
Authenticity Quotes

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"It's actually about being really true to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Social media is a highlight reel, and everyone's pretending to be perfect, so I'm going to show my vulnerability."
"It looks like you're moving more into your own authenticity by the end of the year, and you're kind of just being you."
"It's really easy to just cut through all that noise just by being authentic and genuine and true to yourself."
"The more that you allow yourself to be vulnerable and authentic to the world, the more you're going to get career success."
"When women are together with no men around, a woman doesn't have to be this thing or that thing. She can just be."
"If you want to be real in a relationship, you need to find out what is the primary emotion."
"What we should do is model authenticity and say, 'I am sad today,' 'I am depressed today,' or 'Yes, I yelled at you, I'm sorry, that was wrong; it's my bad.'"
"It's not all about self-interest in getting reelected. You already got elected. Do something. But if the doing isn't coming out of being, it's going to be the wrong doing."
"It's so hard trying to act like someone else and so much easier being yourself."
"If you love someone, you have a duty to tell them authentically if you're going through a rough time."
"Be the kind of person who's open with that. By doing this and by being authentic, you might lose some fake friends... who cares? They were never compatible with you anyway."
"Not everything is about more and more and more... it's about being true to whatever message you have."
"We really want to be the same person on the outside that we are on the inside and we want people to see us and accept us and love us for our truest selves."
"Be yourself not because it works to not be yourself, but because you will not be happy with the outcome if you're pretending to be someone else."
"If you show up in a crowd and your goal is to fit in, then you're putting your self-worth on the line. But if you show up and your goal is just to be yourself, then you can't fail."
"Self-actualization is not a destination but a process of becoming more authentically ourselves."
"The change that I see shifting for you, Virgo, is showing your authentic self to other people."
"It's not about not having goals; it's about making sure that your goals are actually yours."
"Authenticity is being as you are and expressing as you are, at least to some degree."
"When I'm just being me, I have nothing to prove. I'm just in the truth of who I am."
"The more that you live it, the more that you show up for the inner parts rather than the outer parts, the clearer you become that the outside stuff isn't the answer."
"True belonging never asks us to change who we are; it demands that we be who we are."
"Say goodbye to the lies, the fakeness, and delusions of modern society, and welcome fucking reality."
"Authenticity...transcends normality and weirdness."
"In a real relationship, if you want an actual loving secure relationship, it comes honestly from just being 100% genuine and authentic and real to who you are."
"So much better to be authentic than to be perfect."
"It is unflinchingly and unapologetically human."
"Alignment is when the person who you are inside and the person who you are actually being out there in the world are one and the same."
"Being able to share myself genuinely... that's the most valuable thing in the world."
"Accept yourself fully, only then do you start to tap into authentic motivation."
"I'd rather live my life having really beautiful relationships with people than live my life pretending like I'm too good for that."
"The world needs to see more humans out there chasing after their dreams, being their authentic selves."
"Finding someone who accepts you without wearing any masks was the kind of connection that I wanted."
"Authentic people say no, that's not who I am, that's not what I'm about."
"The hardest thing in the world is to be authentic because to be authentic is to be unpopular."
"Authenticity is key in the lifestyle area, and those that succeed tend to be willing to share their whole lives."
"We're all just looking out for something real."
"I always felt like I was faking, like I was being someone I didn't like in order to get a group of people who didn't want to see me succeed to like me."
"First time someone shows you who they really are, believe them."
"Don't do what your audience likes, do what you like to do because the reality is if you're doing what you like to do... you will eventually attract an audience who enjoy that content."
"When you're authentic to what you do and you just do what you're passionate about, people are gonna fuck with it regardless."
"Living your life as a lie is not a good thing."
"You deserve this life that you are authentically living. You deserve this joy."
"Authenticity is not easy. To be authentic is to be unpopular, to blaze your own trail even when other people are clucking at you."
"People are desperate for authenticity, beauty, and harmony."
"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got, I'm still, I'm still Jenny from the block."
"Success for me is simply just being myself, things naturally being magnet to me."
"I think it'd be cool for you to be out there with no makeup, with curls on, in your sweaty pants and a stain on the shirt. I think that would be super cool."
"Being honest with yourself is crucial; if you're not being honest about what you want and what you care about, you're not being your true self."
"It's better to be truthful than to be holy to be phony."
"Jamie Lee Curtis's quote: 'In the society, there is a genocide of authenticity.'"
"Authenticity...by definition striving for some idealized self-image is incompatible with being authentically who one is."
"We were not trying to sell something, and we're living through a time now where the most powerful marketing message you can have is to actually be a good person."
"You can't connect with someone if they're connecting with the fake you. That's a false connection."
"I encourage you to embrace who you really are, so you don't have to question yourself."
"A smile is an involuntary response. Mirror neurons in their brain, it's the same as if the doctor hits your knee with a little hammer and your leg kicks forward."
"What are the stories you're telling yourself that are inhibiting you from being real and authentic and your best self?"
"In the moment a lie happens, it's the fakest world; like, we are so strange how fake we're willing to be."
"Being prepared for stress and anxiety actually allows us to potentially avoid it, potentially navigate it with more integrity and authenticity."
"Your authenticity actually inspires the people around you to have the bravery to be authentic."
"You have a very powerful energy... you're very unapologetic about it."
"It's better to know what you think, to say you know as much as you can honestly, so you don't get confused by your own lies, and just to be yourself."
"It didn't start working for me until I stopped giving a [expletive] about what other people thought about my music."
"You're showing people that you can still have fun, be who you are, and also accomplish your goals."
"Makeup should be a highlighter to your face, not covering your face and hiding who you really are."
"I think it only gets harder to find someone who is authentic."
"I think being unapologetically yourself then you know people like you for you no matter what."
"The best relationships are the ones where you can be yourself, without constantly working for laughter."
"People love that element because it's live. It's not like YouTube where it's edited and chopped up."
"Being genuine and transparent is so key in a world that is literally starving for authenticity."
"You don't have to fake these things...if you actually put in the work."
"It's your destiny to be your authentic self and to live free. So claim it."
"Be real and vulnerable and authentic with other people instead of keeping it very cold or professional."
"The more you let yourself be soft, vulnerable, authentic, and kind of dreamy on the outside, the more people are going to be very attracted to you."
"Integrity is measured by the distance between someone's lips and their life."
"You've got to give people the chance. If all you ever give your friends is just the positive version of you, you're never going to give them a chance to accept you."
"In so much of life, we wear a mask on our real face, and we don't actually connect with people or show authenticity."
"Be relentlessly you. This may require breaking from tradition or parting ways with your comfort zone."
"It's a hell of a lot easier to accept who you are in all your damaged glory than to try and be someone you're not."
"Queens are always genuine, never attempting to compete with anybody."
"You're gonna really be able to be yourself...because you know that this person just loves you."
"Boundaries are really about allowing the people in your life to authentically know who you are."
"You've been born an original, don't die a copy."
"Live your purpose. Otherwise, you're a discount version of yourself."
"There's nothing once you're the person to spill your own tea; people can't clock you for nothing."
"You are unapologetically yourself, and that's what I appreciate in people."
"By being more authentic and unapologetic, people are really starting to see your worth."
"Listen to your true feelings; don't let others talk you into doing something that you know is wrong."
"You're going through huge spiritual awakenings, starting to become aware of yourself, being authentic."
"The best way to make interesting content is to talk about the things you are interested in."
"The only way to make a personal brand last is for it to be you."
"You don't really live authentically until you face the possibility of non-being."
"Give yourself permission to be who you are, have your journey."
"Thank you for giving me permission to be real."
"As the world becomes more and more artificial, the authentic becomes more and more attractive."
"You're finally expressing yourself the way that you truly are instead of pretending to be somebody that you're not."
"I only do things that I love to do, and that's why it's always real and organic."
"I see you guys living in your authentic truth and being able to be very open and honest."
"It's our authenticity, it's our truth, it's a message that we feel really guided to share."
"I am going to speak my truth, live my truth, and create the life that I want to live."
"When we're fully authentic, we can fully know when someone else really understands us."
"You're going to meet your soulmate when you're finally so authentic and not scared of being authentic."
"Once you learn the importance of speaking your own truth and being authentic, and once you don't really care who likes you... you just want people to like you for you."
"You are not brought on this earth, you are not born to people please, you are born to live your own life."
"We need to be more, be more of yourself. Each one of us has an authentic self that is wanting and craving to be expressed."
"Being able to authentically express yourself in any conditions."
"What matters is only that we be true to ourselves in there an amendment we ever have, which is this moment."
"If it's boring, you're doing it wrong. There's a lie in it somewhere."
"Kindness is real, and politeness is a kind of mask sometimes."
"You are ready to communicate your authentic self and your deepest truth to the world."
"You are stepping into your authentic self and stepping into your own power."
"Your feelings... always reflect the real you with perfect accuracy."
"The market nowadays is going to expose anybody that's being inauthentic."
"People want organic, people want just transparency and authenticity."
"When you really give yourself permission to be who you are, anything is possible."
"There is something in you that is authentic to you. Ain't nobody going to outrun you."
"This person is gonna have a very strong personality and they're really going to really want to be honest, open, really get to the core of things, be authentic."
"It still feels surreal. I feel grateful to have won for just being myself."
"You deserve to find a table where you can be yourself and enjoy the game without feeling the constant pressure to mask your symptoms and cosplay as a neurotypical person."
"I think it's really easy for people to become characters...but in reality, we are real people."
"A lot of people are unable to experience true connections with others because they're wearing a mask."
"Choosing how to communicate, when to communicate, and doing it with a lot of mercy, compassion, and love, without wearing any masks, is only going to lead you towards good."
"Authenticity is about being true to yourself, being clear about your own values, and fighting for them."
"Once you figure out who you are, it becomes easier to do the things that match who you are."
"You've got to find your realness, find your 'why' and why you do stuff. I feel like that's what's going to connect to the world."
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, day and night, to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." - E.E. Cummings
"True leaders are more concerned with expressing themselves than with proving themselves."
"Leaders don't go around trying to prove things to people; they're too busy being themselves."
"Be yourself. That's where leadership begins."
"I'm not in it for social media fame, I just care about giving you guys good content."
"Leadership is not about manipulation, it's about inspiration."
"You have to be your authentic self. Authenticity radiates such a confidence level that's on a whole other level."
"Be who you are. Don't care what other people's opinions are."
"A YouTuber is popular for a very different reason. One of the reasons fans like YouTubers is they are real; they are authentic."
"This isn't fake. We've done loads of live shows. I've met loads of you. Like, this is a real community."
"Authenticity is far more attractive than any set of nonverbal behavior."
"We're not teaching you to be more authentic; we're teaching you to get rid of your head trash, which is keeping you from being authentic."
"We can't love ourselves if we're not being ourselves. And to be ourselves, we have to conduct ourselves and make the decisions in our life that are consistent and congruent with who we say we are and where we're going."
"Authenticity means being connected to ourselves."
"The power of authenticity is much bigger than you might expect, and if you believe in yourself and in the power of authenticity, you will, in the end, succeed."
"No one ever arrives at their authentic self; there's never a point at which we are done growing and this is a good thing."
"The real threat to authenticity is a lack of reflection on your beliefs and actions."
"If you seek authenticity for authenticity's sake, you are no longer authentic."
"Authenticity is so important that some artists will go as far as to fake it."
"Hip hop really values authenticity and it really values rags to riches."
"Authenticity isn't a fixed state; we're constantly in flux between being authentic and inauthentic depending on the situation."
"Reality TV's surveillance culture bleeds into social media and impacts our ability or inability to be authentic online."
"In the end, we don't actually want authenticity; we just want people to act authentic."
"Our expectation for reality TV stars to be real while also under observation is especially unrealistic."
"In trying to be authentic, we're just chasing the ideal of who society tells us we should be."
"Focus on your authenticity at this time, focus on your truth at this time."
"Authenticity involves a certain amount of courage on our part, a willingness to be vulnerable, a willingness to let other people know who we really are, how we really feel. Sometimes it can be really scary."
"We end up selling out on ourselves and even the people around us, and the price is high. What we don't realize is there's something beyond honesty... authenticity."
"When we have the courage to get real, amazing things can happen, stuff we can't even imagine."
"That's how powerful it is when we're willing to be authentic; it both liberates us and it touches and inspires the people around us."
"It was as if he had challenged himself to try and convince people not only did Wells convert the setting to contemporary Americana, but even in format, the show was masked as a series of news bulletins."
"The aesthetic of reality is intoxicating, far more than if the show had been explicitly advertised as fiction."
"Who I truly am is good indeed. I am authentic in thought, word, and deed."
"It's again incredibly authentic. I'll give it a nine out of ten."
"Authenticity has nothing to do with logic; it's just about being perfectly truthful about what is, warts and all."
"It's time to start being yourself and honoring yourself, honoring your authenticity."
"This is bringing you to abundance. You might fear losing certain things in your life by being authentic, but actually, this is going to bring you more abundance than you ever had."
"Allow your light to start shining, and it's gonna start shining no matter what because you can't hold it back forever."
"If you cannot be this in the secret place and in the closest relationships, then don't shine anywhere else."
"Be your authentic self and not let family opinions stop you."
"He's genuinely very upset, and his nonverbal communication is indeed reinforcing that."
"Illness can actually become your teacher, guiding you towards authenticity."
"Let's just love ourselves and love who we are and just be who you are."
"Escape from Tarkov is a game to which realism and authenticity is an essential part of the appeal, and they make some of the most realistic virtual guns in gaming as a result."
"Sometimes I ask myself what it is that I should be doing with my life and what I always hear in return is to tell the truth, to be the truth."
"God doesn't bless who you pretend to be; He blesses who you really are."
"Authenticity is more than just leaving your imperfections in the final cut. It is actually expressing true genuine thoughts and your life story."
"People want to connect through authenticity."
"This space where I can be both a sir and a ma'am feels the most right and the most authentic."
"Authenticity is hard to find in our world, but the only way we can have a real relationship with God is if we're real."
"eBay authenticity guarantee right there, meet your soul mates, that's a good one."
"Authenticity is the alignment of who we are and how we act."
"Truly authentic people don't wear different faces for the different people in their lives."
"A major component of our experience of authenticity is emotional honesty, feeling and sharing genuine emotions, or what's also called realness."
"I am my authentic self in all circumstances."
"All of us just want authenticity at the end of the day."
"Are you gonna take the consequences of being real?"
"Authenticity—being in touch with ourselves, our feelings, our bodies, and our emotions—is essential for survival."
"The price we pay for inauthenticity is huge."
"When someone tells you who they are, believe them."
"I wanted to figure out if there was anything inherent about great art, something that separates it from the fakes and the bad, something that calls out to us and goes, 'Hey, it's me, you know it's me.' And the answer is, is that there isn't."
"The art of not caring isn't about indifference or neglect; it's about discerning what truly matters, about embracing life with all its uncertainties and absurdities, about creating our essence in the face of societal expectations."
"Remember, the journey towards not caring isn't about becoming indifferent or neglectful; it's about embracing your authenticity, reclaiming your freedom, and carving your path."
"In order to reach our true heights, we must cast away our social perceptions and be our naked selves."
"Your soul is coming through right now about who you really are, and who you really are has been trying to emerge."
"Have the curiosity to know yourself, but once you know yourself, you need the courage to be yourself."
"Your evolution and advancement is tied to your authenticity."
"Clarity brings speed. It's time out for wasting time trying to be somebody you're not."
"Your evolution, your advancement, and your effectiveness is in your authenticity."
"It's your willingness to walk away from the sword that's going to determine whether you can use your slingshot."
"God's trying to grow us into authenticity, but we live in a culture of superficiality."
"Speak your truth, be authentic with others, and don't just people please."
"The most important and deepest healing always comes from emotional honesty."
"A person's legitimacy shouldn't be based on whether or not they could help being another way; it should be based on them and their existence and the authenticity of one's living experiences."