
Curiosity Quotes

There are 39874 quotes

"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Develop and embrace curiosity about yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Curiosity about self, curiosity about life, leads to all the good things."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Be curious about why they think or feel what they think or feel."
"I think there's a lot more out there than there already is. I think that...we know a very small little bit."
"When she got to school, she did the same thing with her teachers, but she found that they didn't like it very much when she asked too many questions."
"Human nature outside of rewards is to be curious, to figure out the world, to be creative and feel productive, to help the people around us."
"If we want to end up with a more equitable society full of critical thinkers and curious, motivated, passionate people, teachers can start this movement, and we must."
"Your actions don't have to be motivated by ambition; they can be motivated by excitement, curiosity, and just an appreciation for doing what you're doing."
"I vow to stay curious and engaged, to look at the world with a questioning eye."
"Children are the fastest learners because they're curious. They have attention."
"Everything is interesting; it's just the more you learn about something, the more interesting it becomes."
"An interested person is an interesting person."
"Humans are weird, aren't they? Some of their behavior is just plain bonkers."
"The more you realize we don't know, the more it's surprising that more people aren't troubled every night by these thoughts."
"Start by vocalizing your emotions and sharing them with someone else. This creates space in your mind for things like curiosity or excitement."
"It might have been scary to not know what's going on, but it also, I feel like, would be you'd have a sense of awe and wonder all the time."
"As humans, we just love to have a little look into the mysteries of something."
"If indeed UFOs are real, and if they are from somewhere else, and if they are somehow getting here from distances that baffle us, then there is just a technological answer to that."
"Curiosity is the thing that protects you; it's curative."
"I take a lot of comfort in curiosity... it's a great resource for dealing with stress."
"The biggest principle: Be interested, not interesting."
"But there's answers to questions that have no answers, you know? Or questions, excuse me, questions with no answers right now that we are searching for desperately."
"I think my...either my college or medical school application...essay title was 'Why Am I Always Hungry?' and it was hungry for knowledge."
"The people you're dealing with are weirder and more interesting than you could ever imagine."
"We become seekers. We start asking questions. We start getting curious."
"Exploration comes before discovery because... you don't know exactly what you're going to find."
"I started to take an interest and started to study and read and ask questions to active practicing Muslims."
"Your voice matters, and your curiosity is not a crime, even if some people would like to make you think otherwise."
"Curiosity is wonderful, so let them tell you stuff. Ask questions because you're curious, and then you'll get more information."
"For those, including myself, who haven't played it, what is this thing? Why should I be interested, and why has it sold upwards of six million copies?"
"It's just so interesting to me that people want to watch people do anything, literally anything."
"When you're curious about something or when I'm curious about something, I actually wanna lean in, I get energized."
"We can listen curiously or we can listen in a biased manner... if we're totally out of our own way and we are just totally in the process of listening, that's curiosity and awareness."
"The more I learn, the more I realize how much we still have to discover."
"We all come like this: infinitely curious, always experimenting, always learning, and addressing the most difficult tasks of a lifetime with tremendous gusto."
"Curiosity, insight, spirit, opportunity. If you think about it, all of these names of past Mars rovers are qualities we possess as humans."
"For a very long time, Homo sapiens has looked up at the sky and wondered what could be out there."
"We're like a youngling grounded; all we can do is look out the window, wondering why we're stuck inside."
"You are very intrigued by things labeled as controversial."
"It is one of the oldest questions mankind has ever asked: Are we alone in the universe?"
"Our fundamental job is to explore new places, places we haven't been, answer questions we don't know the answer to."
"Our goal of entering the cave wasn't necessarily to save the kids; it's kind of just to find out what's happening."
"I deeply want to believe that the answer is yes. I do find that kind of where... I find the Fermi paradox very, very puzzling."
"I want to know God's thoughts; everything else is just details."
"Life is full of mysteries, for example, we always wonder what's at the bottom of the ocean."
"If you want to be interesting, be interested."
"Leah asked a simple question: 'Where's Shelly?' She had no idea that one simple question would spark a chain reaction that would change everything."
"Pandora's fatal flaw is curiosity. Her curiosity made her open Pandora's box even though she was ordered not to do so by the gods."
"It's kind of my job to overanalyze this stuff, and I'm genuinely curious."
"Overcoming your fears is like returning to our childlike curiosity, making life so much more fulfilling and exciting."
"Children who play, who are naturally curious, they'll learn anything. That's their nature."
"Perhaps what we should and only can do is try to enjoy the process of playing with the blocks of philosophy like children playing with toy blocks for no reason other than the curiosity and fun of it."
"Both believers and unbelievers are increasingly fascinated and hungry to know about the end times."
"I am very intrigued to know how you guys feel about some of the comments made by Ollie."
"You have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and studying, wanting to be really smart, wanting to know a lot of things."
"From that point forward, I made it my firm mission to always do things from a place of delight, curiosity, the things that give me energy."
"The paranormal's elusive nature, coupled with its striking ability to tap into deep-seated fears and curiosities, fuels a sense of wonder and intrigue."
"If I swallow magnets, will I become attractive?"
"Get curious again, don't restrict your way of thinking, don't restrict anything, let yourself be free again."
"It's a really profound opportunity for exploration for the sake of exploration, a real gift for the human mind."
"If we're for anything, we're curious creatures."
"The Outer Worlds looks to have a lot and it's a world we want to explore and discover."
"I wanted to know how a dude built like a mammoth ended up as a humble giant washing bodies at the mosque."
"I have absolutely no idea what the weird world is like."
"Behold, the science of discovery is endless."
"We don't know if it's there but the only way we're going to know really is to look."
"But Zlatan would like to remind you that after some time passes and some thoughts faint, a new question will rise again and maybe, just maybe, you will find the answer to this one."
"The mysteries of outer space continue to captivate the brightest minds of humanity."
"Uncertainty has the spirit of a child, full of questions, just like a child, full of curiosity, which means it's full of opportunity."
"Everything intrigues me though. Universe, everything, God."
"Is it possible to pop popcorn with an explosion?"
"This journey of self-discovery is a disaster; I'm discovering little about myself other than the fact that I find this game to be very odd and strangely alluring."
"Why anybody talks about anything else, because this is the most interesting topic there is: Where do we come from? How did we get here? What brought us into existence?"
"It was really fun. It got me itching to wanting to learn more things."
"Have you ever looked at a child in awe of how they have this keen sense of curiosity and adventure, the sponginess of their minds, and ability to be flexible in their thinking with just a little bit of skepticism and humility?"
"I want to see our weird robot apocalypse future, whatever it is."
"I didn't start the year expecting to be compelled by Pinocchio's origins, the puppet frenzy, the cursed miracle feel, and wishing on stars, but here we are."
"Good is so rare. So I want to know why some people turn out good. That's a real interesting puzzle."
"But I feel like as humans, we're just mad curious about others, so it's like if there's layers in layers, you're going to keep peeling all those layers until it gets boring, and then you're like, ah, never mind."
"Curiosity is a very simple, universal experience."
"All I want to know is, can this ruling be appealed?"
"The human species is a curious one and it expresses its curiosity by asking questions."
"Stay curious. The world has a lot for us to learn."
"I love learning; I learn every day that I do this stuff."
"I felt like there were secrets behind every corner."
"It's a realization that there's certain human qualities that we should try to build on and not destroy. One of them is curiosity."
"The more we learn, the more we know we don't know."
"Sharks are just cool. Have you ever seen a goblin shark? I would like to."
"Finding a car like this raises questions for many people like how expensive it is to fix a car like this, where can you buy the parts from, are these DIY cars."
"These questions are a reminder of marginalisation, that the things that that person lives with every day are another person's casual curiosity."
"I fundamentally think that consciousness is a science question we have been a little bit too lazy to tackle properly."
"You can't be a curious person and not be a humble person because if you're curious about something, by definition, it means you don't know the answer."
"The questions you ask tell me more about you than anything else you do."
"Confidence plus curiosity allows you to be willing to have a beginner's mind."
"Whenever I research something that I normally wouldn't, it does kind of give my brain an almost electrical jolt, an infusion of fresh and interesting ideas."
"Why the artist chose to use LED lights to make the horse's eyes glow red, that's always been a lingering question."
"Always stay young and innocent and have wonder about the world and then do your best to make humanity the best it can be."
"It's not enough for me to know, 'Hey it works great.' I want to know why, what's the why behind it."
"There are a lot of interesting things to talk about."
"I've never seen a pigeon eat a Taki, so I feel like maybe they don't like spicy."
"You really don't need to listen to every episode, just listen to the ones that spark your curiosity. Think about it like a party full of strangers; you don't have to talk to everyone, just walk over to the ones who look interesting and get to know them."
"The greatest gifts I've been given have come from pursuing curiosity, just trying to understand the thing you're curious about and going with it."
"I can't think of a more interesting question than understanding the biological mechanisms that regulate aging and how to slow it."
"What got us to where we are is we're curious."
"A friend in need is a friend indeed; a friend with the answers, though, is a solid breed."
"Every answer we come across, a hundred new questions come up."
"In the end, it's best to think of intelligence as something about which we've still got a lot to learn."
"Historical accuracy of such a representation is absolutely legitimate as long as it comes from a place of historical curiosity."
"The old man has bequeathed me a sum of money and a packet of peculiar papers. Poetry, riddles, metaphysical speculations. For the first time in months, here is some fuel for my reason."
"You have to tap into your youthfulness, your curiosity of the world."
"Remember that what you do not yet know is more important than what you already know."
"Let's try one of these so-called hover chunks."
"Do you lean toward a more conventional explanation or find yourself intrigued by the possibility of otherworldly phenomena?"
"There's something hugely curious about the nature of these experiences because they appear to be strongly biased toward this benevolent sense of wonder."
"What do you think of this? We're very curious about each other's perspectives."
"I think I'm gonna start with Genesis, because, not just because it's first, but I've always been fascinated with it."
"When someone has real intention in dating, they are asking intentional questions about who you are."
"Humans like to learn; we don't like to do dumb repetitive things."
"Who found an artichoke and was like, let me figure out how to eat this?"
"The best thing that you can be is a student of life and never stop learning."
"I think questions are the key to a more interesting life. The more we shape our questions, we can open crazy doors, crazy conversations."
"Do you ever wonder what happened to these people?"
"I lay in bed at night and have hot flashes thinking about why seahorses aren't extinct."
"The two factors for critical thinking are curiosity and open-mindedness."
"Do the stars gaze back? Now, that's a question."
"His curiosity gnawed at him, driving him to unravel the mystery behind the boy's actions."
"I don't totally know what you were asking, but I loved that you had the courage to ask it."
"I would rather have questions I can't answer than answers I can't question."
"I think it's when someone's holding your gaze, there's something to be said."
"The unbelievable power of unrestricted curiosity and that the only thing that mattered to her was my interests."
"The Allure of the unknown continues to captivate us, fueling our curiosity and our imagination."
"Our world is full of mystery and intrigue, whether real or imagined, and that's a world well worth exploring."
"There are some questions that nobody on the planet knows the answer to, and that blew my mind."
"You're very much interested in and have always talked about physiology, how the body works, and also how the body doesn't work, what happens to make the body go wrong."
"Your genuine curiosity will form a better career than following whatever is going to make you six figures this year."
"We are obliged to consider the impossible because this monument is forcing us to consider the impossible."
"Without that sort of curiosity, without this drive to find out what the hell is actually going on, that would be the life that would suck for me."
"Do you ever look at someone and wonder, what is going on inside their head?"
"Early man had few clues to the mysteries of the universe, but every night they would be reminded there was much more to the cosmos than just the Earth, Sun, and Moon."
"Humanity has a thirst for connection with potentially other species and information about the Milky Way; it's just how we are."
"The classic psychoanalyst would have a field day with that."
"I could not have predicted this outcome, but it is intriguing."
"He was contemplative and introspective, and his natural curiosity gave him a profound interest in science."
"This person is very smart; they don't necessarily have to be well-educated but... they love to learn."
"Does a straw have two holes or one, and why?"
"In Tier two, fear is replaced by curiosity and care."
"The biggest problem with the belief in free will is that it makes people incurious about themselves and about what is really happening inside themselves."
"These things are a really really nice mystery to solve."
"Never lose your curiosity, never lose your interest in learning about other cultures."
"You are interested in the unknown, the mysterious, the unexplainable. That is why you are here."
"Just thousands of really interesting, really well thought out questions."
"I'm sure we're missing something that is right in front of our noses."
"Physics is the way our particular universe works, and I got kind of interested in the question of how could any possible universe work."
"What has keys but no locks, space but no room, you can enter but can't go outside?"
"I'm a very curious, interested person. If I get interested in something, I will just take it all away, read books."
"Cool, a disco ball. Why is there a disco ball?"
"I make my living off of finding things that are hiding in plain sight."
"Maybe someone I know turns out to be an alien; maybe an alien turns out to be someone I know; maybe I don't really need to know."
"It doesn't have to be like 50; it could be like a million, as much as I want to know about you."
"I've studied and investigated metaphysics, epistemology, science, history... I have really looked and been curious about the nature of reality for pretty much my entire life."
"Most people seem to crave for evidence of life after that, and I think this is quite natural."
"People just want to know about the future, this interest has not actually gone away."
"Follow your curiosity... it's a smaller impulse and a lighter one and a less high-stakes one than passion."
"Are you ready to learn all the secrets that you missed?"
"The most interesting person in the room is the most interested."
"My neighbor, Mr. Peterson, is acting very suspicious."
"It's exciting to be wrong because it means there's more to learn."
"One can't help wondering whether perhaps all of the amazing things that we see in our universe couldn't just be the result of some particular simple program."
"The reason you go to learn it is because you don't know. And not knowing is an incredible opportunity."
"Isn't stuff you don't understand exciting? Even though you don't get it, it's kind of like superhero cosplayers or someone else's designs of alien life and stuff, right?"
"Should I begin with a brief introduction of myself after all this time?"
"The most important thing is to never stop questioning."
"Imagine yourself shopping on Amazon.com for some new slippers, and you go down this rabbit hole and find out they're called Cloud slippers."
"I wished he would have elaborated, but that was some deep stuff, y'all."
"Education is not just the acquisition of knowledge, but the awakening of a curiosity that drives us to seek the truth."
"You seen anything out here cost possibly hostile?"
"Never stop learning. Always be a student of the universe."
"I always want to know the truth as much as possible."
"Everybody wants to know how things are going to be, what is tomorrow going to bring."
"Can we tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural? Are healing miracles real?"
"Thank you. Let's go, I'll show you something."
"I think death will be bad. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of it. For me, the worst thing about death is not knowing how the human story turns out."
"Kids ask lots of questions; they have a deep curiosity in school."
"If you follow the curiosity, it helps people understand a lot of topics in an interconnected rather than fragmented way."
"Since when did any young person get interested in something because we said it was useful?"
"The most important part of that process is keeping the avenues of communication open. It is tough work. So, come at it with curiosity, keep the avenues of communication open, and always, always try to talk out of story and personal experience."
"If you start to create that space, you can start to create some understanding... come at it with curiosity... and always try to talk out of story and personal experience."
"If you don't understand something, seek out why and always choose curiosity over judgment."
"Curiosity just drives me. I don't give a [__] what other emotion I have, if I'm curious, it just overpowers everything."
"Making that a priority, I would say, is a healthy thing. Learning about other people's tribes too, because that's just the curiosity and funness of being human."
"I'm intrigued to see what's going to happen next."
"I would like to understand not just the fruit that comes off of the tree but where did the leaves come from, how did the tree grow, what was the sapling, and what was the seed."
"Curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"You're better off wondering and guessing because curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"We should want to know [the pandemic's origin]. Three million people have died from this pandemic, and that should cause us to explore all possibilities."
"Almost everything will be interesting. What's fascinating is to find the stuff that's describable with low information but still does interesting things."
"Out of love, you should act. Out of pleasure, out of curiosity, out of wonder, out of the miracle that is reality."
"It’s that interplay—that balance between the desire to be safe and the curiosity to peer over the next horizon, or round the next tree—that kept us walking through the metaphorical forest to reach the metaphorical ... I dunno, sun-dappled meadow of the modern world."
"Young Rico has spent her entire childhood dreaming of exploring the Abyss, an enormous pit and series of caves filled with wonders and terrors."