm really pleased with it customers over the moon with it."
"I just thought the batter was perfect and the size of those chips, like, who couldn't love them?"
"What an absolute cracker, I'm over the moon."
"I mean this is a freaking delight."
"Pizza perfection: where every slice is a delight."
"Why is it so big? These are good. These are actually good."
"This might be honestly the best boba I've ever had, like so good."
"It's so squishy and fluffy, oh my God."
"There was an inevitability about it and a great delight among the fans."
"It is plain that it is the common duty of all to delight in God."
"The True Believer begins to grow and delight in God's Commandments."
"This sandwich was made just for me, you know how much I love some pork belly."
"We don't delight in the destruction of our fellow beings."
"Software: a delight to work with a tool that gives you such a high return on investment."
"Strawberry, strawberry, juicy red and sweet!"
"Churros are delicious such a delight."
"It was seriously so good because Omar was so surprised like he had absolutely no idea."
"It's so good, it's wonderful, beautiful, oh, it's so good."
"In the study of the teachings of God's word, it should not surprise us if we often find our hearts spontaneously breaking forth in expressions of praise and delight."
"I rejoice at your word like one who finds great spoil." - Psalm 119:162
"We are the people of pleasure and delight."
"The Oreo cookie. Are you goddamn right? Clap. Are you [ __ ] kidding me? What they have done in the past five years with the Oreo cookie, the double stuff. Wow."
"... holy [__] this is a good cookie."
"... but holy [__] this is a good cookie this is so good."
"We will Delight ourselves in your very presence throughout all eternity."
"Wow, what's that? You eat it. Watch. Yummy!"
"Delighting in God is an investment. The more you delight in Him, the more you delight in Him."
"...just smell glorious...I just want to a whiff to freshness."
"Delightful! Oh, this one over here."
"Water in this coconut. We got coconut water, you guys. It tastes so good!"
"This dish was divine. It was so delicious."
"Every time I look at these patterns I literally squeal with the light because they are so adorable."
"I can assure you, that is not powdered custard, that is, without a doubt, the best crumble I've ever had in my life."
"Fresh brewed coffee's the best thing in the world."
"Oh my goodness, it is so furry and it is so soft. I love it!"
"It's just really fun, really cute."
"I almost said it's a little cute and then it did this and I lost it."
"There's a certain quality of delight that only comes in conversation."
"This is just the cutest dress I've ever laid my eyes on."
"Suddenly he was cooing with delight at something he'd picked up off the ground."
"They seriously smell like absolute Heaven."
"This stuff seriously smells like absolute Heaven."
"Overall, but in terms of sheer spectacle, there's nothing quite like learning Kenpachi's shikai and bankai in the exact same arc and watching him topple a Divine giant as a rampaging demon is a delight."
"Delight in the Lord and He will give you the desire of your heart. Peace be unto all."
"I started a new canvas, much to her delight."
"This cupcake was elevated. It was beautiful, the portion is crazy, and it's a freaking flamingo. Come on, it doesn't get much cuter than that."
"The Master said, 'They who know the truth are not equal to those who love it, and they who love it are not equal to those who delight in it.'"
"I think I've died and gone to culinary Heaven," Kira said.
"Oh my God, that's so beautiful, just delicious."
"There is this sense of delighting in the fact that all truth is God's truth."
"There's so many things that just were delightful surprises."
"And the only thing better than nitrogen ice cream is a nitrogen ice cream avocado."
"That's awesome, she was charming and delightful."
"It's just cute and full of whimsy and works so so well."
"It's simple but it's absolutely delicious."
"Look at this little fluffy cloud, oh my gosh, this is so cute, how adorable is that?"
"You must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight."
"The F 86 was one of the most delightful jets."
"I am in little Heaven. Look at this. Also, look at these tiny. Oh, I need to stop."
"It's turning out so cute, oh my gosh!"
"We must risk delight, we can do without pleasure seeking but not delight."
"It's something that's going to surprise people and delight people."
"That's a surprisingly good chocolate cake."
"Exciters and delighters, features or functions that are not mandatory and the absence of them will never result in satisfaction going below neutral, but by adding them, you could create excitement and delight for the customer."
"That was the best thing I've had all day."
"All of us love suspense. We delight in being surprised."
"What a delightful boy! It's a pleasure to talk to you."
"It's an atmospheric, page-turning delight."
"That sign didn't lie, it was Truly Scrumptious, it was really lovely both of them were."
"There's nothing better than coconut crisp cookies."
"When they would open their lunch boxes and see these little whoopy pies they would yell whoopy."
"look at this wonderful treat right here"
"What a delight to have Reese Witherspoon and Julianna Margulies playing lovers."
"Best ice cream of all time, holy smokes."
"Oh my god did they just boop a snoot"
"It is a delightful thing to commune with God intimately."
"Guys, this is so cute, I literally don't even feel like I'm in New York City right now."
"It's perfect, it's so good, this is and then I was like, oh it's just so perfect."
"Well, hot dang, that's a nice surprise right there."