
Personal Integrity Quotes

There are 2746 quotes

"It's actually about being really true to yourself."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"True North are those things that you're going to fight for because they're so important to your core values."
"I'm not going to make it by taking advantage of other people."
"I'm far from a saint, but principles and what I believe to be right and wrong is something that's always been very important to me."
"When you keep your promises to yourself, you build self-respect."
"The best thing that you could be for somebody is [__] 100% honest."
"If I'm not going to lie in front of my God, then I truly don't care to lie in front of you."
"Listen to your true feelings; don't let others talk you into doing something that you know is wrong."
"Make a commitment towards maximum radical self-honesty. Always be truthful with yourself."
"Whenever you violate one of your values, you're going to be stressed."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
"Authenticity is the alignment of who we are and how we act."
"Truly authentic people don't wear different faces for the different people in their lives."
"Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them."
"I'm trying to be as honest and open as possible because I don't like this fake corporate stuff."
"He loved it so much he did it to himself. It's like when people say, 'Hassan, you're not a socialist; you don't live out your values.' True, Richard Nixon did live out his values."
"The more authentic and real you are, the more praise you will get."
"The fundamental reason that I try to spit my honest answer to every question is I have a very good long track record of being right, and I want to continue that."
"Personal integrity means staying true to yourself, staying connected to our knowledge, and taking responsibility for our choices and consequences."
"Don't just put your name on anything because it's your brand ultimately too, and you need to make sure that you're involved."
"The sanctity of your soul is something worth fighting for."
"Humility is nothing more than honesty... the humble person will actually tell the truth."
"Self-esteem is your reputation with yourself. And if you're the type of person who lies all the time, doesn't keep your word, doesn't go to the gym when you set your New Year's resolution, your reputation with yourself is going to be a lousy one."
"Healing is not the absence of a physical illness but it's the integrity of a person who's no longer split off from themselves."
"If you have to choose, be the one who does things, instead of the one who is seen to do things."
"With power comes responsibility. I still believe the things I say. I do not want to be a negative force for the world."
"I don't think entertainment should ever be at the expense of another person. So I don't humiliate anybody."
"I have never said or done anything in my life that I wasn't prepared to suffer the consequences for."
"I've shown that the path of truth and being a good person can actually lead to a lifestyle that I know many people want."
"If you don't have a reputation with yourself, you don't have self-confidence."
"I think you risk damaging your soul under certain circumstances when you don't say what you think."
"How can you being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks."
"If people don't live their values, I don't think they are values. It's like fashion accessories for them."
"If the layers of reality are peeled back and the distinction between good and evil is drawn for you, you want to be sure you're as far away from the malevolence in your own spirit as you can possibly be."
"I wasn't okay with it and I knew that there were some people who weren't okay with it in private."
"When you start speaking your truth, the truth will be revealed to you."
"It really boiled down to an issue of personal integrity."
"To preserve my personal integrity, I left the active ministry and pursued graduate school in clinical psychology."
"Keeping small commitments to ourselves impacts the story we believe about ourselves."
"The most important thing is to be ruthlessly authentic to yourself."
"Worry only about whether you can trust yourself."
"You don't even have to always tell the truth, just don't tell the lie."
"What will be yours will be yours, and be very intentional about what you're going after, but don't lose yourself."
"A boundary is the imaginary line that uniquely defines your personal happiness, your personal integrity, your personal desires, your personal needs, and therefore most importantly, your personal truth from the rest of the universe."
"If you're going to do something and you don't do it, then that should sting inside yourself, inside your own mind."
"Being indistractible first and foremost is about personal integrity. It's about being as honest with yourself as you are with other people."
"Don't care about political opinion, I don't care what people's opinion of me online is... I want to be able to look back and say I did what was right."
"I'm very authentic; I don't think I'm capable of like lying about my positions."
"I'll say what I want to say, and if the consequence of that is losing money, so be it."
"Doing stupid [ __ ] don't make you tough... What makes you tough? [ __ ] just stand on his [ __ ]. That's to me a tough [ __ ] that stand on this [ __ ] no matter what."
"Commit to speaking truth, no matter how uncomfortable. That's your job."
"I'm proud of my short-term actions aligned with my long-term values."
"Performing desirability for the sake of dating forces you to be someone you probably are not, and that is dangerous."
"Your reputation is everything. Guard your reputation with your life."
"I believe he's doing the work, and he's putting in the effort, and he's keeping it unbiased."
"Well, nowadays, people respect the bag more than they respect being solid."
"When a person shows you who they are, as Maya Angelou said, believe them."
"You have your good name, and that's it. That's all you got."
"Everyone is so caught up on how they look to the other person that no one is just being real."
"It's not about being positive; it's about being authentic."
"I have to be the example I want to see in the world."
"There's not a racist bone in my body. I have worked to bring communities together my entire life."
"You can't shortchange yourself. You're not cheating anybody but yourself."
"When you speak truth and hold true to your path, great things happen."
"Your reputation is everything. And you've got to guard it scrupulously."
"I'm gonna hold on to the truth no matter who loves me and however they love me. If they hate that I hold on to the truth, I'm still gonna hold on to the truth."
"Stay true to the most real, most sincere, most authentic parts of yourselves."
"Authenticity is your superpower. Be real and admit when you're wrong."
"Marcus Aurelius once said, 'It only ruins your life if it ruins your character.'"
"Tell the truth is my main view, and I plan to do that to the best of my ability."
"I'm not going to say words that other people demand that I say. There isn't anything more important to me than the responsibility I have to utter the words that I believe to be true."
"I don't wish for people to like me or even respect me. I simply wish that those people that hate me at least hate me for things I've actually said or done."
"It's hard to sustain a fake act; you got to be you."
"The truth is still the truth. You can't deny it. If you deny it, you're denying yourself."
"I've never issued a statement because I feel like if I stoop to the level of talking about drama, then I'm no better than the drama itself."
"You live ethically when you're not violating your conscience."
"I think what a man is true to his influence and true to his essence, and he's good within himself, he's a positive influence in the world."
"Not everybody's gonna like you. As long as you're a good person and you can look yourself in the eyes in the mirror, that's all that matters."
"The better a person you are, the more likely it is to happen that doesn't mean you that you're completely protected against getting cut off at the knees, but there's no better strategy."
"I never had to compromise or be anything I didn't want to be. I came in how I wanted to, maintained, and left out how I wanted to."
"Being themselves is the best advice anybody ever gave me."
"I learned long ago that it was good policy to be honest."
"If the truth is going to live, it has to live in you."
"Accountability: If it's your mistake, it's your mistake."
"Be courageous in the conviction of your position."
"Guys, don't ever do this. Always tell the truth and try your best in school, even if you get an F."
"It's incredibly demoralizing to an individual and to a society when you have to agree to things you know not to be true."
"I think the most important thing is just to authentically be yourself."
"If you're honest and forthright with your intentions and you have nothing to hide, people will respect you, and eventually, you will learn to trust your instincts and most importantly, respect yourself."
"I am very stubborn, except when it comes to truth and facts. If you convince me I'm wrong, I will concede I'm wrong. My credo in life has always been never quarrel with facts."
"It's all about being authentic with oneself."
"You should only care what you think of you. Can you live with yourself? Can you live with the decisions you make? Can you live with the statements that you've said?"
"Being loyal to yourself, loyal to your heart."
"I believe in being respectful to everybody, that's who I am as a person."
"You ever made the right thing, you made the right decision, you did the right thing."
"I just got to be honest with everything, and I always will be."
"Morality as a topic isn't just about what ideas you have; it's just as much, if not more, about living those morals."
"How could I then, as a man, raise my daughters to be women of integrity and to do the right thing even when it's hard if I wasn't willing to do it?"
"If I'm gonna like someone, I'll like them for who they are. Not some persona they choose to take on."
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized either way."
"The admonitions smelled like a cover-up," said DeNanno. "And I wasn't going to be a part of it."
"Even if that's legal, it certainly isn't ethical, and I cannot support it."
"Ultimately, it's about what kind of man he wants to be."
"Are you going to be someone who stands up for what you believe in, or are you going to be somebody who just cowers in silence and watches all your freedoms go away?"
"If you shut your mouth when you have something to say, you end up in hell."
"I strike a blow to my body to make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."
"You will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do."
"Regardless of what anyone says negatively about you, as long as your demeanor is nice and the way you convey yourself is correct, who cares?"
"Understanding yourself is crucial because if you do, you'll never betray yourself."
"Once you lose your credibility, you never get it back."
"If you let it, people on every side will bring you under condemnation."
"Do you want truth or lies? I can paint you this beautiful fake picture of why I'm doing what I'm doing, or I can tell you the truth."
"I mean what I say. If I say that we're going to do coffee, we will damn sure we're going to do coffee at some point."
"Dawn refuses to end her life because it goes against his moral code."
"Even though I disagree with you about ninety percent of the time, you are authentic in what you believe and brother, I'd go to war for you anyway."
"It's character. Characters who you are, image is who you want everyone else to see."
"We can refuse to say what we do not think. This is the power we have: to refuse to speak lies or to refuse to assent to lies where they are spoken around us."
"Cease to say things that you believe to be untrue; cease to act in ways that you know to be wrong. Start with that."
"Honesty always wins, but to actually be able to live that, you have to sort through your own [stuff]."
"Be impeccable with your word because your word makes manifest in reality."
"Don't look up to anybody but God. Do not look up to me; I'm a mess up."
"I'm always honest. Maybe not always good, but I'm always honest."
"Ideals are fickle. Ideals are something that you have to personally hold; you can't have other people hold them for you."
"It's not so easy to speak the truth, but it's fairly easy to stop lying...the way you start is by stopping lying."
"I can't think of any time where I've straight-up lied to anyone."
"We create emotional safety within ourselves through integrity. We create emotional safety in our relationships through consistency and compassion."
"If I take your time pretending to be someone I'm not, you're going to hate me for it. But if I'm honest up front, you might not like it, but you can respect it."
"He's very truthful... he says what he believes."
"Whatever happens after you tell the truth is the best thing that could happen."
"So what if Khabib was into it? It was past that moment. I was done with it. I didn't want... But I knew because when you talk to Dana, or you talk business... I like Dana, but when we talk business, it's business."
"Be true to yourself, persevere, keep going, and be true to the vision that you are working for."
"If you have to be mean to somebody else to get a laugh from people, then you're a [ __ ] person."
"Trying to be right is less important than trying to be honest."
"I wanna be nice when I actually mean what I'm saying."
"I would not give in to something that absolutely violates my principles."
"It takes courage in this day and age to stand up for your values... but always make it with love and gentleness and compassion."
"I refuse to compromise my standards or values."
"It's a lie if you lie about it all together."
"If you're a dude and you can't get a woman by just your finesse, man, by who you are, and you got to take that, come on now."
"Another thing that I've noticed about people who've been phenomenally successful is that they really do everything they can to live a truthful life."
"I'm a fruit inspector because the Bible says that you should know a tree by the fruit it bears."
"Being original, and saying no to peer pressure."
"I personally did what I felt was right, and there's value in that."
"I don't want to promote anything that I'm going to feel like, 'Oh, I wish they didn't buy it,' because then something's not right."
"Speak the truth, my tongue, mouth without fear."
"Your credibility is everything...your personal brand...needs to be organic at all times."
"I wouldn't even do a sponsored video on a product I didn't like."
"I don't want to have a mom listen to my recommendation and use the money that she worked so hard for on a product that I'm just shilling out because I feel like I wanna make a buck."
"Not to let nobody take advantage of you and you have to stand up for yourself. And that's what the streets taught me."
"Life is unpredictable and love does not always guarantee happiness, however, the sincerity of one's actions can guide us towards the right path."
"I'm more concerned about what a man preaches than I am by what a man owns."
"For all his racing prowess, Joey Dunlop was the genuine article."
"I will not go down in history as the guy that ruined a moment that I wanted to see."
"Meeting with someone body that has views that are deplorable doesn't make you that person that doesn't mean that you agree with that person."
"If you just stuck to the truth, you would have been okay."
"We should accept apologies when they are credible, not when they're completely in keeping with her view."
"Just be true to yourself, what's your moral compass, you know what's happening."
"You feel pressured to say/do the right thing because you know you have such influence."
"Truth is truth bro, regardless of who speaks it."
"You can love the man, you can love what he's doing, you can love all these things, but you gotta acknowledge the man's sins if you're a religious person."
"Don't pollute your thoughts with deceit. You compromise your own wisdom."
"Once I understood the connection between lying and the totalitarian state, well, there's no way I'm going to say things that are false."
"Money comes and goes, but who you are as a person, that's for life."
"When somebody attacks your character, you have no obligation to sit there and take it."
"I feel absolutely disgusted and ashamed at myself for ever defending her."
"This guy is just so much more what other people are pretending to be."
"Say it from a place of feeling in your body... Find that congruence within you and then speak it."
"You become what you practice. You know, and if you withdraw and lie, you become a lying coward. That's what happens."
"Be afraid of not saying what you say, because that's the same as not being."
"He fulfilled the Covenant he made with his father... and in doing so manifested a Christlike attribute increasingly important in the world in which we live: the attribute of Integrity."
"A life of Integrity requires us to first and foremost be true to God."
"The only way we get delivered is to get honest."
"Character and integrity are the prime primary things right now for me. I cannot deal with the person who does not have those things."
"You need to be yourself, live on your terms through and through."
"I'd rather have someone hate me for who I truly am than hate me for who they heard I was."
"Just shows all these other people, man. They'll be running around behind people that don't deserve it."
"Consciously admitting the moral inconsistency makes it worse."
"You don't want to have that taken away from you by someone who's going to put you in a box that you don't want to be in."
"I judge people by what they've done, not by what they say."
"The ultimate goal is when how you appear to the world is who you really are."
"I want it to be a real legitimate relationship."
"If you are only sorry because you got caught, you're not actually sorry."
"I told him, 'Son, it's lonely doing the right thing. It's lonely standing up, and when you're 14, it's really hard to do that.'"
"But you guys know me, sometimes I gotta say something about what I see if it's wrong so that's what I'll continue to do."
"Life is about not letting the people deteriorate you from who you were staying true to yourself."
"You are nobody's puppet, if there's something that doesn't feel right, if you don't want to do it, don't do it."
"They lie, they lie, that's what I can't stand"
"Being a father, make sure you're [__] right."
"I'd rather just do the right thing so I don't look over my shoulder."
"Do not lie. Do not say things that you know, according to your own standards of Truth, are false."
"Nobody says to their child, 'the best way forward in every situation is to just figure out what the other person wants to hear from you.'"
"It's important to speak your truth." - Andre Ward
"Be honest on where you stand, not wavering, that's the point."
"It is about trying to stay on trend and do things that you feel are relevant, but also don't have to completely sell your soul."
"I've never acted differently ever under any circumstances."
"If I'm the bad guy in the process, okay, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take."
"Audiences reward authenticity. You cannot pretend to be something you're not."
"If you want to take a stand against the corruption of the world, then you should start by fighting against the corruption in your own heart."
"It's who I am...not going to stand silent when I see it."
"I will tell the truth, I will not sit and lie to the world. I'll say what I truly believe."